Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 187 Nuxia Shen’s plan

Lin Jiangnian still had a smile on his face, but the smile fell in Shen Lingjun's eyes, and for some reason it felt a little colder.

That casual sneer and slightly contemptuous gaze fell on her, and she felt a chill in her heart.

There was an indescribable feeling of panic.

At this moment, the prince in front of her actually gave her the illusion of a chill running down her back.

A look of astonishment emerged from Shen Lingjun's eyes, and he was horrified.

Why did Prince Gou's eyes make her so uneasy?

And the look on his face...

Shen Lingjun stared at Lin Jiangnian, breathing quickly.

She had no doubt that the prince was not joking... The lingering murderous aura she felt from the other party proved that he was not joking.

This son of a bitch really dares to kill her? !

This thought came to mind, and a flash of fear flashed across Shen Lingjun's face, but he quickly calmed down.


It's an illusion!

This son of a bitch is just an ignorant and ignorant playboy who uses the shadow of his father's generation to run rampant and domineering. How could he cause such great oppression to her?

Even last time...

If she hadn't fallen into this prince's trick and accidentally poisoned Dao, how could she have fallen into his hands so easily?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun felt aggrieved.

It was easy for her to kill this son of a bitch, but with her martial arts she could easily take his life.

But he didn't expect that he would be bullied in his hands.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged and the more angry I become.

"If you have the ability, kill this girl!"

Shen Lingjun was not afraid at all. When he met Lin Jiangnian's gaze, he gritted his teeth and said with a serious expression.

She, Shen Lingjun, was not afraid of anything, and there was no way she would surrender to this evil prince.

"Sister Lingjun..."

Xiaozhu on the side saw that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and quietly reached out and tugged at the corner of Shen Lingjun's clothes secretly.

She had a good impression of Sister Shen Lingjun in front of her. She helped Sister Lingjun escape last time. I didn't expect that we would meet here again, and I didn't expect that Sister Lingjun would not be able to think of contradicting His Highness...

If this offends His Highness, His Highness will definitely not let her go.

The kind-hearted Xiaozhu was obviously a little anxious.

"Since you want to die, I will naturally help you."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said calmly: "Xiao Zhu."

"Your Highness..."

"come over."


Xiaozhu looked up at Sister Lingjun with some worry, and then returned to His Highness uneasily, lowering his head, feeling a little guilty: "Your Highness, I..."

"Don't associate with such ungrateful people in the future."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu and spoke softly.

Before Xiaozhu could speak, Shen Lingjun glared: "Who are you saying is a bad person?!"

"Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu looked at His Highness uneasily, then at Shen Lingjun, and then finally plucked up the courage and whispered: "Your Highness..."


"Sister Lingjun, she's not, not bad... Can you, can you let her go?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu and said, "What kind of ecstasy soup did she give you?"

"No, no..."

Xiaozhu waved his hands in a panic, then lowered his head and whispered: "Ling, Sister Lingjun has some misunderstandings about you, Your Highness...She, she is quite pitiful..."

Xiaozhu lowered his head, holding the corners of his clothes with his little hands, and spoke uneasily.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu and then at Shen Lingjun.

What did this woman say to Xiaozhu?

Did you also deceive Xiaozhu?


From the first time she encountered an assassination in Linjiang City, this heroine Shen has been shouting at Lin Jiangnian to kill him. She has repeatedly assassinated Lin Jiangnian and tried every possible means to kill him...

Who is the poor one?

Seeing Xiaozhu's restless and worried expression, Lin Jiangnian touched her head, glanced at Shen Lingjun, and said calmly: "For the sake of Xiaozhu's pleading for you, I will reluctantly let you go this time."

After saying this, under Shen Lingjun's angry gaze, Lin Jiangnian turned and left.

Xiaozhu stood there, looking at Shen Lingjun with some worry, and then quickly followed His Highness' footsteps.

Shen Lingjun was left standing there, still looking angrily.

"Is this girl curious about your letting go?"

"Don't think that this girl will be favored by you!"

"Sooner or later, Yingying's revenge will be paid with your blood!"

After muttering angrily to himself for a while, he thought of something again, and a bit of worry appeared on his face.

"No, a kind-hearted girl like Xiaozhu must not be harmed by this son of a bitch. We must find a way to save her from the sea of ​​suffering..."

Shen Lingjun secretly made up his mind.


the other side.

"Xiaozhu, don't have any contact with such careless and blind people in the future, do you understand?"

