Outside the screen, when the duelists saw that Kaiba Seto was once again at a disadvantage because of the Blue God, they could not help but feel extremely shocked and unbelievable.

The previous duel between Kaiba and Muto Yugi was barely understandable to them........

After all, at that time, Lan Shen no longer looked like a normal person.

It was understandable that he would be at a disadvantage when facing such a"monster".........

But now, the Blue God that appeared in the picture looked like just an ordinary, immature duelist.

It could even be said that he was just an ordinary, young boy that you wouldn't even look at.

But even such a young boy could actually put the legendary duelist, Kaiba Seto, in a disadvantageous position!? It was incomprehensible.

The duelists present couldn't accept such a thing.

"It's really surprising that the little kid actually put Seahorse Boy into such a disadvantage!"

Becas, he covered his face with one hand and shook his head and said

"Impossible! Although Kaiba is usually very arrogant, conceited, and speaks harshly, he always likes to do things on his own, completely disregarding the feelings of others.


He will never lose to such a brat!"

When everyone was shocked by Kaiba Seto's disadvantage.

Only Jonouchi, who disliked and hated Kaiba Seto the most

, stood up and loudly said that Kaiba Seto would never lose to such a guy.

Even Muto Yugi (watch) who was standing next to him.

After seeing such a scene, he had to smile bitterly.

In his heart, he didn't know how to describe the scene that appeared before his eyes.........

However, at this time, Kaiba Seto saw that he was indeed forced into a disadvantage by the unknown young man.

Even he felt unbelievable.

However, since it was a comeback game.

Then.......I will definitely be able to successfully reverse this disadvantage!

At this time, Kaiba Seto slowly turned around and said to Jonouchi Katsuya who had just spoken for him.

"Humph! I will never lose to an opponent of that level.

Don't shout so loudly, you mediocre duelist.

Well, you have good vision.

You know that I will never lose a duel under such circumstances."

Kaiba Seto, he still used a very special way to tactfully express his words to Jonouchi Katsuya.


The title of"mediocre duelist" will never change in Kaiba Seto's eyes.........

After hearing what Kaiba Seto said, veins immediately appeared on Jonouchi Katsuya's forehead.

"Damn it! Kaiba, you bastard.......

I just spoke up for you.

You damned fellow, you are still so arrogant, it really piss me off!!!"

As soon as Jonouchi Katsuya finished speaking, he took another step, wanting to teach Kaiba Seto a"lesson"........

However, before he could even make a move, he was stopped by Honda and Yugi Muto.

"Okay, okay, now there is no need to care about these things.

Let's continue to watch this duel.

Since the ranking is so high.

The process afterwards must be very exciting.

Let's see, Kaiba-kun, how he reverses under such a disadvantage."

Listening to the words of Muto Yugi, at this time, Jonouchi Katsuya.

He finally withdrew his hands unhappily.

Then, together with Muto Yugi and others, he once again shifted his gaze to the huge mysterious screen.

And Kaiba Seto, his eyes have always been deeply staring at himself in the picture.

How will he resolve such a desperate situation in the picture? However

, what they don't know is.

The most exciting part of this duel.

From this moment on, the real preparations are about to begin!.......

Back to the screen.

At this time, Kaiba Seto made a gesture as if he wanted to draw a card from the VR Duel Disk in his left hand.

However, the left hand that was about to draw the card clenched into a fist again.

"No! I will never be allowed to lose in a place like this!!!".............................................

�Today's third update, I'm begging for the support of monthly tickets and evaluation tickets. Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it!!! ]

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