The match in which AJ played Jax and was beaten by the lanky player [TopKing] in the Korean server was quickly edited and uploaded to D station by some UP hosts who specialize in live streaming.

There are live streaming slices from AJ's perspective and from meiko's perspective.

Regardless of whose perspective it was, it immediately triggered many players to discuss the lanky player and the player [TopKing].

As for the player [TopKing], he is now well-known in the high-ranking segments of the Korean server.

Many big players on the domestic Internet have come to a conclusion after reasonable and well-founded analysis from various angles-

This [TopKing] should not be a small account opened by a professional player.

He is just a pure lanky player, and he is Chinese.

However, we can only dig here. It is a bit difficult to find out who this person is!

Of course, more people are still discussing the hero Qinggangying.

The video with the most views and discussions on D Station in this batch of live streaming slices tonight is a slice from AJ's perspective and meiko's perspective that [Huobojun] posted.

It basically completely records all the operations of [TopKing]'s Shen in this entire game.

The number of comments in the comment section of this video has increased rapidly.

[Fuck, this Shen is really exaggerated! ]

[Didn't AJ just use Noxus to beat Shen in the afternoon game? How come he was beaten like this by a passerby Shen at night? ]

[Haha, AJ was beaten like a jerk. If you don't know, you would think it was Marin! ]

[Cover Shen's ID, I will believe you if you say he is Huni or Smeb! ]

[I actually watched a few games of Huni and Smeb's OB. Their Shens are indeed good, but compared to this Shen, to be honest, they are far behind! 】

【You can't compare them like that. Huni and Smeb are top top laners in LCK, world-class top laners! 】

【Let me tell you this. I am a player who specializes in Shen. This is not to compare the level of top laners. I am only talking about Shen as a hero. Look at the operation performed by [TopKing]. I have never seen it before, and I have never thought about it. It is completely subversive. I feel that it is of the same nature as [Top Lane Old Ancestor]'s Fiora A flash. [TopKing] has developed a brand new mechanism for Shen! 】

【Who can explain to me how Shen killed Jax in the first wave of tower crossing? Why can't I understand it? 】

【I don't understand it either! 】

【There is an UP master who has released an analysis of Shen's operation. You can go and have a look! 】

【Who? It can't be Top Lane Old Ancestor? I still approve of Top Lane Old Ancestor's top lane teaching! 】

【It's not him. He hasn't released a new video for a long time! 】

【I suddenly thought of a possibility. I mean it's possible! Could this [TopKing] in the Korean server be the top laner Lao Zu? The hero pools of these two are somewhat similar! ]

[Fuck, it's possible! The account of [Top Lane Lao Zu] in the first e-sports team hasn't played ranked for a few days! ]

[I don't think it's likely. The top laner Lao Zu can develop a sword girl's A flash, which is already amazing. How could he develop a new operation for Qing Gangying? ]

[No matter if it's true or not, I'll go play Qing Gangying first. I'm itching to play! ]


The mainstream in the comment area was originally discussing Qing Gangying's operation.

However, I don't know who posted this comment first - [ @LGD E-sports Club, come in and learn Qing Gangying! Watch and learn well! ]

Then, the audience began to show the essence of human beings - repeating machines.

Soon, this comment was widely distributed in the comment area.

However, a large amount of the same content was copied and pasted in the comment area, which also affected the discussion desire of those viewers who were serious about discussing the content.

So, these viewers shifted their positions and went to other videos to continue the discussion.

The video analyzing [TopKing]'s Qing Gangying's operation mentioned in the previous comments has become the main battlefield for serious discussion.

The main means of analyzing the operation of the UP host who uploaded the video is slow motion.

In fact, it is "one force defeats ten skills".

If you can't understand it at normal speed, then slow it down at 0.5 times speed.

If you still can't understand it at 0.5 times slow motion, then slow it down at 0.25 times speed.

No matter how fast your operation is, as long as my slow motion is slow enough, you can always see it clearly!

Under the slow motion of 0.25 times speed, the audience can see clearly the operation of [TopKing]'s Qing Gangying's first tower crossing and killing AJ Jax.

This wave of operations is also the most shocking and curious wave of operations for most viewers.

After using Q1 to hit the minions, Qing Gangying retreated to stand by the wall, first casting Tactical Sweep (W) at the air, and when the W skill was in the pre-casting swing, Qing Gangying threw Hook (E) at the wall beside him.

Then, a yellow light flashed, and Qing Gangying used Flash.

After Flashing, Qing Gangying jumped forward again, rushed to Jax's face, and stunned Jax. This was obviously Qing Gangying's second stage E.

Before Qing Gangying's second stage E knocked Jax out, the high-speed Tactical Sweep (W) accurately hit Jax with its outer circle.

Qing Gangying's operation after knocking Jax out with the second stage E was all understood.

A followed by Q2 pulled up very basicly, killing Jax.

The secret of this operation lies in the short 1 second between when Shen cast W at the air and when Shen knocked Jax unconscious.

[Turtle, what a cool operation, a real three-dimensional mobile device! ]

[Sparrow eats cricket, all combo skills, it feels like that! ]

[What a complicated operation, it feels no less than Fiora's A flash four break! ]

[It's exaggerated enough to watch it directly, and it will be more exaggerated if you watch it in slow motion! ]

[E flash E, brothers, didn't you see it? Shen's wave is E flash E! ]

[I think it's awesome when I see others Shen's E flash, but I didn't expect that he can also E flash E! ]

[Genius, this [TopKing] is definitely a genius! 】


After the slow motion ended, the UP host made a simple summary: "WE flash EAQ, this is the skill release order of Qing Gangying's combo!"

"E flash E, a genius idea! I never thought that Qing Gangying could flash first and then E. In this way, there are many more changes than EE flash, and your opponent will be more difficult to react!"

"However, the most difficult part of Qing Gangying's combo is not E flash E, but the W skill that seems to be the least operational!"

"Release W first, so that Qing Gangying can hit the enemy with the outer circle of W during the high-speed displacement of E skill. This [TopKing] has a grasp of the release method and release timing of Qing Gangying's skill combination. I can only say that it is perfect!"

"Of course, there are mysteries in this wave of operations, not just what I said, but my level is limited, and I can't give a reasonable enough explanation for some places!"

"I think this Qing Gangying's operation can be analyzed by [Top Ancestor], after all, he is a genius who can develop the operation of Sword Princess A flash, I believe he can give an explanation!"

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