Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2102: Good gathering and scattered (3)

What did Tang Siqi do and say to coax this man who was still full of anger not long ago? Or what did this man do to make the atmosphere suddenly harmonious?

She stared at the hand held by the two of them, and the picture in her mind couldn't help but want to crook.

Twenty minutes... Is the time a bit short? Can love life be harmonious like this?

"Xiao Ke, what do you think?" Tang Siqi walked to the door and found that she hadn't followed. Turning to look around, she found Li Zhike standing in a daze with a confused expression.

", nothing thought about it!"

Li Zhike smirked and shook his head, and followed the two of them.

If someone treats guests, it is natural to have a good meal. Especially for this kind of man who doesn't seem to be bad at a glance, he would order whatever he wanted, otherwise he would not be worthy of his temperament.

With this kind of psychology, Li Zhike "smashed" Xu Ming. Sit in the car and walk towards Xu Ming's villa with her stomach full, she suddenly realized that she was pretty boring in doing this.

The two stayed here at Xu Ming tonight, but there is a show to leave at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, and they must leave early.

"How many days can you stay here this time?" After the shower, Tang Siqi went to bed, leaning in Xu Ming's arms and asked him in a low voice.

"I just came, and are looking forward to letting me go?"

"How can I! I just ask casually."

"It doesn't matter when you go back. Anyway, you will be returning home soon. It is very likely that you will go with you." Xu Mingman replied casually, curling her long hair with her fingers.

"Are you serious?" Tang Siqi was frightened, and after seeing him nodding solemnly, she was stunned.

"You came to Milan this time, really just to see me?" she asked cautiously.

"Well, in order to see you, I took all the thankless work here. Chu Yichen said, I will definitely invite you to dinner when you go back."

Xu Ming didn't hide his miss for her, he knew what to do to make women feel at ease, and Tang Siqi was no exception.

"If I don't come, how long are you going to hide from me? Is it really because you want to live your own life, so you didn't find me?"

Tang Siqi's previous answer did not convince Xu Ming, he was confident of his charm.

Tang Siqi was silent when he was asked, and then slowly spoke out under Xu Ming's intent stare.

"It's not that I don't want to find it, but I don't dare to find it. If I contact every day, I'm afraid I can't help but return to China." Tang Siqi confessed, "I have thought about a lot during this time. I have to admit that I am really. I like you very much. But this kind of discovery makes me uneasy."

Turning his head to look at him, Tang Siqi smiled and asked: "Actually, you don't like me much, do you? Even though I have a higher status than other women in your heart, you can't deny it, except for me. In addition to being sticky, this is also related to my identity. I am the daughter of the Tang family. You can't be with me casually and throw me away casually."

"In my heart, you are indeed different from other women." Xu Ming nodded and admitted.

"But no matter how different it is, it still hasn't reached the point where I must be, has it?"

Tang Siqi's smile became a little bitter. People say that the prodigal son will not change his head, but who has ever thought about how difficult it is for a man like Xu Ming who has been accustomed to wandering in the flowers to make him look back.

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