Side yard, inside the room.

It was getting late, and Xiaozhu, who had just taken a bath, put on a pair of loose pajamas, wiped her hair clean, came to the bed, and carefully made the bed.

Immediately, he closed the doors and windows, returned to the bed, took off his shoes and socks, placed them neatly, and then sat on the bed carefully.

He wrapped himself in the quilt, wrapped it tightly, and sat on the bed in a daze.

It was getting late, but she wasn't feeling sleepy yet.

During these days when His Highness was away, Sister Xu Lan stayed with her. But today, Sister Xu Lan was frightened away by her Highness, leaving her alone to guard the empty room.

When I went over to His Highness' side just now, I found that His Highness was not in the room. Then, His Highness must be in Sister Zhiyuan's room.

Although Xiaozhu misses His Highness very much, she definitely cannot compete with Sister Zhiyuan.

The little maid is still very aware of her status!


The little maid wrapped herself tightly and sat on the bed, revealing a pair of smart and novel beautiful eyes, glowing with a bit of luster...

Your Highness, should you stay in Sister Zhiyuan's room tonight?

Then, will it happen again tonight...

For a moment, Xiaozhu was ready to make a move again!

Ever since I first awakened to some idea of ​​eavesdropping on the corner, I got out of control. Since then, I have triggered it many times, quietly eavesdropping on the corner in the middle of the night, until the last time...

Xiaozhu couldn't help but recall that the last time he eavesdropped outside the door, he was caught by His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, and then he was forcibly taken in by His Highness and forced to join...


Thinking of this, Xiaozhu's face turned red with embarrassment. He quickly buried his head in the quilt and rolled on the bed.

After a while, those shy eyes emerged from under the quilt again.

Although the last experience made the little maid a little scared, and she secretly vowed never to... eavesdrop again next time!

But when I thought about it tonight, my heart felt vaguely ready to move. There was a strange emotion rising in her heart, which made the little maid couldn't help but tighten the quilt, and her legs couldn't help but rub together.

Her pink face was flushed, and the little maid's heart was filled with confusion. I am a little scared, a little excited, and even vaguely, there is some inexplicable expectation...

Just as the little maid was hiding under the quilt and struggling secretly, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Xiaozhu, are you asleep?"

His Highness's voice suddenly sounded at the door, causing Xiaozhu, who was still immersed in fantasy, to wake up immediately.

He sat up subconsciously, and when he came to his senses, he was instantly embarrassed.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

"You, why are you here?"

"Come and see you."

Lin Jiangnian's voice sounded outside the door: "Open the door quickly."


When His Highness asked her to open the door, Xiaozhu hurriedly got out of the quilt, even forgetting to put on her shoes and socks. She stepped barefoot on the ground, trotted to the door, and opened the door.

Outside the door, the moonlight shines.

Lin Jiangnian was standing at the door, looking at her with a smile.

"Your Highness, why are you here?!"

Xiaozhu was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but look behind His Highness. Didn’t His Highness go find Sister Zhiyuan? Why do you have time to come to her?

"Come and see you."

As Lin Jiangnian said this, he walked into the room and closed the door.

Turning around, I saw Xiaozhu standing in front of me pretty. A delicate pink jade-carved face, cute and innocent, slightly red, as if smeared with a layer of rouge, but still white and flawless.

Xiaozhu seemed to be planning to take a rest. Her hair was disheveled and slightly messy. She was wearing thin and loose light-colored pajamas. Her snow-white neck and delicate collarbones were vaguely visible.

Extremely cute!

He was so busy coming over to open the door that he didn't even have time to put on his shoes and socks. He stepped on the ground with his bare feet and looked at him with surprise and a little shyness.

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward, took the little maid into his arms, and rubbed her little head.

"Why don't you even wear shoes? Isn't it cold?"

Xiaozhu felt shy and buried his head in Lin Jiangnian's chest, breathing in His Highness's breath greedily.

"not cold."

The sound is crisp and sweet.

"Nonsense, it's so cold outside."

