Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 87: As expected of Master Xiong, he is indeed amazing!

Chen Hu hesitated for a while, but finally chose to believe in Xiong Feng.

After all, now he doesn't believe it and has no choice but to do as Xiong Feng said.

So he sent two subordinates again, separated from them, and headed in the other direction.

However, when he watched the two subordinates leave, he glanced at his side again, and there were only eight people left.

"Continue like this, these people under me will not all be scattered!"

In this regard, Xiong Feng was just silent.

How does he know what will happen next?

Now he regrets why he just followed him to Rongcheng!

Originally thought that such a small town, there should be few powerful talisman masters, who would have thought that he would be planted as soon as he came!

Now he is thinking about getting out of this ghost place quickly, how far he will run in the future, and never come back!

So, he ignored Chen Hu and walked straight ahead.

Chen Hu could only quickly lead someone to follow him.

As for Xu Huan, he followed without looking, and he had no sense of existence at all.

He is now waiting to see how Lu Lin will deal with Chen Hu and the others!

Not long after Chen Hu and the others left, Lu Lin quietly appeared in their original position.

He looked at the direction from Chen Hu and the others, thoughtfully: "Looks like, it's almost time to change things up!"

The next moment, his figure disappeared again.

Chen Hu and the others did not go far before they encountered obstacles again.

However, this time after Xiong Feng's investigation, he finally didn't need to let everyone go away, but needed to attack in a certain direction.

Although the attacking difficulty was not small, there was a change, which made Chen Hu and the others all relieved.

At the same time, they seemed to feel a little closer to the core of the rune formation.

This made them feel a little happy.

Chen Hu even praised Xiong Feng again and again: "It really deserves to be Master Xiong, really amazing!"

Xiong Feng just smiled indifferently, and a bit of pride appeared on his face.

In fact, he was also secretly relieved in his heart and said: It seems that the situation is not as bad as I thought.

If you want to leave from here, the odds are still very high!

Xu Huan looked at all this with a very calm expression.

He sneered in his heart.

Because he knew that most of the changes at this time were deliberately arranged by Lu Lin!

With such a change, I am afraid that Chen Hu and the others will also face even more terrifying dangers in the future!

It's just that Xu Huan still doesn't know what Lu Lin is going to do with these people.

Therefore, he is still a little curious and looking forward to it.

What Xu Huan didn't know was that Lu Lin had been following them all along.

Those who were separated were all introduced into the psychedelic array by him.

On the other hand, he has been using the talisman array to cover up, following around Xu Huan and Chen Hu, and continuing to download what he needs.

Right now, the "Frightening Dragon's Palm Method (Consummation he downloaded from Chen Hu is still far from progress, while "Transfiguration (Dacheng from Xu Huan is almost finished.

This is exactly what he needs the most right now.

Next, Chen Hu and the others broke through the obstacles of two talisman formations one after another, and even encountered some talisman formation attacks, but they were all resolved by them.

Such a situation made Chen Hu feel more and more that they were about to enter the core of the rune formation, so the people who controlled the rune formation were anxious now!

What made Chen Hu even more delighted was that he asked the subordinate beside him who was good at probing to investigate the situation at the core of the Fu array just now, and found that Lu Lin was still working **** refining, but there seemed to be no progress.

This made his face full of smiles, and he continued to urge Xiong Fengdao: "Master Xiong, continue to break through the formation!"

After several successes just now, Xiong Feng's confidence has soared!

He even secretly guessed: Could it be that because I was nervous, the talisman technique improved?

The bear wind is happy.

His talisman skills have been stuck at the intermediate talisman master level for more than ten years.

If there is a breakthrough, it would be a great joy!

But just when he wanted to go all out to crack this talisman completely and prove his talisman skills, he was stunned to discover that the talisman formation, which was quite simple in his eyes, suddenly became obscure and difficult to understand.

The feeling of being unable to start before has appeared again!

After studying it carefully for a long time, he finally came up with an answer that he couldn't quite believe himself, and said, "Next, we will divide our troops into two groups again!"

"Why do you suddenly have to split the army into two?!"

Chen Hu was a little surprised.

Xiong Feng pretended to be indifferent and said, "This is the way to break the talisman formation now!"

Chen Hu didn't hesitate, the main reason was the smooth progress just now, which made him full of confidence in Xiong Feng.

Therefore, he quickly decided to follow Chen Hu's words and sent out two subordinates again.

At the same time, Lu Lin, who had been following behind them, finally heard the doctor's prompt sound of "ding".

"Transfiguration" download is complete!

The corner of Lu Lin's mouth twitched, and he finally stopped following Chen Hu and the others, but turned around and chased after the two who had just separated from Chen Hu and the others.

According to what Xiong Feng said, the two of them had just broken through a barrier and were thinking about what to do next.

At this moment, they saw Chen Hu's figure appear.

Both eyes lit up, and immediately shouted respectfully, "Third Master!"

Chen Hu nodded to them and said with appreciation, "Good job!"

Both of them said with a smile, "the third master taught me well!"

Immediately, one of them asked suspiciously, "Third Master, why are you the only one? What about Master Xiong and the others?"

Chen Huhuo said: "I asked Master Xiong to take them to break the formation from the other direction. Then you all follow me and continue to go this way!"


The two answered in unison.

Immediately, they walked to the front very conspicuously, made a gesture of protecting Chen Hu, and cautiously groped forward.

But the next moment, what surprised them was that just before they had walked far, two whistling sounds suddenly came from behind them.

The faces of the two changed dramatically, and they turned their heads to see Chen Hu behind them, and suddenly launched an attack on them.

As soon as he made a move, it was his most skilled "Frightening Dragon Palm Method"!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Between the flashes of talisman light, UU reading only heard two muffled sounds.

The two of them didn't have time to dodge at all, and they were directly slapped and flew out by the palm of their hand!

All of them were seriously injured at once, and their faces were full of anger.

One of them vomited blood and asked with difficulty, "Third Master, you...why? "

Chen Hu just looked indifferent and said: "Do you know why Master Xiong keeps you scattered? This is my order! Next, I will use the power of your blood to speed up the refining of the spiritual seeds in this talisman formation. !"


The two subordinates of the Chen family all turned pale at once!

Chen Hu sneered again and said, "Our Chen family has raised you for so long, and it's time for you to make some contributions!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hands and hit them again with both palms!

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