Looking at the QR code business card that Lin Nuoer threw over, Gu Zhe couldn't help but chuckle.

At this time, many people use VX just for the sake of novelty and fashion.

It's as if, after using VX, they have become business-like and social.

Gu Zhe didn't refuse Lin Nuoer's face and took the initiative to send a request to add a contact. Lin Nuoer accepted it almost instantly. This little girl seemed to have been guarding her phone all the time.

After the two of them childishly sent a few emoticons to each other, the atmosphere suddenly became a little cold.

This feeling is a little strange.

It's like being honest after a layer of window paper has been pierced, a little shy, and a little at a loss.

Gu Zhe knows that although Lin Nuoer looks carefree, she is actually more classical and traditional than anyone else.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have secretly liked him for so many years.

For Lin Nuoer, making such an intimate move with a boy on the stage in front of so many people is actually no different from an official announcement.

Her feelings were already exposed.

Gu Zhe thought for a moment, edited a message and sent it out.

[I heard that VX calls use new technology, and the voice quality is very good. Do you want to try it with me? ]

On the screen, the display of "the other party is typing" came for a long time.

After a long time, the message sent was only four characters.

A very Lin Nuoer answer.

Maybe this little girl is rolling around on the bed with shame, but her mouth is still hard.

Gu Zhe did not reply, and directly made a voice call.

The ringing sounded for about ten seconds, and the phone was finally picked up.


The voice on the other end of the phone was not as clear as usual.

Instead, it was a bit muffled, with a little laziness and nasal sound.

Gu Zhe said with a smile: "Take your head out of the quilt! Are you an ostrich? You're hiding yourself!"

Sure enough, there was a rustling sound from the other side, and Lin Nuo'er's speech became much clearer, mixed with a little anger.

"How do you know?"

Gu Zhe asked knowingly: "What do I know?"

Lin Nuo'er was angry and didn't want to talk.

At this time, boys always can't help but play pranks.

"Oh? You want to ask, how do I know you're shy to call me?"

Lin Nuo'er on the other side really can't help it.

"Little Zhe! Say one more word!"

Gu Zhe can even imagine that Lin Nuo'er's face is now as red as a ripe tomato.

Knowing that she is shy, Gu Zhe did not continue to say teasing words to her, but left a moment for the two to calm down.

Some silence is not awkward, but a hotbed of ambiguity.


Lin Nuo'er could clearly feel that Gu Zhe's call was particularly gentle, making her feel like her bones were softening.


Lin Nuo'er didn't dare to say a word more, for fear that if she made a little more noise, her condition would be exposed.

"I miss you."

Gu Zhe's voice was very light, but so clear.

Like a series of leaping notes, it echoed in Lin Nuo'er's mind.

It was also like a wave of constant impact, hitting Lin Nuo'er's heart again and again without reason.

Another rustling sound came.

Lin Nuo'er, went back to being an ostrich again.

However, this time, Gu Zhe still heard the muffled groan of Lin Nuo'er through the quilt in a hazy state.

"I miss you too."

At that moment, it was like fireworks blooming in the dark, and meteors lit up the entire night sky.

What can fill a person's heart is not material desires, not power, but unreserved love.

The voice call lasted until the next morning. When Gu Zhe woke up, he could still hear the even breathing sound from the other end of the phone.

Gu Zhe looked at the wall behind the bed and frowned.

Why didn't he feel that this wall was so redundant before?


The exchange meeting officially began.

The job fair and the project display activities on the other side were held at the same time, and students and companies could choose according to their needs.

The job fair was an outdoor event, and students from the third and fourth years of college came and went in an endless stream.

The project display was carried out in the lecture hall.

Excellent projects will be displayed here in front of the heads of major companies. Once they are lucky enough to be favored by the heads, they will get a beautiful contract on the spot and directly transform themselves from students to the second party providing technical support. It is also very likely.

In addition to Li Wei, the dean of the School of Computer Science, Yan Fei and several other college leaders also gave enough face and jointlyAttendance.

It is said that they are exchanging and learning from each other, but where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and comparison is inevitable.

Under such occasions, there is naturally a sense of ranking among the colleges.

Of course, the best seats are naturally reserved for the largest sponsor of this cooperation event, the R&D department of Zhongxing Group.

After Tian Chengze and Liu Yuan took their seats, the event officially began.

This event was still handed over to Gu Zhe to be in charge.

Looking at the rows of big men sitting under the stage, the importance is self-evident.

Many students bought or rented, all in suits and leather shoes, from green students to mature business people.

Many people even didn't carry schoolbags, carrying a handbag, and they really looked like white-collar workers.

Today is a serious exchange activity, all dry goods.

After the host simply said a few words, the first group of students rushed to the stage.

What they want to show is a simulation of a sensing system.

This project is not a big innovation, it just optimizes and improves the original mature technology.

For the experienced bosses in the audience, it can only be regarded as a makeshift. For the student team, it is not a problem to take such a project to participate in any entrepreneurial competition and win a provincial award.

However, this kind of thing is still very far from the real market.

However, although the project itself is relatively plain, the newly built window on the multimedia immediately attracted Liu Yuan's attention.

"Is that window a virtual environment?"

Li Wei said happily: "Manager Liu has a good eye! This is also a virtual machine system designed by Gu Zhe to improve the efficiency and effect of the display. It can provide the virtual environment required by each display personnel."

After Liu Yuan said this, the bosses present suddenly lost interest in any sensor system and began to study Gu Zhe's simulator.

This is not that Gu Zhe intends to steal the limelight or something, but really, his strength is there and can't be concealed.

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