Why do you suddenly ask me if I can play tank hero?

Zhou Dian was a little surprised.

Although it is a common part of professional players' trial training process for coaches to designate a certain hero to play.

But if Dgc wants to see how good he is at playing tank heroes, he should tell himself this at the beginning of BP!

Why are you talking about this all of a sudden when you are about to place a top order now?

"How many tank heroes can I play?" Zhou Dian nodded and answered truthfully.

Since your coach said so, just play tank top lane.

Zhou Dian did not try to use the ability [Brother Long is the Dragon] to influence Dgc's decision.

This is just a trial training, there is no need, just follow the arrangements!

When Zhou Dian said he knew how to play, Dgc was relieved.

Just know how to play!

If he really doesn't know how to play, he can't force others to play!

The first principle of a League of Legends head coach is not to force your players to play heroes without proficiency.

Insufficient proficiency will often lead to a direct crash online!

"Choose one you are better at!" Dgc still did not assign a hero to Zhou Dian.

But this time, there is an additional type restriction for tank heroes.

Zhou Dian said directly without thinking: "Just choose the big tree!"

Hearing this, Dgc quickly looked at imp and said: "imp, pick Maokai for the top lane!"

The countdown to selection is about to end.

However, as soon as Dgc opened his mouth, Imp had already locked the big tree on the fourth floor of the red square.

Seeing this, Dgc's eyes flickered.

My head coach hasn't given the order yet, so you imp choose the hero yourself?

It seems like he really doesn’t respect me as the head coach!

So angry!

Dgc wasn't sure if he was hallucinating.

He clearly felt that Imp's expression seemed to have softened a bit after he locked himself under the big tree.

Okay, okay, you are the big brother, just be happy!

at the same time.

WE training room.

After seeing the opponent choose the top laner Dashu, Condi laughed and said, "Jian Ji was banned. Why didn't the Dharma King choose his lame Green Steel Shadow? What does this vegetative mean?"

Condi's phrase "vegetative" is superficially referring to the big tree, but in fact it is referring to the Dharma King.

957 and Xiye couldn't help laughing for a while.

As for the two Koreans in WE's bottom lane, they didn't even understand what Condi was talking about, let alone get the laugh.

Similarly, he originally thought that after Sword Girl was banned, the opponent would take Qinggang Shadow.

Of course, his starting point is different from Condi's.

Condi felt that the top laner on the opposite side was Dharma King. He knew that Dharma King was a serious fan of Sword Princess Qinggang Ying, so he thought so.

But 957 knew that the Dharma King's account was currently being operated by [Top Lane Ancestor].

Without Sword Girl, [Top Lane Ancestor] will probably come up with another unique hero - Qinggang Shadow.

He knows very well what level Qinggangying is in [Top laner Ancestor]!

That's why 957 chose the hero Shen first.

Shen is 957’s unique skill!

And Shen is not very afraid of Qinggang Ying!

But, why did [the top laner] choose a big tree?

Can he play with big trees?

Or rather, the opposing top laner has been replaced again.

Is it the real Dharma King who controls the big tree in this round?

Of course Zhou Dian can play with big trees.

And it’s not too bad to play.

In other words, as long as a high-scoring player has seriously practiced Dashu, they will not be any worse when playing this hero.

Moreover, for the hero Dashu, the proficiency level only needs to be enough, no matter how high it is, it will be of no use.

It mainly depends on whether your teammates can do it!

In the second training match between LGD and WE, Zhou Dian’s teammates performed well!

So he just won!

In the middle, GodV got the counter position and chose a hero to counter Xiye, giving him some advantages online.

Of course, the key to winning or losing this game lies in the bottom lane.

WE's ADC brother-in-law (Mystic) made a mistake in the early laning and was caught by imp, and he directly completed the laning kill.

Subsequently, Ye Wang went to the bottom lane and passed a wave of towers.

WE's bottom lane exploded directly.

Similar to the plot of the previous game, about twenty minutes into the game, WE, which was at a huge disadvantage, was too lazy to continue the game and directly typed "AG" on the public screen.

It’s just that in the last game, LGD was on the top lane and penetrated, and in this round, LGD was on the bottom lane.

However, the difference is still quite big.

In this round, Mystic’s early mistake was too serious!

Normally, if this happens in a training match, the team might just play "AG" and ask for the next move, not wanting to waste time anymore.

However, the Hongmi coach wanted to train the players' ability to cope with headwinds, so he did not ask the WE players to send "AG".

After persisting for more than 20 minutes, the disadvantage became bigger and bigger, and it was impossible to fight back, so Hongmi gave up.

After the second training match with WE, imp finally had a smile on his face.

He had a great time in this round and was very happy!

There was one thing he didn't quite understand, why did Eimy like to run on the road so much?

Don’t you usually come to the bottom lane?

In the last game, the guy who came to try out played Sword Princess, and Eimy kept going to the top, which imp can understand.

But in this game, he played a big tree, why did you hit the road so many times?

Of course, this was just a training match, and imp carried the game in the end.

So imp wouldn't say anything.

If this was a formal match, he would have to "remind" Eimy.

As LGD's head coach, Dgc was a little complacent after winning two games against WE in a row.

It felt easy to win the game!

As long as there is one person who kills all the way in each game, the game will be won, right?

Moreover, Dgc was very satisfied with the way LGD won the second game.

It made imp comfortable to play and win the game.


Xiao Zhou's tank hero is also very good, worthy of the name [Top Lane Ancestor].

Then let him continue to play tanks!

However, in the first two training games, WE was not able to pull the full strength at all, and played as a ranking match, each playing their own.

In this case, the people who are now participating in the training game of LGD are actually not weak in individual strength, and it is normal to win two games against WE in a row.

After losing two games in a row, Coach Hongmi began to ask WE's players to take the attitude of playing games and deal with it seriously.

Next, LGD and WE had the third training match.

Zhou Dian and 957 were tank heroes in the top lane and they were fighting hard!

In other lanes, the two sides also fought back and forth.

Again, the personal strength of LGD players is really not weak. They are rarely at a disadvantage in the laning phase, and there are even many games where they have an advantage in the laning phase.

However, once the game entered the mid-term and began to switch lines and operate.

LGD simply couldn't play!

The rhythm was fragmented, and WE's Korean-style operation was pulling them wildly, and the economic gap was slowly widened.

Zhou Dian played a tank hero and wanted to lead the rhythm to break the game, but he couldn't exert any strength at all.

He could only worry!

Moreover, not only in operation, but also in team battles, there was a huge gap.

WE's team battle cooperation was quite skillful.

LGD was a mess, and they were still playing their own games!

The operation and teamfighting were not as good as the opponent. If a certain lane was not penetrated in the early stage, the game would basically be lost slowly.

After more than 30 minutes of the game, WE flattened LGD's base crystal.

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