Although spring has begun, the weather in the north is still cold. It was fine during the day, but at night the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold could still be felt in the courtyard.

Although the room was still warm, it was not hot enough to stand on the ground with bare feet.

After all, not everyone can be like that Miss Zhao.

Lin Jiangnian bent down, reached out through Xiaozhu's legs, and picked her up.


Xiaozhu's face turned slightly red and she gave a slight embarrassment. She subconsciously hugged His Highness's neck with both hands and allowed His Highness to pick her up.

Lin Jiangnian carried Xiaozhu to the bed and gently placed her on the bed. Immediately, he gently wiped and stroked her feet.

"Your Highness, dirty..."

Xiaozhu's body froze when the sole of his foot was touched, and his subconscious tensed up. Immediately afterwards, a blushing emotion emerged.

The room was clean and there was no dust on her feet. But after being touched by His Highness like this, a strange emotion suddenly surged into my heart.

Somewhat sensitive!

She wanted to stop His Highness's movements, but she didn't know what she thought of and held back. Her little face was flushed, her eyes were a little watery, and she stared at His Highness without blinking.

It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian let go that she shyly took it back and got into the quilt. After rolling around in the quilt, I heard another rustling sound.


What's this?

Xiaozhu quietly poked out another pair of eyes from the quilt!

Then, she saw His Highness undressing and wearing a wide band, and then...

Before Xiaozhu could react, Lin Jiangnian had already slipped into the quilt with ease. He hugged Xiaozhu, who was still in a daze, and kissed her heavily on the cheek.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Xiaozhu was stunned. It was not until he realized that His Highness had entered the bed and she had fallen into His Highness's arms at some point that she realized something belatedly.

"You, what are you doing?"


"Sleep, sleep?!"

Xiaozhu's face turned red with embarrassment, but his eyes were blank and puzzled: "Your Highness, aren't you going to accompany Sister Zhiyuan?"


Lin Jiangnian looked down at her: "Don't you want His Highness to accompany you?"

"No, it's not..."

Xiaozhu shook her head quickly. She naturally hoped that His Highness could accompany her. But she also knew that she was just a little maid, how could she compete with Sister Zhiyuan?

At this time, shouldn't His Highness accompany Sister Zhiyuan?

She was thinking of going over later and continuing to listen to the corner...

"Just, just..."

Xiaozhu blushed and stammered, trying to explain.

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere tonight, I'll just stay here with you!"

Lin Jiangnian rubbed Xiaozhu's head and spoke softly.

"Really, really?!"

Although Xiaozhu was surprised when he heard this, his eyes were still bright.

"I've already come in, can I still lie to you?"

Xiaozhu's face turned red and he said nothing.

At a certain moment just now, she even thought that His Highness just wanted a quick victory...

"Then, what about Sister Zhiyuan?"

Xiaozhu quickly thought of something and said worriedly: "Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu was a little worried. Your Highness came to accompany her. Wouldn't Sister Zhiyuan have to stay alone in the empty room?

Will Sister Zhiyuan be angry?

Sensing Xiaozhu's worry, Lin Jiangnian softened her smooth little face and said, "Don't worry, Zhiyuan is not such a narrow-minded person."

Hearing this, Xiaozhu blinked and said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

"This slave dare not say anything!"

"It's okay, just say it."

"Your Highness, don't tell Sister Zhiyuan?"

"What? Still can't trust your Highness?"

Xiaozhu felt relieved, then blushed, buried his head in Lin Jiangnian's chest, and said softly: "Sister Zhiyuan..."

"I used to be a little bit cautious..."

Xiaozhu's tone was a little aggrieved.

Before Sister Zhiyuan expressed her feelings to His Highness, she, the little maid beside His Highness, had suffered a lot!

I am often bullied by Sister Zhiyuan!

Xiaozhu could still recall the way Sister Zhiyuan looked at her some time ago, which made Xiaozhu shudder. Every day I reflect on what I did wrong and annoyed Sister Zhiyuan...

Lin Jiangnian laughed dumbly. He had heard Xiaozhu mention this before. It seems that the paper kite at that time did have a little bit of it?

