Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 451 I want to sleep in the same room with you

Autumn Leaf Town.

An unknown town located in the southern part of Zhongzhou.

The town has a small population, but since it is not far from the official road, there are often businessmen traveling from north to south on weekdays, so people who travel around the world have a rest for the time being.

Therefore, there is also a post station in the town. Although the town is not big, it is quite lively.

at dusk.

Lin Jiangnian and others' carriage slowly appeared outside the town.

On the carriage.

When the maid Xiaolu opened the car curtain and saw the shadow of a small town in front of her, she was overjoyed and excited: "Miss, look, there is a town. We have arrived at the town... Finally we don't have to sleep outside tonight!"

In the carriage, Xu Lan, who looked tired after a long day's journey, opened the curtain and saw the small town that came into view.

I was so moved that I almost cried!

After driving for three days in a row, the whole way was in the wilderness. She almost thought that Lin Jiangnian was going to kidnap her and sell her to some nook and cranny!

During the past few days along the way, I ate hard food and slept either in a carriage or in the wilderness... Not to mention how miserable it was!

Now I can finally see the smell of fireworks in the town, which means I can finally have a good rest tonight!

Finally, I can eat hot meals and take a good bath... I have been traveling for several days without taking a bath, which is simply unbearable for Miss Xu who loves cleanliness.

When I see the town ahead, my eyes are almost glowing green!

I can finally have a good night’s rest!

The master and servant were so happy that they cried.

On the other side, when the carriage slowly drove into Qiuye Town, the guards who had been waiting in the town for a long time appeared to greet them.

When he returned to Linjiang City this time, Lin Jiangnian was only with Lin Qingqing. But on the way back, Lin Kong and others had already been arranged in advance to explore the route.

When Lin Jiangnian and others arrived in the town, their guards had already booked a room in the only inn in the town in advance.

However, in order to keep a low profile, the entire inn was not booked directly.

The carriage slowly stopped at the entrance of the small town inn. Lin Qingqing jumped out of the carriage first, opened the curtain, and whispered: "Your Highness, we are here!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked out of the carriage, got off the carriage, looked up and looked ahead.

The only inn in the town doesn't look big, it's quite clean, and it has a sense of the vicissitudes of old history.

Looking around the street outside the guesthouse, there were not many people on the street. People passed by in twos and threes, and there were also some outsiders who had come after a long journey. Lin Jiangnian and his party were not inconspicuous.

It is now evening and the sky is getting dark.

Wisps of smoke slowly rose from the town into the sky. At the same time, the smell of food filled the streets.

The master and servant Xu Lan and Xiaolu, who had just helped Xu Lan out of the carriage, smelled the aroma of the food, and their originally hungry stomachs were almost crying!

"Miss, I'm so hungry..."

Xiao Lu spoke pitifully.

"Me too!"

Xu Lan was almost crying. She swallowed, touched her already flat belly, and couldn't help but turn her head to look at Lin Jiangnian.

His eyes are pitiful!

Lin Jiangnian, who originally wanted to say something, looked at the pitiful master and servant in front of him and thought that they had been through a lot these past two days.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's eat first!"


Xu Lan immediately cheered and excitedly pulled Xiao Lu and rushed to the inn.

Inside the inn.

As the only inn in Qiuye Town, this inn is not big and has a slight sense of vicissitudes of history. The environment is not great, but compared to the accommodation conditions of the previous two days, it is obviously a world of difference.

On the second floor, in the private dining room.

The table has long been filled with delicious food, filled with hot aroma.

Miss Xu, who had been hungry for two days, her eyes were already glowing green, and she ate happily regardless of her appearance. The maid Xiaolu on the side was still reserved at first, but facing a table of delicacies and recalling the miserable scene of eating dry food two days ago, under the greeting of her own lady, she could not hold on for long and quickly joined the turmoil. during the battle.

The scene is very miserable!

If ordinary people saw it, they would probably guess that they had suffered some tragic abuse these days.

After filling his stomach until he couldn't hold it any longer, Xu Lan touched his swollen belly with a satisfied look on his face.

So happy!

If you have never gone hungry or lived a hard life, it is difficult to realize how hard-won this kind of happiness is.

To be fair, the food in this inn was of average quality, and for Miss Xu, who had been pampered since she was a child, she might have looked down upon it in the past.

But now, it is a rare and precious ‘delicious food’!

