Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 4 Chapter 264: Improve [16] her snacks

"Be careful, there are rattlesnakes!"

As soon as Bu Yirong's voice fell, Mo Shangjun and Su Bei in the front immediately recovered.

They also heard the uncoordinated sound, but because they did not have the rich experience of jungle survival, they were recognizing the direction of the sound and did not immediately respond.

The rattlesnake is very toxic. It is a blood-type snake venom. It will have a severe tingling and burning sensation immediately after being bitten. Although it will not die immediately, it is not a joke to be bitten by it.

When the rattlesnake encounters the enemy, it will quickly swing the tail ring of the tail, which can swing 40 to 60 times per second, can make a loud sound for a long time, can deter the enemy from dare to move forward, or be scared away by it.

It is now making such a noise, apparently has discovered the existence of Mo Shangyun's line, and regards them as enemies, and may attack them at any time.

At the moment Mo Shangjun reminded him, he recognized the position of the rattlesnake. When he looked away, he saw the rattlesnake with open fangs. It was in a fierce mood, raising its head high, and flying towards the north of Jiangsu at the next moment. In the past.

Immediately after almost no brain thinking, the dagger in Mo Shangjun's hand flew past.

Behind her movements are Su Bei and Bu Yirong.

Subei also chose to attack with a knife, but the reaction was a bit slower than Mo Shangjun, so after Mo Shangjun’s dagger penetrated the rattlesnake’s body to fix it on the ground, her dagger fell down and was inserted directly into the soft ground. .

In addition, Bu Yirong didn't know when there was a stone in his hand, and he almost moved at the same time as Mo Shangjun. After Mo Shangjun succeeded, his stone was in the middle of the rattlesnake's head. Although it was not a big stone, it would also raise the rattlesnake Dizzy.

Subei was close to it. When he saw it was fixed, he immediately squatted down, pulled out the dagger from the ground, cut off the rattlesnake's head with a knife, and clipped it to the side with a branch.

After that, she picked up a piece behind the rattlesnake and gave Mo Shangyun the dagger drenched in blood but washed away by the rain.

"Step Instructor, can you add meals?"

Raising the rattlesnake, North Jiangsu stood up and asked behind him.


The students behind looked at this scene in silence.

All of them can now be said to be "hard-working", and they can react immediately after being attacked, but they may not have the same good eyesight and accurate methods as Mo Shangyun.

However, after encountering such a thrilling event, they always had to slow down, like Northern Jiangsu, who directly used danger as an ingredient opportunity, without a buffering process in the middle... Well, I really want to give her a sigh Chirp.


Seeing the rattlesnake that was about to reach his face, he replied without changing his face.

North Jiangsu shrugged his shoulders and tied the snake to his rucksack strap. The snake knotted and looked strange.

Mo Shangyun continued to rinse with his dagger in the rain before continuing to open the way.

The environment of the rainforest is very special. The climate is hot all year round and there is plenty of rainfall. Although it is raining, the temperature is higher than in the camp, so the air is sultry and sweats a bit after a little activity.

Opening the road is also a matter of physical exertion.

Although Su Bei and Mo Shangjun were having fun in their bitter times, when their bodies gradually began to feel tired, they even lost their minds about making music and could only try to keep their experience to open the way.

Bu Yirong has never meant to change personnel.

There are steps to make decisions before him, and Peng Yuqiu will not say much, and will follow the team at the end.

In the second half of the road, Liang Zhiqiong, who was still energetic and wanted to prove his strength, slowly fell behind, and it was inevitable that he would crash into Yuqiuqiu after the rear broke.

I originally planned to take a break in the back, slowly catch up with the team's Liang Zhiqiong, and noticed the existence of Peng Yuqiu as soon as it fell behind. Immediately clenched my teeth and tried not to slow myself down as much as Peng Yuqiu. At the speed of the person in front.

Before, Peng Yuqiu let go of harsh words.

She didn't want to be looked down upon, nor did she want to lose face before Peng Yuqiu.

"Give me a rucksack."

Noting the sweat on Liang Zhiqiong's face, Peng Yuqiu frowned, and took the initiative to reach out to Liang Zhiqiong.

However, Liang Zhiqiong didn't seem to hear him, he didn't respond at all, and he was fully prepared to climb the hill.

Peng Yuqiu was a little embarrassed, but immediately followed Liang Zhiqiong.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liang Zhiqiong approached him, his scalp became numb, and he quickly pulled away from them.

