Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 14: Wocao, why didn't this guy follow the script!

Everyone is a talisman master, and Ling Xuan also knows that Lu Lin's sudden inspiration is not easy to come by.

Therefore, in addition to being envious, he hurriedly protected the law for Lu Lin.

Lu Lin quickly digested the "Blue Dragon Art" he just downloaded!

Do not!

It should be called "Canglong Nine Refinements" now!

Because, just as he guessed, after the "Blue Dragon Art" is downloaded, it really merges with "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements"!

A new cultivation technique was formed!

This new exercise is called "Canglong Nine Refinements"!

Lu Lin carefully read the contents, and found that this exercise was mainly based on "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", with some characteristics of "Blue Dragon Art" incorporated.

Take the advantages of both and become a new exercise!

This made Lu Lin a little excited!

Because of this, he doesn't need to worry about the later stage of the cultivation technique at all.

As long as he keeps trying to find ways to integrate other high-grade exercises, the exercises he masters will sooner or later become the strongest in the world!

And when Lu Lin was comprehending the "Canglong Nine Refinements", his body involuntarily started to run the exercises!

In the end, because his cultivation talent had just transformed into a top-grade wind element, he was more active when he cultivated than when he broke through outside Mosha Mountain in the morning!

Although this wave was partially blocked by the psychedelic rune at the entrance of the cave, it was still transmitted to the outside.

So, Han Xiaomo, who was only ten meters away from them and was recovering his talisman in another psychedelic talisman formation, suddenly sensed it!

Han Xiaomo suddenly opened his eyes.

A chubby face was suddenly filled with shock.

"How come there are fluctuations in rune power?"

"Furthermore, this rune power fluctuation... is actually somewhat similar to my "Blue Dragon Art"?!"

"Could it be that there are other people around here who have practiced the "Blue Dragon Art"?"

"But that's not right! Didn't the old man tell me that I am the only one in the world who can do this exercise?"

Han Xiaomo was in shock.

In the end, before he could come up with a reason, suddenly—

"There is movement over there, let's go and see!"

Han Xiaomo immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that it turned out to be a team of several contestants.

It turned out that because of the huge difficulty of the competition, many contestants have already chosen to form a team to fight.

At this time, someone in the team seemed to have discovered something and was rushing towards him with someone.

Before anyone arrived, a female contestant suddenly raised her hand.


The ice-blue rune light flashed, and a rune skill was released, turning into a huge ice cone, flying straight towards Han Xiaomo's side!


Han Xiaomo cursed loudly!

This is such a disaster!

He is practicing here in a good way, so who did he provoke?

However, he was the first to escape from the talisman formation.

As a result, he had just left the range of the talisman formation when that ice cone fell from the sky, directly smashing his talisman formation to pieces!

Several pieces of talisman used to arrange the talisman array were thrown into the air at once.

Han Xiaomo felt a little distressed when he saw that their brilliance suddenly dimmed a lot.

He angrily looked at the contestants who were rushing towards him, and scolded: "Look at the good things you have done! I have no grievances with you, why are you attacking me?"

The few contestants paused slightly, and their eyes swept over him quickly.

After seeing his cultivation realm, someone sneered.

"Fatty, we don't have time to chat with you here, so if you are sensible, hand over all the talismans and materials on your body! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

The person who said this has already reached the seventh level of the Astral Spirit Realm.

A higher level of strength is the basis for his speech.

What's more, among them, the others have also reached the sixth level of the Astral Spirit Realm. No matter how you look at it, they all eat Han Xiaomo.

When Han Xiaomo saw their arrogant appearance, he was not angry.

However, just when he wanted to do something, he suddenly thought of the aura he had just sensed.

There must be other people nearby!

Moreover, if you suddenly fall into this situation, it is the other party's harm!

Han Xiaomo suddenly felt that he couldn't do it, otherwise, wouldn't he be used as a gun?

Thinking of this, Han Xiaomo's face changed as soon as his eyes turned.

With a pleasing look on his face, he said, "Everyone, I can give you everything on my body! However, I want to ask, can you give me a chance to join you? Please!"

The people on the opposite side were stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect Han Xiaomo to be so cowardly!

That was the first contestant at the seventh level of the Astral Spirit Realm, wearing jeans, a denim jacket, and a pair of sunglasses.

He looked Han Xiaomo up and down and sneered: "Join us? Who do you think we are? Can anyone join?"

Han Xiaomo did not give up, but continued to fight for it, saying, "Boss, I am sincere! I will fight hard when I join you, and I will even give you everything I get. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the young man in the denim uniform became more suspicious, and said, "You don't want anything, you work for nothing? Then what are you looking for?"

Han Xiaomo said, "This Mosha Ridge is too dangerous. Now I have no idea to pass the trials, and I just want to get out alive. It's just that it's too hard for me to survive, even if I just want to survive!"

Among the few people on the opposite side, the female contestant who used an ice pick to attack him just now frowned.

She snorted coldly and said, "I think you have no conspiracy! If you just want to leave, why don't you just give up the game with your Talisman Badge?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of others looking at Han Xiaomo gradually became unkind.

Han Xiaomo waved his hands again and again and said, "No, no, I just interviewed for a workshop before. Their requirement is that I have to live to the end in this assessment before they can let me join."

Hearing this, the young men in denim suits were relieved at once!

Admittedly, they also knew something.

In this round of competition in Rongcheng, a total of ten contestants will only be selected to qualify for the official competition in Fucheng.

For most of the contestants, the top ten are basically unthinkable, but if they perform well in the competition, there is indeed a chance to get a good job.

Therefore, Han Xiaomo's remarks at this time are quite reasonable.

The young man in denim pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "First call out all the things on your body, let us see your sincerity!"

"no problem!"

Without any hesitation, Han Xiaomo directly threw the few treasures that were used to set up the rune array, as well as a short knife-like attacking treasure, in front of them.

Seeing this, the young men in jeans and the others couldn't help showing smiles.

"Xiao Jing, go and put away your things!" the young man in jeans said to the female contestant beside him.


The female contestant stepped forward and collected everything.

Han Xiaomo hurriedly asked: "Brother, look, I am so sincere, can you agree to accept me?"

"can not!"

The young man in jeans didn't even think about it, so he simply refused.

Han Xiaomo's face froze slightly: "Wow, why doesn't this guy follow the script!"

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