"This is no longer the case!"

Lin Jiangnian comforted her: "Zhiyuan is no longer a petty person. It was your sister Zhiyuan who asked me to come tonight!"


Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide, a little in disbelief: "Zhi, sister Zhiyuan asked your highness to come here?"


Lin Jiangnian stroked the little maid's head lovingly: "Your sister Zhiyuan was worried that you would be alone in the empty room, so she asked me to come over and enlighten you... Is Zhiyuan good to you?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhu blushed and felt a little ashamed. I just spoke ill of Sister Zhiyuan to His Highness, but I didn't expect that Sister Zhiyuan would be... so considerate? !

Xiaozhu felt a little ashamed and buried his head directly into Lin Jiangnian's chest.

"Your Highness...bad..."

"You, you didn't tell me earlier!"

"Uuuu, Xiaozhu, I'm sorry Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu's petite body squirmed in Lin Jiangnian's arms, feeling the softness and delicateness of the little maid's delicate body through the thin pajamas.

Lin Jiangnian gently hugged Xiaozhu with one hand, rubbed her scattered hair, and touched the delicate and smooth touch of her face from time to time. The other hand fell on her slender waist, gently stroking it through her pajamas.

And Xiaozhu, who had been playing coquettishly in His Highness's arms for a while, quickly noticed something.

"Your Highness, why is your body so hot..."

Xiaozhu curled up and nestled in His Highness's arms, and soon felt the heat coming from His Highness's body.

It’s getting thicker and thicker!

Xiaozhu knew that His Highness's body was very hot and comfortable. Especially in winter, Xiaozhu likes to sleep with His Highness in his arms. The warmth enveloped her, driving away the cold of winter.

The same was true now. Xiaozhu enjoyed His Highness's familiar and warm breath and felt very relaxed.

It wasn't until she noticed that His Highness's body was getting hotter and hotter that she slowly raised her head with some confusion.

"Because Your Highness is a little hot!"


Xiaozhu was a little surprised. It's not summer yet, why is His Highness so hot?


Lin Jiangnian lowered his head, leaned into Xiaozhu's ear, and whispered softly: "I need Xiaozhu's help to cool down..."

Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Jiangnian. When he saw His Highness's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling, Xiaozhu's face suddenly turned red.

She naturally understood the meaning of His Highness’s words!

Cool down?

This is normal cooling.

Obviously just want to... use her to cool down!

After being taught by His Highness for so many days and nights, how could Xiao Zhu not know His Highness's thoughts and ideas? She blushed and buried her head in His Highness's chest again, shyly saying: "Your Highness, you are so bad..."

"You just know how to bully Xiao Zhu!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled, and the hand that was originally on Xiao Zhu's waist and gently caressed it gradually entered.


Lin Jiangnian seemed to have discovered something new: "Xiao Zhu, you are not wearing a bellyband?"

Xiao Zhu blushed: "I was just about to go to bed, so I just... took it off!"

Xiao Zhu didn't expect that her own Highness would come to see her tonight. If she had known earlier...

Maybe, she might have worn even less...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhu's face became more and more red, allowing His Highness to do whatever he wanted to her under the pretext of checking her body. At the same time, the little maid felt the hot breath of her own Highness, and also secretly took advantage of her own Highness.

When the prince was touching her, Xiaozhu was also secretly touching the prince!

This is called reciprocity!

But it was obvious that Xiaozhu was not the opponent of his prince. She originally wanted to fight with the prince on equal terms, but even after so many confrontations, she was still not the opponent of the prince.

Soon, she was completely decadent under the prince's attack, her body curled up, her skin flushed, and she begged for mercy again and again.

The little maid's already delicate face seemed to be coated with a layer of lotion, and it was particularly delicate.

Very tender!

So tender that it could almost overflow with water.

Especially when her face was blushing and shy, her slightly naughty eyes made people feel an indescribable impulse.


Lin Jiangnian spoke softly with a slightly hoarse voice.


Xiaozhu, breathing rapidly and with a blushing face, looked into her own eyes. Soon, she understood something from the expectant eyes of her prince.

