Morning, backyard.

When the sun slowly shone in the courtyard, Lin Jiangnian appeared in the backyard after having breakfast and started a new round of practice.

The day's plan begins in the morning, so practice martial arts as early as possible!

After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, Lin Jiangnian felt relaxed and refreshed and continued to practice diligently.

Compared with yesterday, he has obviously made great progress today.

Yesterday, when I first tried Zha Mabu Zhanzhuang, I couldn't hold on for more than half a stick of incense before I was out of breath and exhausted.

But today, I don't know if his body has adapted, or perhaps with the help of the 'qi' in his body, Lin Jiangnian has obviously endured.

Lin Jiangnian, who has not yet started to learn martial arts, knows the importance of laying a good foundation. Not only to prepare for the future, but also to strengthen physical fitness.

No matter what, it can't be like last time, even Xu Lan can't beat it!

The courtyard was quiet.

The sun penetrates the shade of the trees and slowly falls on the yard.

The entire backyard is huge and lush. The courtyard was silent, except for the sound of Lin Jiangnian pumping his fist from time to time, there was no movement.

Not far away, under the corridor, stood two maids carrying tea and towels. Xiaozhu's figure was among them. She opened her eyes slightly curiously and looked at His Highness who was practicing diligently in the courtyard. Her small eyes were full of surprise.

His Highness is actually... practicing? !

I heard from the sisters at home that His Highness has been practicing martial arts with Sister Zhiyuan in the backyard since yesterday.

However, they all said that His Highness's sudden interest would definitely not last a few days.

Practicing martial arts is very hard. Your Highness has been pampered since childhood, how could he endure this hardship?

It seems to make sense?

Xiaozhu tilted his head and looked at His Highness not far away who was sweating profusely and showing difficulty but gritting his teeth and persisting. For some reason, a trace of worry emerged in his heart for no reason.

Your Highness...are you exhausted?

Why is it that His Highness suddenly wants to practice martial arts?

Your Highness, will you give up?

Outside the backyard, in an attic.

Zhiyuan stood quietly by the balcony, looking into the backyard, and his eyes fell on the figure who was practicing diligently in the courtyard.

He stared intently for a long time and remained silent.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about!

"Sister Zhiyuan, why don't you go down and see His Highness?" A maid's voice came from beside her.

Zhiyuan's eyes were cold and she said calmly: "No need."

Seeing this, the maid didn't speak again.

But there was some doubt in my heart. Didn't Sister Zhiyuan plan to teach His Highness martial arts before? Why is His Highness left alone in the backyard today?

Don't want to see it either?

I don't know how long it took, but there were footsteps in the attic, and a figure appeared on the top floor.

"Sister Zhiyuan? Are you here too?"

Zhiyuan looked back slightly and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

Xu Lan.

Xu Lan appeared in the attic and looked at the paper kite over there with some surprise. As if thinking of something, he quickly walked forward and looked along the balcony to the backyard not far away.

When he saw Lin Jiangnian who was diligently practicing martial arts in the backyard, he was a little surprised: "He is really still practicing martial arts?!"

"I thought he was going to give up today!"

Xu Lan looked at Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard from a distance. They were far apart, but she could still feel Lin Jiangnian's clenched teeth and perseverance.

There was some weird feeling in my heart. But she quickly shook her head to get rid of this weird feeling in her mind.

"This guy also said he wanted to practice martial arts before, but he ended up dying within half a day of practicing. What happened this time that he actually practiced it?"

Xu Lan muttered and glanced at Zhiyuan beside him inadvertently: "Sister Zhiyuan, how long do you think he can hold on and give up this time?"

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on the courtyard, he pondered for a moment, and shook his head slightly.

"You don't know either?" Xu Lan seemed a little surprised.


Zhiyuan spoke softly: "Your Highness, he will not give up."

Hearing this answer, Xu Lan was stunned. Looking at Zhiyuan, a somewhat incredulous look appeared on his face.

