After the first game, it seems that the difference in performance between the mid laners is too obvious.

Scout's Zed is too fat, and Imp's Miss Fortune will be killed instantly in the encounter.

Once Miss Fortune dies, GodV's Clockwork can't hold the situation, and even Poppy can't save the situation.

Many viewers can't help but sigh, why did GodV decline so quickly!

The two mid laners in today's game, GodV is the champion of the 15th LPL Summer Season, and Scout is the champion of the 16th LPL Summer Season.

At present, the two are players of the same level in terms of honor, but their performance on the field is far apart.

Scout is the absolute thigh of EDG today, the first carry point.

But GodV can't carry at all now, or rarely can carry.

Is the sequelae of playing Tiandao on live broadcast so big?

But in fact, the first reason why LGD lost in the first game was not the difference in the mid lane.

At level 4, GodV used weakness to complete a single kill of Zed and played an advantage in the line.

But later, because of mindless pushing, they were caught and killed continuously, and the advantage in the middle lane was gone.

It was just that at this time, LGD still had the advantage, because imp had a big advantage in the bottom lane.

But as the game entered the mid-term line transfer stage, LGD seemed to be a little brainless, and was frequently pulled by EDG's operations, eroding the economy bit by bit, and finally lost the game.

After watching the first game in the lounge, Dgc felt that their operations were too different from EDG.

EDG was the first to play the operation in LPL, and it was also the best.

In today's League of Legends games, if you say there is no operation at all, it won't work.

But Dgc also knows that you don't have the ability to let LGD and EDG compete in such a complex full-map operation!

With LGD's current operation level, facing EDG's operation to break the game, it can only play something simple and rough.

That is to use the single point advantage as a diversion to disrupt the opponent's operation rhythm.

Thinking of this, Dgc also made up his mind.

What's the fear!

How come after winning two games, they started to worry about gains and losses, and wanted to win but were afraid of losing.

Isn't it a loss to be timid in the end?

It's better to just use what you are best at!

"Okay, everyone, welcome back."

After a chat in the commentary booth, the BP interface appeared on the big screen.

The second game between LGD and EDG began BP.

EDG took the initiative to choose the blue side, while LGD was on the red side.

The first round of BP.

EDG banned Corki, Jayce, and Fiora.

LGD banned Rengar, Leblanc, and Varus.

"EDG is still very targeted against Zhou. Jayce and Fiora were all banned in the first round!"

Guan Zeyuan continued: "I don't know if we can see Lucian in the top lane in this game. I'm looking forward to it!"

LGD player seat.

"Xiao Zhou, you take the counter position on the fifth floor in this game and beat Mouse for me!" Dgc said fiercely.

At this time, EDG chose Shen on the first floor of the blue side.

Dgc frowned immediately.

Mouse chose Shen instead of the three mythical gods.

Combined with banning Jayce and Fiora and using Qinggangying, this is really well prepared!

Starting from this week, LPL games will use version 7.3.

In version 7.3, Qinggangying was weakened in all aspects. Gradually, many teams began to use Qinggangying, wanting to try out the strength after the weakening.

Dgc certainly knew that Zhou Dian’s Qinggangying was also a special skill, but Qinggangying was not so comfortable against Shen.

Shen’s W skill sword formation is still quite restrained against heroes who rely on general attacks to output.

Not to mention that this is Qinggangying after all aspects of the weakening.

Is it to choose Lucian as the top laner again?

It doesn’t feel right.

Dgc asked Zhou Dian to take an Ashe on the first floor of the red side first, and then see if he can be the top laner.

At this time, GodV turned his head and looked at Zhou Dian, "Zhou Dian, can you give me this fifth floor?"

From GodV’s eyes, Zhou Dian saw the desire for "revenge".

As a genius mid laner once praised by the audience, GodV naturally has ambitions.

In the last game, Scout picked out a Zed who was not only a waste but also a T3 version of Zed, and GodV was a bit upset and wanted to get back at him.

Zhou Dian could understand this feeling.

Moreover, GodV asked Zhou Dian for a counter position on the fifth floor after seeing EDG had already played a top laner on the first floor, which did not affect his choice of top laner.

"No problem, I'll play first!" Zhou Dian said, "Brother Dan, give me Cassiopeia!"

"Ah? Are you sure?" Eimy and Dgc said in unison.

"Just Cassiopeia, trust me, zero to ten on the top lane!"

LGD locked Cassiopeia on the second floor of the red side.

"LGD will take Ashe first, which can be regarded as a grab instead of a ban. After all, Ashe is the best AD hero played by Zet!" Zhihuan said.

"Oh, Cassiopeia, did LGD play a mid laner so early!" Guan Zeyuan followed.

Then, EDG chose Jhin and Malzahar on the second and third floors of the blue side.

