Abu didn’t mean to change EDG’s top laner or something. In his opinion, Mouse is actually quite good.

At least he fits EDG’s style very well.

Abu was simply curious and wanted to know more about this [TopKing].

After all, he is now EDG’s manager. When he sees a good seedling, he will naturally pay more attention to it.

Of course, the premise of paying attention is that this person is not Korean.

EDG currently has two Korean players, Scout and Zet.

These two are EDG’s double Cs. Their positions are currently stable. They are iron starters and cannot be moved at all.

According to LPL’s foreign aid policy, a team can only field two Korean players at most at the same time in a game.

So, after Abu paid attention to a top laner, his first reaction was to find out if this person is Korean.

If he is Korean, there is no need to pay attention to him for the time being, and he can’t play even if he is brought over.

After hearing meiko say that this [TopKing] is not Korean, Abu nodded and said nothing more.

After not hearing Abu's voice for a while, meiko put on his headphones again and focused on his own ranking game.

After Zhou Dian killed AJ twice, AJ's Jax completely stopped coming out from under the tower.

If you want to control the line, you can do it. I just need to make sure I don't die.

The reason for supporting AJ to play the game this way is that his teammates are getting more and more advantageous.

In other words, Zhou Dian's teammates are getting more and more disadvantaged.

First, the opponent's jungler ganked the bottom lane and directly killed meiko and AD.

Then, his mid laner was killed again!

When the enemy's mid and bottom lanes start to play rhythm, in many cases, the top laner is powerless.

This is the natural limitation of the top laner position.

The influence of the top lane in the early game is the lowest.

Many times, the top laners of both sides are still fighting passionately in the top lane, and one of them may be about to lose his home.

However, low influence does not mean no influence.

There is a difference!

And the difference is huge!

Faced with the unfavorable situation on the field, Zhou Dian, as the top laner, naturally has his own way to win the game.

Jax has been defeated by Qing Gangying, so Zhou Dian no longer holds back on the three phases.

After returning to the city to make Tiamat, Qing Gangying returned to the line again.

Zhou Dian no longer controlled the line and started to push the line directly.

With Tiamat, Qing Gangying's line clearing speed was greatly improved.

Soon, the line of soldiers was pushed to the Jax tower.

Then, Zhou Dian directly controlled Qing Gangying to walk under the enemy tower, without even looking at Jax under the tower, and came to the red side's top lane between the first and second towers, intercepting a wave of red side's soldiers.

Qing Gangying began to cut the line of soldiers!

Seeing this, AJ smiled and said, "Hey, anxious! This Qinggangying is anxious!"

"He must be very impatient when he sees his teammates keep dying, so he stopped controlling the minion line and ran over to cut the line!"

"But I'm not anxious, you can cut the minion line if you want, I'll just make up for the tower damage under the tower, it's fine!"

[Of course you're not anxious, just lie down and it's done! ]

[Hook, look at your smug look, you were killed in a row and still went up gloriously, right? ]

[Face! ]

[This is the top lane of League of Legends, what's the point of beating the opponent's top laner? You still have to look at the faces of the mid and bottom laners! ]

[So, it's better to have a good lineup than to play well! ]


AJ, who was leisurely, didn't notice that Qinggangying quickly cleared a wave of minion lines between the first and second towers of the red side's top lane and disappeared in the jungle.

After Jax finished eating the tower damage, AJ didn't see Qinggangying appear.

So he quickly reported a miss!

AJ had just sent a warning signal to his mid laner when he saw Qing Gangying use the hook (E) to pass through the wall from F6 to the red side's middle lane tower.

Then, Hex Ultimatum (R) fell, locking AJ's mid laner in the hexagonal cage.

Then, Zhou Dian's mid laner followed up, and the two killed the enemy mid laner.

Qing Gangying came out of nowhere and came too suddenly.

After the red side's mid laner died, the middle lane tower was left unguarded for a short period of time.

At this time, Zhou Dian's jungler also came to the middle lane.

He didn't know why he came to the middle lane this time, but he came inexplicably.

He came just in time!

The two mid and jungle players plus Qing Gangying pushed down the red side's middle lane tower before the enemy came to defend.

The enemy lost the middle lane tower, and the situation on Zhou Dian's side instantly came to life.

Of course, Zhou Dian's disadvantage is still not small.

But then, Zhou Dian's Qing Gangying, with an unstoppable split push, pulled the opponent dizzy.

The key point is to pull out the enemy's middle lane tower in front.

In this way, Zhou Dian can extend his vision deep into the enemy jungle.

Meiko is also very cooperative. When Qing Gangying is leading the line in the side lane, Karma will be nearby as a protective eye.

So, the red team can't send one person to defend Qing Gangying.

If two people can only defend Qing Gangying's lane and don't do anything else, they will lose a lot in the front.

Add one more person, three people go to catch Qing Gangying, but they can't catch him.

Each time, the movement was captured in advance, and then the Blue Steel Shadow used the high mobility of the hook (E) to escape directly.

There was even a wave where the enemy AD wanted to go to the bottom lane to help his teammates kill the Blue Steel Shadow.

But when he was passing through the jungle, Zhou Dian took the initiative to attack and directly caught a single kill in the jungle.

After killing the enemy AD, while there were still two opponents in the bottom half, Zhou Dian's side directly took down the big dragon.

At this point, the situation on the field was completely reversed!

Zhou Dian's teammates in this game were not bad either. After the situation turned favorable, they were still very good at playing.

In the end, Zhou Dian led his teammates to win this ranking game.

Blue Steel Shadow did not die once in this game, and he was super god!

When the red side's base crystal exploded.

In meiko's live broadcast room, the barrage refresh rate skyrocketed!

[Meiko was right at the beginning. This game really won by lying! ]

[Can this be called lying? Isn't my Tian Ye the key to this game? If it weren't for Karma's good vision, Shen could push the lane so comfortably? 】

【Yes, yes, you are right! I shouldn't discuss games with you fans! 】

【What a great Shen! Is this the real way to play Shen! 】

【I feel. Better than Mouse, Mouse only plays a big tree in the game and gets beaten in the top lane! 】

【No, Mouse is the LPL champion top laner after all, don't compare him to anyone casually! 】

【Oh, the LPL champion top laner is so awesome? What happened to the S game last year? He was beaten by the Brazilian wildcard top laner, you know? 】

【Wow, when can we see such Shen in our EDG game! 】

【What are you thinking, playing top lane in EDG, you will never be able to choose Shen in this life! 】

【Haha, the truth is out! 】


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