You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 88 Solving three cases in one day, becoming famous (Additional chapter 2 for the leader ‘Aoa

It wasn't just Susan who was confused.

The young couple sitting on the sofa reacted even more.

The woman among them stood up in a daze and looked at Brian in panic.

Now even the fool saw that something was wrong.

The male host also realized something was wrong and pulled his wife behind him:

"You have to be responsible for what you say, otherwise I will not only file a complaint against you, but also tell those TV stations and talk shows that you used your power to slander taxpayers at will!"

Brian pointed to the homeless man's shoes tiredly: "Man, please, before you forge evidence, can you think about how a hungry homeless man has the strength to kick your bedroom door like this?"

Under supercomputer perception.

His powers of observation are astonishing.

This small case is really not challenging.

Seeing the male master, he stopped talking.

Brian continued:

"Stop struggling, kicking the door with such force, there must be skin debris from the person wearing the shoes on the inside of the homeless man's shoes.

If you haven't changed your socks, you should be able to detect the sweat secretions on the homeless feet.

But if you can satisfy my colleague's curiosity.

I can tell you a way to reduce your sentence. "

Seeing Susan's eyes full of desire to eat melon, Brian decided to satisfy her desire to eat melon first hand.


The hostess, who had a relatively poor psychological quality, was so weak that she fell to the ground, covering her face and crying: "It's all my fault."

It turned out that she liked to go to bars to have fun, and her husband happened to be on a business trip recently, so she went there every day, and was sent back drunk by a different man every day.

As a result, the day before yesterday, she met an unreliable sex partner.

After the other party sent her back, he didn't take the next step and threw her directly in front of the gate.

Is this still a human being?

Simply inferior to animals.

Forget it.

The homeless man who had been keeping an eye on her for several days saw her alone outside and could no longer stand still. He mustered up his courage and took the opportunity to rush up and make some Japanese-style threats.

Fear of marriage breakdown.

In the end, the woman half-heartedly agreed to the homeless man's request.

Originally this was fine.

It turned out that the homeless man ate meat once and became addicted.

The woman was angry and worried that her husband would catch her if she continued like this, so she took the initiative to confess to her husband when he returned from a business trip. In the end, the two couples planned the shooting.


No wonder he saw a green light rising from the top of his head as soon as he came in, unlike a mortal.

It turned out to be a minotaur.

Not only did he directly kick his wife, but he risked his own freedom and vented his anger by killing a homeless man. What kind of thinking is this?

Susan, who had finished eating the melon, also looked at the male host strangely: "Man, is the muzzle of your gun pointing in the wrong direction?"

According to her temper.

Why kill a homeless man?

If you want to fuck, fuck your cheating partner first!

The male host looked at Brian with a gloomy face: "Tell me how to reduce the sentence!"

He has a good psychological quality. He knows that he cannot escape the judgment of the law, so he directly changes his mentality and asks for ways to reduce losses.

Brian looked at the man with strange eyes: "Find a good lawyer. If you have enough money, maybe the lawyer you hire in the end can get you acquitted."

"FK Squid!"

The male host still didn’t know that he was being tricked by Brian.

If he could afford such an awesome lawyer, would he still live here?

Brian is a generous man.

The other party is in such a miserable state, why are you scolding yourself?

No problem at all.

When the man was taken away by the police, he thoughtfully told him to eat more vegetables while he was in prison.

Green health.

Brian wouldn't have any sympathy for this kind of dog-licking man.

After the person was taken away.

Brian crushed the obsession ball.

The obsession of the old homeless man is very simple: Mrs. Bull’s vagina is so beautiful, I really want to have it again.

Mrs. Bull is the mistress of this house.

I can tell.

He really wanted it, and he was thinking about it before he died.

It's a pity that Brian is a man of high moral character.

What he hates the most is the old homeless man.

Plus Mrs. Bull, the secondary, secondary, secondary factors that have been taken away.

Brian declined to take the order.

With Susan's help, Brian sealed the collected evidence and threw the body into the on-site investigation vehicle. He also made a phone call to explain the situation of the case to Old Harden who stayed at the office.

