Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 156 Super Power Festival

Kaiba frowned and asked, "What's going on? Didn't you say that you can't read it unless you use it in a duel?"

"indeed so……"

The staff member wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in a panic and said: "I think maybe he had used the duel disk privately before the duel city and summoned the phantom god, so the data was recorded in the system... …”

"Hmph, but even if the reading is successful, it will have no effect at all..."

Kaiba said with a gloomy face: "I also hold the Titan Soldier, and I know every ability of it very well... But since the counterfeit card is used, this guy must be from Gurus, and there is a high probability that he is Malik himself. ! Yamazaki, immediately find out for me the number of this duel plate, who received it, and...where is he now!"

"Yes! President Kaiba!"

Yamazaki immediately called up the data that Sock had entered when he received the duel disk, and quickly replied: "After checking based on the duel disk number, the name of the duelist who received it is: Sock Nenufa!"

Hearing this annoying name again, Kaiba frowned and said, "Sock? Didn't I remember that I set his duel level to a negative number? Why did he receive the duel disk?"

Yamazaki lowered his head in sweat and said, "The information was tampered with by hackers. I'm sorry, President Kaiba..."

"Idiot! I spent a lot of money on you, but you can't even do this little thing, you incompetent waste!"

After Kaiba lost his temper, he knew that he could not completely blame them. After all, this matter involved that mysterious and weird arrogant person, and he had even been blackmailed by him many times. He was really not a character that human power could compete with.

After pacing back and forth for a long time, Kaiba finally decided to go see Sok in person and clarify the matter!

"Yamazaki, tell me where Sok is!"

"Yes...yes, President Kaiba! According to the GPS positioning, he is currently staying in a movie theater on the 2nd street of Dominocho."


Kaiba was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly: "This guy really doesn't take this competition seriously..." After that, Kaiba turned around and left without hesitation.

But behind, Yamazaki seemed to suddenly discover something, and quickly stopped Kaiba: "Wait...wait a minute, President! All the data of the entire game has just been transmitted back, and all the cards used by both sides in the duel are unnumbered! One side It is certain that the counterfeit card used is the 'Exodia' deck, and the deck called Sok is used. All of them are powerful cards with the prefix of 'Martyr' that I have never heard of! I need to put those cards Are all the 'Martyr' cards displayed?"

Kaiba's footsteps paused.

But then, he still walked out of the laboratory without hesitation.

"A true duelist will not be afraid of unknown challenges! Even if he uses a counterfeit card, I will defeat him under the fairest environment and avenge my shame!!!"

With this heroic declaration, Kaiba's figure disappeared outside the door.

Behind him, Yamazaki sighed helplessly, looking at the "martyr" monsters displayed on the big screen, worried and praying secretly.

I hope that the president will not lose again. Every time after being defeated or blackmailed by Sok, all the employees will look at the president's livid face and be frightened all day long...


Outside the cinema.

Sock and Little Penguin had just watched the animated movie "The Name of the King" adapted from a certain novel.

It was an animated movie that couldn't be called healing or painful. The male and female protagonists knew each other and fell in love in the animated world, and finally met again in the real world.

The little penguin burst into tears in the cinema.

Especially the moment Frieza left the Dragon Ball world and said goodbye to Taïs, the little penguin cried so much that snot bubbles came out of his nose.

Suoke, who held the little penguin in his arms, sighed helplessly and comforted: "Stop crying, isn't the ending good?"

The little penguin pulled out a tissue from nowhere, sniffed, pouted with red eyes and said, "But...but I just feel depressed..."


Sock scratched his head helplessly: "What kind of script was written by a mentally retarded screenwriter? He traveled to the Dragon Ball world and became Frieza, and he still fell in love with Bulma's sister. It's just crazy..."

Halfway through his words, Suoke suddenly saw a group of people gathered in front of him, and the voice of "My turn, draw cards" came from inside from time to time.

Just as he had had enough rest, Suoke was also a little itchy and wanted to play a few games to relax.

Pushing away the crowd, Suoke saw a green-haired killer delivering the final blow to the Ghost Bone Tomb!

"Go! Android Suojia, attack directly! Telekinesis wave!"


With a scream, Ghost Bone Tomb's health value became 0.


The defeated Ghost Bone Tomb beat the ground unwillingly, gritted his teeth and said: "My undead deck should be invulnerable...but...but why are my cards in my hand completely seen through!?"

"Humph, that's because of my superpower, kid!"

The green-haired Shamat walked up to Oniguzhong and sneered: "In the face of my super power, any tactics or ambush will be completely defeated! The will of the universe has determined that I will become The champion of the Duel City will win the title of 'Duel King'!...Okay, boy! Hurry up and hand over your chip card and rare card!"

Although Guizhong was unwilling to give in, according to the rules of the game, he could only hand over his chip card and "Vampire Dragon" to the super power.

After getting the Vampire Dragon, Super Power looked at it and raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "Although this card does not match my super power deck, it is still pretty good..." At this point, Super Power Zichang's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted to the people around him: "Okay! Who is the next challenger!?"

Everyone looked at each other and whispered.

"Forget it, I don't know if it's true, but the cards in my hand will be seen through, and the chance of winning is almost zero..."

"It's impossible to win this kind of game..."

"Yeah, let's go duel with others..."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Super Power Snorted proudly: "What? Isn't there anyone who can fight?"

Judging from his arrogant look, if this wasn't the scene of a competition, there would definitely be many people wanting to go up and beat him up.

But now that everyone is inferior in skills, there is really no way to say anything else.

Later, Suoke touched his chin and looked at the green-haired guy, recalling the plot in the original work...

I remember that this guy also appeared in the original work, and his so-called super power was the despicable method of observing the opponent's hand through the earphones through the following brothers using telescopes.

In this case, why not play with him!

After thinking about it, Sok came on the stage and shouted towards the super-powerful party: "Hey, cuckold, I'm here to play with you!"

It was too late last night...

Just two updates today.

The missing two updates will be made up next Saturday--

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