Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 106 It’s so exciting to blow up each other


Tianma Yexing gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Although the Evil God was destroyed by your False God, its effect was also activated at the same time! When it leaves the field, it will send all the cards on the field to the graveyard! Even gods are no exception!"

The divine fire went out, and the dark clouds in the sky once again rolled up a huge hollow vortex!

Countless black smoke replaced the divine fire and emerged from the earth!

And the body of the Dark Brachiosaurus on the Sok field was gradually melted into black smoke and sucked into the whirlpool in the sky!

Looking at this spectacular scene, Suoke not only did not get angry because the card was destroyed, but slapped his thigh and said in a loud voice: "Mom, blowing up each other is so exciting! The evil god is still fun to play, if other garbage cards , I have played to death for a long time!"


The corners of Tianma Yexing's mouth twitched, wondering if he had heard wrongly.

Such a terrifying evil god full of destructive aura, just one move can make people's livers and gallbladders split with horror!

But this guy opposite me...

He actually just thinks that Evil God is more fun to play with! ?

"Damn it! Don't be too arrogant!"

Tianma Yexing gritted his teeth and took out a card from his hand and placed it on the field: "I cover a card and end the turn!"

"Then, it's my turn..."

Sok took out a card from the deck, put it on the field with a grin, and said: "You have nothing on the field now. I want to send out my second 'Blue Flame Swordsman', and Equip him with the magic card 'Butterfly Dagger-Echo' to increase his attack power, and then launch a direct attack on you! Go ahead, Blue Flame Swordsman, Dragon Fire Slash!"

[Dagger of the Butterfly - Echo, equipped with a magic card, effect: To prevent the equipped monster from increasing its attack by 300 points, the card will be returned to the hand when the card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard. 】

The green dagger fell from the sky and inserted into the ground in front of the Cang Yan swordsman. The Cang Yan swordsman grabbed the butterfly dagger - Echo with his other hand, and his whole body burned with green flames filled with fighting intent!

Blue Flame Swordsman: Attack 1800 → 2100


The butler next to him was shocked: "Master Ye Xing's health is only 2,000 points. If this attack is successful, Master Ye Xing will lose!"

"Don't worry..."

Pegasus smiled calmly and said: "I can feel that Gaika on the night march is the key to his reversal!"

Sure enough, that moment when the Cang Yan swordsman wielded his flaming swords and slashed at Pegasus Ye Xing!

Tianma Yexing immediately turned over the cover cards on the field and shouted: "I want to activate the trap card 'Enemy Attack Alarm'! According to its effect, I can specially summon a monster from my hand. Come out, 'Little Angel' Truth'!"

[Enemy attack alarm, trap card, effect: When the enemy declares an attack, a monster is specially summoned from our hand. After the combat phase, that monster returns to the hand. 】

[Little Angel Truth, 3 stars, Attack: 500, Defense: 500. When this card enters the graveyard, a feather token is left on the field (Attack: 0, Defense: 0)]

A chubby little angel with wings suddenly stood in front of Pegasus Yexing, blocking the Cangyan swordsman's attack for him.

Immediately afterwards, the little angel that was cut into four pieces turned into a white feather with a "bang" and stayed on the field where the Pegasus walked at night!

Suok raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Oh? The Last Word Monster? What do you want to summon? The evil god? My turn is over, please take out your big black ball and show me the difference between it and mine! "


Tianma Yexing was startled: "You also have an evil god?"

Suoke sneered, turned over a card in his hand and shook it: "Not only is there, but it has also come to my hand!"

Pegasus Ye Xing looked at the card in Sok's hand in shock. Although the bonfire was not bright, the black ball-shaped painted Pegasus Ye Xing on the card was all too familiar!

Evil God!

He is truly the incarnation of evil god!

How could this happen? Isn’t the evil god unique to me? ?

After waiting for a long time and not seeing any reaction from Tianma Yexing, Suoke impatiently said: "Hey, white-haired boy! Are you done dazed? If you don't do it, I will chop you again!"


Tianma Yexing gritted his teeth and said: "Since you ask so, then I will do as you wish! It's my turn, draw a card!" After drawing a card from the deck, Tianma Yexing's originally ugly expression suddenly softened a lot. : "I want to activate the magic card, the God-given treasure card! According to its effect, both sides will draw six cards from their hands!"

[God-given treasure card, magic card, effect: Both sides draw six cards from their hands. 】

Although almost everyone has this card in the comics, in reality it can be said that you can't buy it by selling your kidneys, and it will never be a real card.

Because although the "God-given card" benefits both sides, if it is drawn by one side in the first round, it is almost a stable five-card difference. Even if it is drawn later, there will be six more cards at once, and the opponent will almost have no turn. Not until the next round.


Sok slammed the ground, turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "Hey! Ask your leaders, when are they going to release V14? I don't want god cards, I want god-given treasure cards!"

The little penguin was stunned, scratched his head and said: "Really? But I heard last time that V14 is from Tianshen... But since you have such a strong request, I will talk to the technical department and ask them to change the card. Bar……"

Damn it! ! !

Suoke was shocked at that time, grabbed the little penguin and said: "Really!? If you lie, you will be hung on a tree to play with your penis!"

The little penguin turned his head away with disdain and angrily said, "I don't have one!"


Suok coughed twice and pretended to be serious: "Then what...I have thought about it carefully. The God-given treasure card is such a cheat that affects the balance too much. I can't use it if I can. It's like a god, so I can't do it." Acceptable... By the way, what about the four-star Revolver Gun Dragon and the ancient mechanical giant with an attack power of 50,000? You have to put it on the agenda as soon as possible, otherwise I will have nowhere to spend my money..."

The little penguin pouted and muttered: "It depends on your recharge performance..."

The Pegasus walking across the street saw Suoke turning his head and talking to himself all the time, and felt a little frightened for no reason.

It's scary because it's unknown.

The reason why Sok scares so many people is essentially because his character is moody, unpredictable, and uncontrollable.

Now this guy suddenly behaves inexplicably. Could it be that he suddenly doesn't want to play cards and wants to shoot guns...

That machine gun is still sitting under his butt...

Thinking of this, Tianma Yexing shuddered all over and was ready to run away. He cautiously reminded with fear: "Hey...it's your turn to draw a card..."

Suok heard the sound over there, grabbed a handful from the deck and held it in his hand, waving his hand towards Pegasus Night Walk: "You operate yours, I have something to say."

Pegasus walks at night and wants to cry but has no tears.

If you have something to say, you can't draw more than twenty cards at once...

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