You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 82 A strange shooting

nine in the morning.

All members of Group B6, except Susan, were present for the first time.

It is rare that there is no case today.

Everyone plays games, catches up on sleep, and keeps fit.

Brian glanced at Rector, who was still in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, and came to the shooting range located in the underground warehouse.

In addition to live-fire training, it is also a ballistics testing laboratory and a bullet modification test site. It looks simple, but there are a lot of things that can be done. Next door is Brian's exclusive autopsy room and a cold storage for temporary storage of corpses.

It's here that new member, firearms and vehicle expert, Brazilian Eli, works.

He is both a logistics warehouse keeper and a specially hired ammunition expert. He also provides suggestions for firepower modifications to team members. He wears many hats in one person and has the right to share team bonuses and dividends.

When Brian came over, Eli was making some small, egg-sized white balls on the workbench in the small room.

heard movement.

After finishing the work at hand, he raised his head.

Seeing that it was Brian, a colleague who was always aggressive when he didn't agree with him, Eli felt a lot more cautious.

He stood up quickly and said carefully: "Good morning, Brian, what's wrong?"

Brian looked at the white ball on the workbench and asked curiously: "Good morning, man, what is this?"

“This is a modified small bomb casing that I made out of boredom.

According to your needs, you can make explosive bombs, flash bombs, shock bombs, gas bombs, tear gas bombs, incendiary bombs, and the most commonly used high-explosive bombs.

Made into this form.

One is convenient for carrying, and the other is convenient for throwing at close range.

Detonation is also very simple.

The only problem is that it is much less powerful than normal bombs. "

Brian became interested.

What a good thing!

"Can you give me some?" Brian licked his face and asked directly.

Aili nodded generously: "No problem. Team leader Susan left me more than half a million US dollars in purchasing funds. It is also cheaper for us to get the goods internally. How much do you need? I have made a lot in the past two days, but they are all high-end." Explosive bomb!”

"I just like high-explosive bombs!"

Brian was happier.


Aili looked at his emptied ammunition box with dull eyes, and watched Brian, who was quite fat, sign and leave.

Are NW's field operations so dangerous?

Otherwise, why would Brian, who was clearly in charge of the autopsy, take away so many high-explosive bombs at once?

Brian, who emptied the Aili ammunition box, touched the special lining he grabbed from time to time and felt a sense of security.

This is a special small bomb that Aili made for the convenience of carrying. The customized bulletproof vest can carry more than twenty small explosives of various types. It can move without being affected and is easy to take. It also has a bulletproof effect and avoids being hit. Guns cause explosives to detonate.

for safety.

The detonation of these small explosives is different from normal explosives. You need to pull up the lock inside, tear it off, and smoke for a few seconds before detonating. It is very safe.

Brian was also holding a small box in his hand.

This is a thousand rounds of ammunition requested.

He spent the whole morning at the shooting range, practicing his marksmanship.

If your hands can't bear it, just spend some of the gift energy to strengthen your body and at the same time restore the fatigue of your arms.

This exaggerated endurance makes weapon expert Ai Li call it an animal.

In the afternoon.

Brian, who smelled of gunpowder smoke, was about to apply for a few hundred rounds of ammunition again and spend the afternoon practicing guns with pay, when the team finally received a new case.

This was a shooting.

When Brian received the news, he came directly to the parking lot without knowing the situation of the case.

Get in the site survey vehicle.

After he put on the Los Angeles police badge on the collar of his suit, he looked at Rector who was driving: "What's going on?"

Renekton was dealt with by Brian, and his attitude became much kinder.

He said while following Ivan and his group's customized Dodge police car:

“This is a very strange case.

The deceased was named Bill, a 42-year-old white male who was the owner of a company.

Around two o'clock this afternoon.

Bill committed suicide by jumping from the roof of his apartment.

The apartment building is undergoing safety renovations by the city government, and an anti-fall safety net has been installed on the eighth floor.

At that time, there were more than a dozen workers downstairs who were witnesses at the scene, who proved that Bill jumped down by himself. They tried to stop him, but failed.

But luckily, Bill fell into the safety net.

As a result, when the workers put Bill down, they found that he had been shot in the chest and was not breathing, so they chose to call the police.

After the patrol arrived at the scene, they determined that Bill, the deceased, died of a gunshot wound to the chest and that it was a homicide. They sealed off the scene and chose to report it.

This case was transferred to our hands. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

This case sounds interesting.

In addition, Rector presented the case with clear thinking and no subjective consciousness of his own. If he acted as an assistant honestly, he should be very easy to call upon.

It's a pity that his appearance is dark.

Brian knew at a glance that Rector was dying and could die at any time. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to use this assistant for a few days.

More than half an hour later.

Brian and the four of them arrived at the crime scene.

This is an old apartment building, which looks to be 17 or 18 stories high. It is being renovated. You can see a lot of scaffolding, and there is a safety net to prevent falling in the air.

A body covered with a white cloth was placed downstairs.

Some residents were watching the excitement around them, and a pair of white-haired old people were sitting in front of the body and crying.

Several patrolmen maintained order at the scene.

"Ivan, you and Glenn, go and find out the situation with the family of the deceased, and Rector and I will go to the scene." Brian arranged the task.

The four people acted separately.

Ivan and the others helped the old man in front of the body away and asked about the situation of the deceased.

Brian and Rector lifted the white cloth.

The deceased looked a little vicissitudes and decadent, with a face full of stubble. It was obvious that he had not been groomed for many days. There are many things in the United States that look down on people, which is somewhat inconsistent with the identity of the deceased's company boss.

In addition.

Even without turning on the enhanced sense of smell, Brian could smell the strong smell of alcohol on the deceased.

Rector also entered the state.

He wore gloves and lifted the clothes on the chest of the deceased. After checking the gunshot wound on the chest of the deceased for a while, he said seriously: "The deceased was shot in the left chest, and the bullet pierced his heart. This should be the cause of death."

Rector opened the eyes of the deceased again and continued: "The deceased's eye membrane has no obvious congestion residue, and the death is peaceful. Looking at his appearance, it is also consistent with the psychological profile of a person who is ready to commit suicide. I don't understand who would kill a person who is ready to commit suicide."

"Go to the roof and have a look."

Brian smelled the smell of the deceased Bill, frowned and stood up.

This guy probably hasn't taken a shower for some time, and there are a lot of messy smells on his body. In addition, there is indeed a human smell with a strange smell on his body.

According to Brian's experience during this period.

The owner of the smell should be an elderly woman, most likely the mother of the deceased, and there is no reference value.

Came to the roof.

The two saw a thin and long iron chain that was cut off. Because of the dust, there were obvious fingerprints on it, and there was also an obvious footprint on the ground.

Rector picked up the tool with great vigilance and stamped fingerprints and footprints.

Brian walked to the rooftop.

The rooftop must have been blocked for a long time. The messy footprints extended all the way to a fence. There were also several crushed beer cans discarded on the edge. Apart from that, there was no trace of a second person.

Brian smelled it and found that there was only the smell left by the deceased Bill.

This is interesting.

There was no one on the rooftop.

According to the first-hand information the patrolman asked the decoration workers, it can also be confirmed that Bill was sitting alone on the edge of the rooftop at that time.

Who shot and killed Bill?

It is impossible that Bill was accidentally killed in mid-air by the residents of the apartment when he jumped down from the building?

There is another point, which is also very interesting.

Brian and Rector have different ideas.

He suspected that the deceased Bill was not prepared to commit suicide by jumping off the building!

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