The little maid lowered her head. Biting her lower lip, her eyes were full of love for His Highness and shyness.

Then, Xiao Zhu, curled up in Lin Jiangnian's arms, slowly shrunk under the quilt, accompanied by a rustling sound.

Not long after.

The moist and warm breath lingered and wrapped around her, and Xiao Zhu's voice gradually became hesitant.

Serious and well-behaved!

As an obedient personal maid, she devoted herself to "solving problems" for her own highness!


Emperor Ning passed away!

The atmosphere in the capital was tense and fell into a sad atmosphere.

As for how much of this sadness was true and how much was false, it was unknown!

It was not an exaggeration to say that people were panicking!

Everything in the palace was proceeding according to normal procedures. After the news of the emperor's death came out, the palace began to arrange the funeral affairs in a hurry!

Prepare the funeral affairs for Emperor Ning according to a series of cumbersome procedures!

This Emperor Ning was a wise ruler in the first half of his life. He had a high reputation in the court and in the world, and was respected and loved by many people!

Otherwise, he could not have closed himself off for several years and ignored the government affairs, but still had such a great influence.

When Emperor Ning passed away, many old ministers went to mourn, and many old ministers even cried so hard that they fainted. Some emotional old ministers even wanted to commit suicide on the spot to follow the late emperor.

Regardless of whether it was true or false, at least they got the atmosphere right!

According to the normal process, after the death of the late emperor, the new emperor could only ascend the throne after the grand ceremony.

But most of the time, many successors could not wait until that time!

The prince in the palace was the same!

On the third day after the news of Emperor Ning's death came out, under the persuasion of a group of old ministers in the court, Li Ci Ning, the crown prince of the Great Ning Dynasty, officially succeeded to the throne in front of Emperor Ning's mourning hall!

The country was named Taiping, which meant peace in the world!

At the same time, the world was announced that the new emperor had ascended the throne and a general amnesty had been granted!

The news spread rapidly throughout the country through the intelligence agencies of the post stations in the counties and prefectures of the dynasty!

At the beginning of the new emperor's accession to the throne, the political situation was unstable, and the previous early mornings had already made the people in the capital panic.

Therefore, after Li Ci Ning ascended the throne, he did not make drastic changes to the court. He adopted extremely gentle means, on the one hand, granting amnesty to the world and releasing many criminals involved in the reign of the previous emperor. Except for death row prisoners and criminals with bad behavior, most of the criminals with less serious circumstances were more or less commuted or released.

On the other hand, Li Ci Ning appeased the court officials and won over the power of the aristocratic families in the central region of the capital. He placed his own confidants in the court to stabilize the court.

In this way, those who were originally worried that the new emperor would continue to kill after ascending the throne gradually put their minds at ease, and the tense atmosphere that had permeated the capital gradually dissipated!

The capital, which had been deserted for several days, has regained its former prosperity. Even the curfew that had been banned for several days was gradually opened. With the new emperor's accession to the throne, the situation in the entire capital city tended to stabilize.

For most ordinary people, they don't care who the emperor is. As long as the emperor treats them well, they will support him.

Obviously, Li Ci Ning's series of conciliatory policies after his accession to the throne have obviously won the hearts of the people. Many people in the folks sang praises and supported, praising the newly enthroned emperor for his style of a wise ruler!

For a while, the reputation of the new emperor among the people rose sharply.

Jiang Mansion, in the courtyard.

Lin Qingqing reported to Lin Jiangnian about recent events in the capital on a daily basis.

These days, Lin Jiangnian hardly went out!

At this juncture of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, he, the crown prince, naturally did not join in the fun! However, Lin Jiangnian has always been paying attention to the intelligence news in the palace.

These days, Lin Jiangnian has been arranging backup plans.

He arranged for the Prince's troops around him to stay in the capital and pay close attention to the situation in the capital.

"Lin Jiangnian?!"

In the courtyard, a familiar and crisp voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a light green skirt fluttered in the wind, passed by the courtyard, and rushed over excitedly.

It's Xu Lan!

