What's the big deal? The feast is almost about to start, but the bride and groom haven't come back yet. Isn't this delaying everyone's meal!

Everyone was anxious when they heard that the wedding procession was stuck on the road due to traffic jam.

The bride and groom haven't come back yet, so the feast can't start on time. Everyone has been smelling the feast dishes for a long time, and their stomachs are growling. They thought they would be able to eat soon, but unexpectedly something like this happened. Now we don't know when the wedding procession will come back!

"Uncle, do you still want to continue cooking this dish? Where are they stuck?"

"Chen Yuan, don't rush to cook. Your cousin and his friends are stuck on the road. I'm afraid they won't be able to come back for a while."

"Okay, then I'll wait a moment."

Hearing what his uncle said, Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly. He could only wait. He couldn't start the feast without the bride and groom coming back!

This waiting process is extremely painful for those who come to the banquet. Everyone is already hungry. Many people have not even eaten breakfast and are waiting for the feast.

Especially the fragrance from the open-air kitchen is everywhere. Everyone feels like they are starving to death.

Although Tang Ningning is also very hungry, she is relieved that the relatives are not paying attention to her because the wedding procession is stuck on the road.

Silently taking out her mobile phone and opening WeChat, she found that there are actually many likes and comments under the video she just posted in her circle of friends.

♡ Teacher Gu, Zhu Wenwen, Liu Ziqi, Wenjun, Fu Jun, Feng Lin, Jiang Yi, Wu Saibiao, Liu Liangliang, Li Jiewen, Luo Pengfei, Zhu Xiaopeng

Zhu Wenwen: Is this a rural banquet? Look at this environment, it's really not good? Is it hygienic? Will I get a stomachache!

Fu Jun replied to Zhu Wenwen: Don't be too high-minded, don't look down on our rural banquets.

Wenjun: That's right, rural banquets are much cleaner than big restaurants. Although the dining environment is not as luxurious as in hotels, the food is made of real ingredients and washed before cooking. Whether the hotel washes or not, it is hard to say whether the ingredients are real or fake!

Li Jiewen: I am also from the countryside, and I especially like rural banquets. My parents used to help in the kitchen, and the banquet dishes they brought back were delicious.

Cheng Taowei: Did you notice that Tang Ningning's cousin's cooking movements are too cool, didn't you really add special effects to the video?

Liu Liangliang replied to Cheng Taowei: Damn, Ningning is not that kind of person, you are not allowed to say that about her!!!

Xie Jiaying: Ningning, this dish is braised lamb chops, your cousin's cooking skills are really good, I am hungry just looking at it. By the way, do you still need a cousin's wife? If so, do you mind having one more?

Teacher Gu: Remember to pack me some delicious food! ! Crazy tag Tang Ningning.

Seeing everyone's likes and comments, Tang Ningning couldn't help laughing, and quickly moved her fingers to reply to several comments.

Just after replying to everyone's comments, she heard her uncle shouting over there:

"Chen Yuan, your cousin's car has arrived in town, you can continue cooking."

"No problem, it's almost one o'clock, everyone may be hungry."

Chen Yuan heard that the wedding party was finally "out of trouble", and he immediately became energetic and ordered the kitchen helpers to get moving.

For a moment, the whole open-air kitchen seemed to come alive and full of vitality.


As the gong and drum team sounded, I knew that the wedding party was coming.

According to the wedding customs in Chen Village, the wedding car can only be parked at the entrance of the village, and then the grandpa dressed as a clown to pull the car to pick up the bride, and the grandma drove the car, and they had to be spoofed by everyone on the way.

The worst wedding in Chen Village is not the bride and groom, but the grandpa and grandma!

"Are all the firecrackers ready?"

"And fireworks, haven't you forgotten them?"

"Aunties from the flower drum team, start dancing!"

Seeing this, Chen Yuan immediately asked Chen An to run to the people setting off firecrackers and fireworks and tell them to stay away from the kitchen so as not to dirty the dishes.

Snap, snap...


The sound of firecrackers and fireworks was deafening, and everyone in the yard ran to see the wedding procession.

Chen Yuan was no exception, standing on tiptoe and looking out.

It would have been better if he hadn't looked, but he couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw it.

I saw that my uncle and aunt were dressed in strange clothes, and their faces were painted horribly. Especially my uncle, whose face was painted red and had long been unrecognizable. There was a sign hanging on his chest, which read "I am a fireman, I want to make a fire."

I couldn't bear to look...

Several uncles from my cousin's family were still teasing Uncle Chen Yuan with thorns in their hands.

Seeing the embarrassed look of Grandpa Xi and Grandma Xi, everyone laughed heartily.

"Oh my god, this smells so good, woo woo, I'm really hungry."

Smelling the fragrance coming from the kitchen, Chen Ping almost died.My own saliva is drowning, and my stomach has been growling for a long time.

The dishes in Yishui City are all soup dishes, which are quite different from those in Lengshui City. Not to mention that Chen Ping is not used to it, even Yang Yan, who used to be from Yishui, is not used to it.

Having lived in Chen Village for seven or eight years, many living habits have changed accordingly.

In addition, the couple planned to go home for a big meal, so they didn't eat much breakfast at all, and they were stuck on the way home for a long time. Now they smelled the fragrance in the yard, and their internal organs were in a meeting, ready to kill each other!

"Yanzi, are you hungry?"

"How can I not be hungry? I'm almost fainting from hunger."

"Then come with me, I really can't stand it, this fragrance is too fragrant."

Chen Ping took his wife's hand and ran straight to the kitchen. The closer he got to the kitchen, the stronger the fragrance became, it was simply fragrant to death!

"Yuanzi, please save me, my brother is dying!"

Chen Ping excitedly pulled his cousin's hand, looking pitiful.

"Is marriage so terrible?"

"Fortunately, I don't even have a girlfriend."

Chen Yuan patted his chest thankfully and comforted himself.

"Yuanzi, what are you doing? Are there any cooked dishes to eat? Your sister-in-law and I are starving to death."

"Oh, if I had known that marriage would be so troublesome, I would not have held a wedding ceremony."

Hearing his wife's complaints, he could only look at his cousin for help. The wedding ceremony hasn't started yet. If he faints from hunger in the middle, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

"Okay, the roast duck is ready to eat, and there should be a lot of it. I'll get you one, but you can only eat it secretly, don't let anyone find out."

"I know, I know, hehe."

Hearing his cousin's instructions, Chen Ping nodded repeatedly. He was stupid. If people knew that the bride and groom were eating like starving ghosts, wouldn't it be too embarrassing!

The oven was made by Chen Yuan himself using a large earthenware pot. A notch was cut in the bottom so that the temperature of the burning fruit charcoal could penetrate the pot well. The mouth of the pot was covered with a wooden board and sealed with yellow mud so that the fragrance could be well preserved inside.

Now, the time was just right and the oven could be turned on!

Chen Yuan opened the lid, and the aroma of the roast duck could no longer be imprisoned. Like a rebellious child, it ran away recklessly.


Chen Ping couldn't hold back his saliva any more and it flowed out without money.

The two couldn't wait to carry the duck on a plate and sneaked into the house.

"Wow, it smells so good, what is it? Roast duck? Why is it so fragrant!"

At this moment.

A group of people were attracted by the fragrance and just saw the bride and groom sneaking away.

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