Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 397 Can you even kill Xiaozhu? !

Dawn breaks over the horizon.

A ray of morning light slowly rose from the east.

In the capital, after a heavy rain all night, the city was wet and cold.

On the streets, rows of heavily armed soldiers passed through in an endless stream.

After being noisy all night last night, the residents of the city who woke up early in the morning still didn't know what happened. The city was already on tight alert.

Countless figures left the capital quickly, and then the city was closed!

In the city, there is a feeling that the mountain rain is about to come again!

At this time, Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion with Zhiyuan and Liu Su.

The atmosphere inside and outside the Jiang Mansion was tense. There were many master guards lurking in the open and secret. It was not until Lin Jiangnian appeared that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, you are finally back!"

Outside Jiang Mansion.

Lin Qingqing, who had not slept all night, looked a little tired, but extremely excited. She walked forward quickly, wanting to meet His Highness.

"Your Highness, last night..."

Lin Qingqing had just walked halfway, and half of what she had said in her mouth was cut off.

She looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment.

In sight, His Highness was standing outside the gate of Jiang Mansion, holding two women on one side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Two women with stunning looks and charming temperament!

Lin Qingqing naturally recognized the one on the left, it was Zhiyuan!

But the one on the right...

The one on the right seemed a little reluctant, with a cold face, as if he was unhappy. Being forcefully pulled by His Highness, it felt like a woman from a good family was being forced...

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but take a breath and opened her eyes in disbelief!

How is this going?

Didn't the third prince rebel last night? Didn't His Highness take Sister Zhiyuan into the palace?

Why did he bring back another woman when he came back?

His Highness must have entered the palace and not gone to another place to rob civilian girls?

More importantly, how dare His Highness hold the hand of another woman in front of Sister Zhiyuan?

Or one on the left and one on the right... hugging the left and the right? !

Sister Zhiyuan, you still have no objection?

Lin Qingqing looked so shocked that she almost thought she was confused because she didn't sleep last night!


Your Highness is so brave!

Lin Qingqing quickly came to her senses after a brief moment of shock.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Outside the Jiang Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Qingqing and asked, "Did anything happen last night?"


Lin Qingqing shook her head. She had been standing guard outside Jiang's Mansion last night and didn't notice any unusual movement.

"very good."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said, "Everyone worked hard last night. Let everyone evacuate and have a good rest."

Hearing this, Lin Qingqing was slightly stunned: "Your Highness, is it over?"


"The Third Prince..."


Lin Qingqing: "?"

Although she didn't understand, Lin Qingqing could tell from the look on His Highness's face.

Third Prince, the rebellion failed? !

"Okay, let's go and rest early."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.


After that, Lin Jiangnian took Zhiyuan and Liu Su beside him and returned to Jiang Mansion.

Liu Su was still a little reluctant and struggled for a while, but was still pulled in forcefully by Lin Jiangnian.

Outside the door, Lin Qingqing looked at this scene, her expression became more and more shocked, and her heart was full of admiration.

Your Highness... you are so tough!

How dare you hug me left and right in front of Sister Zhiyuan? Today I dare to hug you left and right, but tomorrow I won’t be allowed to touch you left or right...

When Lin Qingqing was thinking wildly, she suddenly thought of something.


Why do you feel that the woman His Highness brought back looks familiar?

Lin Qingqing stared at the figure of the woman in black clothes and recalled what she had just seen. She is very beautiful, has an outstanding temperament, and has an outstanding appearance, but she is a bit cold and aloof, somewhat similar to Sister Zhiyuan.

More importantly, Lin Qingqing felt a little familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before.

The sky has not yet fully lit up, and the Jiang Mansion is still deserted.

Lin Jiangnian took Zhiyuan and Liu Su back to the courtyard.

"Your Highness?!"

Not far away, under the eaves, a petite figure was yawning with a sleepy look on his face.

It was Xiaozhu who had just woken up.

Seeing His Highness return, Xiaozhu suddenly showed a happy smile on his face.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan, are you back?!"

Xiaozhu walked forward quickly in surprise. When he just walked in, he noticed that there was another figure next to His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan.

Xiaozhu took a closer look, his dark eyes widened, and he said with some surprise: "You, you are not that..."

Xiaozhu quickly recognized Liu Su.

This, isn't this the maid who was with His Highness when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion?

What does it seem to be called...Willow Leaf? !

If Xiaozhu remembers correctly, it seems to be called this name?

However, for some unknown reason, Xiaozhu never saw her in Prince Lin's Mansion.