In addition to Xu Lan, she was also accompanied by the personal maid she hadn't seen for a long time... Xiao Lu!

When the Xu family was ransacked that day, Xiaolu was arrested for escorting his young lady. Later, the Xu family was acquitted and Xiaolu was released safe and sound.

At present, Xu Lan and Xiao Lu, the master and servant, appeared in Jiang Mansion again.

"How did you come?"

Lin Jiangnian looked her over. He hadn't seen Miss Xu for several days since she ran away in shame last time!

"Humph, can't you come?"

Xu Lan came to Lin Jiangnian excitedly, but when she saw Lin Jiangnian's expression and tone, she couldn't help but feel a little arrogant!

Why does he look like he shouldn't be here?

Do you dislike yourself so much?

Xu Lan was angry and a little aggrieved, so she sat next to him angrily.

Stare at him.

"Of course, you are always welcome!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke perfunctorily.


Xu Lan naturally knew that he was perfunctory and rolled her eyes: "Then you still look like you don't want to see me?"

"Does it upset you that much to see me?"

"how come?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Of course I'm happy to see you!"


"Can it be fake?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "But..."

"But what?"

Xu Lan stared at him and quickly asked nervously.

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down, and then sighed: "But every time you come in like a storm, I think it's some hero who came to me to swore a sworn brother..."

Hearing this, Xu Lan was startled, then glanced down subconsciously, then covered her chest with an expression of shame and anger: "You, you are mocking me again?!"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

"what are you thinking?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her inexplicably: "Did I say anything to you this time?"


Xu Lan's face turned red with anger, and she said angrily: "You, isn't that what you mean?!"

"What are you, sworn brothers, you, don't you just want to take the opportunity to mock me?!"

Xu Lan stared at him.

"You're too sensitive!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He really didn't mean that today. Seeing that Xu Lan's face was getting more and more embarrassed, she spoke to reassure her: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much about this. Look at you now, you are actually quite beautiful!"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian suddenly praise her, Xu Lan felt happy, but then she doubted: "Are you serious?"

This guy actually praised her?

Can you believe this?

"Of course it's true!"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down: "You are quite beautiful, and you dress well. You are such a beautiful... little girl!"

This is true!

When I first met Xu Lan at Prince Lin’s Mansion, Xu Lan was still a complete ‘tomboy’ at that time! She is obviously a woman, but she likes to dress up as a man, wears a boy's clothes, and behaves in a flashy manner.

You can say that it is some kind of fun for a woman to dress up as a man, but Miss Xu in front of her lacks the most crucial soul of a woman dressing up as a man!

Da Leizi!

Coupled with her fiery personality, it was really hard for Lin Jiangnian to describe.

But Miss Xu obviously listened to the advice and was educated by Lin Jiangnian. When they met again in the capital, Miss Xu took off her men's clothes, put on women's red clothes, and carefully applied rouge.

Not to mention, Lin Jiangnian was really surprised when he saw it for the first time!

But soon, Lin Jiangnian realized another problem!

Although Miss Xu has changed her clothes, she does look like a normal woman. But her character has not changed, she is still fiery and carefree!

This made Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but want to befriend her every time he saw her!

Xu Lan blinked her eyes when she heard Lin Jiangnian's praise. She didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would actually praise her?

For a moment, the shame and anger that had just emerged in my heart were instantly thrown out of the sky. A blush appeared on his face, and his expression became a little shy.

"Humph, this girl is very beautiful!"

Xu Lan muttered softly.

"That's not true. Miss Xu's beautiful face has captivated the country and the city. She has the appearance of a fish sinking and a bird falling..."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense!"

Xu Lan blushed and interrupted Lin Jiangnian.

Naturally, her appearance was not bad, but she didn't dare to even think about how beautiful she was.

Miss Xu still knows a lot about this.

"Okay, don't just stand there, come and sit."

Lin Jiangnian greeted her.

"You are stupid!"

Xu Lan subconsciously retorted, but she still obediently came and sat down next to Lin Jiangnian.

"What are you doing these days?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Stay at home with grandpa and the others..."

