Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 661: The secret of the fire is really here!

[God and Demon Fortress, Zhenhai Temple. 】

There was originally a temple of the sun in the fortress of gods and demons.

Usually, sun angels will come here to pray. And this temple is also a place where sun believers use to place their faith.

But now, this shrine has completely changed its appearance. The original Western Gothic church style inside has not only become the antique Yun Guo style, but the appearance of several **** statues above it has also changed— If you look closely, you will be reminded of the Kowloon Temple in Kowloon Town, which is dedicated to the old cousin, many ancient gods and dragon kings.

However, compared to the temple of the Nine Dragons Temple, there are fewer statues here, only three.

The statue above is not like an old cousin, but a young man.

This male **** is sitting on the throne, he is wearing a robe of the country of cloud, and he is holding an ancient book in his hand. He looks suave and elegant, and Yinglang's face also has a bit of a bookish air.

If you take a closer look, you will also find that there seems to be a dragon pan around his waist, and his body seems to be extraordinarily tall and strong. Obviously, this gentle-looking male **** is not only good at reasoning, but also very good at physics.

On the left and right sides of the male statue, there are two smaller statues. The statue on the left wears a crown, a golden armor and a flaming cloak. The body inside his armor was forged like lava, with six flaming wings behind him. The whole statue looks majestic, like a flame war **** under the throne of the main god.

The flame **** of war kneels on one knee, kneeling under the throne of the main god. It was like listening intently to the teachings and repenting devoutly—occasionally he would sigh, as if he was worrying about his future fate.

There is also a statue on the right side of the main god. This **** is like a thousand-armed goddess. The appearance of the god's wings behind the goddess is a gesture of embracing the world. It looks like a saint who came into the world in the end, holy and majestic.

This statue is very different from the one in the Kowloon Temple, and it seems to be a high-end version of the statue. Not only is his face more mature, but the items in his hands are also very special.

Each item on the thousand arms of the goddess is special, and each one represents a symbol—some for the wealth of the seafarers, some for the vitality of the earth, and some, even for joy. Anger, sadness, etc.

The thing held by these thousand arms is the thousand things in the world. And this **** also seems to symbolize deprivation and giving - she can strip away everything in the world, making that world as if it had never existed, without any sense of existence. She can also bestow everything and return the traces that have disappeared from history to the world.

There is no doubt that this deity is a deity comparable in divinity to the sun-god, which symbolizes destruction or vitality. Even in the sanctuary, the wizards would give her some labels like 'rare', 'special', 'ancient god' - but this refers to this **** statue, which is the complete appearance of this kind of high-dimensional creature.

If it didn't grow up, it would be a 'Pokémon with the ability to twist', and if it grew well, it would be a true **** of the same level as the Sanctuary Sanctuary. Sex is mostly based on 'power', 'wisdom' and so on. The main powers are also force, guard, instruction and care,

But the divinity of this Pokémon is undoubtedly extremely special. If he grows into a patron saint, he should be able to become a 'world manager'—if the conditions are sufficient, then let him open a path in that dusty history. There should be a great chance to lead to a certain imprisoned time and space and take out some of the holy cities that have disappeared.

It can be seen that the person who carved this statue has high hopes for this Pokémon - he hopes that this Pokémon can evolve into this shape.

A sneaky figure got into the main hall, and the figure walked around the temple a few times. It looked like it was looking for some treasure or secret.

After a while, Ren Ying noticed the statue on the altar - the first thing Ren Ying noticed was the leading male god, but then Duo Ying's attention was attracted by the goddess statue.

"This big sister is so beautiful." The man put his finger to his mouth like a nympho, and saliva flowed out of his mouth. There was also a look of love in those burning eyes - those eyes seemed to say, "Why don't you give me one too".

For a while, the figure couldn't help but forget the business of her coming here. She turned herself into a reminder as big as the **** statue, and then stretched out her butterfly tendrils to form a thousand arms. I posed like a **** statue.

It seems that he found something missing in his hand, and one arm of the figure took out a small tattered bag from his waist, and then the other arms took out a lot of things from the bag - but, Those items were not like artifacts, but rather odd things sank in the deep sea.

