Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 249 Auntie is here, hide now

In the bathroom.

The mist was so thick that it almost obscured the view.

Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes and soaked in the bath. The steaming hot water packs away the coldness from your body.

There are still some medicines floating on the water, turning the hot water into light green. The breath of hot water flows slowly along the pores of the skin, like a massage, relaxing the whole body.

Feel refreshed!

The heat filled the air, and Lin Jiangnian activated the Xuanyang mind method in his body. As the mind moves, the hot water in the bath begins to boil slightly.

The fog became thicker, the bathroom was hazy, and the faint aroma of herbs in the water entered Lin Jiangnian's body along his pores.


At this moment, the sound of the door being pushed suddenly came from behind.

Very lightly, very subtle, a figure slowly stepped into the bathroom.

Lin Jiangnian did not look back, his tone was lazy and a bit teasing.

"Xiaozhu, come here and help me rub my back!"

There was no response, but footsteps could be heard approaching.

With very light steps and subtle touches, he walked slowly behind Lin Jiangnian and stopped.

In the bath, Lin Jiangnian closed his eyes and felt the comfort of the hot water medicated bath, which made the fatigue from the previous sword practice disappear.

Feeling comfortable, warm and relaxed all over.

"Xiaozhu, what's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian did not look back. In the bathroom, the smoke was hazy. With his eyes half closed, he could feel Xiaozhu standing behind him, motionless.

What happened to this little maid today?

What a fool.

Could it be that you were tired before?

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows as if he thought of something, "Don't be afraid, Xiaozhu, His Highness won't bully you today."

no respond.

The figure behind him remained motionless.

Lin Jiangnian felt something was wrong now. When he was about to look back, the figure that had been motionless behind him finally moved.

He gently picked up the towel on the side and dipped it in hot water. He touched the skin of Lin Jiangnian's back very lightly and with a touch of unfamiliarity and trembling.

The movements were very light and unfamiliar, as if it was the first time.

"Xiaozhu, your back-rubbing skills have declined!"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes and said, "It's too light. Use a little more force..."

When he tricked Xiaozhu into rubbing his back for the first time in Prince Lin's Mansion, Xiaozhu's movements were very unfamiliar. However, as the times increased, Xiaozhu's skills continued to improve.

On the way to Beijing, I rarely let Xiaozhu wait on me. If I think about it carefully, I haven't had Xiaozhu rub my back for a while.

No wonder technology has declined!

Feeling the unfamiliar skill of rubbing the back behind him, which was even a little unfamiliar, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "Xiaozhu, your skills have really deteriorated. It seems that you haven't studied hard during this period. Wait until you go to His Highness's room, Your Highness will give you a good lesson tonight You have two skills..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the hand behind him that was moving unfamiliarly suddenly stopped slightly.

"Hey, don't stop, keep going, use more force..."

Just as Lin Jiangnian spoke, the next second he suddenly felt the originally light movements behind him suddenly become heavier.

Rub it down with all your strength!


Even though Lin Jiangnian was now rough-skinned and fleshy, he couldn't help but scream and take a breath of cold air.

"Xiaozhu, why are you so strong?"

"Tap, tap, tap..."


The sudden forceful hand rubbed Lin Jiangnian's back hard, causing Lin Jiangnian to gasp in pain. Haven't reacted yet.


Lin Jiangnian was pushed directly into the bathtub by the force coming from his back.

The sound of rushing footsteps leaving

Lin Jiangnian stood up from the water, turned around and saw a figure pushing open the door of the bathroom and leaving angrily.

There was mist and hazy steam in the bathroom. I could only vaguely see the hazy figure, but I couldn't make out its appearance at all.

He closed the door angrily.

Xiaozhu, what's going on?

Where did you get so much strength?

What are you angry about?


Is it Xiaozhu?

Lin Jiangnian had a look of confusion on his face and subconsciously touched his back. He could feel the redness on his back without looking back.

What a cruel attack!

Xiaozhu doesn't have that much strength, does he?