Just when Xiaozhu was feeling surprised, he quickly noticed something. Looking down, he saw the other party's hand being held by His Highness.

She, and His Highness...

When Xiaozhu looked over with surprised eyes, Liu Su subconsciously shook Lin Jiangnian's hand away in panic.

She naturally remembered the night she came to see Lin Jiangnian not long ago. When Lin Jiangnian carried him into the room, she happened to run into Xiaozhu...

Even when she left afterwards, she was still wearing Xiaozhu's clothes.

Hearing Xiaozhu's words at this time, Liu Su subconsciously thought that she had been recognized by Xiaozhu that night. An indescribable sense of shame arose in her heart, and she turned around on the spot in embarrassment and wanted to run away.

"I'm going to rest!"

Before the others could say anything, Zhiyuan spoke first.

After returning to the courtyard, she glanced at Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su, then turned around and left, going back to her room.

There were only three people left.

Xiaozhu's eyes were blank: "Your Highness, this is..."

She was so stupid that the little brain didn't understand it for a while.

"Stop being stunned!"

Seeing that Xiaozhu was still in a daze, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Go and clean up the guest room and come out."


Xiaozhu woke up from a dream, looked at his highness and 'Sister Liuye' beside him, and trotted away.

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Liu Su, who had a cold face and a slight blush, as if he could see her worry, "Don't worry, Xiaozhu didn't recognize you that night..."

"Shut up!"

Liu Su blushed and gritted her teeth, not allowing him to continue.

Immediately turned around with a cold face: "I'm going back!"

Just as he turned around, Lin Jiangnian pulled him back: "You're already home, where else do you want to go?"

"This is not my home!"

Liu Su said coldly.

"Wherever I am, that's your home!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly and said seriously: "As long as you want, this can be your home at any time!"

After hearing this, Liu Su was silent for a moment, then sneered and looked at him: "So, do you really want to hug me?"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Where did her thoughts go?

"You were quite proud of holding one hand just now, right?"



Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and then spoke.

Seeing Liu Su staring at him with shame and annoyance, Lin Jiangnian sighed, "If I say I'm not proud, you won't believe me, right?"


Liu Su snorted coldly.

After a moment of pause, he added: "Don't even think about it, just dream!"

"I haven't thought about it yet?"

"Don't even think about it!"


"Okay, if you don't want to, don't!"

Lin Jiangnian said, "I have something else to tell you."

"you say."

"It's getting late. If you're tired, take a bath and rest first. Let's get some rest before we talk."

Lin Jiangnian saw her eyes looking a little haggard, and said with some distress, "You must be exhausted."

"Not tired!"

"Then you have to rest."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and couldn't help but said: "I feel sorry for your body. I will tell you slowly after you have rested."

Seeing that Liu Su still had a cold face and was unmoved, Lin Jiangnian's voice softened a little: "Okay, don't be angry. I know you are unhappy, but your health is important..."

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's softened tone, Liu Su remained silent, her lips moved slightly, but in the end she didn't say a word.

But he didn’t leave either.

At this time, Xiaozhu ran back from the side courtyard and panted: "Your Highness, guest, the guest room is ready..."

There are many guest rooms in Jiang Mansion, even in the inner courtyard, and there is basically no need to clean them up.

Lin Jiangnian originally wanted to arrange Liu Su in the courtyard over Zhiyuan. After all, there were several empty rooms there, but Liu Su was obviously unwilling.

She doesn't want to live under the same roof as Zhiyuan!

But Lin Jiangnian didn't dare to leave her in his own yard, so he settled for the next best thing and placed Liu Su in the next yard on the other side of his own.

Just one left and one right, both rain and dew will be caught!

Lin Jiangnian was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Liu Su didn't mean anything to this and followed Xiaozhu's lead to the next yard.

"Liu, sister Liuye?"

Xiaozhu led the way, quietly glanced at Liu Su behind him, and then spoke cautiously.


Liu Su looked at Xiaozhu's pink and tender face: "You still know me?"

"Yes, yes!"

Xiaozhu nodded immediately: "Of course I remember."

Liu Su narrowed her eyes: "Then, when was the last time we met?"

Xiaozhu blinked and tried to recall: "It seems that it was when I was still in Prince Lin's Mansion... more than half a year ago, right?"

"Sister Liuye, you suddenly disappeared. Xiaozhu asked His Highness, and His Highness said you were gone..."

Hearing Xiaozhu's chirping voice, Liu Su finally let go of her hanging heart.

