In the scene, Yuki Judai realized that he had fallen into a trap.

His expression changed slightly.

Although he did not panic.


He was trapped by the enemy, but it was undeniable.

However, if it was just this level,

Yuki Judai didn't think that this would have any impact on his victory.


, at this moment, DARKNESS was also going to launch his combo.

"Because of the effect of [Dark Prototype]

【Dark Original】When destroyed, you can Special Summon a monster with an attack power equal to the battle damage!

And I will send monster cards of the same level as the Special Summoned monster from my hand to the Graveyard.

The damage I received was 2500 points, and I sent level 4 and level 3 monsters from my hand to the Graveyard.

Come out, [Dark Demon-Ryan】!"

At the command of DARKNESS, a golden light flashed by.

A demon warrior with a huge black body, holding a giant axe and black wings on his back appeared on the battlefield of DARKNESS.

Seeing that his enemy actually summoned such a high-level monster during his turn,

Yuki Judai still ended his turn very calmly.

It was as if he did not take the opponent's powerful monster into consideration at all.

The initiative of the turn came into the hands of DARKNESS.

"It's my turn, draw a card!

I activate the magic card [Demon Axe] to equip Ryan!"

Under the operation of DARKNESS, the small golden axe in the hands of the demon warrior was actually replaced by a huge axe with a demon face. This added a bit of deterrence to the demon monster.

The attack power also soared to 3500 points.

It was even 1000 points higher than the [Elemental Hero - Xin Yuxia] on the field of Yucheng Judai.

Even at this time, DARKNESS made a mocking voice and said

"It seems that the monster is your trump card.

If you destroy that monster, you will not be able to defeat Ryan's monster!

Go, Demon God Ryan!"

DARKNESS did not stop at all, or be cautious about covering the cards.


He has already launched an attack in this round.


The huge demon warrior roared and swung the axe in his hand fiercely.

It emitted a burning breath with a terrifying temperature.

If this attack was successful, Yujo Judai would be left empty-handed.

After all,.......

He used five cards to summon the new Yuxia!

Of course!

Facing the opponent's trap, at this time, Yuki Judai would definitely not let the opponent succeed so easily.

"Turn over the covered Trap Card [Hero Shield】!"

Following Yujo Judai's order, a strong whirlwind blew up in the right arm of the new Yuxia, blocking the attack with strong wind pressure........

Yuki Judai's basic score was still reduced to 3000 points.

Looking at this scene

, DARKNESS actually asked loudly in a very villainous manner :

"Why, why wasn't it destroyed!"

DARKNESS couldn't understand why his attack couldn't destroy Yuki Judai's ace monster.

If he could destroy Yuki Judai's ace monster in this duel, he would have an absolute advantage.

Even winning would be easy.

Listening to DARKNESS's question

, Yuki Judai responded at this time.

"When the new Yuxia equipped with [Hero Shield] is attacked by the battle, this card will be sent to the graveyard to negate the destruction.

Then, for every 1000 points of damage taken, the player can draw a card."

During this round, Yuki Judai not only easily resolved the attack from DARKNESS, but also......

He also replenished his hand which was already zero.

Of course, there was only one card.

Outside the screen.

In the first generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh world.

Watching Yugi Judai replenish his hand.

At this time, Yugi Muto also nodded and said

"Sure enough, although the five-for-one exchange just now was a bit of a loss.

However, Judai-kun, he was also prepared.

It can only be said that his attack just now was too radical."


At this time, Muto Yugi, he still very much recognized Yuki Judai as a duelist.

After all.......

That was a powerful duelist who had fought side by side with him and also fought against him in the future.

However, Seto Kaiba on the other side just continued to have a very disdainful expression.

After all, for Seto Kaiba, he would not allow himself to make such a serious mistake in a duel.

He actually used five cards in his hand to exchange for a normal monster with an attack power of only 2500 points.

Back to the screen.

After watching his attack being successfully resolved by the opponent.

Very helpless, DARKNESS could only end his turn.

