Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 10: Ashamed Ling Xuan, Brother Lu is so nice!

Lu Lin glanced at the sky outside, it was already late at night, and in a few hours it would be early morning, so it should be the next day.

At that time, the download cooldown was over, and he considered downloading Ling Xuan's high-grade wind cultivation talent immediately.

Then, I also downloaded Ling Xuan's "Ling's Talisman Alchemy"!

At that time, he will become the leader among the contestants from the bottom of the contestants this time!

As for Ling Xuan's unrivaled talent for the Tao of Rune and the talent for cultivation of the ultimate fire element, although those two are good, they are too difficult to download, and they cannot be finished in a short time.

So Lu Lin felt that he should keep it until the game was over, and then download it after the second pass had cooled down.

What Lu Lin didn't know was that when he was thinking about these things, Ling Xuan, who was in front of him, didn't actually put himself into the state of breath regulation immediately.

Ling Xuan has been quietly observing Lu Lin.

Because, he didn't completely put down his guard against Lu Lin as he appeared on the surface.

Even if Lu Lin fought side by side with Ling Xuan just now, even if Lu Lin helped him escape just now, he still had some doubts.

As the saying goes, the heart of defending people is indispensable!

What if all Lu Lin did was deliberately disguised, just to deceive him and then plot against him?

Since his parents disappeared, he has been counted several times in the past few years.

If he wasn't vigilant enough, he might have grown tall on the grave!

How could he easily trust others?

So he pretended to adjust his breath, but in fact he was quietly observing Lu Lin.

However, now it seems that he thinks too much, and Lu Lin doesn't have ulterior motives in approaching him.

Even, Lu Lin is still helping him protect the law very seriously!

This made him suddenly feel a little embarrassed.

After all, it was really inappropriate for him to be so suspicious when others treated him like this.

Even if Lu Lin didn't know about it, Ling Xuan felt a little ashamed.

The better Lu Lin behaved, the more ashamed he felt.

Therefore, he decided to adjust his breath and recover after a while, and work harder to make up for Lu Lin's talisman.

Ling Xuan couldn't even think about breaking his head, everything Lu Lin did was just to better download what he wanted!

Therefore, Ling Xuan now regards Lu Lin as a kind and enthusiastic person.

Lu Lin knew nothing about it.

At this time, he repeatedly recalled the details of the plot in the novel in his mind, while staring at his own attribute panel.

Thinking about what else he could benefit from besides downloading from Ling Xuan.

It's rare that all the young people who can be regarded as talented in the entire Rongcheng are gathered here, and he has no reason to miss such an opportunity.

Although the most dazzling among these people is Ling Xuan, it does not mean that the others have no merit.

Lu Lin's heart suddenly moved: I remember that the signature attack skill of the villain Chen Jiang in this episode is a fourth-level palm skill!

He made a decision all of a sudden, and later found a way to replace the "Basic Palm Technique" in his skills!

By the way, let's see if there is anything good!

Anyway, that guy will die in Ling Xuan's hands soon, so he can't waste it!

Looking back, if Ling Xuan was about to kill him, but his skills were not finished, he might have to find a way to make him die slower.

After all, Lu Lin didn't know whether the system could download things from dead people.

Afterwards, Lu Lin simply no longer limited to just recalling the plot of Mosha Mountain, but spread his thinking to a larger scope.

Although there are plots from previous lives that can be referenced, there are some differences between novels and a real world.

In the real world, everything is full of variables.

The plot, etc., may also have unexpected changes at any time.

Therefore, Lu Lin is more concerned about the character information.

But the author of the novel cannot cover everything in his description.

For example, character attributes, skills, etc., there must be only a rough description of some of the main characters in the novel.

For the information of most characters, Lu Lin needs to guess through some details himself, and then actually verify it, in order to know how valuable they are.

This takes a lot of thought and time.

However, Lu Lin was very patient.

Because he has seen the later episodes, he knows how deep the water is in this world!

Even if he has a system now, until he is really strong enough to compete with some old monsters, he naturally can't be too turbulent.

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about his next action plan and his plan to become stronger in the future, before he knew it, an hour had passed.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard some movement from outside the cave.

It seems that there is a battle in the distance, and there is a battle in more than one place.

Obviously, the other contestants are now struggling to survive.

This also made him a little fortunate. Fortunately, he chose to keep up with Ling Xuan, the son of luck, for the first time.

Otherwise, they might all be killed now!

How can there be a chance to lament the difficulty of others here?

At this moment, a harsh roar suddenly sounded.

Lu Lin's expression changed slightly.

This movement... I don't think it's far from them!

Is there anyone else nearby?

He felt a little headache.

Now he just wants to download some talents and skills quietly, why is it so difficult?

Then, he stood up, a little angry.

He wanted to see who was going to disturb his good deeds!

Lu Lin approached the entrance of the cave and looked outside.

There is a psychedelic talisman formation at the entrance of the cave. People outside UU Reading can't see what's inside, but they can clearly see the outside.

Not far from the cave, there is a messy meadow.

Several figures flew by and hurriedly landed.

At the front is a fat boy with a chubby body.

He has a flat head and wears glasses on his face. He is wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt with a tiger's head printed on the chest, and denim shorts.

As for her feet, she was wearing a pair of orange-yellow flip-flops.

He wears a Talisman Badge on his chest, and is obviously also a contestant in this trial.

But looking at his outfit, it doesn't look like he's here to participate in the competition at all, but like hanging out in his own home.

When Lu Lin saw this man, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The anger just now dissipated.

"I didn't expect it to be Han Xiaomo!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Lin's mouth, "I was thinking about where to find you just now, but I didn't expect you to come to me by yourself!"

It turned out that this little fat man was a character he thought was more valuable in the plots of the novels he had read just now. His name was Han Mo!

This guy's clothes are so distinctive, that's why Lu Lin recognized him at once!

At this moment, Han Mo looked a little embarrassed and panting.

When his plump body fell to the ground, he stumbled even more and almost fell.

As for behind him, there were two men in tight black suits with hoods covering their faces, with only two eyes showing.

The two of them had a fierce look in their eyes, and both of them were holding short knives in their hands, gleaming with cold light.

They are approaching the fat boy step by step.

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