Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 4 Chapter 195: Actual combat [eight] road accidents [two more]

At four in the morning.

Dragging his tired body, Mo Shangjun and Ding Jing arrived at the previously agreed location together.

This is not a very spacious area. On the contrary, the mountains are steep and the terrain is dangerous, and it takes a lot of thought to just walk through.

This is the beginning of the hard journey on the fifth day.

About here, because there is a river nearby, and at the foot of the mountain, the terrain recognition is high, even if you get lost in the middle of the night, it is easy to find each other.

Without a flashlight, you can only use moonlight to illuminate, but once your eyes get used to such a night, just a little attention can be unimpeded.

However, in this situation of vision, it is absolutely impossible to want to go through the steep route ahead.

"No one."

At the appointed place, Ding Jing grumbled strangely.

It stands to reason that Chai Xinyan and others who have not been pursued should have arrived here long ago.

Even if they are stupidly lost in the jungle and arrive later than they are, it is impossible for none of them to arrive. Like Qin Xue and Ren Yu, they have to get there anyway.

Mo Shangyun also had doubts. She looked down at the ground, walked slowly around for a while, and finally raised her eyebrows, saying, "They should have been."

Ding Jing walked to her curiously.

Because there has been no rain in the past few days and the soil is not soft, it is difficult to leave footprints even if you walk over it.

Especially in this visual field environment, it is even more difficult to notice.

However, where Mo Shangjun stood, there were traces of falling leaves in the shrubs next to it. After careful identification, it could be found that the leaves on the ground were fresh, not falling off naturally.

Ding Jing squatted down, raised his hand to pick up a leaf, looked closely, and finally looked up at Mo Shangjun, "Just dropped."

Mo Shangyun glanced down at her.

So, what makes them disappear collectively?

Qin Xue started?

still is--

At this moment, they heard a slight noise from the wood beside them.

The slight movement of the twigs, the subtle noise of the friction of the leaves, and the footsteps that are almost indistinguishable.

There is no wind, and they are close to here, so the sound is very obvious.

However, if they are a little farther away and a little wind blows at night, this sound can be easily concealed, and the other party can come close without knowing it.

Those who can achieve this level are definitely professionals.

Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing glanced at each other.

At the next moment, they stepped aside in unison, letting out the middle one. The two hid behind the cover, and then touched out their hunting knifes, holding them firmly in their hands.

At this moment, the speed of time passing by is surprisingly slow, as if slowing down at double speed every minute and second, and the sound of getting closer, one by one, can knock in their hearts, and every sound is like an alarm .

In a short period of time, Mo Shangjun's nerves were tense, unconsciously flashing various possibilities in his mind, and he worked out the best solution based on experience.

But after a period of struggling, Mo Shangyun finally cleared her brain and decided not to speculate, but to entrust all things to her natural response exercised over the years.

Without knowing the specific situation, she always likes this analysis, but excessive analysis is not only useless, but also puts a certain burden on the brain.

Finally, the pile of shrubs shook slightly, and soon people flashed.

Mo Shangjun held the knife in his hand and subconsciously intended to launch an attack on the other party, but paused when he noticed the other party's attire, while Ding Jing on the other side attacked the other party without stopping. Fall to the ground.

The man who had just raised his head was strangled by Ding Jing from the rear, and at the same time, the hunting knife pressed against his chin.

With a little effort, the hunting knife will pierce the opponent's flesh.

"Ding Jing!"

Mo Shangyun quickly called Ding Jing.

Ding Jing acted, and by the moonlight, carefully looked at the face of the "captive" in his hand.

Black paint, mud and black charcoal smeared on the face, but vaguely can still identify the identity of the other party-Ren Yu.

Feeling recognized, Ren Yu pulled a grin that was even uglier than crying, and he shouted with a trembling voice: "Boss, Sister Ding."

Ding Jing: "..." Fang.

