You said you would teach top lane, but are you going to get materials for the world competition?

Chapter 97 Eimy takes an unusual approach, Holy Spear Ranger takes down Holy Spear Brother's fi

As soon as he entered the game, Zhou Dian felt his head lighten, and he felt better than ever.

Both his reaction and thinking seemed to be more agile than before.

It seemed that [God's Willfulness] had begun to work.

After buying a lot of blue blades and a bottle of red, Zhou Dian controlled Lucian to go straight to the lower half of the river.

Next to Lucian, there were four teammates.

The five LGD players came to the lower river together, and then got into Snake's red zone.

"Brothers, go!" PYL's Braum took the lead.

On the LGD side, with three shooters and Braum, the first group is invincible.

So PYL also chose to invade the enemy's red zone at the beginning of the game to gain vision.

On the Snake side, naturally, they knew that they could not take the first group.

When they saw the five LGD players coming together, they decisively retreated to the line.

The five LGD players strolled around Snake's red zone, and Braum inserted the trinket eye on his body into the bushes next to F6 on the blue side.

Then, the LGD team retreated!

"It seems that LGD has no intention of changing the jungle area, but just came in to form a group and get a vision!" Guan Zeyuan said.

As soon as the LGD team retreated, Sofm, who was originally wandering in the river and ready to enter the LGD red zone at any time, immediately controlled the Mantis to come back.

"Starting from red?" asked Saint Spear.

He naturally hoped that Sofm's Mantis could start from red and quickly come to the top lane to gank.

Whether he could gank or not was another matter.

But you have to come to gank!

However, Sofm only said two words: "Six birds!"

The Mantis went straight to his own F6, and by the way, he made a [On the way] signal to the F6 camp, indicating that the mid laner should help him to open F6.

Saint Spear suddenly felt a little numb!

The Mantis started from F6, which was obviously a way to kill five groups of wild monsters quickly at level 4.

The problem is that the Mantis is very hurt when it starts from F6. Before reaching level 4, it is in a low health state throughout the whole process and it is impossible to gank people.

Forget it, then I won't press!

Saint Spear Brother gave up the idea of ​​occupying the bush on the line and controlled Jayce to go online with the soldiers.

On the other side, Lucian, who was at the peak of the week, went around the jungle and rushed to the top tower. When the soldiers arrived, he also went online with the soldiers.

He didn't plan to occupy the bush on the line at level 1 to press people.

Although Lucian is a long-range hero, his range is the same as Jayce's cannon form, both are 500, and he can't use the range advantage to pull Jayce.

If he fights hard, even if he has the [War Fervor] that becomes more and more powerful, he will definitely not be able to beat Jayce with [Thunder] at level 1.

It's better to just play the normal laning and consume slowly.

The reason why Flandre has the nickname of Saint Spear Brother is naturally related to the hero of Saint Spear Ranger.

That was in S4. He was matched with Dong Xiaosa in a ranking game, and he was using the hero of Saint Spear Ranger.

Because that game was too carry, and Flandre's Lucian had more than 500 last hits at 39 minutes, Dong Xiaosa nicknamed him "Holy Spear Brother".

Since then, this nickname has been passed down.

The former Holy Spear Brother was naturally very good at playing the hero Holy Spear Ranger. After all, when Lucian was just released, he used Lucian to reach the King of Electric One.

But after all, he hasn't played this hero for a few years, and Lucian has been changed at least seven or eight times in these years.

At this moment, Holy Spear Brother really can't judge what Lucian's strength is in the top lane now.

However, it's better to be more stable.

The opponent's jungler is an excavator with a very strong ganking ability, while his own jungler is a pure brunt mantis, so he has to be careful of being ganked at all times.

So Holy Spear Brother decided not to push the line in the first few levels. Lucian wants to consume him, which will inevitably lead to the line of soldiers slowly pushing over.

The top lane soldiers are connected.

Jayce and Lucian each stood behind their front-line soldiers, and the distance between them was too far to attack each other.

The two just kept moving left and right, and neither attacked the soldiers, obviously not wanting to push the line.

In comparison, Jayce's movement frequency was obviously higher.

Although they were hiding behind the soldiers, Lucian's Q skill could penetrate the soldiers.

Suddenly, Lucian paused, combined his two guns, and shot a beam of light from the muzzle.


Even though Jayce kept moving left and right, he was still accurately hit by Lucian's penetrating Holy Light (Q).

"Fortunately, being Qed is acceptable. Although I lost some blood, Lucian will slowly push the line over when he uses his skills!" Saint Spear thought.

However, ten seconds later.


Jayce was hit by Lucian's Q through the soldiers again.

Oh! How did he predict his movement again!

After being hit by Q twice in a row, Saint Spear felt a little overwhelmed.

Jayce started attacking the minions from time to time, using the Doran's Blade to absorb some blood.

But soon, Jayce was hit by Lucian's Q through the minions again.

This time, Saint Spear forced himself to change his positioning habits, but was still caught in the next move.

There was no way, Saint Spear had to increase the frequency of attacking the minions, and he didn't want to knock out the blood bottle.

On the other side, Zhou Dian also maintained restraint, only using the Q skill to penetrate the minions to consume, and did not take advantage of Jayce's attack on the minions to attack Jayce.