On the other end of the phone, the old Harden man was numb.

Before I even got off work, I had already solved two cases.

Was Brian on drugs today?

So fierce?

The second case was settled.

The two of them and the dog continued to get in the car and rushed to the next murder scene.

The third case was a home invasion and murder case in a wealthy villa area in the suburbs.

When Brian and the others arrived.

A wave of people have actually arrived here in advance.

The patrolman who was blocking the block looked at the two-person and one-dog combination strangely: "This place has been taken over by the A3 team of the NW Operations Department. Is there any misunderstanding between you?"

When Susan heard this, her face turned cold.

Cases are allocated according to jurisdiction by the police receiving center.

When they didn't ask for support, what did the A3 team want to do when they went to their jurisdiction to snatch the case?

"Brian, let's go!"

She dropped Thirteen in her arms, put her hand on the handle of the gun at her waist, kicked off the roadblock, and strode towards the villa.

See it.

Brian could only whistle at Thirteen and follow him.

Villa hall.

Two people, a man and a woman, were squatting in front of a female corpse lying face down, holding a bloody dagger and communicating.

Somewhere further away.

An old black man with unshaven beard and dressed in gardener's clothes sat primly on the threshold leading to the back garden, not daring to move.

I heard someone coming in.

The woman among them looked towards the door, and then her face showed anger: "This is the scene of a crime. Who are you? Why did you just come in so casually, those patrolmen?"


Don't wait for the woman to finish.

Susan went over with a big mouth and directly suppressed all the rest of her words back into her mouth.

Seeing a companion being beaten.

The man also put down the dagger in his hand, frowned and said to Susan: "Susan, you still have such a hot temper."

"This is our case, get out!"

The two of them obviously knew each other, but Susan didn't bother to talk to the man and directly put her hand on the handle of the gun.

This attitude of not giving any opportunity for communication and negotiation left the man speechless, and he felt like a scholar meeting a soldier, unable to explain the truth.

He took a deep breath: "Can you be reasonable?"

Brian had already completed the on-site inspection and interjected: "You directly intervened in our team's case without saying hello, and you also said that our team leader is unreasonable. Man, where did you learn your double standards? I also want to Let’s go get some training and see if I can put a bulletproof vest on my face.”

Susan was not stupid. She would strike whenever she disagreed. It was just a habit she developed because she never lost a fight or won with her mouth when she was a child.

Jian Zui stood up for Brian.

She immediately said, "Brian, what does it mean to wear a bulletproof vest on your face?"

Brian shrugged and pointed at his face: "Shameless, team leader, stay away from this kind of person in the future, because this kind of person is best at standing on the moral high ground and kidnapping everyone. People who don’t agree with him.”

"Yes, yes!" Susan nodded sharply, as if she saw her confidant: "I have always disliked this trash. I was a little guilty before and felt that I was discriminating against trash. Now I know that what I despise is his shameless and insidious character. "

The man was so angry that Brian and Susan sang and sang, and his head was about to smoke!

He clenched his fists, but didn't dare to make a move.

In fact, this group of people was really scared of Susan, a violent woman, who had beaten her since she was a child.

Take action.

This crazy woman doesn't care who you are, she won't give you face, no matter how embarrassed you are.

Just when he felt like he couldn't get off stage.

The woman who was almost choked by Susan's slap stood in front of her team leader angrily:

"Our team leader only came to help with good intentions because the deceased was his friend. As a result, you two were not only ungrateful, but also used rude words that you have no family education to insult our highly educated team leader, who has the ability to solve cases. Than, you"


Brian withdrew his slap, made the sign of the cross on his chest, and confessed: "I'm sorry, my Lord, I'm guilty. I usually don't hit women. If I do, it means it must be the Lord's will, and I can't refuse it."

The man on the side:

Why do you feel that this pretty boy is more shameless than you?

He took a deep breath, ignored Susan, and stretched out his palm towards Brian:

"I'm Howard, the leader of the A3 team.