Lin Jiangnian educated Xiaozhu beside him.

Xiaozhu lowered her head. She was not that stupid, so she naturally knew that the person His Highness was talking about was Sister Lingjun.


"Sister Lingjun is not blind..." she defended in a low voice.

"Not blind?"

Young Lin Jiang knocked her little head: "If you are not blind, how can you say that this prince is full of evil?"

"Look at me, this prince is like a common man, someone who bullies a good family woman?"

Xiaozhu blinked, and then quickly shook his little head.

Ever since she met His Highness, she has never seen His Highness bully the common people, nor has she ever seen His Highness steal anyone's girl... It seems that he has never done any of the bad deeds that were circulated about His Highness in Prince Lin's palace before?

"Your Highness is not that kind of person!" Xiaozhu said firmly.

"Isn't that enough? Isn't she blind?"

Xiaozhu was stunned, looking confused.

Your Highness, what you said seems to make sense?

"Have less contact with her. Blindness is contagious."

Lin Jiangnian gently touched her little head again; "Okay, help me see the paper kite."

"Sister Zhiyuan?" Xiaozhu blinked.

"Go and see if Zhiyuan is up, and ask her to come find me later."

Lin Jiangnian said, and slapped the little maid's perky butt again.

"Go quickly."


Crisp, loud, and elastic.

You can feel the magnitude beginning to take shape through your clothes.


The little maid exclaimed, quickly covering her butt with both hands, and ran away with a blushing face.

Lin Jiangnian felt the feel carefully. The little maid seemed to have grown up?

Then, Lin Jiangnian put away his hands and turned back to the hotel lobby.

Not long after, a figure approached.

"Your Highness."

The tone is respectful.

Lin Kong.

After being injured in the last secret room explosion in Xunyang City, Lin Kong lay down outside the city to rest for a long time. Now his injuries have mostly recovered. Although he has not recovered, it does not affect his actions.

"How's it going?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him.

Lin Kong lowered his head slightly: "It has been found out that the two of them stayed at another inn in the east of the town last night. We have sent people to guard the outside of the inn. Except for Shen Lingjun, her uncle has been staying at the inn this morning. , I have never been out..."

Listening to Lin Kong's report, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

The origin of Shen Lingjun's uncle was unknown, which had to arouse suspicion, so Lin Jiangnian was naturally more cautious.

Because of this, he had no intention of touching Shen Lingjun.

A heroine full of passion and a sense of justice did not pose much of a threat to Lin Jiangnian.

On the contrary, it is unclear whether Shen Lingjun's uncle is an enemy or a friend, but judging from last night, he doesn't seem to have much hostility towards Lin Jiangnian?

In this case, it is good news.

Shen Lingjun's uncle is good at martial arts. If he can win him over and stay with him for his use, it would be a good choice.

It's hard to find a master in the world. Although I don't know the true strength of Master Shen Lingjun, I guess he is not weak!

Lin Jiangnian is in urgent need of such a master!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at Lin Kong: "Keep watching and report to me any situation at any time... Be careful and don't offend this senior!"


After Lin Kong left, Lin Jiangnian was about to go back upstairs when he met Shen Lingjun coming out.

She is wrapped in a light purple skirt and has neatly tied up hair, adding to her handsome appearance.

I have to say that although this female hero Shen is a bit grumpy, her appearance is indeed not bad, and she has quite a bit of a heroine in the world.

When she bumped into Lin Jiangnian, she glared at him fiercely.

"Nvxia Shen, it seems you don't want to learn a lesson?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun's face changed slightly, and then he snorted heavily and said in a voice that was almost gritting his teeth: "Don't be proud, sooner or later, I will..."

"Kill my prince?"

Lin Jiangnian interrupted her and looked her up and down with a faint smile: "Do you think you have this ability?"

The playful look spread across her body, and Shen Lingjun suddenly felt as if his whole body had been stripped naked by this bitch prince, and he felt an indescribable feeling of shame and anger.

She subconsciously took a step back, her face turned a little pale, and she gritted her teeth: "Don't be too proud..."

As if he thought of something again, a hint of gloom appeared in Shen Lingjun's eyes.

This son of a bitch is really too cunning.

The two carefully prepared assassinations she had made before were resolved and dodged by him. Even that failed to kill him, and there would be no chance of an honest attack.

Even though the prince was standing right in front of her, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her in the surroundings.

No chance to get off the phone at all!