Confused, Lin Jiangnian quickly finished taking a bath, got up, dried himself, put on his clothes, stood up, opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Outside the door, there was silence and no one. Even the maid who was supposed to be guarding the door on weekdays was nowhere to be seen.

Where are people?

Where have you gone?

Lin Jiangnian left the yard, but still couldn't see a single person. When they passed through a pavilion corridor, they finally bumped into Xiaozhu.


"Your Highness."

Xiaozhu's soft voice came and he blinked: "Your Highness, have you finished bathing?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at Xiaozhu: "Where were you just now?"

"My slave didn't go anywhere!" Xiaozhu blinked and said innocently.

"Then just now..."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her: "Why did you run away halfway through rubbing my prince's back?"

"Run, run away?!"

Xiaozhu's head was slightly stunned.

She didn't go at all just now?

Sister Zhiyuan didn't let her...

For a moment, Xiaozhu blinked as if he suddenly remembered something.

That couldn't be paper...

As if he realized something, Xiaozhu blinked his eyes, looked up at His Highness who was staring at him with burning eyes, and rolled his small black eyes, just when he was about to say something.

"Xiao Zhu!"

Suddenly a cold voice came from behind.

Xiaozhu subconsciously turned around and saw the cold figure not far away.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan?"

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

Zhiyuan stood at the end of the pavilion corridor and spoke expressionlessly.

Xiaozhu blinked and looked at Lin Jiangnian for help. Lin Jiangnian also happened to be looking at Zhiyuan not far away, and his delicate face looked particularly deserted under the dark moonlight.

No emotion visible.

"Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu spoke softly, hesitating.

Lin Jiangnian said softly: "Let's go."


Xiaozhu nodded obediently and walked towards Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan turned around and left, never looking at Lin Jiangnian from beginning to end.

Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's leaving figure, thoughtfully.

Then, he went back to the room in the courtyard and sat cross-legged in the room, working his mind to digest the medicine absorbed by his body.

After the medicine was completely digested, Lin Jiangnian felt hot all over his body and his skin turned slightly red. He exhaled, stood up, opened the door and walked out, letting the cold wind outside the door blow down on him, which made him feel particularly comfortable.

The cold weather and freezing ground are just right for Lin Jiangnian to practice the Xuanyang Heart Method.

After standing in the courtyard and calming down for a while, Lin Jiangnian set off to the courtyard next door. As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he saw a figure walking out of a room not far away. He was about to go back to his room when he bumped into Lin Jiangnian.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Xiao Zhu!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced down. When the little maid saw him, she looked a little flustered and sneaky: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..." The little maid shook her head quickly.

"Really?" Lin Jiangnian's tone changed: "Are you hiding something from His Highness?"

"No, no..."

The little maid didn't dare to look Lin Jiangnian in the eye, lowered her head and shook her head repeatedly.

"Not honest yet?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced at the room not far away, "What did Zhiyuan want to do with you just now?"

"no no……"

Xiaozhu was obviously feeling guilty at this time, and even his voice became much softer: "Your Highness, Xiaozhu, Xiaozhu wants to go and rest..."

With that said, the little maid lowered her head and ran away.

He ran very fast, as if he was afraid of being caught by Lin Jiangnian, so he ran back to the room.

Close the door and lock it, all in one go.

Lin Jiangnian stood there and looked at the room not far away.

very good!

Even this little girl dared to lie to him.

It's all her fault!

Lin Jiangnian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and walked towards the room not far away. Walking closer to the outside of the room, there was a soft yellow light on inside.

Lin Jiangnian pushed the door. It was unlocked and opened with a slight push.

He walked in, closed the door, and locked it.

Same thing in one go.

After doing this, Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked into the room.

It was a slightly cold room with plain and simple displays. There was a figure sitting quietly in front of the table not far away. He was staring at the bronze mirror without saying a word, leaving Lin Jiangnian with a beautiful and cold back.

A head of black hair was scattered, falling like a waterfall, and the bronze mirror reflected a beautiful face, which was a little less cold and a little more gentle.

