Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 130 I want to summon myself

A thin light suddenly broke through the chaotic darkness!

The sharp divine spear fell into the world from the shining origin, piercing deeply into the soil eroded by darkness beneath its feet!

In an instant, the darkness slowly melted, and even the evil god behind Suok couldn't help but narrow his eyes because of the dazzling light falling from the sky.

In that divine light, a female war goddess crossed her hands on her chest and slowly fell down!

She has long fiery red hair, and two heavenly wings spread out on her back. Each feather exudes sharp metallic light and is as indestructible as a steel knife!

In the void, there seems to be an angel singing, showing off her endless divine power!

【Martyr Archangel of Nothingness

12 stars

Light properties

angel tribe

Attack: Infinite, Defense: Infinite

Effect: When more than three monsters on our field are destroyed and sent to the graveyard, this card can be specially summoned from the deck. Only this card is on the field, our card drawing phase is skipped, and the effects of all monsters on the opponent's field are invalid. , as long as there is a card with 'Martyr' in its name in our graveyard, this card will not be destroyed! 】


The artificial man Suojia kept shaking his head and said with eyes wide open: "It turns out to be another monster with infinite attack power!"

"It's not a monster, it's a god!"

Sok clenched his fists, with the biggest grin on his face, and said to the justice: "Thank you very much, justice! If it weren't for your ability, I wouldn't be able to summon this invincible female war goddess to my field. Go! And because 'Black Forest Witch' was destroyed, I can also choose another monster with a defense power of less than 1500 to add to my hand! Hahaha... It's really ridiculous. In order to fight for the best interests, you have been patient until I collect enough. A monster that ended up being your requiem!"

At this time, the Archangel of Nothingness had landed on Sok's battlefield, stretched out his hand to pull out the divine spear, and raised it high!

In an instant, the endless divine light seemed to illuminate all the darkness and evil in the world!

Different from the destructive and terrifying oppression of the Great Evil God, the aura erupted from the Archangel of Nothingness is exactly the invincible and terrifying majesty of the king!

Facing such a terrifying enemy, the justice and the artificial man were so horrified that they could barely move their bodies!

"Damn it! If that's the case, then let's do it again!"

The chief judge was already panicking. He reached for the gavel on the judgment table and banged it desperately. He yelled crazily: "I will activate the effect of my deck leader, pay 1000 points of my health, and destroy the Archangel of Nothingness on your field! Destroy it!"

Justice: LP3000→2000

As the justice's life points were paid, the energy ripples led by the deck quickly spread towards the Archangel of Nothingness!

The chief judge laughed like crazy and said: "Yes! That's it! My ability is absolutely invincible! All monsters will be destroyed by my ability! Destroy it quickly, Archangel of Nothingness! This is the ultimate sentence I award to you. Punishment—death!”

Ripples hit the body of the Archangel of Nothingness, but suddenly a golden light enveloped her whole body!

God’s majesty is inviolable!


The Archangel of Nothingness flapped his wings, directly shattering the Chancellor's ability!

Safe and sound!

"How...how could this happen!?"

The Justice trembled in fear: "Why can't my deck's leadership effect destroy her!?"

Sok looked up at the Archangel of Nothingness floating in mid-air, opened his arms, and laughed ferociously: "The will of the martyr gave her infinite power. As long as there are souls in the tomb that have not found rest, the Archangel of Nothingness will never Fall down!”

"What!?" The artificial man said in horror: "This...isn't this an invincible monster?"

"Invincible?... No, she's still not close to being ready. I'll let you know what true invincibility is in the next round!"

Sock's extremely aggressive eyes passed over the body of the injected angel Lily, and he sneered at the android: "Hey, the monsters on my field have changed now, do you still want to continue attacking?"

"No...don't continue..."

The android Suojia looked down at his hand of cards, his face livid.

Because Injection Angel Lily was summoned in attack position, now even if the attack is retracted, the position can no longer be changed. The only effect of not attacking is to keep herself alive for one more round!


What should be done?

Facing this kind of monster called "god" that cannot be defeated!

Seeing the despairing look of the android, the chief judge frowned and shouted: "Damen, don't be intimidated by the seemingly powerful force! No matter how powerful the monster is, it must have weaknesses that can be defeated! Even a monster with infinite attack power The same thing! As long as we grasp the blind spot of her power, we still have the possibility of winning!"

The artificial man was encouraged by the chief judge and finally regained a little confidence: "Then... then I'll leave it to you, Ooka! My turn is over!"

Mom sells batches!

Do you even want to put down a card?

The chief judge secretly cursed the artificial man for being useless, so he ignored him, suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, and shouted: "It's my turn, draw a card!"

Putting the newly drawn card in front of his eyes and seeing the card name clearly, the justice's pupils suddenly shrank violently!


Goddess of luck has indeed not abandoned me yet!

I have zero lawsuit losses, and I will continue my undefeated streak today!

The justice looked up at the Archangel of Nothingness with infinite attack power on Sok's field, and Sok's only 1,500 health points left. He sneered in his heart, inserted the card in his hand into the duel plate, and said without changing his expression: "I cover a cover card, then summon Hysterical Angel in guard position to end the turn."

[Hysterical Angel, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 500, effect: Use 2 monsters on your field as sacrifices, and your health will be restored by 1000 points. 】

Before he finished speaking, a beautiful angel wearing glasses and a uniform appeared in front of the judge. He pushed up his glasses and let out a proud "hum".

Suoke's eyes lit up: "Hey, this eldest sister is very popular with me! After the duel is over, how about we go have a cup of coffee together?"

Justice: "..."

Looking at Sok speechlessly, it was the first time in his life that he had seen a guy hooking up with a Duel Monster at a duel scene.

The hysterical angel seemed to be frightened by Sok's boldness. He held the book in front of his chest with both hands, blushed and murmured: "Oh!? This is the first time a boy has asked me out..."

Suok said with a playful smile: "Then it's settled! Let's leave each other WeChat messages..." But before he finished speaking, Suok suddenly felt a shiver on his back. When he turned around, he saw that it was indeed the little penguin Youyuan. looking at himself.

"Ahem, what about that? Let's duel well and talk about drinking tea next time..."

Sok coughed twice, and was too embarrassed to look at the disappointed eyes of the hysterical angel, and shouted: "It's my turn, because the Martyr Archangel of Nothingness is on our field, so I skip the card drawing phase... But it doesn't matter. , anyway, you will all be wiped out by me this round..."

After saying that, Sok waved his hand fiercely and roared: "First of all, I want to summon the leader of my deck to my field! Come on, the great evil god of the underworld! Come here and let the world feel pain and despair! "

The Great Evil God of the Underworld seemed to respond to Suok, and roared to the sky. The entire evil god's immortal body turned into black smoke, and crawled back into Suok's body!

After regaining the power of the Great Evil God of the Underworld, Suoke was surrounded by endless whirlpools of darkness. He strode forward and stood side by side with the Archangel of Nothingness, proudly king!

Sok Nenufa

Attack power: infinite!

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