Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 149 Can you date me?

I had just accepted the half million US dollars that Suok had asked for two days ago. I couldn’t be too perfunctory about the game, so I could only apologize carefully and say with a smile: "Student Suok, you are so powerful, I will definitely not be able to help you..."

"Hey! You underestimate yourself, dwarf."

Suok patted Yugi's shoulder vigorously and said with a hearty smile: "You can even transform, and you can suddenly grow one or two meters taller. What's the problem in doing me a favor!... If you dare to refuse again, don't blame me. I'm going crazy! Hahaha..."

Yugi originally wanted to refuse again, but was frightened by Sok and quickly responded: "Okay!...But, Sok-san, what do you want me to do for you?"

Sok didn't answer: "Lie down first."

Yugi said "Oh" and lay on the ground obediently, looking at Suok blankly, not knowing what he wanted to do.

After watching Yuxi lay down, Suoke reached out and patted the rockery beside him, and said to Yuxi: "Short, have you seen this rockery? Do you feel that on a rainy day, Shorty and the rockery are more suitable?"


Yugi became even more confused: "You...what are you talking about, Suok-san?"

Suok smiled and said casually: "I'm just lending it to your chest, don't be nervous!" Then he turned around and walked to the rockery made of countless huge stones. He clasped the rockery tightly with his arms and shouted loudly: "Strengthen the mountain with overwhelming energy, rise up!"

In an instant, the ground shook and the mountains collapsed!

With a loud "bang", the rockery weighing hundreds of tons was actually lifted up by Suok!

Turning around, Sok grabbed the rockery and wanted to smash it on Yugi.

Yugi was so frightened at that time that he could no longer care about Suok's threat. He got up from the ground in fear, stepped back dozens of steps in panic, and said in a panic: "Suok...sok...student, you..." what you up to?"

"Hey? Don't run away!"

Suok glared at Yu Yu with an unhappy face, stamped his foot on the ground and said: "Come here quickly, lie down honestly, my wife wants to see the big stone smashing your chest, I am surprised to see your bones and bones, you are a genius. I’ll give you this rare opportunity to have fun, don’t be afraid, the ‘kuacha’ will be over in a moment, and you won’t die if you are rescued in time!”

Muto Yugi almost cried: "What if the rescue doesn't happen in time?"


Suoke pondered for a long time and said seriously: "There can be many pharaoh mummy specimens, and the school will not suffer. ... It is not easy to find a lively pharaoh these days. Thank you for your contribution to world archaeological research, young man ."

The game was deeply shocked by Sok's brain circuit at that time.

The school has an antique.

But I’m going to die here!


I have to escape quickly!

Yugi turned around and ran away in fear, but not only did his legs have short legs, but his motor nerves were also weak. He only ran a few steps and fell seven or eight times.

The boulder hasn't broken my chest yet, it's almost turning into a pig's head.

Later, Suoke couldn't stand it any longer, and looked very pitiful at the game. Feeling pity, he threw it away to the rockery, walked to the side of the game, helped him up from the ground, and patted him with concern. The dust said: "I can't bear to see you look like a bear, otherwise I can just forget about this stone..."

The game originally showed that he was being caught up by Sok, and he was so heartbroken that he closed his eyes and waited for death.

But there was Suoke's voice saying forget it! ?

Could it be that one day he finally has a conscience?

Muto Yugi opened his eyes in disbelief, and before he could speak, he saw Suok dragging two hammers from nowhere and carrying them on his shoulders. He smiled heartily at Yugi and said, "There is no way to cushion the stone." Okay, I'll just use a hammer! A small hammer costs 40, a large hammer costs 80, you choose one yourself."

The game's voice was trembling: "What...what do you mean..."

"Is such that."

Suoke shook the two hammers in his hands and said: "This small one, if I hammer you, you have to give me 400,000, but I don't recommend it very much, because I estimate that it will take three or four hammers to get you done. As for the big one, It’s done in one step, but because it’s heavier, it takes more effort on my part, so it’s appropriate for you to give me 800,000 yuan in hard work, right?”

Before he finished speaking, Yugi rolled his eyes and fainted, frothing at the mouth.

"Playing dead?"

Suok frowned and was about to wake him up with a hammer when suddenly a cry came from the distance, saving Yugi's life.


Suok raised his head and saw Rebecca's small figure not far away, waving to him and running towards him happily.

But the most eye-catching thing is the duel disk on her little arm!

Panting, she ran to Sok. Rebecca wiped the sweat from her forehead and showed off the duel disk on her arm to Sok with a smile: "HERO! Look! I signed up to participate in this duel city competition. !How is it? Am I cool?”

"It's good."

Sock nodded and raised his eyebrows: "Why, you didn't go back to the United States?"

Rebecca pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and said: "HERO, do you really want me to return to the United States as soon as possible? I stayed in Japan specifically for you and temporarily stayed at Grandpa Shuangliu's house..."

At this point, Rebecca seemed to suddenly find Yugi Muto lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and asked Sok in surprise: "What's wrong with Yugi?"

Suoke said casually: "Oh, it's nothing...he is taking a nap."

Rebecca was a little confused and said: "You can even sleep until you're foaming at the mouth during a nap..."

"You are wrong. He is sleepwalking and brushing his teeth."

Suoke casually threw the two big hammers aside and changed the subject: "Okay, let's not wake him up. Let's go sit over there and talk, shall we?"


Although Rebecca was a little confused, she finally nodded and followed Sok away.

As they walked, Rebecca asked Sok expectantly: "HERO, will you also participate in this duel city competition?"

Sok nodded: "Well, I just happened to be bored recently, and I was going to cheat to win the championship."

"Hee, that must be fun."

Rebecca covered her small mouth and laughed twice, then said: "But this time the selection method of the Kaiba Group is really interesting. I didn't expect that I would be a seven-star duel level!"


As soon as he heard this, the corners of Suoke's eyes twitched inexplicably.

Rebecca didn't notice anything strange about Sok. She still looked up at Sok with reverence, held her hands in front of her chest and said, "By the way, HERO, your deck and duel skills are so powerful, you must be better than me." You also want to be a powerful eight-star duelist of the highest level, right?"

"Ha ha……"

Suoke laughed dryly: "Yes...that's right, isn't this a matter of course?"

"very nice."

While taking small steps, Rebecca raised her head with a sweet voice and stretched out her little finger towards Sok: "Then we have made an agreement, we will all enter the finals together!"

Sock smiled proudly: "Isn't it natural to enter the finals? Who dares to beat me unless he is tired of living!"

Sock's little finger was not hooked with hers. Rebecca was a little disappointed, but she quickly cheered up again, waved her little fist at Sock and said: "HERO, although you are very powerful, if we If we meet in the finals, I won’t show mercy!”

Sock snapped his fingers in a relaxed and comfortable manner and said: "No problem, I'll give you a special treatment. If you and I meet in the finals, how about I play cards with you without cheating?"

"Hee, thank you for the preferential treatment!"

After saying that, Rebecca's little face suddenly turned red, she raised her head, bravely looked into Sok's eyes and said, "Then... if I win, HERO, can you agree to date me..."

"Cough cough cough!"

Suoke almost lost his breath and said in shock: "You...what did you say!?"

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