Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 194: It's rude, Your Majesty Queen

  Chapter 194 I am rude, Your Majesty the Queen

  After Dracula and Louis finished talking, Dracula left first.

  After watching Dracula leave, Louis walked through the chaotic and noisy hall and walked to the throne from the side. When passing by the throne, Louis glanced at the gold and silver jewels piled behind the throne-there were probably six or seven large boxes.

  The gold and silver jewels are scattered on the ground. It looks scary, but if you calculate it carefully, it is actually hundreds of thousands of gold gallons, or hundreds of thousands of pounds-it is said that this is half of the king's personal wealth.

  A lot.

  And now the whole kingdom is waiting to be flourished, and as a trade transit station, after being closed for so long, the merchant ships that used to come here to do business have long already had new routes and free ports.

  So the kingdom is still short of money. Now, the king is willing to take out half of his personal property at once, which is very generous.

  Hundreds of thousands of gold gallons, if this figure is thrown into the bottomless pit of the navy, the splash will not be able to come out—especially the navy in the steam age.

But if it were placed in those small kingdoms that were still in the 16th century and whose main industry was farming, it would be an astronomical figure-Helen's father, Grand Duke Oren, had more than two million people in the territory, and the land area should be quite large. of. But if you don't count the industries such as sea trade and magical creatures. The annual rent and agricultural tax are added together, which is 50,000 gold gallons.

  The entire Rainbow Country has a population of only a few hundred thousand, and the king’s personal vault alone is so rich. It seems that the closed kingdom in the farming era is far more wealthy than the kingdom that opened its doors to sea trade to welcome the new era.

  Compared with the kingdom of the steam age, the difference is even greater.

  Magicians’ Association is a big money-burning household, and the seven to eight thousand pounds subsidized by Solundo’s finances every year is not very useful at all. The entire association is in tatters. Occasionally magicians play alchemy and buy a few magic gems, and there will be financial deficits.

  If we refining strange objects and deploying potions in the future, it will consume a lot of money.

  The association of magicians once relied on magicians to solve mysterious events in various kingdoms or great nobles to raise funds.

  The entire association has not had a large income for more than ten years. This money is a super big start. Enough for the Magician Association to support the crystal array and various alchemy tools.

  The drunken king took Louis's shoulder and called all his sons and daughters over. Introduced to Louis. The king intends to let half of his children go to the future magician academy in Solundo in the future-but the academy has not yet opened, so the king hopes that they can study at the magician association.

  Louis naturally agreed—the King’s tuition was indeed not small.

  As for the other half of the children, the king plans to send them to the Moon Court to study-the archbishop of the Rainbow Kingdom is a relative of the king.

  The king mentioned the matter of the Moon Court casually, but Louis took the initiative to say that he is familiar with the cardinal of the ‘St. Anthony’s Basilica’ and he can write a letter of recommendation.

This made the king overjoyed. He patted his forehead and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I almost forgot. My eldest daughter is very gifted in magic—what about my eldest daughter? Damn, run. where it goes."

  The king shook his head. He explained the situation of the princess—also an illegitimate child. But her mother is the king's cousin, so to some extent, this illegitimate child is also a princess.

  The king was not at all taboo, and told Louis about this kind of thing.

  He also expressed that he hoped that the princess could learn from Louis's side.

  Louis face was a bit awkward, he understood the king's thoughts. But this is not so good-look at the queen's face. If I let the princess be by my side, I would be too sorry for the queen.

  Louis couldn't help but glanced at the little prince who was breastfeeding in his nurse's arms not far away-and I'm sorry for the child. No matter how old they are, they are the chief heirs. If you accept the princess as a student, it will be a thunder, and the kingdom of rainbow will surely be in chaos from now on.

  This king is really unreliable.

  Louis changed the subject. He did not say to accept the student, nor did he directly refuse. Knowledge said that he would arrange a good teacher.

  The king is a little bit regretful, but overall he is very happy, and said that he will continue to fund the Magician Association in the future.

  The king is very happy, but the queen's face is hard to look.

  Those illegitimate children, half go to learn magic, half go to Moon Court, and when they come back in the future, the position of the bishop and the royal court, isn't it that they will all be occupied?

  What is my son?

  What is the queen of me?

  The king not only ignored his young and beautiful queen, but also let the king’s eldest daughter play the harp and sing a song to Louis.

  In distress, the queen lowered her head, pulled up the harp in her hand, and began to sing sadly.

  Looking at Louis can't bear it.

After   , the king took Louis to talk a lot of drinking, and after a few drinking talks, the tongue of the drunk king was knotted. At the end, he fell asleep on the ground amidst the noise of the hall and the sound of the queen's piano.

  Louis face was a little embarrassed, and he reached out and took the two hundred jin big fat man back to the throne. In this scene, the queen's mouth grew slightly, and the singing stopped.

