Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 124 A black shop that abducts women

When the woman in the hat opened her mouth, the burly men in the restaurant already realized something was wrong and gradually approached the woman in the hat.

They finally figured out that the woman in a bamboo hat who suddenly appeared in front of them had bad intentions and was here to meddle in other people's business.

At this time, relying on the support of a burly man beside him, the waiter gained a little confidence. He looked at the ungrateful woman in front of him, squinted his eyes slightly, and his tone became increasingly unkind: "Are you really going to mind your own business?"

The woman under the hat just glanced at them quietly: "So what?"

His tone was indifferent, as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

The waiter was very angry and wanted to let her go, but he didn't expect that she would still be nosy and bully others.

Do you really think you are afraid of her?

"Since you want to mind your own business, why not just stay together."

The waiter laughed sadly, and the strong men around him quickly approached the woman in the hat.

When Shen Lingjun saw this scene, he became a little panicked and nervous: "Girl, leave quickly and leave me alone!"

Although she didn't know why this unexpected woman wanted to help her, Shen Lingjun was grateful from the bottom of her heart. But now there are many crises, this restaurant is obviously a black shop, and those people are looking at it with evil intentions. The woman who kindly helped her was also targeted by them, and Shen Lingjun did not want to implicate others.

Now that she has lost all her martial arts skills, if she were alone, she might still have some chance of escaping. Therefore, Shen Lingjun quickly wanted the other party to leave her alone and leave first.

But the woman in the bamboo hat remained motionless, standing by the counter with a calm expression, as if she was not aware of the danger approaching from her surroundings.

She was wearing a plain-colored long skirt, loose and thick, with a slightly dusty air, like a child from the world. Under the bamboo hat, I caught a sudden glimpse.

Until the few burly men around him approached with evil intentions on their faces.

"call out!"

A sharp sound suddenly filled the air, piercing the air.


A scream sounded in vain.

A burly man who was closest suddenly screamed, with a look of pain on his face, clutching his chest and falling to the ground, curling up on the ground and wailing in pain.

This scene shocked everyone else present.

Everyone looked horrified, what's going on?

They didn't even see clearly how the other party took action, and one of their accomplices fell down?

The other strong men gasped, their eyes frightened, looking at each other hesitantly.

When the waiter behind him saw this, his eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately said inwardly: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Take her down!"


As if they were just waking up from a dream, the few people finally came to their senses and approached the woman in the bamboo hat with murderous intent.

But the next second.

The loose sleeves of the woman in a bamboo hat next to the counter were shaking slightly.


Several more rays of cold light pierced the air, and several strong men approaching were hit and fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

One encounter and the whole army was wiped out.

This scene made the waiter behind him feel cold all over, his hands and feet were cold, and his eyes were frightened.

This, what's going on? !

He had already guessed that the woman in the bamboo hat in front of him had a good background and would be difficult to deal with, but he did not expect that she would be so powerful?

Although these strong thugs in their restaurant were not great masters, they had a solid foundation in martial arts and were all very skilled. But they didn't expect that in this encounter, they would all fall down without even touching the corner of their opponent's clothes? !

Not only the waiter, but also Shen Lingjun on the side was dumbfounded.

She was still thinking about how to escape. Now that her inner strength in martial arts was gone, her basic martial arts routines were still there, and she could easily deal with some minor characters. Although it may be a bit troublesome to face the strong thugs in this inn, it is not completely impossible to escape.

When he saw these strong men approaching the woman in a bamboo hat, Shen Lingjun was already ready to help. In any case, the other party helped her, and Shen Lingjun naturally couldn't ignore her.

But before Shen Lingjun had time to take action, the woman in a bamboo hat who kindly helped her had already taken action.

He defeated these strong men in front of him in an instant!

This scene completely shocked Shen Lingjun.

This woman in a bamboo hat is actually... a master?

Others couldn't see it, but Shen Lingjun could see it clearly. She clearly saw how the woman in the bamboo hat took action. With a slight trembling of his sleeves, he easily subdued everyone with the silver needles under his sleeves.

It seems simple, but it extremely tests your inner strength.

Even Shen Lingjun, who is at the peak of his strength, cannot guarantee that he can do it easier than her.