Zhiyuan changed into loose clothes, an off-white loose robe, and the girl's figure was looming.

Lin Jiangnian walked closer slowly and looked at that delicate face through the bronze mirror. Those calm eyes were also falling on him through the bronze mirror.

The two looked at each other.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

It came from the girl in front of me.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian bent down and hugged the girl's slender waist from behind. He gently leaned his head on her shoulder and smelled the delicious fragrance on her hair.


The delicate body of the girl in his arms was obviously stiff, and then there was a fierce struggle.

Lin Jiangnian hugged her harder, not letting the girl in his arms have a chance to struggle away, and hugged her harder. Through the loose robe, he felt the smooth skin and delicate touch of the girl under the robe.

"Let go, let go!"

A cold voice came, with a bit of chill in it.

"He is indeed angry."

Lin Jiangnian sighed, raised his eyes and stared at the cold side face close at hand. As if thinking of something, he leaned closer and said softly: "The person who rubbed my prince's back just now, was you?"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that the body of the girl in his arms seemed to become stiffer.

An inadvertent blush emerged from the girl's cheeks unnoticeably, and her voice was trembling and cold, with a hint of deep coldness.




"Xiao Zhu has told me, it's you."

"She lied."


Lin Jiangnian couldn't help laughing as he stared at the girl in front of him who was fair and flawless, but tried hard to keep a straight face, with a cold look on her face.

Such a cold look actually makes him look cuter.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but chuckle: "Did you know that your tough-tongued look is really... ouch..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt something hit his lower abdomen hard, causing Lin Jiangnian to bend over and twitch in pain.

At the same time, the girl in his arms quickly escaped from his clutches, stood up and moved away from him. Standing not far away, breathing rapidly, staring at him with a vigilant and a bit shy expression.

"Zhiyuan, you are so cruel!"

Lin Jiangnian rubbed his lower abdomen and looked at her with a grin on his face.

Zhiyuan stood there, expressionless: "I didn't use any force."

"But it hurts... Do you know that your Highness has a very weak body and cannot withstand such a confrontation from you?"

Zhiyuan still had a straight face and said nothing.

She didn't believe this nonsense.

Seeing that the cruelty was ineffective, Lin Jiangnian put away his pitiful expression and walked towards her again. After taking only two steps, he heard Zhiyuan's indifference saying, "Stop, don't come over."

Lin Jiangnian didn't listen and walked up to her alone. Staring at her delicate and beautiful yet expressionless face, she was glaring at him warily.

Lin Jiang young smiled: "You should have said it earlier if you wanted to rub His Highness's back. Why do you do it secretly?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan's eyes flashed with panic. She turned away and said expressionlessly: "I don't understand what you said."

Seeing her looking so guilty, Lin Jiangnian became more and more sure of his suspicions.

He had felt something was wrong before. The person who was rubbing his back in the bathroom did not look like Xiaozhu. The unfamiliar movements and the sudden force were not at all like the strength that Xiaozhu could have.

Coupled with Zhiyuan's abnormal reaction and her sudden call to Xiaozhu, Lin Jiangnian guessed something. Now Zhiyuan's reaction is that there is no silver 300 taels here.

pretty close.

This little maid is really not good at lying.

"It's really not you?"


"Is there a ghost?"

Lin Jiangnian touched his chin and said to himself: "Is it possible that there is some woman who covets my son and sneaks in to take a peek at my body?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhiyuan: "Are you right?"

No response.

"It must be a female gangster who covets my prince?"


"This female gangster also touched my prince, touched me randomly and... oh..."

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish speaking, another heartbreaking pain hit his lower abdomen. Bend down and squat on the ground.

"You dare to fight even this prince, do you want to rebel?"

Lin Jiangnian sucked in a breath of cold air and spoke angrily.

Zhiyuan stood there, looking away, expressionless.


A small hum.

Lin Jiangnian rubbed his lower abdomen for a while before slowly standing up again and looking at the girl in front of him with complicated eyes.

