Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 825: I don't want to be sorry Gu Xiaoxiao


After crying for a long time, Bai Mo'er sobbed and looked up at Feng Shengxi.

"I don't want to die, I want to live well."

Bai Mo'er's words pierced Feng Shengxi's heart like a sharp blade, painful.

She is her daughter, doesn't she want to watch her die?

Since learning that Bai Mo'er had this disease, Feng Shengxi's heart hasn't felt better for a day. But she can't do anything, she can't do anything! If Bai Mo'er could be saved, even if the doctor asked her to give her heart, she would nod without hesitation!

Now, listening to Bai Mo'er crying to her, Feng Shengxi's heart is like a knife.

Why should God treat her daughter like this? Why did she choose her daughter? !

"Mo'er is not afraid. After fifteen, my mother will take you to a doctor. We will go to other countries and find a good doctor. You will be fine."

Raising his hand to wipe the sweat from Bai Mo'er's forehead, Feng Shengxi gritted his teeth and said.

"So many doctors will always find a way." Even if she can't be cured completely, but... but let her live a few more years, that's good!

Bai Mo'er shook her head. She knew Feng Shengxi was lying to herself.

She was lying in bed recently, and when she couldn't sleep, she could feel her heart aching. It's really painful, like a machine that has been used for too many years, it is about to fall apart, and it is doing the final struggle.

Bai Mo'er felt that it was a cruel thing to make people face reality. And what was crueler than having to face death was that she wanted it but couldn't get it.

Bai Mo'er had been able to face death calmly a few years ago, because she had escaped too many times. If it weren't for the money in the Bai family, she thought, she probably wouldn't even be able to survive ten years old.

Every time I go to the hospital, I lie on the operating table and look at the doctors. Bai Mo'er was thinking in her heart, it's better to die. And now that I think about it, she really might as well die earlier...

"Mom, I'm so sad." Bai Mo'er was already tortured and collapsed by the secret of her heart without letting go.

"I like Sister Xiao Xiao, I really like her, I can't do anything to be sorry for her. But, but I..."

Bai Mo'er started crying again, making Feng Shengxi anxious to hear it. She knew that after that was the most important thing.

"What did you do wrong? Don't cry and tell your mother." To coax her patiently, Feng Shengxi calmly said: "Xiao Xiao is so good to you, and you won't be angry with you. You just have to go with her sincerely. Apologize, she will definitely forgive you, so don't cry. After a few days, she will give birth. Mom will take you to City B and apologize to her in person. What do you think?"

"No, she will not forgive me. If I do, she will definitely not forgive me!"

Bai Mo'er shook his head again and again, making Feng Shengxi confused.

If she did...?

What does this kid want to do? Is it related to Gu Xiaoxiao? Is it related to Chu Yichen?

Feng Shengxi did not speak, but looked at Bai Moer silently. As for Bai Mo'er, she has already spoken to this point, how can she take it back?

She really needed someone to talk to her, but now it seemed that besides Feng Shengxi, there was no other suitable person in the family.

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