This woman in a bamboo hat has such high martial arts skills?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun was shocked and relieved.

"Female, female hero..."

At this moment, the waiter finally realized that he had encountered a tough situation today. Now all the thugs in the restaurant were wiped out. The arrogant and unruly look on the waiter's face before was gone, replaced by panic.

"Misunderstanding,'s all a misunderstanding..."

The waiter in the shop is naturally not a fool. If he encounters a tough situation, he will naturally admit defeat.

I made a mistake today, so I took it as a lesson.

"Since you are willing to pay for this guest officer, of course there is no problem, you have the final say..."

The woman in the bamboo hat still stood where she was, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, and she didn't speak.

But Shen Lingjun on the other side spoke angrily: "Misunderstanding?"

"This is a shady shop. You charge me fifteen taels of silver for a bottle of wine? You are too shady. How many people have you cheated on weekdays?"

Shen Lingjun said angrily: "I will report it to the official and arrest you all."

A gloomy look flashed through the eyes of the waiter, and then disappeared: "It's all a misunderstanding... This is our first time too. How about this... You two are exempted from shopping in the shop today, so let's forget about today's business. How about this?" ?”

When wandering around the world, being able to stretch and bend is the way to go.

Now that he couldn't afford to offend the woman in a bamboo hat, the waiter naturally chose to give in. After these two people leave...

The waiter looked grim, and he would have a way to deal with them when the time comes.

Shen Lingjun was still angry. Naturally, she didn't want to give up. If this black shop stayed here, it was unknown how many people had been cheated. If it continues to exist, there's no telling how many more people will be unlucky.

With her temper, she naturally wanted to send these people to the government.

But Shen Lingjun changed her mind and quickly remembered her current situation. She had lost all her martial arts skills and could not protect herself. Fortunately, this woman in a bamboo hat came to help and was able to escape.

At this time, it is really not suitable for extraneous branches.

Thinking of this, although Shen Lingjun was unwilling to give in, in the end he could only take a deep breath and secretly note this, planning to eradicate this black shop when his martial arts recovers in the future!

Shen Lingjun turned around and looked at the woman in a bamboo hat at the counter on the other side.

"Thank you very much for your help today, girl!"

Shen Lingjun raised his hands in front of her and saluted: "I don't know the girl's name? I will remember my great kindness today, and I will definitely repay the girl in the future."

The woman under the bamboo hat raised her eyes, glanced at her, and said calmly: "No need!"

The voice was soft, with a hint of coldness that could repel people thousands of miles away.

The moment she raised her head, Shen Lingjun caught a glimpse of the eyes under the bamboo hat.

Clear, bright, and crystal clear, like stars.

"What a beautiful woman!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes flashed with surprise.

Such a beautiful woman, with such high martial arts skills, might she be somewhat famous in the world?

After being stunned for a moment, Shen Lingjun quickly responded: "No matter what, I can't thank you enough for today's great kindness. If you need me in the future, please feel free to come..."

Shen Lingjun was about to identify himself, but he quickly held back when he thought there were other people in the restaurant.

"Girl, what are you going to do with them?"

Shen Lingjun looked at the woman in the bamboo hat. Since she was the one who subdued the man, he naturally listened to her.

The woman in the bamboo hat raised her head slightly, her eyes falling on the shivering waiter not far away.

The waiter in the shop was feeling cold all over, and his heart was filled with panic: "Female, female hero..."

The woman in the bamboo hat glanced at him coldly and said calmly: "Let your boss come to see me."


Restaurant, inn backyard.

In a room.

"Don't be afraid, little beauty, I will love you very much!"

In the room, a middle-aged man took off his clothes and walked towards the bed.

Just on the bed, curled up was a young girl with no clothes and a beautiful face. The girl's face was full of horror, and she shed two lines of tears, fearful and frightened.

"No, don't...please, please let me go..."

"Let you go?"

The middle-aged man had a lewd smile on his face: "You are so beautiful, but you are my money tree... When you go to Xunyang County and become an oiran, you will still have to thank me!"

"Now, let's repay uncle first?!"

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he threw himself directly towards the bed.

"No, don't, help, help..."

The girl struggled in fear, her pupils full of despair.

At this moment, a rapid and panicked voice came from outside the room.