"EDG's leech wavered a bit, it could be a support or a mid laner!"

LGD chose Lulu on the third floor of the red side.

PYL thinks EDG's leech is a support.

It's the second round of BP.

LGD banned Ryze and Elise.

EDG banned Lucian and Graves.

"Oh, EDG banned Lucian. It seems we won't see Lucian in the top lane this game!" Guan Zeyuan's tone was a bit regretful.

Dgc was somewhat relieved. EDG was tempting him to choose Shen. Fortunately, Zhou Dian had already played top lane.

But when did this guy practice Cassiopeia? Why haven't I seen him play it?

LGD chose Lee Sin on the fourth floor of the red side.

"Is Lee Sin okay, Dange!" Zhou Dian said with a smile.

"My Lee Sin's special skill, I'm C in this game!" Eimy looked extremely confident.

When Lee Sin was locked, there was a cheer from the audience.

Not only LGD fans cheered, but also other audiences.

Heroes like this that are extremely popular and entertaining are what every audience is happy to see in the game.

When Scout chose Zed in the last game, the cheers were even louder than now.

Then, EDG chose Excavator and Syndra on the fourth and fifth floors of the blue side.

"Then EDG's Grasshopper is a support, and Syndra is a mid-lane!"

Guan Zeyuan continued: "Let's see what top lane Zhou will play against Shen in the last hand!"

At this time, LGD showed Ekko on the fifth floor of the red side and locked it.

"Oh, Ekko top lane? But the playstyle of tanky Ekko top lane has rarely been seen since last year's World Finals!" Guan Zeyuan said.

"No!" Zhihuan shook his head, "After Ekko's passive was nerfed, he can't play top lane now. This Ekko should be chosen by Wei Shen to fight Syndra!"

"If Ekko is in the middle, who will go to the top lane on LGD? Cassiopeia."

Guan Zeyuan's voice suddenly rose, "It's really possible. Zhou has developed Lucian in the top lane, so it's not surprising to develop a Cassiopeia in the top lane!"

"It's not a development!" Zhihuan said, "There has always been a way to play Cassiopeia in the top lane, but it's relatively rare!"

At this time, the players on both sides exchanged heroes, and Cassiopeia really stayed in the first floor of the red side.

Immediately triggered discussions among the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Damn, it's really Cassiopeia in the top lane, 666! ]

[LGD's top lane is really something, first Lucian in the top lane, and now Cassiopeia in the top lane! ]

[If you don't come up with something new, can you be called the top lane ancestor! ]

[I'm Zhou Shen, give me Cassiopeia! ]

[Zhou NMB! ]

[Hey, why are you cursing? ]

[How can this be cursing? No one knows Ruofeng's Snake Lady joke? ]

[To be honest, I don't think Snake Lady will be on the court. She has no displacement and can't wear shoes. She will be caught! ]

[Don't worry about whether he will be caught. Anyway, Mouse will definitely be crushed in this game! ]

[Tsk, he is a piece of trash. He can only fight short arms with long arms. Wait and see how he loses! ]

[Can Zhuza speak loudly again? ]

[He just won a small game, and Zhuza can't hold it back? ]

[Zhuza is like this! ]


The barrage suddenly started again.

At this time, the camera swept across the players' seats of both sides.

Others were either calm or talking and laughing.

Only Mouse's face looked a little strange.

On the main stage, the head coaches of both sides shook hands and stepped down. The game has entered the loading interface.

EDG on the blue side: Shen on the top, Javelin on the jungle, Syndra on the mid-lane, Jhin and Malzahar on the bottom lane.

LGD on the red side: Cassiopeia on the top, Lee Sin on the jungle, Ekko on the mid-lane, Ashe and Lulu on the bottom lane.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Accompanied by the sound effects in the game.

Ten heroes from both sides landed in the fountains at both ends of the Summoner's Rift.

As the fans of both sides cheered, the picture on the big screen on the scene changed from the full view of the Summoner's Rift to the OB interface.

After the players of both teams bought their starting equipment, they went straight to the river to stand.

Neither team chose to invade.

However, at the bottom of the river next to the bottom lane, the bottom lane duos on both sides bumped into each other.

Ashe had a longer reach, and after Imp cast Ten Thousand Arrows (W), he opened the point directly.

The EDG bottom lane duo was not to be outdone, and they started to attack in reverse.

Just after attacking, a Syndra came out of the bushes on the bottom lane next to them.

Meiko gave Ashe a weakness, and imp quickly used flash to run away.

"Fuck, why is Syndra here!"

Imp was very unhappy. The soldiers hadn't even come out yet, and his flash was destroyed.

Dgc saw this scene in the lounge and muttered: "Damn EDG, they don't want to play IEM, but stay in the base to study us, right!"

