Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 158 Destruction Dragon

Ignore the whispers and pointing fingers of the surrounding audience.

Sok closed his cards again and then unfolded them. He sneered at the Super Power Banquet and said, "Six black holes? How dare you say that... Now let the boys hiding on the rooftop behind me take a look at my cards. Ask them what they saw!”

Rooftop! ?

How did he know that his brothers were peeking at his cards on the rooftop!

Super Energy was panicked, but he pretended to be calm and forced a smile on his face: "Huh, what are you talking about, I can't understand you?"

But after the little boy hiding on the rooftop heard what Sok said, he took a telescope and took a look at Sok's hand.

The little boy wearing a headset next to him asked him: "Hey, what did you see?"

"Ah! All the cards in his hand have been changed into Chinese characters!"

The little boy holding the telescope was startled at first, but then he scratched his head and said, "But I'm only in elementary school, and I don't even know those Chinese characters, brother!"

"Show me!"

The other kid next to him, who seemed to be the oldest, took the binoculars over and looked at Sok's hand. There were exactly six characters written on the six hand cards.

"Look, you are shitting!"


The eldest child silently put down the telescope, smiled dryly and said to the younger brothers: "We... seem to have been discovered a long time ago..."

Several children looked at each other.

"What should we do now?"

"Anyway... let's cut off the contact first!"

On the battlefield, there was no sound coming from Chao Neng Zhen's headphones.

At this time, Suoke raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Chao Neng Jie Chang's wireless earphones short-circuited, and electric sparks and white smoke came out. Super Neng Jie Chang was so frightened that he quickly took the wireless earphones out of his ears and threw them away in a panic. to the ground.

This scene was watched by everyone.

Sok whistled at him teasingly: "Oh, what a big earwax, Master of Super Powers!"

Until now, the surrounding audience still didn't understand the tricks played by Super Power Festival, and they all loudly reprimanded Super Power Festival for cheating!

Among them, Oni Guzhong was the most excited and strongly demanded that the Super Power Festival return the chip card and vampire dragon to him!

"Damn it! Shut up!"

Chao Neng Yanchang's face turned red and blue, he stepped on the short-circuited wireless earphones, gritted his teeth and defended: "This... this is earwax! I didn't cheat!"

At this moment, he still dared to quibble, and the scene was suddenly in an uproar.

At this time, the security personnel standing aside to maintain order asked Kaiba who was hiding in the crowd: "Master Seto, do you need me to come forward to disqualify you from the Super Power Festival?"

"No need for now, let them continue dueling!"

Seto Kaiba looked at Sock coldly: "If we say disqualification, then Sock had no right to participate in the first place... Now the two sides are even with each other, and the battle continues!"

The security guard was obedient: "Yes, I understand, Master Seto!"


Chao Mingzhen gritted his teeth and looked at Suoke: "How did you find out? Our duel has just begun!"

Suok said proudly: "Hey, if you knew my name, you wouldn't ask these stupid questions. It's really embarrassing to play such trivial tricks in front of me!"

"...I'm in a good mood today, so I'm going to be kind and let you see what real superpowers are!"

Sok smiled strangely, suddenly opened his arms, and shouted to the little penguin on his shoulders: "Penguin! Play the music!"

The little penguin cheered in response, took out a radio that was bigger than it was from behind his butt, and pressed the switch!

"Ding, thump, thump, thump, thump..."

Suddenly, as the God of Gamblers appeared on the BGM, Sock's outfit changed from a windbreaker and a mask to a suit, a small bow tie and a big back. This was the result of the little penguin's phantom smoke.

Some viewers who had watched the Hong Kong movie exclaimed: "God of Gamblers!?"

Another audience member who knew the God of Gamblers looked at Sock up and down expectantly for a long time, and said with a hint of disappointment: "Why doesn't he eat chocolate?"

When Suoke heard this, he quickly whispered to the little penguin on his shoulder: "Hurry up and give me another chocolate..."

The little penguin shook his head regretfully, spread his little wings and said: "I can't change the food, and I didn't prepare it in advance..." After that, the little penguin touched his body, took out a ham sausage and asked Suok: "This is Do you want any leftovers from the hot pot last night?"

"Modan, I want it!"

"In my bgm, I can get any card I want!"

With ham in his mouth, Sok suddenly pulled out a card from his hand and showed it to the super screen: "As you can see, this is a monster card 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness', although she It’s powerful enough, but I can’t summon her at the moment, and at this time, it’s my turn to use my superpower!”

Chaoyeng Jiechang said blankly: "You...what do you want to do?"

"I want to do this!"

Sok gave a stack of cards to the little penguin on his shoulder, took the Archangel of Nothingness and started rubbing it vigorously!

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling golden light lit up in the palm of Sok's palm, and Sok shouted loudly: "Everyone in the audience! Ace of Spades... Bah, Gandora, the Destruction Dragon!"

As Sok turned over the card he was rubbing, the original card of "Martyr Archangel of Nothingness" turned into Duel City's V10 exclusive card - "Gandora the Destruction Dragon". !

Suddenly the audience was excited!


"so amazing!"

"God of Gamblers! God of Gamblers!"

The super warriors on the opposite side were dumbfounded. They rubbed their eyes desperately and couldn't believe that all this was true.

Kaiba, who was hiding in the crowd, was also stunned. He had never thought that someone could actually change one card in his hand to another completely different card like in the movie!

If he can even do this kind of thing, then who else can be his opponent! ?

The security guard next to him called him for a long time before Kaiba came back to his senses and asked with a slight hesitation: "Master Seto... should this... be considered cheating?"

This is of course an unfair operation, but what rules should be used to determine whether Sok is cheating?

After all, in the original rules, there was no provision not to use super powers to print cards on the spot!

Kaiba was still hesitating, but Super Power Yichang over there couldn't help shouting: "You are cheating!"


Suok sneered: "Isn't the Inka operation a basic operation? You are too fussy and have never seen the world! You can't even Inka, and you still want to be the duel king?"

Chao Neng Jie almost cried due to Sok's strong words: "I cheated at least secretly, are you too arrogant to be so blatant..."

"Compared to Jellyfish Head's Three Wishes, I have kept a much lower profile."

Sok shouted loudly and suddenly inserted the Destruction Dragon into the duel plate: "Get ready to accept the punishment! I pay half of my life points to special summon the 'Destruction Dragon Gandora'!" (Duel City Edition, Destruction in the original work) The dragon requires two sacrifices to summon)

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