Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 141 Drinking

Night falls.

In Sok's house, three figures were sitting around the hot pot.

"I'm gonna start now!"

The three of them held the bowls and began to pick up the ingredients that had already been placed in the pot.

After eating a beef ball, Suoke was enjoying the heat and asked Peacock Dancer next to him: "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Peacock Dance took a sip and the fan nodded: "Well...it's really okay. The most important thing is that it's very convenient to eat. It doesn't require special skills to make it delicious..."

Suoke smiled, took two pieces of rice cakes and fish balls to the little penguin sitting next to him, and warned: "Be careful of getting hot."

The little penguin nodded repeatedly, holding the bowl on his chubby little arms, and squeaked as he ate.

Seeing Suoke's actions, the chopsticks in Peacock Dancer's hand stopped and looked curiously at the small bowl floating in the air next to Suoke.

There are two fish balls and rice cakes inside.

But soon, the fish balls disappeared and so did the rice cakes.

"Hey, Sok..."

Peacock Dance asked curiously: "Actually, I wanted to ask you as early as the Duel Kingdom... Is there something invisible around you that has been following you..."


Suoke raised his head and was about to give a random reason, but Peacock Dance immediately interrupted and said seriously: "Don't perfunctory me, I want to know the facts."


Suoke scratched his head in confusion and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you, but it's hard for me to explain to you the reason..."

Although he didn't say anything, Peacock Dance showed a "Sure enough" look and said with a wink: "It is said that when a duelist puts deep emotions into a card, a duel spirit will be produced. I have also heard about this." , that little thing that is following you but I can’t see, is the elf born from your card, Sok, right?”

"In a sense, you got it right."

Suok stretched out his hand and touched the top of the little penguin's head. The little penguin held up an empty small bowl and pointed at his mouth with his other little arm, looking at Suok drooling.

After giving it some more food, Sok handed the card "Puppet of False Illusion" to Peacock Dance and said, "Well, have you seen the penguin on the card? It is sitting with us now to eat. hot pot."

Peacock Dance took the card, looked at the painting of a penguin holding a magic lamp on the card, and said in surprise: "Wow, this little guy is so cute!"

The little penguin was eating. When she heard someone praising her, she raised her head proudly and said arrogantly: "Huh! I'm so cute!"

Suoke also smiled and nodded: "Yes, actually I live alone, thanks to its care. It handles all the housework and daily cooking. This guy's skills in life are definitely outstanding. full."

"so smart!?"

Peacock Wu looked at the apartment where Suoke lived in surprise, and then suddenly said: "I have always heard that boys' houses are very messy, but your house is so neat. Is it because of it?" Here, Peacock Dance sighed with a little envy: "Ah... I really want to have such a considerate elf..."

The little penguin patted his little chest proudly: "What a pity, I only have one cute one!"

Soon, everyone had almost eaten.

After Suoke put away the dishes and chopsticks, he said to Peacock Dance: "Okay, where do you live now, I will take you back."

Peacock Wu glanced at Suoke in a strange way, then shrugged and said, "I just came to Domino Town and I've been shopping with you for a day. How can I find time to find a hotel? Besides, I have to stay here for a while." It's such a waste to stay in a hotel for a week!... Hey, your family is so big, you don't care about one more person living in it, right?"

Sok was stunned.

What does this mean?

A beautiful woman takes the initiative to ask to live with her?

Is there such a good thing in the world?

If it had been in the past, I would have definitely agreed, but now...

Suok lowered his head and glanced at the little penguin who seemed to have heard nothing. He smiled slightly, touched it lightly, and asked deliberately: "Hey, there are guests coming to the house. Do you have any ideas?"

The little penguin seemed to have reacted just then. He turned to look at Peacock Dance's mature and charming look, then looked at Sok's smiling expression, and snorted angrily: "If you have any other ideas, hurry up and get her drunk. It’s easier to get her drunk!”

This penguin routine is so skillful.

Suoke was so funny that he was about to say something, but Mian Quewu, who was facing him, seemed to have heard Penguin's words and suddenly said: "Hey, Suoke, thank you for your hospitality. In return, I'll treat you to the bar for a couple of drinks later." How about it?"


Sok and Penguin were both dumbfounded.

There are really people who give you pillows when you feel sleepy. Normally, shouldn't this kind of proposal be made by a man, and then the woman would hesitate for a long time before agreeing?

Why doesn't the peacock dance follow the routine?

Seeing that Suoke didn't speak for a long time, Peacock Wu was a little unhappy: "Oh, I'm just going out to have a drink. I'm not afraid of a girl, so what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid?"

Suok slapped the table at that time: "I am the great evil god of the underworld! I am not afraid of even light damage! Isn't it just drinking? Let's go! I will let you see what a wine barrel is tonight!" After that, Suok said He put on his coat, took his wallet, and said to the little penguin: "Let's go, if someone wants to buy a drink, let's come together."

The little penguin looked up at Peacock Dance and muttered sadly: "I won't go... I'm going to drink. It would be a bad idea to bring a light bulb..."

Suoke was about to continue saying something, but Peacock Dance suddenly said: "Since it doesn't want to go, then just the two of us. The bar is a bit messy, and it is indeed not suitable for pure elves..."

Suoke was stunned, glanced at Peacock Dance, and then seemed to understand something, nodded and said: "Okay, let's go."

The door closed, and Suoke and Peacock Dance walked out.

The little penguin, who was sitting alone in the house, almost cried with his lips deflated.

But it didn't cry. It cleaned up the hot pot rack and came to the kitchen again, clumsily scrubbing the dishes with its little arms.

The night gets darker.

Sok and Peacock came out of the bar.

They didn't drink much, but Peacock Dance seemed to be drunk.

Suoke turned his head and glanced at Peacock Dance, only to find that her eyes were as bright as the moonlight, and they were hazy and desolate: "Can I still leave?"

Perhaps after drinking some wine, Peacock Dance's tone became particularly lazy, and she said with a half-smile, "You can't walk, why don't you carry me?"

Suoke smiled: "I'm afraid I can't carry you."

But who would have thought that Peacock Dance would use that bit of drunkenness to reach out and grab Suoke's arm, gently nestle against his side, and murmur: "Then can you help me walk?"

Her eyes were a little hazy, but her expression was very depressed.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Peacock Dance suddenly shivered, and she snuggled closer to Suoke.

Suoke took off his coat, put it on her body, and asked, "Do you often drink?"

Peacock Dance shook her head: "It's rare. A girl is alone outside and must stay awake at all times, otherwise she will suffer a big loss."

Suoke said amusedly: "Then you are not afraid of suffering a loss in my hands?"

"Hasn't it been flown as a kite once?"

When Peacock Dance talked about this, she suddenly smiled coquettishly: "If you want to do something, I really can't think of anyone who can stop you..."

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