Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 179: Falling stars

   Louis stared into the distance, he could see that the unnamed **** had quietly approached.

   But the whole world is unaware of it.

   Suddenly, there was a burst of sky and earth cracking outside, which suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

   [Hobo succeeded, the fog gradually faded...]

   Everyone suddenly looked out, and saw that the square in the center of the city had already burst into pieces in a column of shocking water gushing from the ground.

   And the lunatic who used to dig crazy there has already turned into dust in this explosion.

   Seven-colored dust.

   This dust followed the water column straight to the sky, forming a rainbow of seven colors in the sky!

   It turned out that the potion that made the seven-colored rain was not just something that the two scholars threw into the groundwater source.

   The most critical potions have been hidden in Hober's body.

   Everything has been calculated by the magician. He knew that he would be torn apart in this eruption. And those medicines on his body, together with his body, will turn into dust and go straight to the sky.

   Here is the peerless spell created by the great magician Hober.

  He himself is the divine dragon who is in the midst of the summoning, going straight to the sky, calling out the seven-colored heavy rain!

   The two scholars stood up in a daze, and they remembered everything. However, it is impossible to achieve this effect with the medicine formulated by myself. At most, it can only let spring water gush out.

   But, why did a dragon suddenly appear? And why is there a rainbow?

   They didn't know the most crucial ingredient, which was always hidden in the teacher's body. But they suddenly remembered what the teacher once told them:

["John, Jack, you have followed me for more than 20 years. In these 20 years, the three of us have traveled the whole world, cheating and begging everywhere. You think my title of'Holy Oak Scholar' is a boast It came out, thinking that I don’t know magic at all, and I don’t have any magic power. I’m just a wild wizard with no magic power in the eyes of a wizard."]

   ["But I can actually use magic, a magic spell that can be released by ‘wild wizards’ who are incapable of magic power, a peerless curse that no one knows of my own creation..."]

   Tears ran across the eyes of the two scholars: "It's a success! It's a success! The teacher has sung the curse for more than ten years! That's the song! That song!!!"

   Amid the excitement and sorrow of the two scholars, there was a faint expression in the numb eyes of those in the hall.

   They could not help but came to the door of the church. They looked at the clouds accumulated in the sky, and looked at the colorful rainbows in the sky. Seems to think of something suddenly.

  The eyes that had been numb for a long time gradually began to look bright.

   They remembered.

   [Or, the great magician Hober, once deceived them like this...]

   [He said, he is the most powerful magician in the world, he knows a kind of peerless curse that no one can understand. 】

  【This spell can disperse the fog and shock the gods. It can also save the world. 】

  【But this mantra is long and obscure, and requires many years of chanting. 】

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   [When it succeeds, it will be accompanied by a loud noise of the sky and the earth. Soon, the seven-colored dragon will go straight to the sky, and a seven-colored rain will completely dispel the fog. 】

   Maybe this spell is too powerful, so powerful that it must be at the cost of his life.

  The king, Dracula, everyone gradually looked towards the sky.

   The rainbow looming in the mist is like a door representing hope, so that desperate and numb people suddenly have a glimmer of hope.

   The mad bishop also stared at the sky in a daze.

   The fog has faded away, and the seven-colored clouds and rainbows have become clearer. And the city that originally seemed to have been in ruins has gradually begun to appear in the fog-it seems that the people in the world have also seen this scene at this moment.

   In the church, I don’t know who suddenly uttered a cry with tears, which made the whole church have a sound.

   "The seven-colored clouds, the seven-colored rain that is about to fall...are we...saved?"

   "Heavy rain will come! Heavy rain will come! We are saved!!"

   Amidst these two sorrows and shouts, looking at the people outside the door, they suddenly felt that the perspective in front of them became hazy, tears slid from the eyes, and the rainbow was mapped into seven colors.

   Helen's eyes were wet, she held a small mirror and said, "Sister, did you see it."

   I don't know when, Helen has already secretly started the live broadcast.

  Osikris seems to be in class, and ‘Byron’, Delfinia, and the magician are all in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking at this side intently.

   Osikris wiped her tears, crying sullenly. Francisco was very touched, unable to think that a magician without magic power would do what no one could do.

   What a sad and beautiful scene.

   is the way a certain person’s movements have been inconsistent—Louis didn’t know what he was doing. He had been making gestures in mid-air with his hands towards the sky outside the door a few minutes ago.

   seems to be directing something.

   just as the great magician Hober had expected.

   Under the background of the rainbow, there was a pouring rain in the sky.

   But the heavy rain is not seven colors, but desperate red...

   "Yes, it's blood?" Dracula looked at the heavy rain in the sky, looked at his hand, and showed an unbelievable look: "Why, how could this be..."

   Dracula looked into the distance suddenly, and found that the background of the sky was still red, like a burning fire.

   The monsters in the city have not faded away, they are constantly jubilant in the scarlet rain.

The fog is getting lighter and lighter, and people can see clearly. Around the city, there are tall and deformed tentacles like giant towers, which are constantly swaying in mid-air-they are constantly wafting out scarlet blood, turning the seven colors The heavy rain turned into a **** color.

   And in the red sky background, there is a giant shadow that obscures the sky and the sun-that is his projection.

   He is as big as a mountain, very hazy in the mist. It's like a huge mirage. Embracing the entire world in His arms.

   Suddenly, God opened his eyes-like twenty-four twinkling stars above the mist!

   At this moment, a deep chill suddenly emerged from people's hearts, turning into uncontrollable fear and despair.

   It seems that the unknown **** above the fog has already quietly come to this world.

   He watched all this jokingly, watching the lunatic in the middle of the city, watching these ridiculous ants. Listening to the stories about their delusions overcoming the doomsday brought him endless joy.

   But what he couldn't think of was that the magician named ‘Hobo’, who had no magical power, had found the real way—heavy rain in seven colors! He didn't understand the use of that useless rain.

   But this seven-color heavy rain that is about to take shape seems to really bring this world back to reality!

   almost let this extremely delicious fat that has been cooked fly away.

   But all this is meaningless, because He has already come.

Just a few small tentacles on his body are enough to turn the seven-colored rain into a desperate rain of and it is also enough to extinguish the last trace of hope in people's hearts and make this despair and change. It's even sweeter and more delicious.

   A burst of sound suddenly rang in everyone's heart.

  [The ignorant, humble, and ridiculous ant always dreams of defeating the gods...???]

  The giant shadow that obscured the sky and the sun suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky-he saw the stars fall on the distant sky!

  [! ! ! ]

   Why do stars fall? Is it possible that a **** has fallen? !

   Its speed is so fast! Like a catastrophe that came to the world! Falling towards God's forehead.

   He saw that when the calamity star fell into this world, it split in the atmosphere, causing a terrifying explosion.

   Soon, the sky was illuminated by a strong light.

  At this moment, it seemed that there was an extra sun on that day!

   Its light eclipsed those twenty-four stars—because it was a star that really came from the sky.

  【The end is coming...】



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