Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 22: Light up the stars around you and the art of refining talismans!

"Basic, don't 6!"

Lu Lin just waved to Ling Xuan with a look of disapproval.

At the same time, he secretly laughed in his heart: This is the best plan you came up with after various trials and groping in the original plot, can you?

He didn't want to waste time, and said directly: "If you think it's okay, start to arrange it now, and then quickly start refining the talisman!"


Ling Xuan nodded solemnly, "Now that we have auxiliary talismans, we can arrange the small five-star talisman first! What the big five-star talisman lacks, I will refine it in a moment!"

At this time, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing and the others have all left, which is just right for them to set up a talisman formation.

So, Ling Xuan immediately took action.

His figure left the cave, and scattered auxiliary talismans one by one around the hillside occupied by the cave.

Occasionally, he mobilized the talisman, and the talisman power and spiritual power blended together, condensed between the strokes, and left a rune pattern on the ground, rocks, and trees.

After a while, Ling Xuan moved the rune, and countless runes appeared around the mountain, and then disappeared immediately.

Hundreds of meters away, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing and the others were joining forces to hunt down a star-level mid-level monster.

After sensing the movement over there, they didn't care.

Because they knew that Lu Lin and the others would definitely further improve the rune formation and increase their defense.

They don't care about this now, they just want to quickly kill the monster in front of them!

Under huge pressure, they burst out with more power than usual!

This monster with a lizard-like appearance but a tiger-like body was quickly killed by them.

"Xiao Jing, you are in charge of harvesting the materials, Xiao Pang and I will find the next one!" Jiang Xing shouted to Zhang Jing, and then quickly rushed out in one direction.

"Hey, I don't call you Xiaopang! If you call me that again, I will beat you up!" Han Xiaomo shouted in dissatisfaction, but he followed decisively.

in the cave.

When Ling Xuan went to set up the talisman formation, Lu Lin quickly adjusted his breath to restore the talisman power.

Between the acupuncture points on his body, the talisman light flashes and changes constantly, just like the stars in the sky.

Taking a closer look, these stars are bright and dark, and they are vaguely formed into a series of veins.

Among them, there are six channels that are already very clear, and Fu Guang is also very stable.

The other three paths were very dim and did not take place.

This is the cultivation of this world's talisman masters, absorbing the power of the stars, taking them into their own acupoints, and lighting up the stars all over the body!

When the ninth level of the Astral Spirit Realm was completed, the seven hundred and twenty acupuncture points in the whole body were all opened, as if they were transformed into seven hundred and twenty stars!

Of course, Lu Lin now only has the sixth level of the Astral Spirit Realm, and he has just lit up 480 orifices.

The difference between different exercises actually lies in the method and sequence of lighting up these big points in the whole body, as well as the operation of the magic power.

The "Canglong Nine Refinements" that Lu Lin is practicing now looks like a phantom dragon shadow condensed by stars on his body, constantly wandering.

While cultivating, Lu Lin suddenly found that the speed of "Ling's Talisman Alchemy" began to change during his download task.

"Has Ling Xuan started refining talismans?"

Lu Lin's heart moved, and he suddenly ended his practice.

He opened his eyes and saw that Ling Xuan had come back and was sitting in front of the pile of monster materials.

In Ling Xuan's body orifices, the talisman light flickered, and the talisman pen in his hand swayed quickly, like a dragon flying and a phoenix dancing. On those materials, each talisman was branded.

Those monster materials have also changed with the changes in rune branding and rune formation.

Some changed color, some changed shape, and some suddenly changed from solid to liquid...

Then, different materials were continuously combined by Ling Xuan to produce more complex changes.

Lu Lin's eyes were dazzled, but at the same time he felt a little pleasing to the eye.

This is alchemy!

Lu Lin can also, but what he can only know is basic alchemy.

At Ling Xuan's current refining speed, he simply can't do it.

Taking a look at the download panel, Lu Lin found that "Ling's Talisman Alchemy" still took two days to download.

He also clicked his tongue secretly.

It really deserves to be the talisman technique created by the master-level talisman master!

Even if he and Ling Xuan were separated by more than three meters, Ling Xuan was still performing the Talisman Refinement, and the time required was still so long.

However, this speed has more than doubled!

Just before Ling Xuan started refining the talisman, he saw the time it took to download, but it was a full five days.

And this is only the "Ling's Talisman Refining Technique" at the Xiaocheng level!

If it is a Dacheng level, or a higher level of completion, the download time will definitely be more terrifying!

Speaking of which, Lu Lin really envied Ling Xuan.

Don't look at this guy's clothes are also very simple, but in fact, he is still somewhat different from him, Lu Lin.

The biggest difference is that Ling Xuan has a genius father named Ling Xiao, who is a hidden master-level talisman master!

People of this level, looking at the entire Scarlet Flame Dynasty, are only a handful of existences.

However, due to some special reasons, their father and son were temporarily separated, and Ling Xuan's life was a little worse.

But Ling Xiao still left a legacy to Ling Xuan.

Ling Xiao's "Secret Scroll of Lingxiao", "Ling's Talisman Refinement", and UU reading were all left by Ling Xiao.

As long as Ling Xuan cultivates step by step, all kinds of wealth, fame, and status will be at his fingertips!

Look at Lu Lin again, that's a real commoner!

Everything about him must be obtained by himself.

Fortunately, now he has a system.

In the future, whether it be these exercises, secrets, or talent, blood, whatever he likes, he just needs to download it!

"However, I just downloaded Ling Xuan's Talisman Alchemy, but my talent in the Dao of Talismanship has not kept up. It is estimated that it will be difficult to exert the power of this Talisman Alchemy!"

Lu Lin's heart moved, his eyes fixed on Ling Xuan, and after a few seconds, he saw his attribute panel again.

Name: Ling Xuan

Age: Seventeen

Cultivation: Astral Spirit Realm Sixth Layer

Exercise: "Lingxiao Secret Scroll"

Talents: Talisman (superior grade), fire type (superior grade), wind type (top grade), thunder type (top grade)

Bloodline: Body of Flame Spirit

Skills: "Cloud Tracking Footwork (Dacheng, "Sword Slaying (Xiaocheng, "Spirit Armor (Xiaocheng, "Ling's Talisman (Xiaocheng

His eyes focused on Ling Xuan's talent for rune and Taoism, and then tried to add downloads.

In an instant, the download time will appear on the download panel.

Thirty days!

Thirty full days!

He originally thought that his strength has improved now, so he should be able to shorten some time.

But the result was no different from what he tested before.

Lu Lin gave up decisively!

Still according to what I thought before, first download some middle-grade and high-grade Talisman talents from others.

Go back and wait for the cooldown of the second pass to end, and then take Ling Xuan's unrivaled talisman talent!

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