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun was a little unwilling, and finally gritted his teeth: "Even if I can't kill you, there will definitely be someone else who will do justice for heaven... You, a son of a bitch, will never end well."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "You can't assassinate my prince, so why not curse him instead?"

A sneer appeared on Shen Lingjun's face: "I am the only person in the world who has a righteous heart? Even if I fail, someone else will take action... You son of a bitch, just wait for death."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows slightly: "From what you say, do you know other justice knights?"

"That's natural!"

"tell me the story?"

"Don't try to trick me."

Shen Lingjun sneered: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I know a heroine who also has a righteous heart. If she discovers the existence of a son of a bitch like you, she will definitely do justice for heaven!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, no wonder he was so arrogant. Did he have help?

"What kind of heroine are you talking about? Is it beautiful?"


Shen Lingjun sighed in shame and anger. This son of a bitch was indeed a scumbag. Is this what he was thinking about?

"Is this obscene?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't care and raised his eyebrows: "Then what kind of heroine are you talking about? She's very powerful?"

"Of course!" Shen Lingjun raised his head proudly.

"Compared to you?"

"She's much better than me!"

Shen Lingjun thought of that sister, with a bit of envy and wonder in her eyes.

That sister's martial arts skills are far superior to hers.

If she had that sister's martial arts skills, why wouldn't she be able to kill this son of a bitch?


Shen Lingjun felt a little regretful, but then he thought that before the sister left, she said she wanted to go to the capital, and it seemed that the heir apparent was also going to the capital. In this case, is there a chance to meet him?

With that sister's character, she would definitely not be merciful if she met this son of a bitch...

Shen Lingjun's eyes gradually became excited.

"Prince Gou, you are dead!"

Listening to Shen Lingjun's inexplicably excited tone, Lin Jiangnian knew that she was probably thinking about something unrealistic.

"Dream less!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "I'm afraid the person in this world who can kill my son hasn't even been born yet!"


Shen Lingjun responded with two sneers, stopped talking nonsense to this son of a bitch, and turned around to leave.

After walking a few steps, soft footsteps suddenly came from ahead.

Shen Lingjun subconsciously looked up, and a figure in white appeared in his sight. A simple and elegant snow-coated long skirt covered the woman's slim figure. Even so, the looming graceful curves are still visible.

A head of black hair hanging down like a waterfall, a pair of jade-like arms, and a cold face.

Her flawless skin like porcelain, no makeup, cherry red lips, crystal nose, and clear and bright eyes give people an indescribable aura of arrogance and indifference.

When she saw this figure, Shen Lingjun froze on the spot. The next second, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Girl Zhiyuan, you, why are you here?!"

Shen Lingjun's tone was extremely exciting and surprising.

At the top of the stairs, Zhiyuan caught a glimpse of Lin Jiangnian not far away, and Shen Lingjun approaching her.

He was slightly startled.

At the same time, Shen Lingjun had already walked up to her.

"Girl Zhiyuan, I was wondering if I would run into you on the road, but I didn't expect that I did. It's such a coincidence..."

Shen Lingjun was overflowing with joy and excitement.

Zhiyuan gradually came back to her senses, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and then at Shen Lingjun. There was a look of doubt in his eyes, but he still nodded slightly: "Why are you here?"

"I met my uncle in Xunyang City. My uncle was going to the capital to meet his uncle and the others, so I followed him by the way..."

Shen Lingjun quickly explained why she was here, then looked at Zhiyuan excitedly and said, "I thought we would say goodbye to Xunyang City, and I didn't know when we would see each other again. I didn't expect to meet you again, Miss Zhiyuan, so soon..."

Shen Lingjun was very excited to see Zhiyuan again. When he gradually calmed down, he suddenly realized something.

Girl Zhiyuan is actually here?

Shen Lingjun's eyes suddenly lit up, but he soon realized something... something was wrong, it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

"Girl Zhiyuan, come with me first, I have something very important to tell you!"

Shen Lingjun spoke anxiously and secretly glanced behind him. Just as he was about to pull Zhiyuan away, Zhiyuan's eyes became more confused and he glanced up at Lin Jiangnian not far away.

In the end, she said nothing and allowed Shen Lingjun to pull her downstairs.

In the attic on the second floor of the inn, Lin Jiangnian watched quietly as Shen Lingjun hurriedly left the inn holding the kite.

He seemed to realize something, and the smile on his face was particularly bright.

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