Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 203 Master duel and lack of martial ethics

In the dark night, Yue Pingsheng's face on the roof changed slightly. He stared at the girl in front of him, his expression gradually becoming serious.

He was not surprised that the girl in front of him knew his identity!

He Yue Pingsheng is indeed a well-known master in the world, ranking eleventh on the list of masters in the world. Although this so-called master list is a wild list, there are many hidden masters in the world who are not on the list.

But being ranked eleventh is enough to show his Yue Pingsheng's strength and reputation.

Although he failed to make it into the top ten, Yue Pingsheng was still considered one of the few top masters in the world, especially his double swords, which were famous all over the world. It was not surprising that the girl in front of him could recognize his identity.

But the other party could actually see through the weaknesses of his martial arts at a glance, and clearly knew the flaws in his sword skills, which made Yue Pingsheng break into a cold sweat in an instant.

He had never seen the girl in front of him, but how could this girl be so aware of the flaws in his technique?

Yue Pingsheng, who broke out in a cold sweat, stared at the girl on the eaves in front of him with fear, and sneered: "You girl, you are not old, you are talking nonsense!"

"Sir, are you saying that my sword skills are weak?"

Yue Pingsheng stared at her and sneered: "I want to see tonight what abilities you, a girl, have!"

Under the night, the paper kite stood on the eaves, and the cold wind howled in the middle of the night, seeming to blow away her fragile figure.

But she still stood tall on the roof, looking at the two of them coldly, motionless, like a cold sculpture.

His eyes were careless, as if looking at an insignificant person.

Such a look deeply hurt Yue Pingsheng. He had traveled around the world for many years, but this little girl didn't know where to play in the mud. Now this little girl looked down on him so much, and he sneered in his heart.

"I'll kill you tonight, and then I'll kill Prince Lin Wang!"

Yue Pingsheng said with a ferocious smile, clenching the two knives in his hands, and the two knives stood out in the night.

The two mandarin duck swords, one long and one short, always curved, work together seamlessly.

As Yue Pingsheng clenched his two swords, his aura changed in an instant, and his eyes became extremely sharp and focused in an instant.

He looked disdainful, but he was extremely cautious in his heart.

The girl in front of him can tell the flaws and weaknesses of his swords at a glance, which is enough to show that the other party knows him very well. He has been traveling in the world for many years, and Yue Ping's survival to this point is all due to caution.

Especially the cold breath of this girl makes people unable to tell the depth. And the green sword in her hand is even more extraordinary.

Yue Pingsheng naturally became more cautious.

The cold wind was raging, blowing across Yue Pingsheng's rough face like a knife, and the robes all over his body rustled with the night wind.

In the dark night, Yue Pingsheng's body was slightly arched, leaning forward slightly, holding his two swords behind his back, making an attack posture.

The next second, he took a step, and there was only an afterimage left on the spot, and the figure was already approaching. In the dark night, a sharp afterimage carried by the wind arrived in the blink of an eye.

The sharp double swords in Yue Pingsheng's hands were approaching with murderous intent, and they were so fast that it was almost impossible to detect his presence with the naked eye.

But just as he was about to approach the girl, the figure of the girl in front of him disappeared from the place in an instant, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

This speed? !

Yue Pingsheng's pupils shrank again, feeling as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Without any hesitation, he missed his attack and quickly retreated.

The moment Yue Pingsheng retreated, a sharp sword energy suddenly fell from where he was, instantly tearing a hole in the roof.

Yue Pingsheng's face turned pale. This girl's strength... was unfathomable!

He still looked down upon her!

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng immediately stopped hesitating. He suddenly raised his head and looked not far away: "Duan Tiande, what are you still hesitating about?!"

"Why don't you take action soon?!"

"When Prince Lin runs away, will your Duan family still have a way to survive?"

Yue Pingsheng shouted in a sharp tone.

Not far away, Duan Tiande stood there with a gloomy expression.

The originally hesitant expression finally wavered after hearing Yue Pingsheng's words.

He raised his head and stared at the female figure in the dark night, and slowly pulled out the sword in his hand.

The sword light flashed, and the cold air was overwhelming.

Seeing this step, a proud smile appeared on Yue Pingsheng's face, and he turned to look at the girl not far away.

"Your death has come!"

Yue Pingsheng sneered, took a step, stepped on the eaves, and jumped up. This leap directly jumped two feet high. Yue Pingsheng held two blades, and came directly towards the kite again from a high position.

Extremely fast, powerful and ferocious killing moves!