"I am full?"

Seeing Xu Lan put down her chopsticks and touching her belly, Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.


Xu Lan nodded: "I'm full!"

"Is it tasty?"


"Do you regret it now?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Miss Xu doesn't do anything good, but insists on following me to endure hardships. Why do you think you are doing this?"


When Xu Lan heard this, she glanced at the corner of her mouth and felt a little aggrieved, but she still said firmly: "I'm happy!"

"Okay, since you're happy with it, it'll be fine!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Have a good rest tonight, and we will continue our journey tomorrow morning. Eat as much as you can today. After tonight, we will have to wait until we return to Linzhou next time!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Xu Lan's face froze instantly.

Wait, wait until Linzhou?


Doesn't this mean that after tonight, the rest of the day will be like the experience of these three days?

When thinking of this, Xu Lan's face turned the color of bitter melon. Xiao Lu next to him had a sad face, and the master and servant looked at each other.

Xu Lan's expression suddenly became pitiful: "Are the conditions really so difficult when we go back this time?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What else?"

"Isn't there any inn on the way back?"

"It's urgent to go on the road, how can I have such good conditions for you...Didn't I remind you two days ago?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you scared?"

"If you regret it, you should have said it earlier, it's still too late!"

"Who, who regrets it?!"

Xu Lan opened her eyes slightly, with a hesitant look on her face, but her mouth was already hard.

"Isn't it because you don't have hot meals to eat? Isn't it because you can't sleep well?"

"piece of cake!"

"You are not afraid, so naturally I am not afraid either!"

"...Hmph, you don't want to leave me anyway!"

Lin Jiangnian was happy to see that Miss Xu's face was obviously a little pale, but she still looked stubborn.

"Okay, as long as you don't regret it. Then take a rest early and get up early tomorrow and get on your way!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan was immediately discouraged again.

Thinking of the boring and torturous journey back home, I feel hopeless...

I'd rather die!


Inn, inside the room.

Xiao Lu looked at her young lady pitifully: "Do we really have to keep rushing back like this?"

In the past three days, she felt like she was going to death!

Obviously lost a lot of weight.

Xu Lan puffed up her face, obviously making up her mind and never regretting backing down.

She, Xu Lan, will never give up on what she decides to do!

Xu Lan secretly made up her mind.

Xiao Lu looked at her young lady's appearance and thought secretly in her heart.

No, we have to think of a way quickly. If this continues, let alone whether the young lady can bear it, she will be unable to bear it first.

This time, the young lady went back with His Highness. My young lady obviously wanted to have something happen when she was alone with His Highness... But she had been traveling continuously for the past few days, and something wasn't right.

While Xiao Lu was thinking, Xu Lan was already yawning with a tired face: "Xiao Lu, I'm so sleepy. Go and prepare hot water for me. I want to take a hot bath and have a good sleep!"

She is very tired now and just wants to take a bath and sleep.


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lu quickly got up and walked out of the room.

Not long after, inside the room.

Behind the screen, the bathtub is filled with hot water, and the room is filled with a warm aroma.

After Xu Lan took off her dress, she soaked her entire body in the hot water and let the hot water wrap around her skin. The fatigue of the past few days seemed to be wiped away at this moment.


Xu Lan closed her eyes comfortably.

Almost crying!

The bathing conditions in the inn are very average, but for Xu Lan right now, it is rare.

Next to the tub, the maid Xiaolu was waiting for her young lady to take a bath.

"Xiao Lu, I can do it myself. You should go take a shower first."

Xu Lan knew that Xiao Lu was also very tired these days, and seeing that she still wanted to serve him, she spoke.

"It's okay, Miss, I'll go later."

Xiao Lu shook her head, and her eyes fell on her own lady in the tub. The water was clear, and her snow-white skin could be seen looming.

With a delicate face and exquisite facial features, she is a perfect beauty!

The skin was delicate and smooth. Xiao Lu touched it twice and couldn't help but feel envious. No matter from every aspect, my lady is excellent, except...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lu couldn't help but slide down her young lady's delicate collarbone.

It’s just a little too small!

But could this be a disadvantage?

Small ones are also cute, okay?

Who can guarantee that His Royal Highness, who is used to eating delicacies from all over the world, would not want some steamed buns or something?

Xiaolu was thinking wildly and stared at his lady for a while, then whispered: "Miss."


"Something is not right..."