Xu Lan spoke in a low voice, blushing, afraid that Lin Jiangnian would ask her why she hadn't come to Jiang Mansion these days.

Why don't you come?

...This guy knows it well.

"how about you?"

Xu Lan asked back.

"I didn't do much. I ate and slept every day. I ate after sleeping, and was idle in a daze. I also tidied up my things."

"Packing up, tidy up?"

Xu Lan asked doubtfully: "What are you packing?"

"Pack your luggage."


Xu Lan was stunned: "What are you packing for? Where are you going?"

"go home."

"go home?"

Xu Lan didn't realize what home she was going to.

Isn't this his home?


Xu Lan seemed to suddenly realize something, her face changed slightly: "You, you want to go back to Linzhou?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Xu Lan was a little surprised: "Why, why are you going back suddenly?"

Return to the palace?

Is this guy going back to Prince Lin's Mansion?

So, what about her?

Could it be that we will never see him again?

This thought came to mind, and Xu Lan's heart immediately tightened.

"The things in Beijing are almost done. It's time to go back after being away from home for so long!"

Lin Jiangnian said.

"Just, is it done?"

Xu Lan's heart skipped a beat, and she felt disappointed.

So fast?

Is this guy going back to Linjiang City again?

But, but...

Xu Lan, who was still excited at first, suddenly felt depressed.

"When do you plan to go back?"



Xu Lan opened her mouth, as if something suddenly occurred to her, a glimmer of hope gradually appeared in her eyes.

"Then...can I go back with you?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her and seemed to understand something: "You want to go back too?"

"Um...yes, yes..."

Xu Lan nodded: "I, I have been away from home for a long time... I also want to go back and see how my parents are doing..."

"Yes, how about I come with you this time?"

After talking about it, Xu Lan's tone gradually became more confident, and she found a perfect excuse for herself!

She has been away from home for so long, and her parents must miss her very much in Linjiang City. As a good daughter, I must go back to visit my parents!

Is there a problem?


Lin Jiangnian looked at Miss Xu, whose expression and thoughts were all written on her face, and sighed secretly.

Miss Xu’s thoughts are a bit too easy to guess!

Why does she want to go back to Linjiang City?

However, after Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, he pondered and said, "It's not impossible if your grandpa agrees."

After Lin Jiangnian left the capital, it would be difficult to take into account the situation in the capital. Xu Lan would not be safe if he stayed in the capital!

Instead of doing this, it would be better to take her back to Linjiang City!

That old man Xu was under house arrest in Beijing and could not move. But taking Xu Lan back would be no problem for Lin Jiangnian.

In the whole Xu family, only Miss Xu could make Lin Jiangnian fall in love with her, if Xu Lan was not in the capital. At that time, the life and death of the entire Xu family will not pose any threat to Lin Jiangnian.


Hearing this, Xu Lan's eyes suddenly lit up, excited.


If you say that, can you go back to Linjiang City with him?

The uneasiness that had just emerged completely disappeared at this moment.

As for grandpa...

Xu Lan is not worried at all!

Grandpa will definitely agree, even if he doesn't agree...she can still sneak out quietly.

No one can stop her anyway!

"Then I will go back and ask my grandpa now?"

Xu Lan was excitedly preparing to go back to talk to her grandfather about this matter.

"Don't be so anxious!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "It will be the same if I ask again later when I go back."

"oh oh."

Xu Lan nodded obediently. She actually didn't want to leave too early.

"It's still early."

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was still early, so he stretched.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from the courtyard.

"Your Highness."

Lin Kong's figure appeared under the eaves at some point. He came to Lin Jiangnian, leaned closer and said something.

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian had a look of surprise on his face.

"They're all there?"



Lin Jiangnian thought about it for a moment, with a playful smile on his face, and nodded: "Go and take a look first!"


After Lin Kong left.

Lin Jiangnian slowly stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's actions, Xu Lan asked quickly.

"Go out for a walk!"

"I am coming too!"

Xu Lan immediately stood up and said she wanted to go out for a walk. After she came to the capital, she had never taken a good walk around the capital.