Never give up?

This is not a problem for Xu Lan.

After all, she knew best that the Lin Jiangnian in front of her was no longer the Prince Lin of the past.

He is fake!

In the past, the real Prince Lin, who was so pampered, how could he bear the hardship of practicing martial arts? But the Lin Jiangnian in front of him was different...


Why did Zhiyuan come to such a definite conclusion?

Xu Lan suppressed the trace of surprise in her eyes: "Oh?"

"Sister Zhiyuan, why do you think he won't give up this time?"



Xu Lan was stunned, is this a reason?

Or...she discovered something?

Xu Lan suddenly began to frown. Could it be that Zhiyuan had begun to doubt Lin Jiangnian's identity?

"Just, just a feeling?"

Xu Lan cautiously probed: "Just based on feelings, we can't tell that he really won't give up, right?"

"What if his interest this time just lasts longer than before... and then gives up again in two days?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and was silent for a while before speaking: "Last night, I tested Your Highness."


Xu Lan's heart suddenly jumped.

Could it be that she really discovered Lin Jiangnian's identity?

My heart suddenly rose, feeling uneasy.

Even she didn't seem to was Lin Jiangnian whose identity was clearly exposed, why was she so nervous?

"How did you test it?"

Xu Lan asked nervously.

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes moved softly, and she said calmly: "Last night, I asked Xiaozhu to wait for His Highness to take a bath..."


Xu Lan suddenly opened her eyes wide.

What the hell?

Wait for that guy to take a bath?

Wait, isn't your identity exposed?

Also, why did she let Xiaozhu wait for that guy to bathe?

Isn't that...a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?


"You need to abstain from sexual desire before you can break through the first level of the Xuanyang Mental Technique, otherwise you will fail..."

"If Your Highness is truly determined to practice martial arts, he will naturally abide by his desires and keep himself clean."

Zhiyuan's eyes were indifferent: "On the contrary, if His Highness was just interested, he probably wouldn't have any concerns. Then last night..."

She did not continue.

But Xu Lan understood.

If that guy was just interested, he wouldn't care about abstinence or not. How could he bear to have such a beautiful little maid waiting for him to take a bath?

Why don't you strip the little maid naked and eat her on the spot?

Hearing that this was the case, Xu Lan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. And then, something came to mind: "So, you conclude... that he is serious this time?"

"He won't give up halfway?"

However, after Zhiyuan was silent for a while, he still shook his head and said lightly: "I don't know whether His Highness will give up halfway. But..."

She seemed to have thought of something and said calmly: "His Highness's determination this time is indeed much firmer than before."

Xu Lan agrees with this point.

She glanced at Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard again, as if thinking of something, she turned to look at Zhiyuan again: "Are you going to teach him personally?"

Zhiyuan was noncommittal.

Xu Lan felt slightly worried.

Now Zhiyuan has indeed not been able to discover Lin Jiangnian's fake identity. First of all, she didn't get along with Prince Lin much before, so she couldn't be considered particularly familiar with him.

Secondly, she didn't get along with Lin Jiangnian much these days, so it was difficult to notice anything unusual.

But if she starts to teach Lin Jiangnian martial arts from now on, and the two have been in contact for a long time, what if she accidentally exposes something and she detects Lin Jiangnian's fake identity?

"However, this shouldn't require you to teach him martial arts in person, right?"

Xu Lan asked tentatively: "You are just his maid, this is not your responsibility... Besides, didn't you hate him before?"

Hearing this, Zhiyuan did not refute.

But her cold eyes were still there, as if she was thinking of something. After a moment of daze, she suddenly whispered: "This is my duty."


Xu Lan had a puzzled look on her face, why did this become her responsibility?

Why does she need to teach these things to a maid?

There are many masters in Prince Lin's palace. If Lin Jiangnian wants to practice martial arts, there are many masters who can guide him.