Scout went straight to the bottom lane to arrest imp at the beginning of the game. It was obvious that he had studied imp's recent opening position habits in depth.

At this time, the bottom of the screen gave the cornerstone talents of the ten heroes on both sides.

All of them were relatively conventional.

"The cornerstone talent of the snake girl is to bring the touch of the netherfire, and then go out with the equipment."

"Oh, Zhou's snake girl actually went out with the blue crystal in this game. I can only say that it's a bit..."

After a pause, Guan Zeyuan continued: "A bit confident!"

In fact, he wanted to say "a bit of not treating the opponent as a human being."

Soon, the soldiers came online and the wild monsters refreshed.

In this game, the junglers of both sides started in the upper half of the jungle area and refreshed from top to bottom.

On EDG's side, Shen helped the excavator to open the blue buff.

On LGD's side, Zhou Dian's Cassiopeia helped Lee Sin to open F6.

It's not that GodV didn't help the jungler to open F6, although he was closer.

It's mainly because he couldn't help.

When Ekko fights Syndra, he must use the Q skill to push the line before the mid lane soldiers meet.

Otherwise, if Syndra pushes the line first, Ekko will have a hard time laning.

However, Zhou Dian's helping Eimy to open the jungle is not a big problem, and it does not affect his laning.

Due to the long distance of F6, Cassiopeia came to the line a little later than Shen.

As soon as he came to the line, Zhou Dian controlled Cassiopeia to push forward.

Still want to gain experience?

Stay behind!

Facing the aggressive Cassiopeia, Mouse can only retreat.

Shen at level 1 can't fight Cassiopeia at all, even with the soldiers, he can only get beaten.

Be patient for now!

However, even though Shen was kicked out of the experience zone in the top lane, the director did not give the camera to the top lane, but kept it on Lee Sin.

Because Eimy was doing "big things" at this time.

After Lee Sin finished F6, he did not follow the conventional thinking to continue to fight the red buff, but went straight to the right and went to his own blue zone.

"Hey, Eimy didn't brush his own red here?" Zhihuan was a little puzzled.

Hearing this, Guan Zeyuan said: "In this case, Lee Sin's jungle brushing route should be to finish F6, then brush the lower half of the jungle, and if there is a chance, fight the lower river crab, go home to get equipment, come out and get the red buff, and then do things!"

This can maximize the effect of the red buff.

Zhou Dian saw Eimy go to the lower half of the jungle after playing F6. His idea was the same as Guan Zeyuan. He thought that Eimy's Lee Sin was going to brush the level first and then take the red buff to gank.

However, after entering his own blue zone, Lee Sin did not start to fight the three wolves nearby. Instead, he turned around and went straight down to the river.

"Wait a minute, big move, big move, Eimy is going to use his big move!" Zhihuan said.

"There is really a big move! Eimy is going to invade!" Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised.

"Okay, very thoughtful, I like it!"

Lee Sin kept walking, crossed the river, and came to EDG's red zone.

Walking behind EDG's red buff camp, Lee Sin raised his foot and kicked the red buff with a sound wave (Q1).

Then he followed up with an echo shot (Q2) and hit EDG's red buff.

"Let's see if Ai Loli will come over directly?"

Guan Zeyuan continued: "Ai Loli may attack F6 first! If she really attacks F6, the red buff will be gone!"

"No, no, no!" Zhihuan shook his head repeatedly, "Excavator can't attack at level 2. He is obviously a fast three-level jungle route in this game!"

After hitting the blue buff and three wolves, Excavator came to his own red zone and walked directly towards the red buff.

After walking through the bushes next to F6, Excavator used the Q skill on the red buff.

Nothing was hit.

Oops! The red buff was stolen!

This was Ai Loli's first reaction.

But Ai Loli immediately thought that it was impossible for the blind monk to steal his red buff so quickly.

So, he quickly controlled the excavator to get into the bushes next to the red buff.

As soon as he entered, he saw his own red buff.

At this time, the blind monk had just hit a little more than half of the red buff's health. The remaining health was taken by the blind monk with Q1, followed by punishment and Q2, and he couldn't kill it directly.

So, Eimy got scared.

"Fight him with punishment!" Zhou Dian took the time to switch screens and take a look at Lee Sin's progress in stealing the red buff. Seeing that Eimy had given up directly, he was a little anxious.

However, Lee Sin had already taken two steps back.

Then he stepped on the explosive fruit and went down to the dragon pit and ran away!

On the other side, the excavator quickly used Q to attack a few times and then took punishment, knocking down his own red buff.

"Oh, Eimy failed to steal the red buff, and he also helped Ai Loli!" Guan Zeyuan felt very sorry.

"It's a loss, a huge loss!"

Zhihuan continued: "This time EDG has your blue, Eimy failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice!"

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