The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

In terms of physical fitness, Tianlang's attribute is also above 3, which is not much different from Chen Jun. In addition, he is a master who has been through many hardships and has experienced more life-and-death battles than Chen Jun. He was knocked down by Chen Jun in less than 5 seconds this time, which was really careless.

Chen Jun's [Hacker Assassination Technique] has reached perfection, which is a very clever means of attack. If Tianlang is careless, he will definitely not be able to withstand a series of fierce attacks.

If Tianlang treated Chen Jun as an opponent at the beginning and launched an all-out attack, he would last longer and would not lose so badly.

Tianlang's physical fitness is strong after all. He shook his mind and soon woke up.

He looked around, his eyes a little confused.

"Who am I, where is this?"

Tian Lang felt like his brain was going to explode.

He was the deputy captain of the Thunder Commando, a master of fighting, but he lost to a border guard in fighting. This is... a bit fantasy!

The opponent's lightning speed, terrifying power, and strange body movements, which suddenly burst out, are difficult to resist without preparation.

So when facing Chen Jun's attack for the first time, Tian Lang was careless, but when the opponent attacked for the second time, Tian Lang was ready, but still couldn't resist.

The opponent was so strong?

When Yan Wang reminded him just now, he said that the opponent was very strong in close combat and told him not to be careless. He also said that he couldn't do it... Damn, I really can't do it!

Yan Wang, Old Fox, Harley and others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, am I seeing things? Tianlang fell down so quickly?" The little bee rubbed his eyes and shook his head vigorously, then looked at Tianlang who was sitting on the ground in a daze, and Chen Jun who was standing still.

"Is this guy really that good at close combat? What did Tianlang do last night? Why did he become so weak?"

The King of Hell smiled bitterly and said, "I know that his fighting skills are very strong. When he killed two militants at close range, he showed aggression. I knew he was not easy to mess with, but I didn't expect him to be so strong. The lightning-fast attack speed and ghost-like body movements are in an open field. If it was in the jungle, how many people could resist such an assassination method? No wonder he is called the ghost of Area 1."

The old fox nodded and said, "It is indeed very strange, and the explosive power is very terrifying. Within ten steps, I am afraid that the gun is not as fast as him. Facing such an opponent, you must be prepared to die together. , otherwise he can't kill the other party. Isn't this guy a new recruit? How can he have such a strong close combat technique? Can the border guards' fighting skills train such strong skills? "

Harley dragged out his accent: "It's incredible, it's incredible, no wonder he is so arrogant, he is a king bomb, not a bronze."

Daniu's back was covered with cold sweat, and his impulsive blood just now cooled down. He said: "I am not his opponent. Even if I go all out and fight him, I am afraid it won't work. Where did this kid learn this skill!"

Yuanbao shook his head and said: "No matter where he learned it, this guy... is a tough guy!"

The way Chen Jun attacked just now flashed through their minds, which can only be described as terrible.

If they were fighting against the other party just now, even at full strength, they would probably not be the opponent of the other party.

Of course, if they used the killer moves of the special forces, they might be able to resist the attack of the other party, but in that case, it would probably be a lose-lose situation.

In addition, this kid was able to knock down Tianlang easily, which means that he must have a killer move that he has not used.

It's terrifying to think about it!

Now they understand why the other party was able to kill 20 militants in one breath.

This guy must have a secret.

An Ran also showed a surprised look on her face. She knew that Tianlang's fighting ability was not as good as Lei Zhan, but the difference was not particularly large. He could not last more than 5 seconds in Chen Jun's hands.

This is a bit exaggerated!

At this time, Chen Jun looked at Tianlang and said, "You keep your word, right? Otherwise, fight again, you can say that you were careless and didn't dodge."


This is a murderous heart.

Everyone's face changed again and again, this kid's mouth is also poisonous!

Tianlang came back to his senses, slowly stood up, looked at Chen Jun and said, "What is your trick?"

If the opponent's first attack is a strong attack, it uses speed and strength, which is simple and crude, but the second attack is not as simple as speed, it involves body skills.

Such a strange body

This is the first time that Tianlang has encountered this method.

If it happens again, Tianlang will not be sure that he can avoid this move.

Chen Jun said: "First, there is no fixed move. It's just that you react too slowly, as slow as an old lady. Second, you are indeed careless and think that I am just a rookie. How can you know that a lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength? Don't underestimate any opponent. Third, you are not ruthless enough. Your fighting skills have lost the ruthlessness of assassination. Fourth, forget it, I won't say more. It will be a big blow to you. No matter what, you are the deputy captain of Leidian."

Yanwang, Old Fox, Little Bee and others were all stunned. They never dreamed that someone in Langya would give the Leidian Commando a fighting thought class!

You know, their captain Lei Zhan is the three-time fighting champion of Langya. He has fought all over Langya and can't find an opponent.

So who dares to show off his skills and talk to them about fighting?


Tianlang's fighting skills are not as good as Lei Zhan's, but the difference is not big. Lei Zhan has to use more than 90% of his strength to defeat him in a life-and-death fight. If it is a life-and-death fight, he will pay a heavy price.

Such a fighting master is so unbearable in Chen Jun's eyes? Is he full of problems?

If he is so weak, what are the other members of the Thunder Commando? Aren't they all worse than garbage?

For a moment, Yan Wang and others felt hot on their faces, as if someone was slapping them hard.

The slap was loud!

At this moment, Tianlang couldn't say a word of rebuttal. This is the fighting he has practiced for so many years, but there are so many flaws? The other party didn't want to say it.

Tianlang never felt that he had missed the fighting skills he had practiced hard. On the contrary, he felt that he was working harder and there was still more room for improvement.

But Chen Jun said this... I am a little doubtful about my life!

I was easily defeated by Chen Jun...

Tianlang was silent for a moment and stared at Chen Jun suddenly.

Chen Jun looked calm.

Tianlang sighed and said, "I mean what I say. You've passed this level!"

Chen Jun turned to look at Yan Wang and the others and shouted, "Shoot, who's going to shoot? I have to go see my squad leader. Hurry up."

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