Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 64: It would be a shame not to write novels!

Rongjiang River, above the river surface.

Song Bin and a skinny old man were standing on the river, facing each other from a distance.

Song Bin's eyes were cold and stern, and he glanced at the thin old man, his expression a little ugly.

He said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect that Rongcheng still has a strong man like you!"

The fifth level of the Moon Shadow Realm!

Comparable to his cultivation.

And this kind of cultivation is already a rare powerhouse in this banyan city!

The skinny old man just chuckled and said, "I'm just a trivial person, and it's normal for your Excellency to not know. This time, I don't have to be your enemy. As long as you don't go to the pool, I don't want to do anything with Your Excellency. "

Song Bin's face became more and more gloomy.

This time, he was really careless.

When he saw Zhou Hong coming over just now, he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack and take down the opponent with the fastest speed.

But he didn't expect that he had just rushed out of the psychedelic rune formation, and before Zhou Hong was taken down, another person would attack him!

That person is the skinny old man in front of him.

Then, he was entangled by this guy, and Zhou Hong took the opportunity to rush into the pool.

Now, Song Bin was naturally very worried about Lu Lin and the others, but he was unable to rescue them.

He could only hope that Lu Lin would be ready after he went down.

In that case, relying on various symbol formations, it may not be impossible to resist Zhou Hong for some time.

And within this period of time, he must get rid of the old guy in front of him!

So, he took out his weapon from the space bracelet.

A pair of fist-shaped attack talismans.

The next moment, his figure flashed, suddenly turned into an afterimage, and flew straight towards the skinny old man!

The skinny old man didn't dodge, but instead attacked head-on, raising his legs and kicking towards Song Bin!


Under the collision between the two sides, a harsh roar broke out.

The oscillating rune swept the four directions, causing countless splashes on the river surface.

Both are extremely fast.

Before those water splashes fell, their figures had already appeared on another river surface and collided head-on again.


The battle between the two sides officially started, and fierce collisions continued to erupt on the river!

Ling Xuan and Zhou Hong, who were in the water pool, could vaguely hear such a fierce battle.

Ling Xuan's heart sank: Sure enough, Zhou Hong found a helper, and it seems that Uncle Song was blocked by someone!

Zhou Hong was a little more at ease, because the person he invited did not seem to have disappointed him.

Immediately, he turned his attention to Ling Xuan again, and saw a trace of worry on Ling Xuan's face.

Zhou Hong immediately pretended to sigh and said, "Xiao Xuan, Uncle Zhou really doesn't want to be so unhappy with you! But, as you can see, your master Shaotian has a bad temper!"

When Ling Xuan heard this, he almost spit out nausea.

It turned out that Zhou Hong made up a story for him just now, saying that his son Zhou Shaotian had a fiancée who was married by his fingertips, a young lady from a big family.

The Zhou family was once famous for a while, so they made a marriage with each other.

Who would have thought that the Zhou family would fall in the way, and the other party would come to the door to regret the marriage, and humiliated their father and son severely.

Since then, Zhou Shaotian has always wanted to become stronger and seek revenge.

However, his own strength is too poor, if there is no special adventure, he will never be able to take revenge in his life.

Fortunately, Zhou Shaotian was lucky and met a powerful person.

The other party said that Zhou Shaotian could be accepted as a disciple, but Zhou Shaotian's qualifications must be improved a little more.

Therefore, in order to change Zhou Shaotian's life against the sky, they had no choice but to think of plotting the spiritual planting seeds that Ling Xuan's parents left him.

Zhou Hong said that they had never thought of killing Ling Xuan, but just now after Ling Xuan learned the truth, he was so emotional that Zhou Shaocai said such angry words.

"Xiao Xuan, with your talent, even without this spiritual plant, the future will definitely be extraordinary! But Shaotian is different. If he did not have this spiritual plant, he would not be able to worship the strong. It's even more impossible to stand out! We are all forced to!"

Zhou Hong said again: "Also, you can rest assured that after Shaotian gets this spiritual plant, he will not take advantage of you in vain. When he becomes stronger in the future, he will definitely repay you a hundred times a thousand times! So, you Just do him a favor, okay?"

Ling Xuan's face was ashen.

What kind of nonsense is this?

In the end, it was a sin for him not to give up the things that were originally mine to Zhou Hong and the others?

He didn't know how Zhou Hong said such shameless words.

He was so angry that he almost wanted to go out and give Zhou Hong two big mouths!

However, thinking that Lu Lin still needs time and that he can't beat Zhou Hong, he has to hold back his breath.

He even had some doubts, did Zhou Hong deliberately say these disgusting words, trying to lure him out of the range of the talisman so that he could do it himself?

In the end, Ling Xuan calmed down, but instead showed a somewhat soft-hearted look.

He hesitated and asked, "That person outside is Brother Shaotian's master? What is his strength? Is he really capable of making Brother Shaotian a strong man?"

As soon as Zhou Hong saw that he seemed to persuade him, he couldn't help but lift his spirits, and immediately said: "Of course! You don't know, that person has a great background! He is a super strong from the imperial capital, he..."

Zhou Hong began to rack his brains to fabricate and create an incomparably powerful master for Zhou Shaotian.

Even at the end, he also said that if Ling Xuan is willing to fulfill Zhou Shaotian, he can ask Zhou Shaotian to beg his master to include Ling Xuan as well.

Ling Xuan listened carefully.

In fact, he almost lost control of his emotions several times.

Because Zhou Hong is really good at blowing this week!

In order to convince Ling Xuan that Zhou Shaotian had a very good chance this time, he had no choice but to murder Ling Xuan. He made the skinny old man outside almost invincible.

He didn't even think about it, how could such an astonishing powerhouse be able to look up to a mere Zhou Shaotian?

You know, Zhou Shaotian was not even qualified to participate in the Rongcheng Talisman Competition!

Zhou Hong was still telling the story vividly, as if he was about to be fooled by what he said. UU reading

Ling Xuan also sighed secretly in his heart: It seems that over the past two years, I have been fooled around by him, which can be considered excusable!

He felt that Zhou Hong was a talent this time, and it would be a pity not to write!

It is precisely because Zhou Hong is so good at editing that he was just fooled, and he almost gave Zhou Shaotian the seeds for refining with his own hands!

Zhou Hong suddenly remembered something after making it up for a long time, and asked Ling Xuan abruptly, "By the way, where is your brother Shaotian?"

Ling Xuan's heart tightened slightly.

He just saw Zhou Shaotian being led out with his own eyes.

He also knew that Zhou Shaotian had probably already been dealt with by Song Bin from outside at this time!

However, if Zhou Hong asked this question, it proved that after he came, he did not see Zhou Shaotian, and he could not be contacted!

Thinking of this, Ling Xuan's heart moved, and he said casually, "He was lured away by Brother Lu just now!"

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