Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1640: I was bumped into by Chu Yixuan to eat with other men

She doesn't have a ring, but she is married...

Having said that, she hasn't even gotten a wedding ring until now. Isn't it too bad?

Li Youran hurt herself a little bit. She took the initiative to get married. It won't be the end. She wants to buy a ring for Chu Yixuan, right? This is not a question of money or money, but... She is really uncomfortable in her heart.

"I'm married."

Depressing the bad mood, Li Youran has no intention of concealing the fact that he is married. Seeing Shen Linsheng's disbelief, she smiled and repeated, "Really married, but my husband doesn't like these things very much."

Shen Linsheng nodded thoughtfully, and he was naturally a little disappointed.

After solving food and clothing, Li Youran was ready to go back. She never expected that she would see Chu Yixuan when she walked out of the restaurant.

After a few seconds, she thought she had read it wrong. Because Chu Yixuan was rarely wearing a military uniform.

He was leaning against the car door, smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone. Li Youran hesitated for a moment, and didn't know if he was performing a task, so he didn't dare to come forward easily.

"Anyone you know?" Shen Linsheng noticed the change in Li Youran's expression and asked softly.

"Hmm..." Li Youran looked at Chu Yixuan with determination, and Chu Yixuan quickly noticed her.

He cast his gaze over and looked at Li Youran and the man behind him, a little unhappy. A flash of cold light flashed across his eyes quickly, and Chu Yixuan motioned to let her pass.

Li Youran ran over, stood firm, and asked eagerly: "Why are you here? I thought you were performing a task, and didn't dare to speak."



"That is the studio he introduced you to?"


"Li Youran, do you know what identity you are?"

Chu Yixuan sneered, making Li Youran truly feel the anger emanating from him.

"Are you trying to be taken away by someone, do you have some accident, and let me take responsibility?"

"He is not that kind of person!" Li Youran explained hurriedly, "He won't do anything to me!"

"Heh." Chu Yixuan's smile became ironic. "How many days did you come to Guangzhou and how many days did you know him? Then tell me what kind of person he is."

"I..." Li Youran didn't know what to say, and Chu Yixuan didn't seem to mean to waste time anymore.

Chu Yixuan turned around to the other side of the car and opened the door to go up.

"Where are you going? Are you going home?"

"Let him take you back."

Closing the door, Chu Yixuan didn't talk nonsense and left quickly. Li Youran watched the car go away at a loss, confused and helpless.

Shen Linsheng watched there for a while, but finally couldn't stand it anymore and walked over.

"Are you all right?" asked Li Youran softly, and after seeing her stubbornly shaking his head, he sighed lightly. "I'll take you back."

"No, no need...My husband will still be angry when he sees it." Li Youran refused, "I can just take a taxi myself."

"That was...your husband?"

Shen Linsheng did not expect that what Li Youran mentioned before was the same person just now. Seeing Li Youran nodded and admitted, Shen Linsheng stopped talking.

"All right, you take a taxi and go back." Shen Linsheng walked to the side of the road and called a taxi for her. "When you get home, if it is convenient, send me a message."

"Okay, trouble you, then I'll go first."

Li Youran said with a forced smile, very anxious.

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