The moment the saber in Chen Jun's hand slashed across the opponent's throat, the opponent's blood spurted out at a terrifying speed.

"83.3 ml/s!"

Chen Jun subconsciously calculated the bleeding speed of the opponent's wound.

"It's really terrifying!"

Looking at the scene of blood spurting out, Chen Jun himself was scared.

After all, such scenes could only be seen on TV before. I didn't expect that I could strike with all my strength and the knife would be so fast.

"Hacker assassination technique is really awesome!"

Chen Jun seemed to know instinctively what kind of chopping speed and angle to increase the speed of swinging the knife to the extreme in an instant, and at the same time cut the artery in the opponent's neck.

Blood was like a column of water shot out of a broken water pipe under high water pressure!

The next moment, Chen Jun reacted and immediately grabbed the AK47 in the other party's hand and snatched it away.

At the moment he gripped the gun, Chen Jun became excited again, even more excited than when he held An Ran just now.

This is the hacker shooting technique activated!


Chen Jun held the gun with one hand, grabbed the corpse with his left hand, and blocked it in front of him, forming a wall of flesh.

[Hacker Combat Technique] let him know how to hide himself better.

Now Chen Jun was in an extremely excited state, without fear, without terror, only excitement, feeling that the blood in his body was ignited.

Bang bang bang.

Chen Jun fired three times in a row, as fast as lightning.

Three militants in the forest in front fell to the ground after hearing the sound, and a bloody hole burst out on the back of their heads...

However, after Chen Jun killed the three people, he also felt a sharp pain in his left arm, and a piece of flesh was scraped off by the bullet.


Chen Jun felt like he was hurt again, and couldn't help but let out a low roar.

He was now full of murderous intent, like a hacker, and he would do things to the end!

"Damn it, drag a few more people to take the blame, and avenge the squad leader!"

Chen Jun, who was in a state of passion, was full of murderous intent, and the obsession left by the original master also invisibly influenced some of his thoughts.

Avenge the squad leader, that is a must!

For Chen Jun, avenging the squad leader is his biggest goal, otherwise he will never feel at ease in this life.


Chen Jun's eyes locked on an armed man, and the muzzle of the gun swung out, revealing it from the hidden corpse.



150 meters away, the armed man just raised the AK47 and was about to shoot.


The sound of bullets tearing flesh and blood.

A bloody hole burst out between the eyebrows of the militant, and blood splattered everywhere...

His body flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

The other party could not figure it out until his death. Wasn't the other party holding an AK47? How could he shoot like a sniper rifle?

Outside the forest, the rat snake, who was still thinking about the woman, came over. When he saw the bloody hole burst out on his subordinate's forehead, he looked in the direction of the other party's shooting, and his face changed slightly.

"Damn it, a woman, how can she shoot well? However, the more fierce, the more interesting!" The rat snake had a wicked smile on his face.

"Encircle, catch her alive, must catch her alive, such a woman can make me excited!"

The rat snake waved his hand and asked the five or six men behind him to encircle in the direction of Chen Jun.

"Why the hell haven't you shot yet? Just don't kill him!" The rat snake cursed into the headset.

The voice of the sniper came from the headset immediately: "Understood!"


A dull gunshot sounded in the forest.

Chen Jun felt a sharp pain on the inside of his right leg, and a large amount of blood immediately gushed out.

"Fuck! I almost became a father-in-law!"

Fortunately, the bullet scraped off a piece of flesh and blood, without hurting the bones. Chen Jun gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and rushed to the denser area ahead like a venomous snake in the jungle.

When he was sprinting, the rat snake that had been paying attention to his direction saw Chen Jun's back and felt something was wrong.

"This... the back of a woman? Why does it feel a bit thick? Isn't that woman very slim and petite?"

The cauliflower snake cursed: "What are you doing! Why did you let her run away? Hit her legs. I only want her body!"

The next moment, the voice of the sniper came: "Boss, that guy's figure is like a ghost. It's not easy to hit his legs. Boss, when did your taste change? Do you like men?"

The boss's taste often changes, but it is limited to different women. For men... this taste is really heavy. It's hard to say.

Did he get irritated?

Rapeseed Snake was stunned and said, "Fuck, that's a boy? Not a female?"

Instantly, he felt like he was being cheated on.

No wonder the other person's figure didn't look sexy at all just now, more like a big man, what a mistake!

Rapeseed Snake had never let the sniper kill him, thinking that the other person was the woman, who would have thought that it was a man, what does that mean? The guy who killed Wu Ji might be the one who rescued the woman.

"Asshole, follow me!"

Rapeseed Snake led the remaining few people to rush towards Chen Jun, and shouted in the headset, "Kill him for me!"


Suddenly, all the militants began to launch the most violent attack on Chen Jun.

When the distance was shortened to about 100 meters, the militants who came over locked onto Chen Jun's position and kept shooting.

Da Da...

Intensive gunfire sounded, and bullets rained into the jungle.

Wood chips flew everywhere, branches and leaves were constantly knocked down by bullets, falling to the ground, making a rustling sound.

In just a few breaths, the trees around Chen Jun were smashed by bullets.

Under the dense firepower, Chen Jun had no room to fight back.

The opponent's firepower was too fierce. How fierce would the firepower be if more than a dozen people fired at the same time? And Chen Jun only had one gun in his hand. Once his position was exposed, he would be immediately covered by firepower.

This is the huge power of collective attack. If Chen Jun did not have the [Hacker Assassination Technique] and knew how to use trees and surrounding terrain to quickly move, he would have been shot into a hornet's nest by stray bullets from all directions.

Suddenly, a dull gunshot sounded.


The sound of bullets tearing flesh and blood.

Chen Jun took a breath of cold air. His shoulder near the heart and lungs was directly pierced by bullets, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

It's that sniper again!

It is true that Chen Jun possesses [Hacker Assassination Technique] and [Hacker Shooting Technique], but such skills are not enough to find the position of the sniper when facing so many armed attacks.

The severe pain did not make Chen Jun lose his mind or feel fear, but made him more bloodthirsty.

He gestured in the direction where An Ran was hiding, asking him to leave quickly.

Chen Jun suddenly turned around and roared at the enemy: "Come on, come and kill your father!"

An Ran saw Chen Jun, whose body was already covered in blood, and his eyes were red.

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