Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 160 Martyr Black Crow Knight

Sok Nenufa, LP: 4000

Seto Kaiba, LP: 4000

The duel began, and Kaiba's fighting spirit was already burning to the extreme!

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

After fiercely pulling out a card from the deck with sparks and lightning, Kaiba inserted the card into the duel plate without even looking at it, roaring: "I activate the magic card 'Fusion'! Put the three-body blue eyes in my hand White dragon, as the fusion material, come out! My strongest servant - 'Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon'!!!"

Along with three clear dragon roars, the shadows of three white dragons appeared behind Kaiba.

Then, blend into one!

The strongest dragon with three heads descended on Kaiba's field and roared with awe-inspiring fighting spirit towards Sok!

A strong majesty swept the entire audience!

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Attack: 4500, Defense: 3800

All the spectators stared at this perfect ultimate dragon with wide eyes, and were extremely shocked!

"It's terrible...it's really terrible..."

"Such a powerful monster was summoned in just the first round!"

"As expected of Seto Kaiba! In his hands, the power of the Blue Eyes White Dragon is brought to its fullest!"

A group of dueling weaklings were nearby, crazily boasting about Kaiba's previous move.

And Kaiba seemed to be very immersed in this touted environment and couldn't help himself. He yelled at Sok crazily: "Did you see it!? Sok! This is my strongest servant who surpasses God! Don't use Ike. Sodia, is there any way you can defeat him!? Hahaha..."

"Indeed, I haven't had to kill Exodia in one go for a long time. President, you are very lucky..."

Faced with the terrifying power of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Suoke was not affected or pressured at all. Instead, he sneered: "But if I want to defeat this big guy who has only power and no resistance, I have ten thousand ways to do it." There are ways to kill it..."

Kaiba's face immediately darkened, and he snorted: "It's not too late to do it before you talk nonsense! I'll cover the two cover cards and end the round!"

"Then, it's my turn to draw the cards!"

Sok drew a card from the deck, without even looking at what the newly drawn card was. He smiled ferociously and said to Kaiba: "Since you just lost four cards in your hand and fused them into the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, then as In return, I would like to challenge you with five cards in my hand!"


Kaiba hadn't understood what Sok meant yet, but at this moment, Sok had already sent the five cards in his hand to the graveyard!

"I cover a card on the field, discard all the cards in my hand, and special summon the super warrior sleeping in my deck!"

"Come out! 'Martyr Black Crow Knight'!"

[Martyr Black Crow Knight, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack:? ? ? ? ,Shou:? ? ? ? , Effect: Discard all cards in hand, and you can special summon this card from the deck to the field. The attack power and defense power of this card are the number of discarded cards * 1000. This effect will not be invalidated. 】

Following Sok's call, a huge six-pointed star summoning array suddenly lit up in the sky!

A winged warrior wearing black armor descended from the sky with a sword in his hand!

Channeling infinite power!


Sok opened his arms and laughed wildly: "The attack and defense power of 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' is determined by the number of cards discarded when summoned! Each discarded hand card will give him stronger strength. A thousand points of power!”


Everyone at the scene screamed in surprise!

if it is like this……

"That's right..."

Sok shook his index finger and said with a ferocious smile: "I just discarded five cards in my hand, so the attack power of 'Martyr Black Crow Knight' is..."

"5000 points!"

It has exceeded the attack power of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

"Go! Black Crow Knight! Use the black sword in your hand to chop off the head of the white dragon!"

Sock clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "Night Waltz!!!"

Following Sok's order, the Black Crow Knight's sharp eyes suddenly opened, revealing extremely fierce linear pupils!

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Black Crow Knight disappeared in a flash, transforming into countless black lights and rushing into the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon's body, stabbing and cutting back and forth continuously!

Finally, the figure of the Black Crow Knight reappeared in front of Sok, but the body of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon on the seahorse field was slowly shifting and was divided into countless pieces of flesh, which were tragically and bloodyly scattered on the ground!

Defeat the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

Seahorse, LP: 4000→3500


Kaiba reluctantly watched his blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon being cut into pieces, and the anger in his heart could not be increased. He roared: "Sock! I can't spare you!!!"

Suok was not frightened at all, but instead sneered: "Hmph, you better pray that I will spare you after you lose the duel, President!... My round is over, it's your turn, Kaiba!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kaiba Hensheng pulled out a card from the deck. After reading it, he inserted the card into the deck and shouted sternly: "I want to activate the magic card 'Life-cutting Treasure Card'! According to its effect, I can Draw the cards in your hand until you have five! And my hand now has zero cards, so I can draw five more cards!”

[Life-cutting treasure card, magic card, effect: Your side draws cards from the deck until there are 5 cards in your hand. At the beginning of your fifth preparation phase after this card is activated, send all cards in your hand. cemetery. 】(comic version)

On the opposite side, Suoke pouted hard on the ground and cursed: "Shameless card-drawing dog!"

After quickly pulling out five cards from the deck, a look of ecstasy flashed in Kaiba's eyes: "Here it comes! I activate the magic card from my hand, 'Silent Dead'! According to its effect, I can... An ordinary monster is resurrected in the cemetery! And of course the one I choose is my most loyal servant - the Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

[Silent Dead, magic card, effect: It can be activated by targeting 1 normal monster in your own graveyard, and that monster is Special Summoned in defense position. Monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack. 】

"Awaken from the graveyard and fight for me again!"

A white light rose into the sky from the cemetery, and the holy white dragon once again appeared on Kaiba's battlefield!

Sok raised his eyebrows and sneered: "But so what? Even the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is no match for my 'Martyr Black Crow Knight'. What can you do with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon whose resurrection power is far less than that of the Ultimate Dragon?" ?”

"The power of the white dragon has infinite possibilities!"

Seto Kaiba stared at Sok angrily and roared: "Now, I will show you the power of the Blue Eyes White Dragon that can destroy everything!" After that, Kaiba pressed the start button of the overlay card on the duel disk. , shouted sternly: "The magic card 'Explosive Wind Bullet of Destruction' is activated! According to the effect of this card, when there is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on our field, we can destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field!"

[Explosive Wind Bullet of Destruction, magic card, effect: During the turn this card is activated, your "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cannot attack. It can only be activated when there is a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" on your field. All monsters on the opponent's field will be activated. destroy. 】

The terrifying white energy continues to condense in the white dragon's mouth!

Kaiba pointed at the Black Crow Knight flying in the sky and shouted: "Go to hell! Damn weird bird! Blue-eyed white dragon, the explosive blast of destruction, launch!"

The white energy ball soars into the sky, jetting and galloping!

The "Martyr Black Crow Knight", who was known for his speed, was unable to avoid it and was directly blown to ashes by the devastating energy bomb!

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