I gradually realized what Peng Yuqiu did not continue to approach anymore. Instead, he trailed a little and kept an appropriate distance from Liang Zhiqiong.

His speed slowed down, but the speed of the students in the front was still the same, and Liang Zhiqiong was really weak because he was carrying a rucksack and wading in the water, and the speed was unconsciously slowing down, gradually increasing the distance from Fu Zhe in front.

The terrain in front is becoming more and more complicated, and the degree of danger of walking is gradually increasing. In addition, there are continuous heavy rains above the head. All factors are suppressing the heavy atmosphere, and the heavy objects on the shoulders seem to be slowly Heavier, can not bear more and more.

On the hillside with roads, all relying on Mo Shangjun and Beibei Road in front. The moss on the ground was trampled several times, and the bottom of the foot was easy to slip. Liang Zhiqiong reached out and grabbed a small bush branch above, intending to step on it, She didn't want the shallow roots of the bush to be pulled out by her at once. Liang Zhiqiong, who wanted to use force to lift up, just raised the other leg, and the whole person fell down due to weightlessness. Liang Zhiqiong quickly grabbed the rest of the surroundings in panic. Branch, but did not hold firmly twice, and fell straight down for a long distance.

Almost directly from the half **** down to the slope.

This **** is not a dirt surface, but a protruding stone. When Liang Zhiqiong slipped down, all parts of her body were hit by protruding stones. As soon as she stopped, she felt pain all over her body, and it hurt her eyes black for a while. Almost never gasped.

At the same time, Peng Yuqiu was at a distance, and after seeing the sudden accident ahead, he had a momentary consternation, but when he returned to God himself, the person had already run to Liang Zhiqiong, and he came to Liang Zhiqiong's Body side.

He took Liang Zhiqiong's shoulders from the rear and changed her from lying down to lying down, with one hand down her shoulders, with her neck passing through, grabbing her shoulder on the other side.

"How are you hurt?"

He asked nervously, wanting to check Liang Zhiqiong's injury.

However, Liang Zhiqiong, who had just recovered from the pain, hardly thought about it, pushed his hand away, and then reached out to grab the branch on the ground. His face was pale and painful, but he still broke free from Peng Yuqiu's arms. When he came out, he stumbled and stood up.

Taking a deep breath, Liang Zhiqiong looked down at Peng Yuqiu in a panicked look. She was stunned for a moment and then said, "I'm fine."

It's just a fall, it's not a big deal.

She no longer needs to rely on a little painful yelling to attract the attention of others.

Peng Yuqiu's movements were stiff for a moment, and then he stood up silently from the ground.

At this moment, Fu Zhe, who was standing on the hillside, came back because he heard the news, he grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, and then turned to the side of the slope. After seeing Liang Zhiqiong, who was covered with muddy ground, he was blinded for a while. Asked loudly: "007, are you okay?"

Liang Zhiqiong put on a relaxed expression, raised his hand and swung upward, and then said: "It's okay, I'll come over immediately."

"Oh, be careful."

Fu Zhe no doubt he was there, nodded obediently.

Peng Yuqiu did not speak, quietly watching Liang Zhiqiong's unconscionable response.

When carefully looking at Liang Zhiqiong, Peng Yuqiu suddenly discovered that Liang Zhiqiong did not know when to start, and even the contours of the facial features gradually matured. When he graduated from college, he still had a little fat on his face, but now there is no extra meat on his face. , The facial features gradually become three-dimensional.

When did this change start?

Peng Yuqiu never found out.

Keep looking at her as if she has always been like this.

At this moment, she was muddy, dirty, and had bruises on her nose. She was painfully impatient, but she responded to those who cared about her with a relaxed smile.

Therefore, the current Liang Zhiqiong has made Peng Yuqiu stranger.

He stood there, no longer extending a helping hand to Liang Zhiqiong.

At this moment, he realized so clearly that Liang Zhiqiong didn't need help.

After leaving the wings of the photo, Liang Zhiqiong is growing at an alarming speed. To the naked eye, she is carrying her own responsibilities and is able to occasionally help her. Those who can be called "comrades" by her People.

She doesn't need his sympathy.

There is no need for the care of "instructors".

It seemed that nothing happened to Liang Zhiqiong, and after slowing down for a while, he continued to climb up the previous road.

This time, her crawling speed slowed down significantly, but she became more and more cautious, and each time she grasped the branch, she learned to pull it to see if the branch could bear her weight.

She began to think on her own, learn to not go the old way after making mistakes, and accumulate experience in mistakes.