Now his strength is close to the phaseless realm, and he can barely be considered among the masters in the world.

But Zhiyuan's attack just now was so fast that he still couldn't guard against it. You didn't even notice it, you were already being tricked.

Zhiyuan's strength is still far above him.

More importantly, Lin Jiangnian had almost never seen Zhiyuan practicing martial arts on weekdays.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh.

Starting from the fifth level phaseless realm, the gap between each subsequent realm becomes extremely large. This also means that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to improve every realm.

Although martial arts in the world are divided into nine levels, there is no strict division from the ninth level to the fifth level. Starting from the fifth level is the beginning of truly entering the ranks of masters.

The road to martial arts before Lin Jiangnian still has a long way to go.

"You want to murder my prince, right?"

Lin Jiangnian gathered his emotions, walked to Zhiyuan again, and said angrily: "I didn't expect you to have such a vicious heart!"

Zhiyuan didn't look sideways and didn't bother to pay him any attention.

She ignored Lin Jiangnian, but Lin Jiangnian had no intention of letting her go. As soon as he got closer, Zhiyuan glared at him warily, and the plain hand hidden under his sleeve moved slightly.

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched: "I'm kidding you... You are my most trusted little paper kite, how could you have evil intentions..."

As he spoke, he grabbed Zhiyuan's plain hand hidden under his sleeve, stretched it along the sleeve, took hold of the soft and delicate little hand, and held it tightly.

Zhiyuan still struggled, and Lin Jiangnian held on tighter.


Zhiyuan glared at him coldly, her tone also cold.

Lin Jiangnian didn't let go. Instead, he moved closer and wrapped his other hand around her slender waist again.

Just when I hugged him, I felt a pain on the back of my hand.

"Let go, let go!"

Lin Jiangnian ignored it, put one hand around the girl's waist, and used the other hand to hold Zhiyuan in his arms.

"His Highness was joking with you before. They were all nonsense." Lin Jiangnian said in a low voice. The person in the bathroom before was Zhiyuan. Then she suddenly took action and left angrily. It was probably because Lin Jiangnian said that Xiaozhu should go to his room to learn. The words about craftsmanship.

"Xiaozhu is my prince's personal maid. You arranged this. Why are you jealous of her now?"

Zhiyuan breathed quickly and looked at him coldly: "I didn't."

"You have."


Zhiyuan has an expressionless face and a tough mouth.

"Really not?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's face, which was close at hand. The two were so close that they could almost feel each other's breathing. Zhiyuan was a little flustered and tilted his head back, trying to open up the distance between the two.

"You, please let go... um..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian held the back of her head with one hand and kissed her accurately on the mouth, blocking the rest of Zhiyuan's words.

Soft and sweet, as soft as cotton, and as silky and elastic as jelly.

Zhiyuan's delicate body was stiff, her head was blank, and she suddenly froze on the spot.

Although it was not the first time, every time they had close contact, she was caught off guard. The familiar hot breath enveloped her, as if it was melting her. The originally stiff delicate body gradually melted and softened with the invasion of the fiery breath, until it became limp.

The kiss was long and lasted for a long time.

Until the girl in her arms went limp, her breathing became rapid, her face flushed, and she no longer felt as cold as before. He lay limply in Lin Jiangnian's arms, his cold eyes a little more blurry.

Looking into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, Zhiyuan seemed to see a trace of teasing in Lin Jiangnian's eyes. Zhiyuan seemed to have regained some sanity, and the emotions of shame and anger suddenly emerged, just when he was about to struggle.


Lin Jiangnian blocked her mouth again.

The sanity that had just been restored sank again.

After a long time again.

The girl curled up in Lin Jiangnian's arms, her head buried in his chest and shirt, motionless.

It seems that he has no face to see anyone.

Just pretend to be dead.

Lin Jiangnian held the soft and delicate body in his arms and stared at the red and crystal earlobes. One hand gently rubbed the girl's hair, and the other hand hugged the girl's waist and stroked it gently.