Now that I am leaving the capital, I still don’t know what the capital looks like.


Lin Jiangnian did not refuse and took Xu Lan outside the hospital.

After walking a few steps, something came to mind: "By the way, do you want to call Xiaolu and the others?"

"Oh... Xiaolu and Xiaozhu have a good relationship. They finally see each other, and they definitely don't want to go out... Let's not disturb them, right?"

Lin Jiangnian looked back at Xu Lan and saw that she looked away with a guilty conscience.

He smiled but didn't expose it.



On the other side, under the eaves, Xiaolu was holding Xiaozhu and saying something. When he noticed something, he turned his head and saw that his lady and Prince Lin's figure had disappeared?

Hey, where is the lady?

Where has His Highness gone?

However, Xiaolu didn't take it to heart, and then turned around and looked at Xiaozhu with excitement: "Xiaozhu, you just said... that you were with your highness a few days ago... right?"

Xiaozhu blushed, lowered her head and said nothing: "Sister Xiaolu, don't ask..."

"Oh, don't be shy, tell me, I won't tell anyone..."

"Tell me quickly...can that thing really be eaten by mouth?"


"Is it tasty?"


"It's so big, how did you eat it?!"


Seemingly receiving some affirmative answers, Xiao Lu's voice of surprise came from the corner of the courtyard.

Beijing, streets!

Lin Jiangnian and Xu Lan walked on the street, admiring the bustling scene of the capital.

Around the street, shops were shouting and vendors were walking through the streets. The bustling scene of the past reappears!

Xu Lan followed Lin Jiangnian, looking around excitedly. This is the first time she has felt the prosperity of the capital since she came to the capital!

"The capital city is really different from our Linjiang City!"

Xu Lan admired.

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Do you think Beijing or Linjiang City is better?"

"Of course Linjiang City is better."

Xu Lan said without thinking.


"Linjiang City is where I grew up after all!"

Xu Lan said matter-of-factly: "I'm not familiar with the capital, so what does it have to do with me whether it's a nice place or not?"

As he said that, Xu Lan had a slightly nostalgic look on his face: "I want to go back and have a look too!"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Didn't Heroine Xu always find Linjiang City boring before and always wanted to go outside to have a try? What? Now start thinking about Linjiang City?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

Xu Lan glared at him, a little annoyed: "Don't think I don't know you are mocking me again!"

When she was in Linjiang City, she really felt that the place where she grew up was boring and uninteresting, and she yearned for the wonderful world outside!

But after taking a trip out, I felt that Linjiang City was better!

Especially after being away from home for so long, I feel homesick for no reason. Although her grandfather and the others are in the capital, Xu Lan still misses the place where she grew up.

as well as……

Speaking of this, Xu Lan quietly glanced at Lin Jiangnian again, her face turning red inexplicably.

Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to notice the change in Xu Lan's reaction, and led Xu Lan walking on the bustling street. At the beginning of the spring season, the weather is getting warmer, and the withered yellow branches on the streets are sprouting new buds. You can also see a touch of spring in the cold north!

As they walked, the two passed through an alley and came to a street that was gradually becoming less crowded.

"Hey, where is this?"

Xu Lan looked around curiously, while Lin Jiangnian's eyes stopped at the door of a restaurant not far ahead.

"Cui Xianju?"

What is this place?

Xu Lan asked doubtfully.

“A great place!”

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Let's go and see the excitement!"

With that said, he took Xu Lan into the restaurant.

"Boy, we don't accept guests here..."

The restaurant owner came out and was about to speak. When his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, his face immediately said: "Lin, His Royal Highness Prince Lin?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the restaurant manager in front of him and chuckled: "Does the manager still recognize my son?"

The restaurant owner looked respectful and hurriedly stepped forward and said humbly: "That's natural. How come I haven't seen His Highness before?"

"Then here..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the restaurant.

The restaurant owner hurriedly spoke and greeted him respectfully: "Your Highness, go upstairs!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Lead the way."