Why does she need to teach it personally?

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said calmly: "The prince ordered me to be summoned to the palace and allowed me to enter and exit Ruyi Tower freely, just for this day..."

She slowly raised her eyes, looked at Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard, stared at his back, and said calmly: "It is my duty to assist His Highness!"

Xu Lan had a somewhat incomprehensible expression on her face.

Why is this so different from what she knows?

Zhiyuan was still staring at the courtyard quietly, but her eyes seemed to be in a trance.

She recalled the memory of her first visit to Prince Lin's Mansion a few years ago, her loving gaze, his handing over the key to the seventh floor of Ruyi Building to her, and...his words.

"Zhiyuan, Jiang Nian has lost his mother since he was a child. He has a lazy and dandy personality. He has caused a lot of troubles in Linjiang City in recent years. I am busy with other things and it is difficult to take care of it. In addition, the people in the house are afraid of Jiang Nian's identity, so they bully and hide it. No one dares to take care of it... Therefore, I have called you into the palace this time. I hope you can discipline Jiang Nian for me, and hope that he will not cause too many troubles..."

"Jiang Nian's nature is not bad. I believe that sooner or later he will turn back. If he really makes up his mind one day, you will give him the key. As for the choice, it depends on him. If he gives up, then It’s okay to be an idle prince in the future. But if he insists... I hope that you can assist Jiang Nian well, and..."


Pictures from the past gradually came to mind.

Zhiyuan's eyes gradually recovered after being in a daze for a long time.

"Sister Zhiyuan?"

Xu Lan's voice came to her ears, and Zhiyuan looked sideways: "Huh?"

Xu Lan glanced around and saw that the original maid had already left and there was no one around. Then she seemed to think of something and hesitated: "I have a question. I don't know whether I should ask it or not?"

Zhiyuan glanced at her and said calmly: "Ask."

"that is……"

Xu Lan thought for a moment, then asked tentatively: "Your identity is not just the maid of His Royal Highness Prince Lin, right?"

Zhiyuan was startled and looked at her again, frowning slightly: "Why do you say that?"

"You were adopted by Princess Lin back then, right?" Xu Lan asked.

Zhiyuan nodded but said nothing.

Everyone in Prince Lin’s Mansion knows about this matter!

"I heard, just heard..."

Xu Lan thought for a while and then spoke cautiously: "Princess Lin adopted you back then, but the good times did not last long. Princess Lin unfortunately died of illness within two years. After that, you were raised by Princess Lin's sister... until a few days ago. Year, did you officially enter the palace?"

"But I heard that you were not trained from the beginning as Prince Lin's maid, but... as a child bride?"


Xu Lan thought of these rumors.

In Prince Lin's palace, there have been rumors about Zhi Yuan's identity.

Since Zhiyuan first came to the palace a few years ago, she has gained great trust from the prince and has become the largest maid beside His Royal Highness. At the same time, her status in the palace is very different from other maids.

She is a maid in name, but in fact she has almost nothing to do with a maid...

From this point of view, these rumors do not seem to be groundless... If she is really just a maid, how can she have such a status in the palace?

No matter how confused King Lin is, he can't trust a maid so much, right?

But if we say that she was raised as a child bride for Prince Lin's son since she was a child, then everything would make sense.

The child bride will naturally be the future Crown Princess and the future mistress of the palace... Doesn't everything make sense?

After hearing this, Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, and then said: "Who did you hear about it?"

"That's what's said outside."

Xu Lan asked tentatively: "Is this... true or false?"

"Sister Zhiyuan, are you that guy's child bride?"

She was curious about whether this was true or not.

Zhiyuan's expression remained calm, as if this matter was an understatement to her.

But, occasionally, there seemed to be a bit of confusion in her beautiful eyes.

Her bare hands were light on the balcony railing, and her voice was soft and trance-like.

"I have no idea."


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