After all, he could not continue to inflict more damage to the opponent in this round. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The initiative of the round soon returned to Yuki Judai's side.

"My turn, draw a card!"

His hand was replenished with two cards. Looking at the card he drew,

Yuujou's mouth even lifted slightly.

It was as if he had drawn a card that could change the situation.

In fact, at this time, Yuujouu spoke to the Darkness in front of him with full of aura and confidence.

"You will regret not hitting me in the last round!" (To be honest, I really like the character of Yuki Judai in the later stage)

At this time, Yuki Judai placed one of his cards in the field magic card area of the duel disk.

"It's time to go, New Universe Man!

Activate Field Magic Card [New Universe】!"

As the card began to activate its effect, the original green space with birds singing and flowers blooming was replaced by a special space reflecting colorful light........It is also a battlefield for heroes!

"With the power of [New Universe], Xin Yuxia's attack power will increase by 500 points.

Then activate the equipment magic card [Power of New Universe]!

Equipped with [Power of New Universe], Xin Yuxia's attack power increases by 800 points!"

At Yucheng Judai's command.

Xin Yuxia's body was covered with a layer of light golden light, and his attack power increased to 3800 points.

Yucheng Judai, he wanted to bury his opponent in this round!

""Go ahead, Xin Yu Xia!"

After receiving the attack order, Xin Yu Xia immediately turned into a golden stream of light and flew towards the enemy.

The powerful punch hit the opponent's demon warrior heavily.

""Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Smoke and fireworks spread, and the demon warrior turned into countless fragments and disappeared on the field.

Facing the terrible attack power of Xin Yuxia, the demon warrior had no power to resist.

The basic score of DARKNESS also dropped sharply to 1200 points.

However, Yucheng Judai's combo was not that simple.

"At this moment, I activated the effect of the equipped magic card [New Universe Power].

When the New Universe equipped with this magic card destroys the opponent's monster, it will inflict damage equal to the attack power of the destroyed monster."(High-end Flame Winged Man)

When the billowing smoke began to slowly recede, the New Universe shining with a faint golden light appeared in front of Darkness.


A heavy palm fell on Darkness. His basic score was immediately reset to zero.

Darkness also turned into a ball of black mist and disappeared from this world.

After successfully defeating the enemy,

Yuki Judai clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"See, this is the power of Xin Yu Xia!!!" Perhaps

, it is because of the belief in the bond between himself and Xin Yu Xia........

Even if he had to sacrifice five cards, he still chose to call out [Elemental Hero - Xin Yuxia]. (Too soulful!)

The scene was frozen at this point and could not be stopped.

This duel ended with Yuki Judai's absolute victory.

Even if he made a"five for one" operation, he still won the duel very easily.

However, outside the screen

���In the world of 5DS, looking at the victory of Yuki Judai on the screen,

Jack at this time also twitched his mouth slightly and said

"so......All of them can make him win the duel."


Jack, he is still upset about Yuki Judai's"five for one" operation.

To be honest, he really thinks that this"five for one" operation is too wasteful.

Jack even thinks that Yuki Judai in the picture can win, that's just luck.

However, just when Jack's voice fell,

Fudo Yusei, who was standing next to him, quickly spoke up

"Don't be like this, Jack.

Everything about a duelist is inevitable. Maybe luck does have an impact on a duelist.

But don't forget that luck is also a part of strength."

Listening to Yusei Fudo's words, Jack calmed down a little at this time.

However, he still felt that Yuki Judai's"five for one" operation just now was really a huge mistake.

However, just when Yusei Fudo and Jack had just finished their conversation.


On the mysterious huge screen, the eye-catching white text appeared again.

【Yu-Gi-Oh! Five. Top 4 of the Dark History Ranking of Major Characters -"Fudo Yusei, Pulling the Screw"】

Looking at this title, Fudo Yusei's expression changed slightly.

He felt confused.

The previous"Five for One" could at least be barely understood.


This"screw pulling".

No matter how good he is at thinking and analyzing, he can't figure out what's going on.

【Today's fourth update is complete. Thank you all for your support!

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