Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 121 Three Gods Gathering

[Martyr Hell Demon, 3 stars, dark attribute, demon race, attack: 500, defense: 1300]

[Martyr: Hell's Right Hand Tis, 4 stars, dark attribute, warrior type, attack: 1900, defense: 1700]

[Martyr·Central Warrior, 4 stars, earth attribute, beast warrior clan, attack: 1500, defense: 1700]

Three huge six-pointed star summoning arrays flashed. A centaur warrior wearing ancient European armor, a face-covering woman with two thin wings, and a heroic man with a scarf covering his chin and a completely mechanized right arm descended on each other. Sok's court is surrounded by stars like the moon!

Suok squinted his eyes and sneered: "Tsk, tsk, due to the limitations of the venue, I can only summon three martyrs, but this is enough... It will be my turn next, and I will let you see it. The terrifying power of the martyrs!”

"Oops! He actually made the field full of monsters all at once!"

The deep-sea warrior looked at the three martyrs that suddenly appeared on the Sok field. He looked down at the two trap cards he had in the backfield in a slight panic, and said to himself: "Even if I activate the ability of the deck leader, under his influence Under the swarming attack in this round, it was simply difficult to parry... Fortunately, I didn’t trust the deck leader’s ability too much and put these two traps in the deck, otherwise I might have lost!”

Huh, come on, Sock!

The deep-sea warrior secretly thought in his heart: My four scapegoats can activate the counter-injury ability of the deck leader twice, and what I cover on the field are "Holy Shield-Reflector Power" and "Explosive Armor", no matter No matter what, my defenses are impeccable!

no problem!

I can definitely win!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Suoke shouted coldly, drew a new card from the deck, and then waved his hand: "First, I want to activate the special effect of 'Martyr Centaur Warrior' on our field! According to its ability, I can Draw a card from the deck and confirm it with both parties. When the confirmed card has 'Martyr' in its name, I can choose a card on the field to send to the graveyard!"


The deep-sea warrior was shocked and kept thinking in his mind: "It doesn't matter...it doesn't matter...even if it's the worst result, if my 'sacred shield-reflector power' is destroyed, he won't be able to finish me in the next round. And if I’m lucky and he doesn’t draw any other martyrs, there’s no need to worry!”

Seeing the opponent Sok slowly pull out a card from the deck, the deep sea warrior's eyes almost burst open!

He kept shouting in his heart: No! no! no!

Perhaps God heard the deep-sea warrior's thoughts. When Sok on the other side held the drawn card in front of his eyes, he seemed very surprised!

Sok looked up at the Deep Sea Warrior and smiled strangely: "Hey, old man, you are lucky. The card I drew is not a "Martyr" series card, so the trap card you covered can be saved..."

Hearing what Sok said, the deep-sea warrior breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to himself that he was quite lucky...

But then, Sock suddenly took out two monster cards from the duel plate and shouted sternly: "I will remove the 'Martyr Centaur Warrior', 'Martyr Hell Demon' and the ones on the field from you. Offer the captured 'Sniper Soul Bird' as a sacrifice! Summon the 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'!!!"

[Obelisk's Titan Soldier

10 stars

divine attributes

Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack: 4000, Defense: 4000

Effect (Duel City Version):

Preparation for Advent: This card requires 3 sacrifices before it can be normally summoned.

Elemental affinity: Obtain monster, magic, and trap shields when entering the field (that is, not affected by any magic trap monster effects)

Wrath of the Titan: When entering the game, add a "God's Fist Crush" card to your hand.

Wrath of God: When this card is specially summoned, it will gain "Return to Dust" after entering the field (that is, it will be destroyed at the end of the round).

Explanation: When he comes, the scorching wind will blow wildly across the earth, and all living creatures will turn into corpses! 】

The three monsters on Sok's field turned into blue light and soared into the sky, condensing into an origin. From that origin, an extremely thick blue energy column suddenly fell from the sky, accompanied by lightning, thunder, and strong winds, even to the earth. They were all shaking violently!

The god's body stretches out, looking down at the tiny people from a high place. The god of destruction of the earth descends here!

Obelisk's Titan Soldier!

The wind is rushing!

The deep-sea warrior looked up at the figure of God in horror, trembling and retreating, and said in fear: "This... what kind of monster is this!?"

"It's not a monster, it's a god!"

The corner of Suoke's mouth showed the most ferocious smile. He stood in front of the phantom god, pointed his thumb at his chest, and laughed crazily: "It is the ultimate phantom god who obeys my great evil god of the underworld - Obelisk!"

The deep-sea warrior trembled and said: "It's actually... a god!"

Suok shrugged his shoulders, pointed at the deep-sea warrior, and said with a ferocious smile: "Hahaha... you are lucky today, stinky old man! You can have two phantom gods send you on your way in person, so you should rest in peace!"

The fear in the eyes of the deep sea warrior is even worse!

Two! ?

Could it be that in addition to Obelisk's giant god soldiers, there is another phantom god as terrifying as him that is about to descend on Sok Field! ?

"Watch carefully, Oshita Yukinosuke! Next, it's the turn of the martyr god to appear!"

Sok waved his hand fiercely and shouted: "Immediately afterwards, I will activate the special ability of 'Martyr Hell's Right Hand Tis' on our side! According to his effect, I can offer him as a sacrifice from our side. Unconditionally special summon a monster with 'Martyr' in its name from the deck!"

[Martyr: Hell's Right Hand Tis, effect: As long as this card is on the field, Zheng Mian is present. Every time you pay 1000 points of life, you can invalidate a magic or trap activation or a monster summons, reverse summons, or special summons. To destroy it, you can choose this card to offer as a sacrifice, and unconditionally special summon a monster with 'Martyr' in its name from your deck. 】

"Come down! Martyr Water Controlling God General!"

A raging and terrifying tsunami suddenly surged out of the shattered earth. Countless water flows gathered and continued to rotate and condense, forming a huge waterspout that went straight up to the sky!


All the waves are gone!

A Orchid God General warrior wearing ferocious armor came to the Sok field!

Although he is not as big as Obelisk, his power like a violent storm is not at all inferior to that of the Titan Soldier!

[Martyr·Water Controlling General, Attack: 4000, Defense: 3500]

The two gods have already appeared, so how could the false god who originally existed on our own battlefield not participate in this final round of battle?

Sok raised his hand and tapped the False Illusion Puppet behind him with his thumb, and shouted: "Immediately, I will activate the effect of my 'Deck Leader'. In a duel, I can choose any monster on the field. On our side Specially summon that monster's derivative on the field and gain all the attributes of that monster! When this token is on our field, the opponent cannot choose other monsters as attack targets!"

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