Xiaolu said cautiously: "Miss, do you still remember the purpose of our return this time?"


Xu Lan's beautiful eyes were confused.

"It's Your Highness!"

Seeing the young lady's confused look, Xiaolu became anxious: "Miss, when you go back this time, aren't you here for His Highness?"

"We must take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture His Highness!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan turned red and said, "When did I say I was going to take him down?"

Seeing the lady's appearance, Xiao Lu couldn't help but sigh: "Miss, it's already this time, don't you still admit it?"

"If you miss this opportunity, you won't be so lucky next time!"

Xu Lan's eyes were dazed and hesitant.

She did have some thoughts in her mind. She wanted to be alone with Lin Jiangnian when she went back this time.

But what Xiao Lu said was taken... The girl's instinctive reaction made her feel shy.

"Miss, do you really want to rush on the road day after day like these days and die of exhaustion on the way back?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan suddenly became excited and shook her head quickly: "I don't want to!"

"That's right!"

Xiao Lu gritted her teeth and said, "Miss, you have to work hard!"

Xu Lan was a little confused and at a loss, her face turned red: "I...then what should I do?"

"Of course, you should use your advantages to find a way to take down His Royal Highness!"


Xu Lan blinked: "Where is my advantage?"


Xiao Lu fell into a brief contemplation, looking up and down at her young lady with a pair of black eyes.

"The young lady's advantage is naturally you!"

After a while, Xiao Lu withdrew his gaze and said this.

But then she waved her hand again: "But these are not important, what's important is that you have to take the initiative, young lady!"

"Take the initiative?"


Xiao Lu looked like an old emotional strategist, analyzing in a logical manner: "Young lady, haven't you heard a saying? A woman chasing a man is easy... As long as you are willing to take the initiative, His Royal Highness will be able to catch him easily?"

Xu Lan's face became more and more rosy. I don't know if it was because of the hot water in the bathtub or something else. Her eyes were a little shy and evasive, and her tone became more and more confused: "Then, how should I take the initiative?"

"Of course..."

Xiao Lu thought about it, her dark eyes lit up slightly, and then she leaned close to her young lady's ear and whispered: "Of course... pestering!"

"You see, His Royal Highness has no other women around him this time. This is a long way to go. As long as His Royal Highness is a normal man..."

"Miss, your chance is here, isn't it?"


Night fell.

The lights in the town were sparse, and there was silence in the distance, forming a sharp contrast with the prosperous capital.

After taking a bath, Lin Jiangnian changed into clean clothes.

In the inn, the voices of idle guests could still be heard vaguely.

After these days of continuous travel, even Lin Jiangnian felt a little tired. He waved his hand to let Lin Qingqing, who had been traveling and fulfilling his duties, go down to rest first. He sat in the inn for a while and listened to the other guards reporting the situation.

Everything was fine.

Lin Jiangnian has been keeping a low profile these days and has not encountered any trouble or danger.

However, it is too early to say this now.

Before setting foot in Linzhou, everything is still uncertain.

After listening to the guards' report, it was already late at night, and the guests in the inn had already dispersed.

Lin Jiangnian got up and returned to his room on the third floor of the inn.

Not long after returning to the room, Lin Jiangnian suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

"Xu Lan?"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Xu Lan appear at the door, rushing into his room with a bed.

"What are you doing?!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the quilt in her arms and he was stunned.

He was immediately suspicious.


Xu Lan, who broke into the room, closed the door and turned to look at Lin Jiangnian in the room.

The dim light shone on her pretty face, and her hair, which had not yet dried, was wet, making her skin look delicate.

White and rosy!

There seemed to be a bit of shyness in her beautiful eyes.

She bit her red lips lightly, feeling a little nervous, but her eyes were firm.

"I'm afraid you will leave me and run away after I fall asleep, so..."

"Tonight, I want to sleep in the same room with you."

Lin Jiangnian: "?"


At the same time.

Outside Qiuye Town, on the official road.

The lights were dim, and a carriage was driving on the official road in the dark.

Outside the carriage, a young woman looked up and looked at the sparks of light in the distance, her beautiful eyes slightly lit up.

"Princess, there is a small town ahead, not very far away..."

"Let's rest in this town tonight?"

Inside the carriage, the curtain was lifted, and in the darkness, a pair of cold and beautiful eyes were faintly visible.

After a while, another cold and calm response came.



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