There were shipwrecks overgrown with coral, antiques overgrown with seagrass, crumbling charts, and even shells, conch, fish tanks—a pile of junk anyway.

But in the eyes of the shadows, they are his favorite collections - there are many good things, all of which are offered by the believers.

The tall, thousand-armed figure hugged the fish tank, and the thousand-armed figure held a variety of tattered pieces, and jumped to the top of the altar. She looked down at the goddess statue in front of her, and then made a few poses, feeling that she was finally with the goddess. It looks more and more like.

"Is there a possibility...I mean possible." The figure looked at his idol and blinked: "It's actually my real mother?! Woohoo...I was adopted by God the Father. children..."

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the Vulcan God statue seemed to be looking at herself with that kind of eyes—it was like looking at a big fool.

"What are you looking at!" The figure glared at the statue of Vulcan fiercely.

The figure didn't get angry with the Vulcan statue, after all, being angry with a **** statue would make him seem very mindless.

But her anger turned to the statue of the thousand-armed goddess - she freed up a hand and grabbed at the goddess from a distance. Then the goddess turned into a small model and ran into her hands.

Looking at the new little toy in his hand, the figure couldn't help laughing.

After playing for a while, she looked left and right like a thief, then jumped to the **** position and began to **** on the main god.

"Louis said that this place will be the 'fire spreader' of the wizards in the future, and the secret of spreading fire must be on his idol!"

Not long after, the figure noticed the ancient book in the male god's hand, her eyes lit up slightly, she reached out and took the ancient book, and carefully studied the stone ancient book.

It is very amazing that some words are automatically written on this ancient stone book.

[You spent some time finding Garlock's flame scepter. Then, you ignored the 'King of Pain and Desire' who was quietly following you and went to the 'Zhenhai Temple'. You know that your 'wat board' and 'dragon talisman' are in the Zhenhai Temple. After you take them away, you plan to slightly remodel this temple and use it as a "transfer hall" in the future. 】

[But what you don't know is that a secret about fire spread is waiting for you here. 】

["Pass the fire? Well, that's right. The fire is passed on from generation to generation. When the various occupations of the Sanctuary are promoted here in the future, everyone should be able to decipher some mysteries from the divinity of the idol-in this case, everyone will change careers. There should be an additional occupational attribute later.”]

Blinking his eyes, the figure did not understand the meaning of these narrations, but judging from the text, the figure felt that he should have guessed correctly - the secret of the fire is really here!

The figure decided to eavesdrop here, but seeing that Louis was about to come, the figure could not find a suitable corner to hide. In desperation, the footsteps of Louis had already sounded outside the hall.

In the panic, the figure of UU reading knew that she was definitely too late to run. She hurriedly put the stone book in her hand back into the hand of the male god, but she used too much force and broke the hand of the male **** statue— This time it almost didn't scare the figure to death.

If Louis knew that he had come secretly to do damage, he would be dead.

At this time, the shadow of Louis appeared at the door of the main hall.

Thinking that Luna would kneel at Louis's feet for training, the figure's legs softened, and his legs sat on the god's seat. The thousand arms on his body also stood up stiffly.

In the blankness in his mind, Louis had already stepped into the hall. The figure glanced at the Vulcan opposite, then turned their heads and looked at Louis who walked in.

[You scratched your head and looked at Ake's idol, always feeling that something wasn't right. 】

'Why are you kneeling there? Still holding a pile of junk in your hand? never mind. '

"Well, Garlock, your shape is good, and I'll just follow this way - here, something for you." Louis reached out and threw a warhammer to make a flame scepter, and threw it to the Vulcan.

In silence, Ake saw that the small flame scepter gradually grew larger after flying over, and then was taken by the 'Vulcan Statue' beside him.

Then, she saw the 'Vulcan Statue' patted the dust on her body, walked towards Louis with a flattering smile, and chatted with Louis.

Akko: '? ? ? '

[Obviously, only one statue was automatically generated in this temple—the King of Galak of the South China Sea. 】

[Ake's idol was pinched by Louis, while Garlock's one, he hasn't had time to get it. 】

Looking at the narration of the ancient stone book in his hand, Ake, who was holding his own idol in his hand, raised his head numbly: "..."


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