Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 168 Silent Doll

"I don't need to explain to you what I'm thinking about..."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Suoke's mouth: "It's okay if you don't want to hand over the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but you must sign an agreement with me... Soon there will be a war between me and the Pharaoh. In that battle During the war, you must obey my orders, what do you think, do you agree?"

Kaiba was stunned when he heard this, not understanding what Sok was talking about.

What Pharaoh?

Isn't that an ancient thing that has long been buried in the sand of history?

However, Haima was still very cautious and said: "Haima Group's military factory has been blasted and destroyed. If a war is really launched, I don't think I can help you..."

"Hmph...do you think I need that kind of toy?"

Suok pointed at the tip of Kaiba's nose and said with a grin: "What I want is you! If you agree, then the contract will be established. If you don't agree... hum, I will take it according to the rules you set. The blue-eyed white dragon in your hand is gone!"

"Come on, President! Make your decision!"

Kaiba hesitated for a while, not understanding what Sok's purpose was.

However, the Blue Eyes White Dragon is of great significance to him, and he must not leave it to this madman who has no dueling spirit!

I don’t know that Pharaoh anyway, so if I offended Suoke, I can only blame him for his own misfortune!

After thinking about it, Kaiba nodded immediately: "Okay! I promise you!"

The ruse succeeded.

Suok looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, patted Kaiba on the shoulder and said: "Hahaha! Welcome to join the camp of the Great Evil God..."


PM, 1:07.

To the east of Domino Town.

Malik parked his motorcycle on the side of the road. While looking at the city full of duel atmosphere, he looked at the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand with some confusion.

Gurus, who came to greet Malik, presented a duel plate and six chip cards, but Malik didn't accept them for a long time. He couldn't help but asked with some concern: "Sir Malik, are you dissatisfied with anything?"


Malik put away the thousand-year-old tin staff, feeling strange in his heart.

When I was on the road a few minutes ago, I was about to control the Silent Doll to launch a sniper attack on Sok, but the link between the Thousand-Year Tin Rod and the Silent Doll was suddenly completely interrupted!

It stands to reason that there is only one possibility for this situation to occur, and that is that the Silent Doll has died, because his soul was taken to the underworld by Anubis, so he is no longer controlled by the Thousand-Year Tin Rod.

But just now, when he arrived at Domino Town, the link between the thousand-year-old tin staff and the silent doll suddenly responded again.

This has never happened before.

Just like a telephone, when it is interfered by a strong magnetic field, the signal will be interrupted, the magnetic field disappears, and the signal will be reconnected.

So what happened?

Closing his eyes, Malik used the thousand-year-old tin rod to control the body of the Silent Doll and gained access to his five senses. Then, he heard...

"Comrade policeman, this idiot has been standing in this stupid posture for two days without eating or drinking. I was afraid that he would die suddenly, so I called the police..."

"Oh! Thank you citizen for reporting the crime! But... this may be some kind of performance art..."

"Performance art is a dick!"

After this familiar voice sounded, Malik suddenly felt like he had suffered some kind of heavy blow on his chest! The induction of the thousand-year-old tin rod is interrupted again!

Malik opened his eyes, looking confused!

He finally understood what was going on!

It turns out that the bastard named Sok has been beating the silent doll he arranged since the beginning!

How on earth did he know that it was the assassin he arranged?

Or should he say that as long as he is happy, he will hit no matter who it is?

Once again using the thousand-year tin rod to reconnect, Malik heard Sok's voice again...

"Comrade policeman, look, I punched him, but he couldn't move! Poor guy, he's already in a vegetative state. Why don't you send him to the hospital for rescue as soon as possible!"

The police panicked and shouted to the medical staff who came with them: "Quick! Send him to the hospital!"

Malik was startled and quickly opened his eyes, but suddenly found that his whole body was lifted up by several burly men in white coats and carried to the ambulance!

Malik was shocked: "Put me down! I'm not sick!"

The medical staff below were delighted: "Hey, didn't you pretend to be dead just now? Now you're not sick? No! You have to pay for the democratic ambulance first!"

Another medical staff pointed at the dozen nose rings embedded in the Silent Doll's face and said, "You still say you're not sick? You're not sick yet you poked so many holes in your face? Brothers, take it away!"

It didn't make sense, and Malik struggled to get out of the hands of these strong men.

But when they saw that he was still struggling, several medical staff became angry!

"You want to run away without paying? Hold him down! Hold him down!"

"Choke him! Choke him!"

"Where's the rope? Get it and tie it up quickly! I remember a patient ran out of the mental hospital two days ago. Maybe it was him!"

Malik almost cried. Who did he provoke?

Which hospital is this nurse from?

Not to mention that they are all men, but their fighting ability is still so high. If you have the ability, how about you go to a boxing match?

During the struggle, Malik saw Sok smiling sinisterly and waving to him.

Malik roared angrily: "Sock! You are afraid of dueling me, so you called these people to make me surrender by force!? Let me tell you, there is no way! I..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, his mouth was suddenly blocked by a ball of rags.

The rugged male nurse who stuffed the rag into Malik's mouth shook his head and said: "It's still a duel. Do you think it's embarrassing for you guys to kill Matt? In ten years, do you think you are mentally retarded?" ?”

After hearing this, Malik finally realized something was wrong!

Which nurse and police officer do this?

It was simply clear that he was targeting himself by venting his anger with Sok!

Could it be...


Malik finally regained his senses and shouted sharply at Sok: "These are all your people, right!?"

Suoke was stunned, looked at each other, smiled, and applauded: "Oh, that's good, Malik, you actually saw it! Come on, let's put Malik down and applaud his wit!"

Suddenly, the nurses and policemen all changed their appearance, and they burst into applause.

Martyr Soul Eater, Martyr Thespian Hisoka, Martyr Skywing Mephit...

Monsters he knew or didn't know all appeared before Malik's eyes!

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder, 'Ba Chi, Ba Chi', clapped and smiled and said to Suo Ke: "How about it? The illusory smoke is very powerful, isn't it?"

Sok responded with a smile: "Yeah, it scared the shit out of him!"

There was harsh applause in the ears, and the silent puppet that was let go gradually raised its head, looking at Suoke with a gloomy face, gritting his teeth and said: "Sou...ke! How dare you humiliate me again and again. , my hatred for you has even surpassed that of Pharaoh..."

Suddenly, the Silent Doll took out the duel plate from his pocket and put it on his hand, roaring at Sok: "Come on! Duel with me, Sok! I will use God to tear you apart!!!" "

"Oh? Duel with me?"

Sock took out six chip cards from his pocket and raised his eyebrows: "What a pity. I have already collected six chip cards to qualify for the finals. I came here just to tease you and have no intention of playing cards with you." What do you mean!"

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