He learned the mandarin duck double sword when he was young, and then relied on the two swords to dominate the world, rarely encountering an opponent. He has already mastered these two swords and is extremely proficient. In just a moment, he could easily cut off the head of the beautiful girl in front of him.

The breath was approaching, Zhiyuan's cold and delicate body did not dodge, and stood on the spot. When Yue Pingsheng approached, the autumn water sword in her hand glowed with green light ripples. Zhiyuan raised the sword and dropped it in the air.

In an instant, sword energy filled the sky!

The aura of terror instantly enveloped the entire world around Fangyuan.

Yue Pingsheng, who had just approached, suddenly shrank his pupils.

"not good!"

But it was too late to retreat now. Such a close distance did not give him any chance to think about going back on his words.

In an instant, the sword energy descended!

Yue Pingsheng's expression changed, he gritted his teeth fiercely and advanced instead of retreating.

"Suffer death!"

Yue Pingsheng poured all his inner energy into the two swords, and the sharp blades fell down.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded in the air, resounding throughout the world!

In the explosion, it seemed as if something heavy hit Yue Pingsheng's chest hard. His face turned pale as a result of the impact, and he flew backwards in the air. He flew three to four feet in a row before he could stand still.

He stood on the edge of a roof, the tiles under his feet had long been broken into powder. Yue Pingsheng's face was pale and his expression was in disbelief.

At this moment, his body was in turmoil. He was almost hit by the overwhelming gravity and vomited blood. The arms holding the two knives were trembling slightly, and he could hardly hold the knives.

He was shocked, stunned, and in disbelief.

How could this girl have such deep inner strength?

How old is she? !

Yue Pingsheng raised his eyes in disbelief and stared ahead, staring at the motionless woman not far away, with a trace of incomparable fear in his eyes.


Under the cover of night, the paper kite stood on the spot, its black hair flying, its cold eyes expressionless.

These calm and fluttering words made Yue Pingsheng's brain blood surge instantly.

Almost breaking the defense!


How could she humiliate her like this? !

"Girl, today I will make sure that you cannot live or die!"

Yue Pingsheng looked ferocious and stared at Zhiyuan.

But he didn't take action.

Under the cover of night, another figure took action.

Duan Tiande, who had been silent all this time, fell silently in front of Zhiyuan, and the gloomy aura slowly enveloped him.

Zhiyuan didn't even raise her eyes: "Are you really going to break up with Prince Lin's Mansion?"

Duan Tiande was silent, and finally sighed deeply: "Entrusted by others!"

The tone was very light, but he had already made his position clear.

Tonight, he is bound to win!

"Then you have to die."

Zhiyuan spoke expressionlessly, her voice was very soft and calm, and she pronounced his death sentence calmly.

Duan Tiande said nothing, but when his eyes fell on Zhiyuan's sword, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But the next second, the surprise disappeared.

The paper kite in his sight suddenly disappeared from its place.

The moment he disappeared, Duan Tiande also moved.

Under the cover of night, the two of them disappeared from the place almost at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a sharp explosion sounded in the air, accompanied by the crisp sound of the collision of sword blades.

When the two figures appeared again, they were already on the eaves several feet away. The eaves around the two people were in a mess, and the surrounding areas were completely destroyed.

In just a short moment, the two have fought for more than ten rounds!

Duan Tiande stared at her with a solemn expression: "You are so young, and your martial arts can reach such a level. It is not an exaggeration to call you a genius... If you continue, you will die here!"

The night wind whistled, and Zhiyuan's face turned slightly pale. However, there was still no change on her face.

The one who answered Duan Tiande was the sharp green light cold sword.

In an instant, it enveloped the world.

The internal energy roared to the extreme along with the fierceness of the sword energy. The entire world seemed to be enveloped by this fierce sword energy.

Not far away, Yue Ping stared at the two figures in front of him, taking a few deep breaths to adjust his breathing.

The moment just now almost made him angry. Now that his internal energy was scattered, he had to adjust his breath as soon as possible.

At the same time, the fear in his eyes was not concealed at all.

The strength of this girl exceeded all of their expectations!

The secret inside Prince Lin's Mansion is indeed terrifying.

This girl's martial arts talent is probably only comparable to that of the eldest princess in the capital, right?

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng's eyes were fierce and sharp.

She must die!

If she doesn't die, she will become a big trouble in the future!

Just as Yue Pingsheng was adjusting his breathing, he suddenly noticed something.


He turned his head suddenly and saw a figure suddenly appearing on the eaves not far away.

A man in black with staggering steps and a embarrassed expression.

"It's a subordinate!"

The voice of the visitor was deep.

Yue Pingsheng looked at the other party suddenly, and then he saw the origin of the other party.

