Waiting for the broadcast of "Battle Tide"...


Spitwagen shouted worriedly, regardless of the fact that this would attract Santana's attention.

Because, he was beaten away.

It wasn't Santana, it was Joseph who used Ripple! ?

"Spark? What's going on? What is this, a human being?"

Santana also looked at Joseph who was knocked away by him with a look of surprise, and said intermittently in human language that he had not yet mastered fluently: "He was not absorbed by my body, but was bounced away. "

"The feet I touched just now seemed to be fine. This is the first time I have encountered such a human being."

Just like Santana, after he woke up, he was concerned about the various equipment in the German base, including the firearms used by the Germans to attack him, and the light bulbs that illuminated the dark laboratory... He was concerned about these ancient times in which he lived. Be curious about things you never have.

And during the disassembly process, he used his super brain to quickly understand the functions and principles of these devices.

Although he said that the troubles caused by the German army had nothing to do with him.

Even Santana's massacre of the German troops was judged by him as self-inflicted.

After all, if the German army didn't experiment on Santana first, and then wanted to kill Santana after discovering that they couldn't control Santana, why would Santana massacre the German army?

You can't say that if you want to kill others, you also want them to be at your mercy. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful, right?

But this kind of quarrel was just what Joseph was acting out.

In fact, Joseph, who had watched most of the experimental process, was also quietly testing Santana in his own way.

Use words, ripples, actions...Hidden his true purpose in his actions to test what kind of creature Santana is?

It was just this behavior of Joseph.

It was as if an ant carrying food suddenly broke into a human's feet and was trampled to death by the human without any notice.

It's just a comment and curiosity about why you were not trampled to death if I stepped on you.

"Is this person the only one who is special?"

Now Santana is showing her curiosity about Joseph, the ant.

"Or are all humans in this era like this?"

It is also a kind of superiority over all living things, a kind of "I don't care" attitude, to ignore Joseph and other humans who are still living in this laboratory.

And all the viewers who watched this scene through full stealth helmets.

A creepy chill suddenly surged into the hearts of all of them.

This includes Akiyuki Shinbo and others who also watched this episode and wanted to confirm what the audience's feedback was.

"Wow, no matter how many times I watch it, it still feels scary."

After touching the non-existent sweat on his forehead when he was completely stealthed, Akiyuki Shinbo said to Pucci with a sigh: "Supervisor Pucci, where did you find these people?"

Like Shutroheim, played by Nobuyo Tobita, he shows the same subconscious as a war madman.

Santana's subconscious was also difficult for them to understand.

It would be better to say that under the completely hidden subconscious filming, Santana, a real human being, really treats human beings like insects!

You told me that the person with this weird subconscious was actually a graduate student at a key university before that, and he was also a successor with high hopes from the biology community! ?

Thinking of this, Shinbo Akihiro was speechless.

After all, Tobita Nobita behaves like a war madman.

But as he is essentially an actor, it is impossible for him to actually act like the major and stage the burning of London in reality.

We don't have the ability or the resources.

But Santana...

He really has this ability and resources!

I was not scared to pee right away.

It's probably because Akiyuki Shinbo has a very good psychological quality. After meeting Pucci, he must have been shocked by a bunch of psychopathic subconscious owners like DIO.

In this regard, Pucci corrected him with a little regret: "Xinfang, have you forgotten that in the actor template we gave, Santana's identity as a human being is essentially such a relationship?"

"Although actor templates are not omnipotent, for most people, there is a high probability that implanting this kind of actor template will not be able to perform as vividly as Santana."

"But didn't you also tell Santana's real-life career just now?"

Pucci continued: "If dissecting a biological sample makes a fuss, then there is no need to study biology."

Yes, Santana's behavior is obviously like treating experimental animals.

Comparing human beings to experimental animals and eating them after the experiment failed is a special subconscious developed because of their real-life occupation.

In a sense, this can be regarded as successfully opening up a new track for students of biology.

"...Are all biology students perverts?"

After hearing this and understanding how Santana cultivated his indifference to human beings, Shinbo Akiyuki took a deep breath and sighed.

Chapter 87 The Weak

If it is said that Shinbo Akiyuki was unconscious.

Because of Santana's performance, he secretly labeled those who chose to study biology and had the courage to study biology as anti-human.

And he made a note in his heart that when he needs to find these actors who can play anti-human roles in the future, he should remember to find people who study biology.

Then for the audience who are not very clear about Santana's career resume.

What they are worried about is another thing-

The ripple, the ripple qigong specifically for vampires, is ineffective against the pillar people! ?

That's right, no one will not notice it.

The golden light released from Joseph's hand is like lightning.

It is the brilliance of the ripple!

Since Joseph and Santana came into contact, Joseph has been running the ripple throughout his body to test Santana.

But the more he tested, the more horrified they felt the result! ?