Mo Shangjun looked aside and noticed that Ding Jing didn't pay attention to the other party's attire at all and couldn't help but care.

If this is actual combat, Ding Jing's behavior is the most appropriate.

She judged that the other party was her own based on Ren Yu's clothes and backpack, so she was hesitant when attacking.

She believed that Ding Jing must have seen it, but Ding Jing did not care at all, but directly attacked the "identified enemy".

This judgment is correct.

Because, the enemy is likely to have subdued the people on their side and changed their clothes to confuse the audience.

If Ren Yu was just a prepared enemy, then at the moment she hesitated, she would turn her strengths into disadvantages.

Seeing Ding Jing’s actions, Mo Shangyun gradually realized that because he had been staying in a hotbed environment for a long time, he did not have any sense of crisis.

It may be said that although her sense of crisis exists, because "actual combat" is too far away from herself, few things are only "barely", and it is difficult to maintain absolute vigilance at the critical time.

"what happened?"

Moving the hunting knife away, Ding Jing also released Ren Yu's hand.

Ren Yu was strangled and raised his hand to touch his neck and took a deep breath several times before he felt a new life.


After slowing down, Ren Yu glanced at the two of them, and then extended his finger to make a silent gesture on his lips.

Both Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing looked at him with idiot eyes.

If someone around really "overhears", they will not be able to stay here unharmed.

However, I was really curious about what happened. Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing still squatted down together, and squatted stupidly in the grass with Ren Yu, whose face was all in disguise.

Mo Shangyun asked: "Is it all here?"


Ren Yu nodded.

Wrinkled his eyebrows, Mo Shangyun asked, "What about them?"

In order to set off the atmosphere, Ren Yu deliberately lowered his voice and whispered quietly: "We found a'special mission'."


Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows impatiently.

God is mysterious and delays time.

Fortunately, Ren Yu was more conscious and didn’t continue to play with dumb mysteries. He quickly explained: “I was the first to arrive, followed by Chai Xinyan, Xiao Qiang, and Qin Xue. In fact, they only got together ten minutes ago. At that time, I met a group of people—"

Speaking of which, Ren Yu also glanced around, ticked his fingers at them, and tossed the atmosphere even more mysteriously.

Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing stared at him coolly this time.

Ren Yuzi said suddenly: "Like a drug gang."

Drug trafficking gang?

Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing both had a meal and looked at each other.

Where is the drug gang?

But when Mo Shangyun was still wondering, Ding Jing suddenly thought of something, and his eyes unconsciously became dignified.

"What about people?"

"How did you find it?"

Ding Jing and Mo Shangyun asked in unison.

"People are staring at them," Ren Yu pointed in a direction behind him, and then continued, "They secretly took off from the trail and dressed like local residents... But no residents will be in this place at night. Hurry up at night. We felt weird at first, and we secretly shrank and looked at it. Later, because Xiao Qiang was a local resident, he could understand their dialect. After he overheard a few sentences, his face changed instantly. , Saying they are talking about drugs. Not surprisingly, they are now "delivering drugs."

"So what is a'special mission'?" Mo Shangyun asked doubtfully.

"How can we happen to meet real drug dealers like this? It must have been deliberately arranged by the group of people in gS9." Ren Yu said rightfully, "We happen to have the local Xiao Qiang here, and they just happened to discuss'drug trafficking' when passing by us. 'It happened to be overheard by Xiao Qiang, and it happened that the few of us gathered this too coincidental?'


Neither Ding Jing nor Mo Shangyun spoke.

After a brief pause, Ren Yu continued: "In a word, in short, we all agree that this is a special task assigned to us by gS9. Isn’t this always the case in the special forces assessment? Several simulated actual battles were made during the assessment. It is like the real one after another, and it will punish confessions with severe punishment... in order to make us shrink back."

Ding Jing's expression was cold, and he stretched out his hand to grab Ren Yu's collar, and the words were mixed with chill, "So you want to start with this group of drug dealers?!"

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