Peng Yuqiu followed her all the way, but never helped her once.

Because, she doesn't need it.


The walking speed in the rain forest is very slow.

It took Mo about four hours to reach the prescribed destination.

At this time, the students were basically in a state of exhaustion. Only two instructors who did not need to carry their rucksacks were relaxed. They were never overwhelmed by the four-hour journey.

The situation was even worse for Mo Shangjun and Subei who were in charge of opening the road in the front, and Liang Zhiqiong who fell forward and fell.

Hearing Bu Yirong's word "arrived" is like hearing the sound of natural sound, and regardless of the water and mud on the ground, immediately sit down in a corner, and wish to sleep on the spot for three days and three nights, until the sky is old.

Looking around, Yurong ordered: "Take a rest for 20 minutes and prepare for camping."


Several students responded feebly to him.

However, it obviously does not include Mo Shangyun and Northern Jiangsu.

It was really exhausting.

Fortunately, Ruyi Rong did not care about these things. He raised his hand and moved towards Peng Yuqiu. After Peng Yuqiu passed by, he began to allocate with Peng Yuqiu what the students would do next.

The location they chose, although there were beasts, was still within the safety zone. The bigger problem was those ghosts and small creatures in the jungle, like snakes and poisonous insects.

There are always too many unknown dangers in the rain forest.

Even if he had rich experience in the field, Peng Yuqiu's ability to survive in the wild was good, but he didn't dare to mess up in the rain forest.

The deeper you understand, the more awe you are.

Fearlessness is for people who have nothing to worry about and know nothing about.

Just in case, they did not choose to build shelters from local materials, but brought special tents to avoid contact with the outside world at night.

Because it is necessary to take turns vigil, two people allocate a tent, a total of five tents, including two instructors, which requires students to build.

In addition, there are the distribution of patrols and vigils; the distribution of food; the distribution of fire.

Now that the rain has stopped, it probably won't rain much in the future. Although it is difficult to ignite in the rain forest, it is good for them to have one more fire.

Most of the students' clothes are wet from the inside out, and a pile of water is twisted. Although wearing the clothes, the whole person is completely soaked in water.

The two were roughly allocated and then assigned tasks while the students were resting.

During the period, they ignored Mo Shangyun, Subei, and Liang Zhiqiong, and the students did not take it seriously. After all, Subei and Mo Shangyun were so hard along the way, and they also knew that Liang Zhiqiong was injured in the fall. There is no need to worry about these among the comrades, so the whole process of assignment is very harmonious.

Northern Jiangsu rested on the tree, and the whole person was groggy, and Mo Shangyun slept on her shoulders, her shoulders were heavy, and she did not push away Mo Shangyun.

In a daze, it seems that the instructors are assigning tasks, and step by step allows Rong to be born with a gentle voice and is very recognizable. She frowned frantically in her sleep, thinking she must wait until the step Open your eyes with a name, otherwise you will never take steps.

However, she stayed in a trance for a long time. She heard everything she said clearly, but she didn't wait for her to call her codename and assign her tasks.

Will it not be forgotten?

Or escaped?

Su Bei thought this way, and then fell asleep completely, Bu Yurong's voice gradually went away.

When Northern Jiangsu was sober again, it was half an hour later.

When I woke up, there was already a lot of fun around me.

The tents are setting up the tent, the fire is burning, the wood is picking up the wood, everyone is busy.

No, there are people who are not busy.

After she felt that there was no heavy object on her shoulder, she thought of Mo Shangyun and turned her head to look. She happened to see that Mo Shangyun was taking medicine for Liang Zhiqiong.

"Why are you still hanging out?"

Subei joined together and looked at Liang Zhiqiong with a bruise on his face.

Look at this pretty face with flowers and jade. Although it has a bit of skin trauma, it is more charming.

Gee, it is indeed the person that Mo Shangyun fancy.


With tears in his eyes, Liang Zhiqiong bit his lips stubbornly and refused to speak to Northern Jiangsu, but he glanced into Northern Jiangsu's eyes, but he was very unhappy.

——She is so painful, you are still talking coldly!

"If you are awake, go and see your snacks." Mo Shangjun gave Liang Zhiqiong a medicine, and he reminded North Jiangsu, "Don't carry it all the way, it's cheaper for someone to pick it up."

Su Bei froze for a moment, and then thought of the rattlesnake, subconsciously turned to look at his rucksack, as expected—

Snake, gone!

Her snack!

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