Fortunately, it seemed that she didn't recognize him that night.

"By the way, Sister Liuye, why are you in the capital?"

Xiaozhu couldn't help but asked curiously: "Do you have that kind of relationship with His Highness?

She was really curious about the relationship between His Highness and this sister Liu Ye. She would not be like her and be given the same treatment by His Highness...

Xiaozhu's face turned red.


Liu Su stared at Xiaozhu in front of her, seeming to think of something, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "You, and your highness are already...that?"


After settling Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian took a bath and changed into clean clothes. He originally wanted to visit Zhiyuan, but learned that Zhiyuan had already gone to bed.

Lin Jiangnian wasn't very sleepy, but he was tired after a long day, so he went back to his room first. After sitting cross-legged on the bed and practicing internal energy for a while, he fell down and fell into a drowsy sleep.

This night, Lin Jiangnian didn't sleep very peacefully.

I also had a dream!

In the dream, I dreamed that Zhiyuan got into a fight with Liu Su for some unknown reason.

The two of them fought so hard that the Jiang Mansion was almost overturned. Lin Jiangnian stepped forward to break up the fight, and then became the target of the two men's fire.

Wake up Lin Jiangnian directly!

When I opened my eyes, the window was bright!

It's noon.

Lin Jiangnian woke up with a start, feeling inexplicably excited about the aftermath of the disaster. He took a deep breath and felt that something was wrong!

Is there... someone in the room? !

Lin Jiangnian suddenly became alert and turned his head, and saw a figure sitting in front of the table outside the screen.

Like waiting for a long time.

Lin Jiangnian immediately sat up.


There was no response from outside the screen.

Lin Jiangnian got up, put on his clothes and came outside the screen.

When she saw the table, Liu Su changed into a tight-fitting skirt. The underskirt seemed a little too small, and she looked a little cautious when wearing it. The underskirt that should have been loose was a bit tight on her body.

The silk fabric was tightly wrapped, highlighting her proud figure! Especially those plump and round breasts are even more... amazing!

Coupled with her cool and elegant temperament, it is quite inconsistent!

But even more contrasting!

Lin Jiangnian could tell at a glance that Liu Su was wearing Xiaozhu's clothes. Xiaozhu's figure did not match Liu Su's, but her figure was almost the same as Zhiyuan's.

But obviously, Liu Su couldn't wear Zhiyuan's clothes. least not possible for now.

"Are you awake so early?"

Lin Jiangnian looked out the window and saw that the sky was gray. He concluded that it was still afternoon and still early.

Lin Jiangnian walked to the table and sat next to her: "Why don't you sleep more?"

There was a pot of hot tea on the table. Liu Su drank the hot tea as if bored and glanced at him indifferently.

"Can't sleep."

"Why?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Thinking of a certain beast makes me so angry that I can't sleep."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Leave it here and click on him, right?

"what happened again?"

Aren't you fine this morning?

Why did your face change again when you woke up?

Lin Jiangnian came closer and wanted to put her into his arms, but Liu Su turned away and stared at him warily: "Don't touch me!"

"What happened?"

Lin Jiangnian wondered, where did he offend her?

"What do you think?"

Liu Su stared at him coldly, seemingly angry.

"How about you tell me?"

Lin Jiangnian tentatively said.

Seeing Liu Su staring and saying nothing, Lin Jiangnian said innocently: "How come I, a good person like me, have turned into a beast again?"

"do not you?"

"Where am I?"

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth to defend himself. Wouldn't this tarnish his reputation?

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian still refused to admit it, Liu Su glanced at him without sneering: "Xiao Zhu is still so young, you can do it... What are you if you are not a beast?!"

Yes, come again!

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Didn't you mention it last time?"

"Can't we mention it again?"

Liu Su's face was expressionless. She indeed knew that Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu had already... But it was the last time. This time she heard the details from Xiaozhu's mouth in person, and she was still very angry.

Xiaozhu was still so could he do this? !

"Xiaozhu is not young anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed and explained: "Xiaozhu is indeed a bit smaller compared to you. She looks still small, but in fact she is not that small anymore..."

When he started talking, his eyes inadvertently fell on Liu Su's plump and round parts that were tightly constrained by her underskirt, and he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Just these few glances were immediately noticed by Liu Su. Her face turned red with embarrassment and she said angrily: "You...I'm not talking about this size!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his head in confusion. When he saw Liu Su's red and angry look, he blinked and realized something.

"I'm not talking about this little..."


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