It’s like this. The deceased was my friend. She was the owner of a cosmetics company. She had been away from home before and recently returned to Los Angeles for vacation.

Usually only her gardener looks at the villa here.

This morning the gardener found my friend dead in the living room and called the police. "

Brian did not reach out, but first went to Susan's ear and said something. After she left, he asked Howard: "What are the findings?"

Howard considers himself a very sophisticated person.

He naturally retracted his palm and said gracefully:

"The cause of my friend's death was probably caused by someone piercing the heart with a dagger from behind. All surveillance cameras were placed outside. We can only confirm that the gardener was in his room when my friend was killed. His suspicion is not high. In addition... "

Brian interrupted Howard: "Did you see on the surveillance camera that the gardener is always outside?"

"No, he has been resting in the room. There is no surveillance in the room."

"Then why do you think he is not suspicious?"

Howard was a little overwhelmed by Brian's unreasonable troubles.

He maintained his demeanor with an ugly expression:

“I had someone check the identity of the gardener.

More than 30 years ago, he accidentally killed my friend's mother during a money robbery. He was released last year. During this period, he kept writing confession letters to my friend.

My friend took pity on his age and criminal record, and was moved by his years of confession, so he asked him to come to this villa to work as a gardener, and to manage the cleaning staff arranged by the property to prevent anyone from damaging things in the villa. .

In this case, what reason did he have to kill my friend?

And the surveillance can prove that he."

"Find an enemy who killed your mother to be your housekeeper. Your friend's death was not unjust. Besides, I understand why she is friends with you, because she is blind!" Brian showed a look of realization.

Howard could no longer maintain his superficial demeanor.

He pointed at Brian's nose and cursed: "FK Squid, who are you? Even if you insult me, you also insult a dead person. Do you still have humanity?"

Brian didn't tolerate him, so he kicked him away, then surrounded the body on the ground and said:

“There is a complete security system outside the villa.

The only monitoring blind spot is inside the villa.

Some residents do not install surveillance cameras inside for the sake of privacy, at least I haven’t seen them here.

In this case, how did the murderer know that the victim came back to live, perfectly avoided the surveillance, killed the victim, and disappeared from the surveillance outside?

There is only one reason.

That is, the murderer is very familiar with the environment here and has a way to avoid surveillance and enter the villa. "

Brian glanced disdainfully at Howard who got up:

“In addition, the cause of death of the victim was not caused by the dagger piercing the heart.

Idiot, didn't you notice that the location of the wound was at right angles to the deceased's back muscles?

This was obviously done after the victim was lying on the ground.

There was no blood splashing at the wound location, and there was no large amount of blood spilling from the deceased's mouth and nose. This all shows that she was dead before her heart was pierced, so the blood that had lost its activity would not react obviously. "

"Then tell me, how did the murderer avoid surveillance?"

Howard became a little furious after confirming that the symptoms Brian mentioned were correct.

"You are stupid and you still don't admit it. I have already told you the answer." Brian pointed to the door: "Of course it is Mr. Gardener. He is the only one who knows the surveillance location of the villa and still has time to dig a tunnel. Avoid the surveillance and come to the villa.”

In the face of perfect surveillance, the police kept trying to get into the villa.

There is no other choice but to go to heaven and earth.

The controllability of falling from the sky is too low, so the only option is to fall to the ground.

This directly identified the murderer.

Howard and the female assistant looked towards the door.

I saw the black gardener who was sitting on the threshold of the garden entrance before. I don’t know when he appeared in the direction of the gate, and was dragged in by Susan like a dog.

Susan said excitedly: "Brian, after hearing your analysis, this guy really wanted to escape."

This time, Howard and the female assistant were silent.

The two of them were investigating the scene and discussing various speculations. The murderer was sitting not far away watching the show, not knowing how he was laughing at their stupidity in his heart.

As a result, as soon as this pretty boy came and took a few glances, he caught the murderer.

This made the female assistant's face hurt when she thought about what she said, "If you have the ability, you can compare it with solving a case."

The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she became, and finally she became angry and said: "You are just lucky, our team leader."

