Pucci explained.

It’s better to talk about reducing Jotaro’s role in the scenes. Even if Kujo Xuren didn’t say it, he would do it.

The reason is also very simple.

Just like Mr. Araki in Pucci's previous life, he was often ridiculed by fans for not being able to draw team fights.

Although this sentence is a joke, most of it is a joke.

And when Mr. Araki really wants to draw team battles, he will draw them very wonderfully, such as the team fight against the boss in "Golden Wind".

But there is one thing to say, team battles are really difficult to draw.

In the early days, Araki-sensei rarely knew how to draw team battles.

Not only that, because the main line of the plot has always been on the protagonist.

The previous "JOJO" games that did not have team battles to showcase the abilities of other companions more or less had the problem of insufficient character creation.

There is no need to say more about the first part of "Phantom Blood".

Although the second part of "Battle Currents" is a little better, it is not much better.

From the fact that Joseph was the one to defeat all four people in the pillar, we can clearly see the problem inside.

Maybe it's also for this reason.

When creating the third "Stardust Fighters", Mr. Araki joined five members of the protagonist group to embark on this wonderful adventure with Jotaro.

In this case, a solo fight like the previous "JoJo" games is naturally not suitable for the story of "Stardust Fighters".

Kujo Xu Lun didn't know what Pucci was thinking.

She only heard Pucci's words of approval.

So he withdrew his previous death gaze towards Pucci with satisfaction.

That's right, Pucci is the Wolong she carefully selected.

How could she have the intelligence to realize that the suggestion she made was wrong and reject it?

I breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Kujo Xu Lun was also more satisfied and considerate: "Indeed, there is not enough time. Then the implementation of this suggestion should be a little later, but it cannot be too late!"

"I believe that Pucci can definitely do it under his supervision!"

Although Jotaro’s silly scenes cannot be cut out right away.

But Kujo Xu Lun can also understand Pucci's difficulties.

Haven't you ever thought about letting yourself write the script before you saw it?

In addition to being the screenwriter, Pucci is also the supervisor of "Stardust Fighters", so this time arrangement is definitely not enough.

After a little comparison between bringing back Akiyuki Shinbo, the Tsukasa tiger, and letting Pucci take his time, but still modify the script according to her suggestions... these two things.

Kutiao Xu Lun decisively chose the latter.

Akiyuki Shinbo had already stabbed her once in the back.

Kutiao Xu Lun will never give him another chance to stab him in the back one more time!

"After talking about the first point, there is a second point that is also worth noting - that is, Joseph's role cannot be too much!"

Kujo Xu Lun continued.

2=2 is also good though.

But that's not enough!

Kutiao Xu Lun, she still wants 1\u003c2!

Or 0 \u003c 2, cut off all the scenes of Joseph and DIO!

After all, after excluding Jotaro.

Who else has the greatest appeal to the audience in "Stardust Fighters"?

Of course it’s Joseph, the protagonist of the previous game, and DIO, the villain of the previous game!

If even their scenes are cut away, what else will the audience of "Stardust Fighters" watch?

It would be strange not to give up and run away immediately!

Although limited by her weak viewing experience, Kujo Xu Lun could only think of these two points in such a short period of time.

But these two points alone are enough!

She has completely reduced the audience of "Stardust Fighters". Even if "Stardust Fighters" is like its predecessors, no matter how good it is in the corners she can't see, so what?

You have no audience!

However, Kujo Xu Lun also felt that doing so was too cruel.

In other words, when DIO has become the final boss of "Stardust Fighters", Xu Lun Kujo can't think of any good reason to ask Pucci to cut DIO's role.

It can't be said that DIO has completed his purpose and then disappeared into the parallel world, right?

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to write it like this.

But if he wasn't Joseph, the final big boss, he wouldn't have this consideration.

Xu Lun Kujo had already prepared the reason to persuade Pucci for this: "After all, Joseph is the protagonist of the previous game. When it comes to shaping Joseph, we have already portrayed Joseph in "Battle Tide". Joseph’s portrayal is perfect, and the audience who will come for Joseph must be very familiar with Joseph.”

"In this case, instead of spending the plot of "Stardust Fighters" on this repetitive thing, we should arrange the plot on other characters so that their charm can be brought out!"

"Supervisor Pucci, do you think this suggestion is reasonable?"

"Well, that's right. It makes sense."

Pucci nodded in agreement: "This is indeed a waste..."

Wait a moment! Could this be...! ?

Chapter 154 I admit that I am gambling

How can they be so similar?

Like, very similar!

However, Kujo Xu Lun’s suggestion still lacks something.