Because Lucian could attack Jayce, it meant that there was a distance between the two. Jayce could not only counterattack Lucian, but also switch to the hammer form and directly Q Lucian's face.

Zhou Dian certainly would not give Jayce a chance to rush to the face.

As Jayce continued to attack the minions, he balanced the push caused by Lucian's continuous Q to the minions.

The mid lane soldier line was always in the middle, even slightly leaning towards LGD.

Saint Gun was a little worried. Although the soldier line had not yet passed, he still went to the grass in the upper river and planted Jayce's trinket eye.

Eimy chose to start with the blue buff and brush from bottom to top.

With the help of his own bottom lane duo, the excavator quickly destroyed the blue buff and upgraded to level two.

Eimy switched the screen and saw that through the eye that Braum had left in Snake's red zone, he could see that Mantis was still working hard to attack six birds. His health had dropped below half, and he was constantly emitting green light. He was already taking drugs.

Seeing Sofm's opening, Eimy immediately had Mantis's next route in his mind: red buff-three wolves-blue buff-magic frog, upgrade to level four and go home to get equipment.

A bold idea suddenly came to Eimy's mind.

Looking at the top lane where the troops had just been handed over, Eimy asked: "Brother Zhou, can we exchange more blood in the top lane?"


You want to catch it!

Zhou Dian immediately said: "No problem!"


After killing the blue buff, the excavator went straight to the upper jungle to fight F6.

Originally, he planned to finish the lower jungle before going to the upper jungle, which was also a fast four-level path.

But now, he didn't even plan to finish F6.

Using the AOE general attack effect of the Q skill, the excavator quickly cleared the five birds in F6.

Then he didn't even look at the big bird and went straight to the red buff.

Eimy wanted to reach level 3 as quickly as possible to catch the top lane.

This is because he was playing an excavator. If he wanted to catch the top lane, he had to have both WE skills complete, so he had to upgrade to level 3.

If he was playing Prince, Eimy would be ready to attack the red zone after attacking the blue zone, and go to the top lane with the red buff at level 2.

After giving his punishment, the excavator quickly destroyed his own red buff and reached level 3.

Then, the excavator came to the back of the dragon pit, stepped on the explosive fruit to go down to the dragon pit, and went straight up to Snake's blue zone.

Not far away, Mantis was clearing his three wolves.

The junglers of both sides were in the same jungle, and Eimy knew where sofm was.

Sofm thought that the excavator should have just cleared three groups of wild monsters in the blue zone and was about to go to the red zone.

He had a very accurate estimate of how long it would take for the excavator to clear the entire blue zone when his teammates helped to open the blue buff.

But Eimy was a person who always followed his own jungle route, and sofm could not predict him accurately.

The excavator came to the triangle grass on the blue side's top lane, ready to dig a tunnel through the thick wall in front of him to the top lane at any time.

Seeing the excavator in place, Zhou Dian quietly revealed a flaw to Saint Spear.

At this time, both top laners were at level 2.

Lucian moved up and Q-ed Jayce through the soldiers, but also slightly revealed his position from behind the soldiers.

Saint Spear did not miss this opportunity, Jayce immediately QE-ed Lucian.

Moreover, Jayce's acceleration gate (E) was placed under his feet.

At the same time as the cannon was fired, Jayce switched to hammer form.

The double acceleration of the switching form and the acceleration gate. Jayce instantly shortened the distance between him and Lucian, and directly hit Lucian on the head with a Sky Leap (Hammer form Q).

This set of combos was done in one go, very accurately, and very quickly, highlighting Saint Spear Jayce's excellent proficiency.

In hammer form, Jayce used QA and E to hammer Lucian away. It was a perfect two-level consumption. All four skills of the dual form hit Lucian. With the damage of Thunderbolt, Lucian lost more than half of his health.

The health that was previously consumed by Lucian's Q through soldiers was all recovered in one wave.

"Brother Saint's hand speed is very fast, but..."

Guan Zeyuan shouted loudly: "Zhou hit him on purpose!"

After finishing two sets of skills, Brother Saint was satisfied and ready to retreat. Suddenly, he saw a hole on the ground behind him.


How did he come from here? And so fast?

The excavator's E skill passed through the thick wall and came to the upper tower of the blue side. Without any hesitation, the moment he appeared, he flashed with W and directly pushed Jayce up. He caught him and beat him.

Lucian, who was hammered away, threw a burst of Fierce Bullet (W) to help make up for the damage.

However, the control time of Excavator's W is only one second.

The damage that LGD's top and jungle could pour on Jayce in one second was still a little short. Jayce flashed away with low health and ran to the tower.

However, almost at the same time as Jayce flashed, Lucian also flashed and A fired two shots with his passive.

With these two shots, the damage was a little short.

However, after Lucian A-ed Jayce, the acceleration effect of his W skill was triggered, gaining 60 points of movement speed.

One second later, Lucian caught up with Jayce in front of the tower, raised his gun, fired a bullet, and took away the last of Jayce's health.

"Flash A, not dead! With acceleration, can you catch up? Catch up!"

"One shot and take it away! Zhou's Lucian took the first blood of this game!" Guan Zeyuan spoke quickly.

First Blood! (First blood!)

The game prompt sound resounded throughout the venue.

There will be another chapter later, it may be very late, Yanzu who needs to get up early should go to bed early, you can read it tomorrow

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