As if he thought of something, he lowered his head to Zhiyuan's ear and chuckled: "Aren't you still being tough now...hiss..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt something pinched him hard on his waist.

Lin Jiangnian breathed in cold air, but his face was full of a proud smile.

"If you pinch me again, I will execute you on the spot tonight!"

As he spoke, the big hand caressing the girl's waist slowly moved up through her clothes.

The next second, his hand was captured.

The girl in her arms raised her eyes, her delicate fair face was flushed, her eyes were like water, and she was glaring at him coldly: "How dare you?!"

"What is there that I don't dare to do?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, his eyes falling wildly on the girl's loose robe. The thin and silky robe can feel the girl's young and newly grown body.

As if feeling the dangerous aura and sight, the girl in her arms struggled to get up and wanted to escape.

But maybe it was the hot breath that just made her feel paralyzed and she lost a little strength. Just as he struggled to get up, Lin Jiangnian gently stretched out his hand. Zhiyuan's legs softened and she fell back into Lin Jiangnian's arms.


Their delicate bodies pressed tightly against each other.

Zhiyuan was anxious and angry, staring at him angrily.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said, "I didn't use any force. You brought it to your door yourself."

"Shut up!"

Zhiyuan was ashamed and angry, gritted her teeth and spoke.

But at this moment, her face was blushing, her breath was soft, and her threatening tone was not even remotely powerful.

On the contrary, it adds a bit of temptation.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at Zhiyuan in front of him. He was refusing to welcome her, like a little lamb waiting to be slaughtered, which was particularly tempting.

The quiet room also made the atmosphere particularly ambiguous.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on Zhiyuan's face, and then slowly moved down the green and crimson face, past the girl's chest that was rising and falling slightly due to rapid breathing.

There was a moment of silence.

"It's getting late..."

Lin Jiangnian's voice was very soft, with a hint of temptation: "Shall we take a rest?"


Hearing this word, Zhiyuan's heart instinctively tightened. Before she could react, Lin Jiangnian suddenly picked her up and walked towards the bed in the room.

The girl's delicate body was tense, her bright eyes were wide open under the dim light, and a look of panic flashed across her face.

"Let, let me go..."

A panicked tone.

However, he did not struggle to resist.

The next second, I felt my body falling on the soft quilt. Before he could recover, his body felt suddenly cold.

Standing by the bed, Lin Jiangnian took off the embroidered shoes on Zhiyuan's feet and took off his stockings, revealing a pair of small and delicate feet.

As delicate and smooth as warm jade, her small, exquisite and translucent feet fell into Lin Jiangnian's sight.

The pretty face of Zhi Yuan on the bed turned red in an instant, and she hurriedly retracted her legs, hiding her feet under her skirt. Then he grabbed the quilt on the side and wrapped the tender feet in a panic.

Then, he glared at Lin Jiangnian with a blushing face.

Such a shy and angry look is even more adorable.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Lin Jiangnian raised the white socks he had just taken off and said with a half-smile, "I'll help you take off your socks!"

Zhiyuan's face turned redder and redder, and she snatched the socks from Lin Jiangnian's hand in a panic and hid them under the quilt.

"Get out, get out!"

At this moment, her face was hot and her tone was trembling.

"What are you doing out there? It's getting late, we should rest."

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he reached out to untie his clothes. Just when he had just taken off his outer clothes and was about to climb into bed.

Outside the door, a cold voice suddenly came: "Zhiyuan, are you asleep?"

This voice...

Lin Jiangnian paused as he climbed onto the bed.


Outside the door, my aunt's voice came: "I'm in!"

The sound of pushing the door came, accompanied by a confused voice: "Why is it locked?"

"Are the lights still on? Why is there no sound?"

There was a knock on the door.

"Zhiyuan, are you asleep?"

At the same time, the two people on the bed looked at each other.

Zhiyuan's red face was instantly panicked when she heard the sound outside the door. Her pretty face turned red and her head went blank.

It's like being caught and raped in bed by your parents when you were in love early, so shy.

"Quick, hide!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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