Why are the physical fitness of the ripple warriors usually much weaker than that of vampires, just like when a baby faces an adult, the ripple warrior is still able to defeat the vampire?

It's very simple, the baby of the ripple warrior is holding a pistol.

A pistol that has no recoil, can be fired continuously without reloading, and will not hurt itself, specifically targeting the adult vampire!

As long as it hits once, no matter how strong the adult's physical fitness is compared to the baby.

It will be knocked down by one shot!

But now, this pistol that has been invincible in the hands of the ripple warriors suddenly has no bullets? !

In this case, what will be the consequences when they have to face not only an adult, but also a muscular adult like Tyson?

Joseph's figure flying backwards seems to be telling a story mercilessly.

Immortal, immortal, and not afraid of ripples!

How to fight such an enemy! ?

They never thought that the superior replacements of the vampires, the Pillars, had an advantage over the vampires.

It was not that they could create the Stone Mask of vampires.

It was not that they were far superior to the vampires in terms of physical fitness.

It was not that they could devour vampires at will and treat them as food.

It was that they were not afraid of the ripples at all!

The only ability that humans could use to resist them - the ripple qigong, had no effect on them! ?

"No! It worked!"

"The ripples played a defensive role!"

Just as Joseph gritted his teeth secretly, the audience was also confused by this fact, as if they had returned to "Phantom Blood" and Jonathan, who had not yet learned the ripples, had to face DIO, who had become a vampire, alone. They were panicked and flustered.

Speedwagen, who was wrapped like a dumpling in bandages, still explained calmly and excitedly: "So JOJO, you were not swallowed by that terrible body!"

Just like water can put out fire, fire can also evaporate water.

The difference between the two changes is that the former has more water than fire, while the latter is that the fire burns more vigorously than water.

The relationship between the ripples and the pillars is the same.

The ripples seem to have no effect on the pillars.

It's just that Joseph's current ripples are just like tickling for the pillars, so naturally, the ripples' solar energy can't dissolve the body of the pillars.

It can only use this mutually repelling power with the pillars to ensure that Joseph will not be swallowed up by Santana like the last vampire and those unlucky German soldiers.


"The gasification freezing method, like vampires, can manipulate their bodies at will, extend their ribs into traps, and turn all the muscles of the body into slime to move plasticity and dissolve the creatures they touch."

"Even if Joseph can really break Santana's defense in terms of the amount of ripples, what's the matter?"

"Just like DIO, lower the temperature in the body and freeze Joseph who dares to touch his body into ice, isn't it enough?"

"And there is also the Hollow Eye Stab..."

The ripples are not ineffective against the Pillars.

Did it give the audience hope?


It's better to say that after seeing that Joseph's ripples are completely ineffective, or it is difficult to have an effect on Santana.

They have never expected Santana to do something stupid like now.

Although the principles of the gasification freezing method and the Hollow Eye Stab are simple, for vampires and Pillars who can control all their own cells, they are simple tricks that can be used as long as they know the method.

But after watching apples fall from trees for centuries, humans did not discover the law of gravity until the emergence of Newton.

The gasification freezing method involving the second law of thermodynamics, and the air cracking eye piercing of hydraulic pressure and pressure, and most importantly, these skills were developed entirely because DIO developed their weaknesses after feeling the threat of the ripples.

Therefore, without reading the book, and without seeing DIO and Stretcher release their skills in person in front of them, it is impossible for the Pillar Man to feel threatened by the wave tattoo.

They probably, possibly, or perhaps, didn't know that they could use their bodies so effectively to learn these skills specifically targeting the Wave Warriors.


Sora suddenly thought of something and looked at the "Battle Tide" that was playing in front of him with doubt. Joseph was still doing all kinds of useless things.

Stabbing and poking the eyeballs with a knife... Joseph wanted to break the solid body of the Pillar Man and inject the Wave into Santana.

All his actions were meaningless under the passive defense of the Pillar Man and his eyeballs, which could be changed at will like rubber.

But, facing Joseph's attack, Santana didn't use the gasification freezing method?

Nor did he use the empty crack eye to pierce! ?

Is this the protagonist who can only turn on the protagonist's halo after encountering a powerful enemy that is difficult to defeat, so that the powerful enemy is reduced to a retard?

No, it's not!

Although it is true on the surface.

But if Santana really took out the gasification freezing method and the empty crack eye to pierce, it would be really unreasonable.

The reason is very simple.

This is what Sora suddenly thought of after seeing this scene.

Why did Santana give the audience the feeling of indifference, like humans seeing bugs?

Is this to emphasize the transcendent status of vampires feeding on humans and the Pillar People feeding on vampires?

There is this part of the reason.

But the more important thing is to highlight the Pillar People's attitude of not taking humans and the Ripple Warriors seriously at all!

How could they, like DIO and Stretcher, learn skills specifically for the Ripple Warriors? !

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