The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Dad! Nan is my classmate, how could you do this?"

Xiaolan walked out of the kitchen holding the carefully prepared food in her hands, and happened to see this scene. She helplessly showed an awkward smile to Hanyu Nan:

"I'm sorry, Nan, my father is sometimes so reckless, please don't take it to heart."

Hanyu Nan's mouth corners slightly raised: "It's okay, Xiaolan, this gift was specially prepared for Uncle Maori. By the way, I have already smelled the fragrance, can we start eating?"

Hanyu Nan's eyes fell on Xiaolan. Xiaolan wore an apron, which made her less lively and playful than usual, and more gentle and lovely.

"Wait a moment, Nan, the food will be ready soon. You sit with dad for a while."

Xiaolan blushed and smiled shyly, gently placing the food in her hands on the table. When she turned around, she saw Maori Kogoro, who had already opened the gift impatiently.

"Dad! Please help me take care of Nan!"

"Okay, okay, I know, hahaha, such a good wine, I usually can't bear to drink it!"

Xiaolan had no choice but to shake her head helplessly, greeted Hanyu Nan and continued to cook in the kitchen:

"Nan, you sit for a while."

"Hanyu Nan, right? I call you Hanyu, come on, come on, sit here, we have to have a good drink today!"

Mauri Kogoro enthusiastically pulled Hanyu Nan to sit at the table, and then picked out two bottles of wine from a pile of gifts and put them on the table.

"Hanyu, do you want to pursue Xiaolan? I fully support this! You are much better than that brat who only knows how to reason all day long!"

Mouri Kogoro gulped down a big mouthful of wine, his face full of admiration. Obviously, Maori Kogoro was very fond of Hanyu Nan, who was very polite and brought a generous gift on his first visit.

"Dad, please stop talking nonsense! Nan just came to visit you!"

Xiaolan, who was busy cooking in the kitchen, was so angry that her face turned red when she heard her father talking nonsense again, and she couldn't help but yelled loudly.

Hanyu Nan secretly praised the uncle in his heart, but on the surface he still smiled calmly and explained:

"Haha, uncle, you really like to joke. Xiaolan and I are just very good friends."

"Oh, okay, okay, since you are just friends...then Xiaolan, will you really not reconsider it? What's so good about that little detective kid? He will ruin my business and ruin my cases all day long!" Maori Kogoro grumbled relentlessly.


Mauri Kogoro smacked his lips, took a sip of wine, and said nothing more. He never opposed any decision made by Xiaolan.

Then, Maori Kogoro turned around and filled a glass of wine for Hanyu Kusunoki who was sitting next to him, and persuaded him earnestly:

"As a man, how can you not drink? When you go out, you never know when it will come in handy! So, the more you drink, the better!"

Hanyu Kusunoki didn't like drinking very much, but he definitely didn't hate it. And with his own alcohol tolerance, there was no need to worry about getting drunk.

Xiaolan came out of the kitchen with the freshly prepared food. As a result, she saw Maori Kogoro had drunk so much that he couldn't even speak clearly, and Hanyu Kusunoki was just sitting next to him with a slightly flushed face.

Xiaolan shook her head helplessly, then placed the prepared dishes on the table one by one, and then picked up the wine glass in front of Hanyu Kusunoki and put it aside.

"Dad, can you drink less? Nan, don't learn from my dad!"

Although she knew that her father would not take her words seriously, Xiaolan couldn't help but persuade him.

Noticing Xiaolan's concern for her, Hanyu Nan smiled:

"It's okay, Xiaolan. It's rare that Uncle Maori is so happy. It's okay to drink a little with him."

"Haha, yes! Hey, Hanyu is right. Dad is very happy today! Xiaolan, I still think Hanyu is much better than that kid."

While talking, Maori Kogoro raised his glass and prepared to drink it all, and at the same time, he assisted Hanyu Nan.

Xiaolan glared at her father helplessly, turned around, smiled apologetically at Hanyu Nan and said:

"I'm so sorry, Nan. My dad tends to talk nonsense when he drinks. I hope it doesn't bother you."

Hanyu Nan waved his hand and shook his head in response:

"No problem, Uncle Maori's alcohol tolerance is indeed admirable!

I can already smell the aroma of dinner, can we start eating?

Hanyu Kusunoki first expressed his desire for delicious food. Then, he turned his eyes to Xiaolan and began to praise Xiaolan.

Hearing Hanyu Kusunoki's praise, Xiaolan's face flushed with shyness, and she replied softly:

"Hey, it's okay."


After three rounds of drinking, Maori Kogoro's face was red, and his tongue was a little knotted: "Xiaolan... Where did Shinichi go? You haven't... contacted that kid yet?"

Hearing her father's question, Xiaolan's eyes dimmed instantly, and she sighed softly and replied: "Dad, Shinichi said he has a very important case to deal with, and he may not be able to contact during this period."

When mentioning Kudo Shinichi, Xiaolan's mood became depressed, and her originally bright eyes became dim.

Maori Kogoro was furious. He slammed the table and cursed indignantly: "Great! This stinky kid who only knows how to reason, you called him so many times, but he was so perfunctory! When he comes back, I will give him a good beating and let him know that you are my daughter, Maori Kogoro!"

After saying that, Maori Kogoro picked up the wine glass angrily, raised his head and drank it all, waving his strong arms and continuing to curse.

Seeing this, Xiaolan just shook her head, but did not say another word.

Ding, Ding, Ding.

At this moment, there were three crisp knocks on the door.

Then, a woman's voice came into the house: "Excuse me, is Detective Maori home?"

"What's the matter? Didn't you see the sign on the door? Maori's office is closed today. If you have anything, please come early tomorrow!"

Although Maori Kogoro yelled like this, he still stood up from his seat and stumbled towards the door.

After opening the door with a strong smell of alcohol, Maori Kogoro, who was originally dazed and about to say something, quickly shrank back and hid in the house after seeing the person standing outside the door.

Staring at Xiaolan and Hanyu Kusunoki with wide eyes, he stammered: "She...she...she...she seems to be..."

Before he finished speaking, Maori Kogoro shook his head vigorously, trying to sober himself up from his drunken state.

After calming down a little, he carefully leaned out again and asked in a trembling voice: " are Miss Okino Yoko!"

The woman outside the door smelled the strong smell of alcohol and frowned slightly, but after thinking about the purpose of coming here, she nodded gently to express her affirmation.

Then Maori Kogoro turned around and ran back quickly, rushed straight to his room, and slammed the door hard. Then, a crackling sound came from the room.

"No way? How did the idol come to our house? Dad, what are you doing?"

Xiaolan looked at her father's series of confusing actions with a suspicious face.

However, Maori Kogoro had no time to take care of his daughter's questions at this time.

Hanyu Nan looked up and saw a beautiful woman wearing a hat standing at the door. After seeing the person, he turned his head to look at the poster hanging on the right side of the room. The woman on it was standing at the door-Okino Yoko.

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