  After putting down the king, Louis glanced at the messy hall, and shook his head secretly-there were even drunks peeing out the window. And many people who drank too much have already slept on the velvet on the ground.

  It seems that the people in the hall are the same as the king. It is estimated that they intend to sleep here tonight.

  Helen has gone back to bed long ago, and Hober is gone. Louis also intends to leave. He glanced at the king who had snored one last time, and then smiled awkwardly with the queen.

  The queen seems to be in a bad mood. This powerful woman who can speak well at ordinary times has very few words today.

  Louis is also quite embarrassed.

  The two had a few awkward conversations, and Louis planned to leave. He remembered that he had been busy all day, but he hadn't read those magic books yet. He glanced at the hall and didn't see Hober. So he asked the queen where are the magic books.

  Louis felt that the queen should still be familiar with magic books-the head of the savior, researched those books with the wizards every day, and tossed the king.

  But the queen was stunned and hesitated for a long time. In the end, as if she had made some decision, she said the name of a tall tower.

  Louis is a little surprised—it doesn’t seem to mean to send a servant to lead him!

  But the queen didn't seem to say much anymore, just coaxing the children there.

  Louis was a little embarrassed, and left with a slight bow. The queen smiled slightly and watched him leave.

  After going out, Louis looked for Hober and planned to take a few books back to read at night. So after chanting Hobo's name secretly, he knew that Hobo was now on a secluded balcony on the corner of a corridor outside the main hall.

  Louis turned a few turns, and the road was quiet, with no one. After coming over there, I saw that Hober was chatting with the princess in a low voice with a sad expression. It turned out that the princess who said ‘I don’t know where I went’ was the princess who had been talking about.

  The princess’s mother, the king’s cousin, has passed away because of a dystocia. The princess was born in the church and has grown to more than 20 years old for so many years.

  After losing his family, Hober has not yet fully come out. Although this nerd is very straightforward emotionally, in his eyes the princess is still a child and his own student. But the princess had already had her teacher in mind for a long time.

  When Hober came to the Rainbow Country, the princess was just eight years old. It can be said that the princess grew up when Hobo was a child.

  Until the year when the princess was eighteen, Hobo, who was digging the earth, became insane, and the two men began to stop talking. But the princess had been silently looking at her teacher Hober, secretly accompanying the digging lunatic. This kind of company is also a kind of affectionate confession.

  Hobo was still talking about his own student without a sentence, but the princess’ eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

  This does not make Louis secretly a little dumb: ‘Tong bride-in-law, this is! ’

  A good friend finally had a girl to accompany him, and Louis was not too disappointed. So I had to leave quietly.

  While walking in the large and dark corridor, Louis said in his heart: ‘Remember that Hobo said before that the magic books are in a secret study. But the queen told me how the location is a certain tower. "

  Louis murmured secretly, this queen was too uninteresting, and she didn't send servants to help lead the way-didn't she deliberately let herself wander around.

  He intends to find someone to ask about the location. So he blinked, his eyes were erected, and immediately all the life-breathing things on his body could be seen by his partition wall in the entire royal court.

  But after searching for a long time, I did not see a suitable guide. It seems that the servants are busy in the reception hall, and occasionally encounter some people, it is the knight who is hiding in the corner and hugging the lady.

   Hum and hum along the way, Louie’s face is awkward, it seems that the culture of the Rainbow Country is still in the Middle Ages, and everyone is a bit informal. And in the palace of the Rainbow Kingdom, there doesn't seem to be any manners.

  In order not to make it even more embarrassing to meet these people, Louis had to walk towards a place with few people. It wasn't until he wandered around to a secluded tower that he finally saw a woman holding a candle and lying in a daze in front of the railing on the balcony.

  Louis couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly walked over.

"It's great, miss. You know the study." Just halfway through the conversation, Louis suddenly discovered that the woman was wearing a crown and when the woman turned her head in surprise, Louis also suddenly found this. It turned out to be the Rainbow Queen.

   "Sorry, I was a little rude, Your Majesty." Louis said with a slight polite, his face a little embarrassed. He didn't expect the queen to spin around the castle alone.

  Perhaps you think the reception hall is too messy? So come out and blow the air alone? That's right, when I was just leaving, I saw the drunk king holding a fat maid in a mess.

"No need to be polite, Mr. Louis." The queen greeted slightly, picked up the candlestick on the railing, and explained with a smile: "I was rude, and I suddenly remembered that you can't get into the study-the door of that study is There is a spell. I was going to pick up a few books. Tomorrow I will ask the court wizard. I will take you on the way."

  Louis suddenly, it seems that this study room is usually not accessible to others, only the queen has the keys and spells. So she let herself wait for her in this high tower, and then go there together.

  But how come you have to wait until the king is asleep before you come over, it's getting dark.

  Louis said with a weird face: "Then I will trouble you, Your Majesty. Let's go early and get back early."

  For those who have recommended votes, don’t forget to vote.

  (End of this chapter)

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