Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1548: Check up at the hospital


Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath, especially wanting to disappear from his sight. The emotions were about to be stretched out, how could he resist interrogation like this.

"Where did he touch you?"

Chu Yichen leaned closer and closer, and then his hand brushed on Gu Xiaoxiao's body.

"Here? Or here?"

The sullen tone was mixed with angry voices. Such Chu Yichen scared Gu Xiaoxiao.

Staring at him tremblingly, Gu Xiaoxiao could only shake his head.

The more she did not speak, the more annoyed Chu Yichen became. After staring at her sharply for a long time, Chu Yichen slowly let go and started the car.

As the car moved forward quickly, Gu Xiaoxiao nervously grasped the seat belt, feeling that the atmosphere was almost suffocating.

"Let's... go to the hospital first." After a long silence, Gu Xiaoxiao finally said a word. "I just fell and wanted to go to the hospital to see if there was anything wrong with the child."

Chu Yichen frowned and didn't respond, but the accelerator under his feet was stepped harder.

I drove all the way to the hospital, and the amazing thing was that the road was always smooth and I didn't even encounter a red light.

Chu Yichen walked in front, and Gu Xiaoxiao looked sadly at his back, knowing that he must be angry with himself.

Thinking of Ryugasaki Takumi's behavior in the hotel, Gu Xiaoxiao bit her lips hard.

After Chu Yichen walked away a certain distance, he looked back at the absent-minded Gu Xiaoxiao. She walked very slowly, so she had already distanced herself from him in a while.

Standing still waiting for Gu Xiaoxiao to come over, Chu Yichen looked down at her and asked, "Does the leg still hurt?"

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head.

"Then why is it so slow?"

"You walked too fast..." Gu Xiaoxiao replied in a low voice. He would lead her to walk slowly on weekdays, which is so aggressive as today.

Gu Xiaoxiao's complaint caused Chu Yichen's eyes to sink and he sighed. He turned around under Gu Xiaoxiao's suspicious gaze.

While walking towards the hospital building, Chu Yichen called the doctor. When they arrived, the doctor was already there.

After some inspection, there is no danger, and the child is fine. Gu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, but still a little afraid.

Sitting back in the car again, Gu Xiaoxiao mustered up his courage several times and wanted to talk to Chu Yichen about today. However, that word came to her lips, and she swallowed it again and again.

With her head down, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her hands blankly. When she recovered, the car had stopped.

Why did you get home so soon today?

Gu Xiaoxiao looked out of the car in surprise, and found that they had just returned to the company's apartment.

Chu Yichen got out of the car and walked to her side, opened the door, looked at Gu Xiaoxiao who was still wearing a seat belt, leaned over to help her untie it, and then pulled the person upstairs.

In the spacious living room, Gu Xiaoxiao sat alone on the sofa, feeling that the room was particularly cold today. After Chu Yichen brought her back, she went to the room. She didn't know what she was doing, and Gu Xiaoxiao did not dare to ask.

After a few minutes, he walked downstairs. Gu Xiaoxiao took a fixed look and saw that he was holding clothes and towels in his hands.

Striding over to Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Yichen commanded in a cold tone, "Take off your clothes."

Gu Xiaoxiao was startled, raised her head and met his eyes, unable to say anything.

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