"Are you lucky?" Susan was too lazy to do anything to such a stupid woman. She imitated Brian's tone and said yin and yang: "Brian is indeed very lucky. With this case, three cases have been solved in one go today. , and also caught a case where the school senior officials forced and seduced a female college student into selling sex. I can’t compare to you, and your mouth is tougher than my gun.”

Brian also said to the female assistant:

“Stop opening your mouth, Captain, and shut up, Captain.

You were beaten twice, but Howard didn't help you, and he still stood there pretending to be dignified.

You are a fool and a hypocrite, but you are a good match. "

Howard was ruthlessly lifted up his underwear by Brian's words. He couldn't stand to stay any longer. He gave Brian a hateful look and trotted out of the villa with a livid face.

The female assistant was silent for a while, then followed with her head lowered.

She is not stupid, but she is reluctant to part with Howard's status as the rich second generation.

Looking at the gloomy backs of the two people, Susan was the most excited.

This feeling of stepping on other people's faces and being unable to refute is ten thousand times more satisfying than her direct threat!

She couldn't help but hugged Brian and kissed him hard on the face several times: "That's great! Brian, you are so flattering to me!"

Feeling the fleeting softness on his face, Brian's heart surged, and his little hands almost instinctively hugged her.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and directly activated his 'pheromone control' talent, making his face hot and red, and then looked at Susan stupidly, looking at a loss.

Susan also realized that something was wrong, raked her head, and said fiercely: "What are you looking at!"

Brian lowered his head and whispered: "There are still outsiders."

After the kiss, Susan felt a little regretful.

This move was a bit too much for her.

But after seeing Brian's 'shy' reaction, Susan felt that she had taken advantage of Brian.

She licked her lips and raised the corners of her mouth.

It's funny how Brian can be shy so easily and is more innocent than himself.

After a search.

The black gardener's residence easily found a secret passage leading to the sewer of the villa's kitchen.

The reason why he attacked his 'benefactor' was also very simple.

After being released from prison.

He didn't expect that the daughter of the woman he killed would not only not hate him, but also take him in and let him have food and shelter in a villa.

At first, the gardener was indeed grateful.

Later, the woman traveled all the year round, and he had nothing to do every day, so he became addicted to drugs again. When he had no money, he couldn't help but steal things from the villa and sell them. In order to avoid surveillance, he also spent time digging a secret passage .

Until the hostess discovered something was wrong and tested him, preparing him to admit his mistakes.

As a result, the gardener pretended not to hear.

at night.

He used the murder method he heard in prison, first drugged the hostess and knocked her unconscious, then smothered her with a pillow, and finally moved downstairs to create a dagger murder scene

To be honest.

Brian didn't know why the old man was busy with all this.

For this case, an autopsy, some reasoning, or an investigation of the villa's property would eventually lock him in. It can only be said that a dog can't change its eating habits, stupid and bad.

The hostess. Didn't die unjustly.

Being kind is not a bad thing, but being kind to animals is just stupid.

Brian didn't know how she started a company.

After returning.

I saw the information of the female victim.

Brian learned that the mother of this woman left her five large companies, but she lost them and only left a cosmetics company that was hollowed out and only had the right to dividends.


This makes sense now.

The next day.

Brian drove to work and bought breakfast when he found several patrolmen who recognized him and greeted him enthusiastically.

He went to the B6 team office in confusion and found out the reason.

One night passed.

Yesterday, he solved three cases in one day, which had spread among seven or eight police stations in the area. In addition, Brian's handsome appearance in the internal profile attracted many female police officers to discuss and spread his deeds.

One day.

Brian's reputation in the Los Angeles police force began to emerge.

Damn, I wrote too smoothly, and ended up with more than 5,000 words per chapter, which is not smooth when separated.

Forget it, let's treat it as a chapter and add more chapters.

Currently owes 22-2=20 chapters for rewards.

Monthly tickets: 2 chapters.

First order: 22 chapters.

Today's 15,000-word update is presented. It's not too much to ask for a ticket, right?

See you on time at 5 pm tomorrow.

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