When he realized that Jolyne Kujo summoned him not for funding but for suggestions.

Puchi had already relaxed, treating Jolyne Kujo's words as the opinions of a viewer who didn't know much about the plot, and she had formed after watching "Stardust Crusaders" for the first time, and he treated them in this way while checking for omissions.

And there is another good thing about choosing Jolyne Kujo -

As the president of Green Dolphin Studio and the investor of "Stardust Crusaders", she actually has some understanding of the plot of "Stardust Crusaders".

It's just that she doesn't understand the story format of the script because of Jolyne Kujo.

And the uncertainty of full-dive shooting made Puchi not write so much details when writing the script.

The familiarity of Jolyne Kujo is more of a hazy feeling.

It can be discussed and talked about with those viewers who are also watching "Stardust Crusaders" for the first time without being affected by the script.

After knowing the main thread of the story, he can reasonably provide suggestions for their filming.

...... This is the first thought that came to Pucci's mind when he heard that Jolyne Kujo wanted to make a suggestion.

Then, before his idea continued to ferment.

He extinguished this idea himself!

This is more than just a suggestion.

This is simply the creative idea of ​​Mr. Araki!

Although Pucci didn't know how Mr. Araki created the story of "Stardust Crusaders" in his previous life.

But it must be the same, standing from the perspective of readers and viewers, perfecting the story step by step.

——My DAY is here!

From the suggestions given by Jolyne Kujo, Pucci, who seemed to be able to see Mr. Araki's creative ideas, exclaimed: "President Kujo, I have completed it!"

"I will immediately arrange these suggestions you gave into the story of "Stardust Crusaders"! "

Of course, as mentioned before.

Although Jolyne Kujo is a member of "JOJO", it is true that these suggestions she made with her golden spirit are not wrong.

But Jolyne Kujo is not very familiar with the industry after all.

In her words, it is inevitable that there will be some errors in the description of sentences.

For example, the matter of reducing Jotaro's role, combined with Jolyne Kujo's later words that she would leave the roles for other characters.

What she wants to express here should be that they should use the subsequent plot to shape the image of other characters after shaping Jotaro's image.

And this kind of story where all characters can be shaped and grow is the real Stardust Crusaders!

In addition, it is indeed necessary to reduce Joseph's role.

But the meaning here should also be to keep some of the roles related to Joseph in it.

For example, in "Battle Tide", Joseph's "You give Ludayo" of the cost.

If this Joestar tradition is passed on by Jotaro, and is said and used by Jotaro...

How will the fans of "Battle Tide" feel?

That will definitely make people fall into a carnival!

And such a plot will also help shape the image of Jotaro, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

But who says that Jolyne Kujo is the president and the investor?

As subordinates, they certainly cannot directly correct the leader's mistake in public.

Instead, they should keep this mistake in mind silently, and quietly correct the leader's mistake at work unconsciously.

This will not only prevent the leader from losing face, but also reflect that the reason why the work is so smooth is because the leader is leading well.

Like in "The Emperor's New Clothes", people who dare to stand up and point out the leader's mistakes are not only not punished, but also rewarded... It can only be seen in fairy tales.

Pucci is certainly not still at the age of liking to read fairy tales and believing that the contents of fairy tales are true.

Even if Jolyne Kujo gives people the feeling that he is different from ordinary leaders.

But as steady as Pucci is, how could he gamble on this possibility?

Therefore, this led to seeing Pucci's statement.

Thinking that Pucci was really going to modify the script of "Stardust Crusaders" according to her requirements, which was indeed the case, except that she would add a little more material in the middle.

She was so happy.

After repeatedly confirming that Pucci was sincere when he said this, she patted his shoulder with peace of mind and said, "Then the next revision of "Stardust Crusaders" will continue to be led by you, Supervisor Pucci."

"I don't have much to support you here... Let's put it this way, didn't you develop a new technology recently that requires a lot of funds?"

"Don't always send this funding application to me in the future, just take my seal to the Finance Department to get the money!"

Putting one of the seals on the table for stamping in Pucci's hand, Jolyne Kujo continued, "I believe you, Supervisor Pucci. You will never let me down!"

Isn't it?

With such a smart person like you, I can't think of how I can make money!

"President Kujo..."

I didn't expect the funding problem to be solved just like that.

It can't even be said to be solved, but his worries from beginning to end were actually not taken to heart by Kujo Jolyne.

Even Puchi, when he held the seal in one hand and the bills and invoices in his trouser pocket with the other hand, couldn't help but feel choked up.

"President Kujo... Don't worry! I will never let you down!"

"Good! Very energetic!"


That's it.

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