Immediately, he chose a corner by the window on the second floor to sit down under the personal reception of the restaurant owner.

Along the way, Xu Lan obediently followed Lin Jiangnian. It wasn't until the shopkeeper left that she finally couldn't help but ask, "What on earth is this place?"

"A restaurant!"

"What are we doing at the restaurant?"

"Watch the excitement!"


Xu Lan glanced around blankly, "Where is the excitement?"

"Not urgent!"

Lin Jiangnian looked calmly and glanced at a box not far away.


Xu Lan looked around and realized that the restaurant here was not simple. No matter the decoration or furnishings, it doesn't look like an ordinary restaurant.

What's more important is that the restaurant owner actually recognized Lin Jiangnian's identity just now?

How could a small restaurant owner know Prince Lin?

"This is no ordinary restaurant!"

Lin Jiangnian noticed Xu Lan's doubts and chuckled.

The restaurant here was the place where Jiang Shaoan had brought him once.

This street is a famous smoke and willow place in Beijing, where countless children from dandy families gather. And this restaurant was favored by these dandy boys in the past.

The previous hotel manager, Lin Jiangnian, I met last time. It was obvious that the other party remembered his appearance and recognized his identity.

To be able to open such a large restaurant in a place like this, the shopkeeper must not be an ordinary person.

"Isn't it ordinary?"

Xu Lan's eyes were blank, and she looked around. The restaurant was indeed not ordinary, but she didn't see anything different?

Just when she was about to ask something else, she suddenly heard a sneer.

"Jiang Shaoan, you actually dare to come here?!"

Immediately afterwards, a stuttering and nervous voice sounded: "Eight, His Highness the Eighth Prince, you, you..."

"I told you last time not to appear in front of me again. It seems that you have not learned your lesson?!"

"No, no... No, no..."


The voice immediately attracted Xu Lan's attention. She turned her head and looked not far away.

At the staircase on the second floor of the restaurant, several figures appeared at some point. They were all dressed in luxurious clothes, and they were either rich or noble.

The leader was a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old!

He was wearing a brocade robe and exuded a noble aura. At this time, he was staring at another boy on the ground with a sneer on his face.

The boy looked pitiful, and his face was full of fear.

"Isn't this Jiang Shaoan?"

Xu Lan took a closer look and quickly recognized that the boy who was being bullied was the eldest young master of the Jiang Mansion... Jiang Shaoan?

At this moment, many people had gathered outside the private room.

The eighth prince was dressed in a luxurious brocade robe, staring at Jiang Shaoan in front of him, and his heart was burning with anger.

"If you hadn't spread false information to me last time, how could I have gone to find my third brother?!"

"If I hadn't gone to find my third brother, how could I have been implicated... Do you know how I have been doing during this period?"

The face of the Eighth Prince was full of anger and sadness, telling about his grievances during this period.

The Eighth Prince never thought that his third brother would rebel!

When he learned the news, the Eighth Prince was completely stunned! Before he could come to his senses, he was hung up and beaten by his mother!

The beating was so fierce!

The reason was simple. Before the Third Prince rebelled, the Eighth Prince had gone to find the Third Prince. As the Third Prince's mutiny failed, the Eighth Prince, who had previously had contact with the Third Prince, was naturally implicated!

Although it was finally confirmed that the brainless Eighth Prince did not participate in the Third Prince's rebellion, the Eighth Prince still suffered a lot of beatings.

And during this period, he was confined to his house and was strictly prohibited from going out!

The Eighth Prince also had a hard time during these days of being locked up at home... After all, he almost caused all the family members of his mother's side to be eliminated.

The Eighth Prince felt wronged and angry. His life was extremely miserable during this period. After thinking about it, he finally found the culprit... Jiang Shaoan!

If Jiang Shaoan hadn't suddenly come to give him some information, how could he have excitedly gone to find the Third Prince?

How could he have been beaten so badly?

So, after being released, the Eighth Prince ran into Jiang Shaoan in Cuixianju.

For a moment, new and old hatreds, and the grievances suffered in these days surged into his heart!

The Eighth Prince finally found a place to vent!


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