It was the assassin who came to kill Crown Prince Lin tonight.

"Why are you here?"

Yue Pingsheng spoke in a deep voice.

"Come on, something big happened..."

The man in black approached, and Yue Pingsheng smelled the bloody smell coming from the man in black. In the dark night, the bright eyes of the masked man in black made Yue Pingsheng feel a little strange, but he didn't think much about it for a while. .

"What's wrong?"

"Si, Sikong Lihe, and Gu Chaosheng are all dead..."

The man in black's voice was trembling with fear.

Hearing this, Yue Pingsheng's pupils suddenly shrank.


He raised his voice in disbelief and said in a shocked tone: "They are dead?!"

"No, that's right..."

The man in black spoke in a trembling tone, lowered his head, and looked frightened: "Here, there are masters here. I, we are not opponents. Two, two senior masters were defeated and were ambushed and died..."

Yue Pingsheng immediately couldn't sit still anymore and turned around to check the situation.

Although Sikong Li and Gu Chaosheng are not top-notch in martial arts, they are still among the best in today's world. Even if he is defeated, he will never die easily.

Unless it is, encountering a top master above the third level?

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng's expression changed slightly and he suddenly stopped.

If he were to meet a top player above the third level, even he would have no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng gradually calmed down. But soon, he realized something was wrong.

If Sikong Li and Gu Chaosheng were both dead, why was there no movement in the inn? Just when he was thinking of this, suddenly, a sudden danger came from behind.

Yue Pingsheng trembled all over, a bad premonition emerged, and he almost instinctively wanted to avoid it.



The sound of a sharp knife cutting into flesh was heard.

A gleaming silver dagger pierced Yue Pingsheng's body from behind. The severe pain stimulated Yue Pingsheng, and he suddenly turned his head and met the bright eyes of the man in black.

Those bright eyes also carry a bit of planned pride!

Yue Pingsheng's pupils shrank and he finally realized something was wrong!

"Damn it!"

The majestic internal force burst out, instantly knocking the man in black away in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Pingsheng staggered back two steps, looked back at the dagger pierced into the waist behind him, his face was pale and fierce!

Was attacked?

He was actually plotted? !

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng was filled with rage and stared at the man in black: "Who are you?!"

The man in black was knocked away by the internal force, fell heavily onto the eaves, and then slowly struggled to get up from the eaves.

"I still underestimate you. This knife should have stabbed you directly in the heart."

There was a bit of regret in his voice, as if he had some regrets. Facing Yue Pingsheng's almost blazing gaze, the man in black slowly pulled off the black mask on his face, revealing a handsome young look.

"Who are you? How dare you attack me?!"

Yue Pingsheng was furious, his eyes were blazing, and he wanted to step forward, but as soon as he took a step, the severe pain in his waist made him take a breath.

"Who am I?"

The man in black sneered: "Aren't you here to assassinate my prince tonight? But you don't even know who my prince is?"

Yue Pingsheng suddenly realized something: "Prince Lin?!"

"Are you Lin Jiangnian?!"

He couldn't believe it and stared at the young man in front of him.

Is he Prince Lin? !

"It seems that you don't know me yet?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, his gaze fell on Yue Pingsheng, half-smiling but not smiling: "That's fine, it would be nice to see my true face before you die, so that you can rest in peace!"

"Damn it!"

Yue Ping was so angry that he never expected that he would be tricked by Prince Lin.

I was so smart, but I stumbled over this!

Is Prince Lin so devoid of martial ethics?

Sneak attack?

What kind of hero is he? !

Thinking of this, Yue Pingsheng could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

"Don't move around, I stabbed you in the kidney. If you don't want kidney failure, you'd better be honest!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke leisurely.

I wanted to kill the opponent with one strike, but I didn't expect that Yue Pingsheng was too vigilant and the strike failed to kill him.

But even so, it's enough!

"You deserve to die!"

Yue Pingsheng was furious. He gritted his teeth and quickly tapped a few acupuncture points on his body. Then, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist.

The moment the dagger was drawn out, Yue Pingsheng turned pale, let out a muffled scream, and staggered back a few steps.

He quickly poured out two pills from his arms and swallowed them, and the blood that had originally poured out stopped.

After finishing all this, Yue Pingsheng suddenly raised his head, his face pale and his eyes fierce.

He was seriously injured after being attacked in such a sneak attack, and he had to find a place to heal as soon as possible. But before leaving, he wanted to kill Prince Lin first!

"Suffer death!"

Yue Pingsheng spoke sharply and viciously, and the next second, the two swords in his hands were as curved as the moon.

The murderous intention is coming!

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