Eight years ago.

The black wind is high in the night.

There was a heavy snow today and the snow just stopped. The whole world is like being smashed by sheep fat white jade, covered with a thick, cold white.

There was no village in the past, and there was a house in the snow that could not be seen at the margin.

This is a broken temple. I don't know how many years have elapsed. The walls of the blue bricks have already collapsed. The dusty windows are covered with spider webs, and they are shaking in the winter wind. Through the window, you can see the dim light flashing in the temple.

With a swaying fire, there was a long sigh in the room, and the sound seemed to be a bit cooler than the snowy night in the northwest.

Then, a woman advised, "Master, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not burning wood."

The man replied, "I am afraid that even Qingshan can't keep it. I think that Ji Qingyun has been loyal to the country for the rest of his life. But now he is harmed by traitors, and he has fallen to this point. Although he was sentenced to exile, but Chen Wuyong's heart, He may not be able to let me go, saying that I will not send someone to take my life. I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of getting involved with my family."

"The lord relaxes his mind. Although Chen Wuyong can't be without a god, but the lord is a prince, he should not be daring to take your life. We are now exiled in Liaodong, after a few years, such as Mengda, or can return to Beijing, the time to come It will never be worse than it is now. Now that the political affairs are dark, the traitors are ruthless, the loyal ministers are obscured, and the capital has become a land of right and wrong. This exile will not necessarily be a blessing in disguise."

"I understand everything you said, but you follow me and make you wronged."

"Master said what to do, I am your wife, and I should be with you."

The man sighed again and said, "I have known Sun Congrui for more than 20 years. I don't think that this time he was so badly hurting me to save himself. It is really chilling."

The woman then reassured, "The so-called knowing people know each other and not knowing. Besides, Sun Congrui is both your best friend. This may not really be what he did. Maybe someone else is talking about the bad things of the old man in front of Chen Wuyong?"

"Those words I only said to Sun Congrui. Later, Chen Wuyong repeated it in front of me. It should be seen that it should not be someone else. After you were trapped in the shackles, the prince was so overwhelmed by Chen Wuyong, he could do everything possible. Come to see me, if Sun is really sincere to treat me, how can I not show it?"

The two said, each sighed again.

Chen Wuyong bowed to the south and said, "The grace of His Royal Highness, I don't know if there is any chance to return."

At this time, a male voice interrupted them, "Nothing!! This ghost weather, cold died!"

The men and women no longer speak, and the room is quiet for a while. After a while, the woman’s gentle whisper is heard. The voice is soft and sounds like a sigh. It is like a quiet and flowing stream, quiet and peaceful. dream.

- She is sleeping with a child.

The girl who leaned in her arms squinted and was not sleepy.

At this time they were surrounded by a bonfire, the fire illuminates the mottled walls, and some inscriptions on the wall have long been blurred, and the strokes are rough and weird, like ghosts in the dark fire.

The Buddha statue in the lobby was muddy, with an arm dropped and a peeling off of the face, which looked like a face. Unlike the Buddha, it is more like a Milo.

The girl couldn’t help but have a chill.

Not scared, it is frozen.

The walls of the temple were ventilated, and even if they ordered a bonfire, the heat was quickly blown away by the cold wind that ran into the room. She wore only two layers of clothing on her body, and the thin coat was covered with a uniform thin coat. Before, there was a father who sent the clothes for the winter, but unfortunately it was already confiscated by several tolerances.

There are a total of four tolerances. They wear thick cotton coats and hold their hands together. They curse this ghost weather from time to time, and by the way, they make a difference.

In the winter, the prisoners were escorted to the border. When they encountered the blizzard, they could not hurry, and they could not find a station. They could only hide in this ruined temple and suffer crimes. There is no worse than this.

They have a total of four people to be escorted, a couple and a pair of children. The girl is eleven years old, the boy is two or three years old, and the two children are sinned with their aunt. All the way to the face, the meat on the face disappears, and the eyes are unusually large.

At this time his boy was being shackled by his father, and he was still shivering and unable to sleep.

Several tolerances were boring, and they looked at the few prisoners. The woman is a half-old Xu Niang, but she also has a bit of beauty. Although the child in her arms describes the wolf, it is a delicate and beautiful. The tolerances touched their chins and exchanged their eyes, and they knew their thoughts, so they smiled and looked at each other.

In the wilderness, the other party is a prisoner. If you play with one or two, you will not have anything to do.

It’s just that if you play first or play small, there are differences between several people. Finally, because the little girl did not wear a shackle, everyone agreed to try her first.

A few gaze stopped at the same little girl who shivered at the same time.

Although the girls did not understand their intentions, such gaze made her extremely uncomfortable and even nausea.

Two tolerances came forward, dragging the girl out of her mother's arms and dragging it into a corner. Several other tolerances are used to hold other prisoners and prevent them from moving.

The room was filled with man's roar, woman's pleading, girl's panicking screams, the boy's incomprehensible crying, and the swear words of tolerance.

The girl squatted on her clothes, but the prison uniform was still smashed down. A man plunged into her clothes, and as soon as she touched her waist, he screamed excitedly. The other person controlled the girl in one hand and prevented her from tampering. The other hand went to pull her coat, and the clothes had not been pulled apart. He could not wait to lie in the girl's neck and bite the pro.

She cried heartbreaking.

At this moment, the sound of "嘭", the simple wooden door was suddenly kicked off, several figures jumped in, and saw a few people waiting in front of the Buddha statue, and they cut the knife.

The room is a mess.

The hand suddenly stopped, and the girl returned a little from the terrible fear, and saw the father who was wearing a shackle not far away.

However, he did not run a few steps, and he was cut down by the black man behind him.

The mother has fallen into a pool of blood.

The tolerances are in the head and the mouse, no resistance.

The younger brother was crying and drilling, probably because he was small and flexible. A black man cut him and he didn't even cut it. At this time, another black man came together to contain it.

The boy knew that he could not escape. The last sentence he called before he died was, "Sister runs!"

The girl finally reacted. She wants to run.

But where do you run?

At this time, those black people look at the people who are going to solve the problem and come here. The girl couldn’t think about it, and ran to the nearest window and looked out the window. Fortunately, this window is not high, she is not too difficult to turn it out.

Then she rushed in the snow.

But how can a little girl run through a group of killers. She was quickly caught up.

She thought she would die, but she felt her feet empty for a moment, then she fell off a snow **** and rolled down the snow slope. Not yet rolled to the end, a large piece of snow on the snow **** followed by a collapse of dislocation, sliding down to bury her.

A few black men came down to dig up the girl, or slashed directly into the snow. Looking for it, a signal came suddenly from a distance, and several people quickly rushed back to the temple.

When the girl struggled out of the snow, the black people had no time to take care of it. She was kneeling on the snow, her body was cold like falling into an ice cave, and it was colder than this dark winter night. It was her heart.

Dead, all dead. She is jealous, her mother, her brother, all dead. Die in front of her.

Such a fierce picture, she will not forget forever.

She sat on the cold snow, her arms around her knees, her face buried in her legs, and sobbing low.

A hunter dressed up here, seeing a little girl in white clothes crying under the snow slope. He was a little vigilant and wanted to go, but after listening to the mournful crying after a few steps, he couldn't bear it, so he turned back and looked at the girl from afar and asked, "Are you... a ghost?"

The little girl cried and shook her head.

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