Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 136 Slate

Walking into the room, it was pitch black.

Isis pressed the light switch on the wall and said slowly: "Next, what is presented to you is the origin of the duel monster card..."

The lights came on, and countless huge stone slabs were displayed one by one at the entrance!

And the patterns engraved on the stone slab are all very similar to the duel monster cards!

The Five Parts of Exodia...

The devil's call...

City-defending pterosaur...

These real scenes almost made Kaiba unable to believe his eyes!

"Ancient Egypt believed that the cause of disasters in the world was the pain, fear, and anger in human hearts, and all of these were controlled by monsters residing in people's hearts..."

Isis looked a little depressed, and said in a slightly heavy tone: "The priests who serve the Pharaoh can use magical power to materialize the monsters in human hearts, and maintain the peace of the world by sealing them on stone slabs... But People's hearts are unpredictable, and the priests who have mastered huge power finally began to grow ambitions, and used the power of monsters to provoke a fight against the Pharaoh..."

Suoke, who was following behind, raised his eyebrows slightly.

Magical power?

Hey, it should be my power!

It is precisely because the royal family is greedy for power that does not belong to them that they connect the passage between the present world and the underworld and release the evil god of the underworld who can destroy the world.

Coming to a stone mural, Isis said to Haima: "This mural depicts the war at that time... and it is exactly what I want you to see..."

When Kaiba saw it, his heart was shocked!

Because this stone slab actually depicts an ancient Egyptian priest who controls a blue-eyed white dragon to fight!

And that priest actually looks very similar to me!

How is this going! ?

Is it a coincidence?

But how could there be such a coincidence! ?

With doubts in his heart, Kaiba suddenly turned his head and shouted at Isis: "Woman! Stop joking with me! There is no evidence to prove that this is something from three thousand years ago. You must have forged it to achieve some purpose! Stupid! ! This is not scientific at all!”

"Tsk, in this era where fate is rampant, President, you are still willing to believe in science. It is a breath of fresh air."

Next to him, Suoke looked at another stone mural and said in a loud voice: "Hey, Isis, you should learn more from the president. Maybe after you believe in science and proletarianism, the ridiculous fate of the so-called tomb-keepers will be solved." What if it doesn’t work anymore?”

Kaiba glanced at Sok and said nothing.

Isis also smiled bitterly, and continued to introduce the three phantom beasts on the stone slab to Kaiba, and began to encourage Kaiba to hold a duel competition, and even took out the fantasy rare card 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' Use it as bait to lure seahorses into taking the bait.

She was no longer willing to do anything for fate, but in order to save her brother Malik, she had to walk on the path that fate had already arranged...

What's going on over there, Sock is no longer listening.

Because the stone slab here has attracted all of Sok's attention.

As Isis said, all the stone tablets displayed in this room are used to depict the war that is said to be the priests' rebellion.

But if you can look more carefully, these monsters appearing on the stone slab will look very familiar to Suoke!

From Dios and Sipilia at the beginning, to the Black Magician and the Black Magician Girl, and finally to Exodia in front of the palace...

These are all elves who have fought against the Great Evil God of the Underworld or the King of Thieves, Tapira, in the memory world in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga.

The Great Evil God of the Underworld and the God of Creation of Light are both gods of the highest level. One of the abilities they share is that they cannot be remembered. Therefore, the appearance of Sok is not drawn on the slate, but is replaced by a large blank. .

What is carved out of the remaining stone slabs are only images of fragments of monsters.

Later generations could only rely on speculation to believe that these stone murals described the rebellion of a priest, but they did not know that the priest who controlled the white dragon was just a pawn of the truly terrifying evil god.

Suoke looked at the stone slabs one by one, admiring his majesty from the ruins.

On the other side, Isis has handed the God Card to Kaiba and warned: "The God Card has terrifying power beyond dimensions. Once evil souls control them, the God Card will turn into a terrifying ultimate weapon in the game. Weapons cause indelible and huge damage to players..."

The ultimate weapon! ?

Kaiba was startled, and subconsciously glanced at Suoke, who was still looking at the mural, and quickly and quietly pocketed the Titan Soldier.

Such a powerful card, if he sees it, will definitely be snatched away!

Before he masters the terrifying power of the God Card, he must not let Sok know that the God Card is in his hands!

It's a pity that Kaiba doesn't know that Sock can't use two-dimensional cards at all, even gods, otherwise he wouldn't have to worry about getting a card.

"Humph, I understand..."

Kaiba said solemnly: "You want to use this God Card as bait to fish out Gurus, I can help you... But you just hand over the God Card to me with confidence, you are not afraid that I will take back the Three Illusion Gods Won’t I return it to you later?”

Isis closed her eyes and shook her head: "It does not belong to you, nor does it belong to me. The fate of the three illusory gods has long been destined..."

"Put away your ridiculous fate!"

Kaiba raised the corners of his mouth, clenched his fists and said with a ferocious smile: "If fate really exists, then I will use my hands to carve out a future that will break through everything!"

Isis smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Suoke, who was next to him, had finished reading the mural and was hearing Kaiba Chuuji's declaration with a strong breath. He asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"


The aura he had just disappeared in an instant. Kaiba glanced at Suoke cautiously, turned quickly and walked towards the door: "It's getting late, I should leave!"

Suoke shouted to Kaiba from behind: "Hey, remember to bring the money tomorrow, or I will demolish your house. Do you hear that, President?"


Kaiba's eyes twitched and he gritted his teeth and said, "I know!"

Seeing Kaiba walking away, Sok turned to Isis and asked, "Did you give him the 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'?"

Isis was not surprised as to why Sok knew this. Instead, she looked deeply into Sok's eyes and said, "You seem to know everything."

Sok shrugged: "Actually, there are many things I don't know, such as your bust size."

Isis sighed helplessly: "Why use this excuse? To a lady, you are very rude."

"If you're rude, just be rude. Anyway, I'm just an unreasonable person."

Sok touched Isis's shoulder and asked in a bewitching tone: "Hey, how are you thinking about it? Do you want to join my evil god's camp and overthrow the Pharaoh?"

"...Before that, I want to know your true identity."

Isis looked at Sok and said extremely seriously: "You are shrouded in endless dark power, and even the Millennium Jewelry cannot see your fate even one second later... I believe you have the ability to break fate, but I can't Take refuge with a suspicious person whose identity is unknown."

"Hahaha... If you want to know, I'll tell you!"

Suoke laughed three times, walked to the stone slab next to him, and patted the blank space used to replace the Great Evil God of the Underworld twice. He narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Did you see it?"

"This is who I really am!"

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