If Gu Xiaoxiao knew what she was thinking, would she feel sick?

If Chu Yichen knew her feelings for him, would he never see her again?

These days, Bai Mo'er has been sorting out her thoughts and worried about this. She has no one to discuss, no one to talk to.

She is not like Gu Xiaoxiao, she has a good friend like Chu Xiaoxi. What surrounds her is not for the power of the Bai family, but to get money from her.

Bai Mo'er is tired of dealing with those people, so even if she is suffocated to death by herself, don't talk about such things with them!


Feng Shengxi looked at her hesitantly, with a hint of illusion in his heart, hoping that he had guessed wrong.

"You told me that you didn't investigate Chu Yichen because you liked him."

Speaking softly, Feng Shengxi's heart hung in the air. She looked at Bai Mo'er intently, waiting for the answer she wanted.

Bai Mo'er looked back at her dimly with teary eyes, but shook her head, causing Feng Shengxi's heart to plunge to the bottom.

"I like him, not like my father likes grandpa and family. If I can, I want to become Gu Xiaoxiao, the person next to him."

Bai Mo'er spoke to Feng Shengxi clearly and clearly.

Feng Shengxi's mind went blank, she firmly grasped Bai Mo'er's shoulders and shook Bai Mo'er's body.

"Mo'er, don't be confused, you can't like him! He is Gu Xiaoxiao's husband, don't you know?"

"I know! But what can I do!"

Bai Mo'er pushed her away with great pain.

"If it weren't for Gu Xiaoxiao, I would have snatched it! I don't want to like him, but I just like him! I can even dream of him smiling at me, you say, what else can I do?!"

Bai Mo'er got on the bed and cried. Feng Shengxi looked at her trembling body and couldn't say a word.

Realizing that he was thinking too simple, Feng Shengxi initially only thought that Bai Mo'er did something when he was in City B, which made Chu Yichen angry, so he secretly investigated him, and then thought about remedial measures. After all, this child has been spoiled by the family since childhood, but she never expected that Bai Mo'er would like Chu Yichen...

While Feng Shengxi was in distress and contemplation, Bai Mo'er cried, but there was no movement. When Feng Shengxi came back to her senses, she realized that she had cried and passed out.

Holding Bai Mo'er panicked, he ran downstairs and drove to the hospital. Facing Feng Shengxi, this time is no stranger to everyone in the Bai family. But this time, Feng Shengxi's heart was particularly uneasy.

Bai Moer only woke up slowly at four in the morning. Unlike the last time Bai Ziluo brought her here, she needs to be hospitalized this time.

Bai Yingjie stayed with her in the ward, while Feng Shengxi went home to pack her things. Chu Yichen's information and photos were still thrown in Bai Mo'er's room, absolutely not for others to see, otherwise, there would be no way to explain.

After Feng Shengxi went home, he cleaned up Bai Mo'er's room, took some daily necessities and clothes, and drove back to the hospital. Seeing Bai Mo'er lying on the hospital bed without saying a word, she walked over slowly.

Walking to Bai Mo'er's side, Feng Shengxi rubbed her hair.

"What do you want to eat at noon? Mom asked me to bring it over."

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