"Boss, no good, no good... something big happened!"

A rapid knock on the door interrupted the middle-aged man's good deeds, and he immediately became irritable and angry.

"What's the fuss about? Someone died in your family?"

"Boss, no, it's not good...yes, someone broke into the store!" The waiter's voice outside the door was filled with panic.

When he heard that someone was smashing into the store, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly. He quickly stood up and opened the door while getting dressed.

Outside the door, I saw the waiter with a frightened look on his face. His face was bruised and swollen. The middle-aged man's face immediately turned gloomy: "Smash the shop? Who dares to smash the shop? Don't you know whose territory this is?"

"Old, boss..."

The waiter pointed behind him in horror.

The middle-aged man looked up and saw two figures appearing in the corridor not far away.

A woman in a wide robe and plain clothes and a bamboo hat on her head, followed by a tall woman in green clothes, looked over with an evil expression.

Seeing the two women appearing, the middle-aged man was startled, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

His eyes are extremely vicious. Although the two women in front of him have been disguised and their true appearance cannot be seen, their temperament and figure look good.

The appearance is not bad!


If such a top quality product could be sold to a brothel, it would definitely be an oiran-level figure. No... Selling a brothel is a waste. Those dignitaries in Xunyang County must be more interested...

"Are you Xie Yongqing?"

Just when the middle-aged man was still immersed in the dream of getting rich, a cold voice came.

The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at the woman in the bamboo hat who spoke: "You, how do you know my name?!"

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am!"

The woman in the bamboo hat said expressionlessly: "I want you to help me with something!"


Xie Yongqing was startled and a little surprised. This woman who appeared out of nowhere in front of him actually dared to ask him to do something?

Is she crazy? !

"Damn it, you dare to call me around?"

Xie Yongqing immediately sneered and waved his hand: "Here comes someone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen thugs armed with sticks appeared around the courtyard, surrounding the two of them.

Shen Lingjun looked around nervously, but then thought of something and quickly calmed down.

Xie Yongqing sneered: "Get these two bitches for careful, don't get hurt!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen big hands swarmed around him.

Just as Xie Yongqing was smiling proudly, the figure of the woman in a bamboo hat not far away suddenly swayed and disappeared from the place.

Like an afterimage, it quickly passed through the crowd.

The next second, just as Xie Yongqing blinked, the woman in the bamboo hat appeared in front of him at some point.

Xie Yongqing's pupils shrank suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.



Before Xie Yongqing had time to speak, his body was knocked out like a cannonball and he fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

This collision almost killed half of his life.

"You, who are you?!"

Xie Yongqing clutched his chest with a look of pain on his face. His eyes were horrified, and he struggled to get up from the ground, staring at the woman in the bamboo hat in front of him with horrified eyes.

The woman in the bamboo hat still stood where she was, expressionless.

Behind him, Shen Lingjun's eyes were full of stunning envy.

Too, too awesome, right?

She traveled around the world and always wanted to be a chivalrous and righteous heroine. The woman in the bamboo hat in front of her almost fulfilled all her fantasies.

Unparalleled beauty, outstanding temperament, extremely high martial arts skills, cool and cold-spoken, with thunderous attacks... perfect!

Xie Yongqing clutched his chest, his eyes stunned, and he finally realized that the woman in front of him was really here to cause trouble.

We've hit a rough patch!

"Hero, you, what do you want to do?"

After Xie Yongqing's expression quickly changed from gloomy to clear, he immediately chose to give in.

If you can't beat him, then give in for now.

In the world of martial arts, it is important to know the current affairs.

The woman in the bamboo hat looked at him coldly, and suddenly said: "Where have all the women you have secretly captured over the years been sold?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Yongqing's expression suddenly changed: "You..."

The next second he realized something, he immediately denied it: "What kind of woman did you arrest? I, we have never done anything like this before!"

However, the woman in the bamboo hat raised her eyes and looked at the room not far behind him.

At this time, a disheveled girl stumbled out of the room, clutching her chest.

"Help, help me quickly..."

The girl looked horrified. When she saw the woman in the bamboo hat, she seemed to have grasped the last straw: "He, they kidnapped me and said they would sell me to a brothel. He, they are a black shop here...Help, help..."


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